The ABCs of Starting Over- OR to KY Roadtrip + WDW 50th Ann. Trip 9/28-10/4; Day 6 and REPORT COMPLETE!

The wait for BTMRR was only 15 minutes. Can you believe that?!?! On the 50th Anniversary Day a 15 minute wait for the headliners. Crazy! My ride through the Wilderness was indeed the wildest.

It's inconceivable that I did NOT go on HM on my way from FrontierLand to FantasyLand, so let's just assume I did. I don't have any photos but that is not absolute proof. ;) Besides I would never forgive myself if I'd not done that before I went on IASW. So for my mental health and self-forgiveness, let's say I did. K, thanks!

I think it may only be me, but I do honestly think IASW is the most photogenic of the rides in MK. It's like visual overload mixed with auditory ear worm. Go ahead, hum a bit while you scroll through the next few photos. ;)

Enjoy that?… It's a world of laughter
A world of tears
It's a world of hopes
And a world of fears
There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all

When I got off IASW, it was 6:35. I was cooking right along! As promised here are the wait times posted at that point. Choices, choices!!!


You get the idea. NOTHING over 45 minutes. Incredible!

Since I was right there, and the wait time was only 30 minutes, I hopped in line. I waited only 20. This evening was ON FIRE!!!! Tink sprinkled, I lifted off, the Lost Boys were found, and Hook was still about to lose his privates.

The Mine Train was posted as 40, but nothing so far has come close to its posted times, so I hit that up next. Such a cute little ride. Velocicoaster it is not. But its gently-swaying cars make this ride just so fun. Doc offered me a few jewels, but I just didn't have room in my suitcase this time.

I honestly didn't have a huge pressure to ride everything this pass through as my whole next day was planned for MK. So, I breezed through TomorrowLand to see the neon light up and that area at dusk. As much as this is my least favorite area of the park in general, I will admit, it's truly gorgeous at night even with its frenetic vibe. I can't say I love the vast majority of my photos from this trip being only cell phone garbage, but these I think are keepers.

And with that, I headed back down Main Street having done a pretty fun-filled circuit. I'm afraid this is the end of this chapter, butt, there's more to come in the next one!


There is just one moon
And one golden sun
And a smile means

Friendship to ev'ryone
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On the 50th Anniversary Day a 15 minute wait for the headliners. Crazy!
We left WDW on Sept 30th, the day before the 50th anniversary. We purposely missed the big day because of expected crowds. But I guess the people were crowding the merchandise lines instead of riding the rides. :)
We left WDW on Sept 30th, the day before the 50th anniversary. We purposely missed the big day because of expected crowds. But I guess the people were crowding the merchandise lines instead of riding the rides. :)
I remember that! I think a lot of folks took a pass with the craziness rumors hyped up. Turns out, it was a pretty great day to be in the parks after the morning mad rush!
Oops, I missed MK, so came back to also say I AGREE on IASW! I always find myself taking tons of pictures on that ride, and I do love the spruced up paint job in the entry area compared to the old white and gold.

What a wonderful late afternoon in MK--I couldn't believe those wait times on the 50th anniversary noless!!
N is for: No Better View!

I'm just going to finish up Day 4 very quickly with the EWP and Enchantment's Public Viewing Premiere. I made it back to the bungalow around 8:30 after stopping at Captain Cook's to pick up my order of Pulled Pork Nachos. No photo, sorry!

Pulled Pork Nachos topped with cheese, spicy mayonnaise, pico de gallo, and pineapple salsa $9.99

Review: I liked them, but they didn't wow me like others are. I think partly because by the time I carried them to the bungalow and settled down to eat them, the chips were a bit soggy. The portion was very generous and I couldn't even come close to finishing them, so they're certainly big enough to share. The flavors are a nice combination for sure and I would get them again given the chance, but wouldn't go out of my way to get them. So, a good option for a Poly meal that's about $5 pp.

There was a small crowd gathered at the bungalow for a hangout: Mary Ellen, Denny, Pat, Marv, I think Magdelene, and Michael may have been there, but they all left before it started and were all pretty giggly and hopped up having spent the evening together. Just as they were leaving, Kelly (@buzzrelly ) called and asked if there was room to join. "Of course! The more, the merrier!" So, she hurried over just and arrived just after the fireworks started.

There is just something magical about the EWP. It's so quintessentially old-school Disney and I hope they never retire it. It's one of my first memories of going to the resort when we stayed at Ft. Wilderness. Back then, they still had the wonderful boardwalk trails to take nature walks on, the AMAZING petting zoo, and of course the EWP from the dock. Just bliss!

The 50th additions to this parade are perfect. I really loved this so much! My photos are crap as I didn't use my camera. There is something freeing about NOT carrying around a big camera and lens, but I'm always a bit sad at my photos when I go to edit them. Still on the fence about whether to lug it around in a couple of weeks.

Kelly showed up and we all the best time just oohing and aahing over the show from our cushy vantage point. The reflections on the water made it even more amazing! The music was piped in right to our deck so we even had our own audio to enjoy as well.

I watched Enchantment again the following night so will give more commentary about that experience then (and boy was it ever "an experience"!) meantime... here are the few crappy photos that made the cut.

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That was so fun! Thank you for letting me crash your bungalow viewing! Mike and I had spent the full day at MK and were just so done with the crowds by then! It will probably be my first and last time ever in a Poly bungalow, but it was gorgeous!
I'm loving the updates, as fast as they come!! :) This sounds like a professionally executed morning plan!
Rapid fire updating is the only way this is going to get done. ;) two full days left....
Oops, I missed MK, so came back to also say I AGREE on IASW! I always find myself taking tons of pictures on that ride, and I do love the spruced up paint job in the entry area compared to the old white and gold.

What a wonderful late afternoon in MK--I couldn't believe those wait times on the 50th anniversary noless!!
I do too! I adore the gold and white as it always reminds me of how it looked like a fairy tale castle to me as a small child, but this is fun. It'll be interesting to see if it's temporary or not.

I know!!! I can't believe how much I got done in just a few hours. I fully expected it to be slammed and I'd pop in, take a peek, and get out. Was pleasantly surprised!
That was so fun! Thank you for letting me crash your bungalow viewing! Mike and I had spent the full day at MK and were just so done with the crowds by then! It will probably be my first and last time ever in a Poly bungalow, but it was gorgeous!
You are so welcome!! :) I'm glad you could come and enjoy the space with us!
I liked them, but they didn't wow me like others are. I think partly because by the time I carried them to the bungalow and settled down to eat them, the chips were a bit soggy. The portion was very generous and I couldn't even come close to finishing them, so they're certainly big enough to share. The flavors are a nice combination for sure and I would get them again given the chance, but wouldn't go out of my way to get them.
They changed the chips in the pulled pork nachos. It was better when they used tortilla chips.

There is just something magical about the EWP. It's so quintessentially old-school Disney and I hope they never retire it. It's one of my first memories of going to the resort when we stayed at Ft. Wilderness. Back then, they still had the wonderful boardwalk trails to take nature walks on, the AMAZING petting zoo, and of course the EWP from the dock. Just bliss!
We first saw the EWP when the kids were little and we were at the Polynesian. I love that they still have it going on. :)
What an awesome day at Epcot and MK. I’m shocked at the wait times at MK on the 50th.
I love the EWP so much! It makes me very happy!
What a great way to watch Enchantment, not my favorite by a long shot but when you can sit on a bungalow deck without crowds, that is the way to do it!
It was nice Kelly was able to join you!
Foolish Mortals...

There is always room for one more Reader; your hearse awaits you... (yes, it's deathly boring, I get it!) Here's some fresh manureterial should you have stepped this way...

O is for: Open the Park; Outsmart the Competition


8:00 ain't so bad when you're tapping yourself into a Disney park with an entire day ahead of you.

Rope Drop has always been a girl's best friend. That way, you can get all of the attractions out of your system and then decide to either stay and do more, or feel satisfied and leave to do other stuff and not feel like you've wasted a park admission day. But, different strokes for different folks. It's vacation and you get to do what you love to do!!! As for me, I really do love the quiet hour at park opening with short lines, fewer folks, and cooler temps!

Since I'd done so many rides the afternoon before, I wanted to do the things I'd not done yet with one notable repeat. But first... JUNGLE CRUISE!!!

Or not. Those are the few pics I took while I stood there like an idiot.

This was not the first time I'd made that rookie mistake! Only FantasyLand is open for that first hour (a year ago there was still an hour of EMH, not 30 minutes, which is a complete joke, but that's another novel I could write) so I ran, yes, literally ran over there. Derp.

I'd just done The Mine Train and PP, the day before, so took a ride with my Pooh. I love this bouncy, trouncy frolic in the rain on a blustery day. Such good friends enjoying all the things good friends do: food, parties, walks, and games. Such a feely-good time.

There really wasn't much more I wanted to do in this area, but it was still too early for AdventureLand to be open so I took a private spin on the Prince's own horses. I literally had the entire carousel to myself. It felt like a legit VIP Tour without spending the $1200 or whatever the tours cost now.

THEN, it was time to saunter over to FrontierLand cutting through Liberty Square and the Bathroom Breezeway. The obvious park opening choice is Jungle Cruise since it clogs up so fast- and stays that way the entire day until late evening. Yes, I'm that girl that laughs obnoxiously at all of the dad jokes executed poorly or pretty well, depending on the skipper. Yes, the backside of water still makes me giggle. Do I love the changes that took out Trader Sam? Nope. But I'm a nostalgia freak and thought the tongue and cheek of it made the story line. Does the new story line work? Barely. And it's not nearly as funny, so the ending of this ride is just very boring now. Nevertheless, the silliness of approaching the dock is still funny.

(Kinda in love with how this one turned out.)

Now.... wanna see something super, super, super cool?! Disney does everything for a purpose. I was cruising through the queue and came across this portrait. I quickly snapped a picture not really knowing exactly what it was. I didn't have time to read the caption at the time, but as I was editing my photos, I did. HOLY COW, Guys!!! What a find!

So, if you read carefully at the bottom, it says Skipper Adam and Skipper Ellie. I am positive this a little Easter Egg hat tip to Carl and Ellie Fredrickson, the archetypal explorers. While I couldn't find anything about Carl's middle name, I am going to go out on a limb and say that it is indeed Adam and that perhaps they were friends or acquaintances with the Dr. and Alberta Falls. Just a guess, but this is too coincidental that there was another "Ellie" married about the right time in history to be anyone else. Again, just a fan fiction hunch.

Other little hidden gems that speak to the story of The Falls:

As a side note, I also took a picture of this oil barrel wondering what, if any, connection Mohave Oil could have with Disney. I spent a fairly good chunk of time trying to find any information or possible reason the Imagineers would include this. There is indeed a Mohave Oil Company, but most of their holdings are in Portugal. I just don't see the meaning on this one, and maybe it is just a random prop; I'd be shocked if it was, but it was lost on me. The Mohave, for those of you less familiar, is an area of northwestern Arizona in which the Grand Canyon, Kingman, Peach Springs, and some other no-namer towns are in. Certainly not in any way associated with any jungle on Earth. Maybe Walt was a major investor? Maybe they supplied the fuel for the park building once upon a time? Not a clue.

Continued in next post...
P is for: (From) Park to Pizza!

Madame Leota was summoning me from "the other side" so I thought I'd pay my respects. I never get tired of this childhood favorite. So whimsical!!

Another ghost followed me home and I put this one specifically in charge cleaning the kitchen. Strange thing is... I can never seem to find him when it's time for it to be done.

I think it was this lady's husband. See that look? Guys, if you get that look, you might want to re-think your weekend plans and just do the kitchen.

By 9:45, I'd ridden 4 rides and was pretty darn hungry. Breakfast time!!! Sleepy Hollow had destroyed their menu and got rid of everything but the fruit waffle. I used to love their breakfast sandwich, and since it hasn't been there for a while now, I find something else.

***ETA after publication: Sleepy Hollow has gone back to their pre-Covid menu now and all is right in the world again. They have their breakfast sandwich as well as the Sweet and Spicy Chicken Waffle Sandwich. My breakfast problem has been solved.***

Please remain seated, your Doombuggy will resume motion now.

I'm a savory kind of gal (save your comments, I know I'm salty) so will go to great lengths to find something more along those lines. Luckily, I didn't have to go far at all and there was no line. Friar's Nook was just a hop, skip, and jump away so I headed there for an overpriced:

Breakfast Sandwich bacon, egg and cheddar served on a multigrain croissant with tater tots for $8.79.

Admittedly, it was very good, very filling, and just what I was looking for. I was so tickled to find something with more fiber because we all know what a steady diet of rich Disney food does. Let's just say, one needs to be "intentional" while there so you don't find yourself in a bind.

I found one of the best places in the parks to park it. Usually, it's quiet, shady, there are plenty of empty seats, and best of all it's a charging station! What's not to love?! I enjoyed my little time of respite and then took off. Really not wanting to do much more in terms of attractions, I thought I'd finish up in TomorrowLand with a couple of things there.

There was no wait for the WEDWay and I'm never sorry when I go on it. So I escalated, put my feet up, and took a relaxing ride around. The view is always very nice from up there. I'll be curious to see the latest progress on Tron since this trip!

(@buzzrelly, this is for Mike. ;) )

Lastly, I felt the need to ride the one thing that utterly destroys my self-confidence and demoralizes me more than any other thing. I detest this ride and am literally not sure why I subject myself to it... ever. Perhaps I needed a session of self-immolation for some sub-conscious act of unkindness, and what better place than in Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin and Miss?

(I'll take one, Salt, Sugar, and Fat, please.)

My score was so bad, Disney Security approached me at the exit and revoked my Park Pass for the next few hours. "Get out! We don't need Space Rangers Wannabes!"

I hung my head... and took the walk of shame back down Main Street, Mickey and Goofy showing me the way out.

Now, this is where this TR may contain a small bit of fiction. Well, a bit more so than the usual amounts of made up drivel. I took my last photo in the park at 12:07, but my blurry memory also tells me that I may have spent a bit of time browsing in the shops of Main Street too. Either that or it took an hour for a bus to arrive. Both scenarios are possible. What I do know is that I was on a bus at 1:30 and got off of a bus at Saratoga Springs at 2:30. How is it possible that a bus could possibly take an HOUR to get to a resort?! I'd been texting with Mary Ellen and told them I'd meet them at the pool for some downtime there.

(First time I've seen wild turkeys at a Disney resort!)

I didn't swim but just chatted with them for a bit while trying to decide where I wanted to grab some dinner in DTD. The choices for a walk-up were pretty slim and I'd managed to grab a reservation at Wolfgang Puck for 8:45. Clearly, that was not going to work for me, but kept hoping I could convince the hosts to find a seat for me.

At 5:00 I made my way down to the boat dock and hopped a friendship (the wait, I do remember, was just short of forever) to the only docks they are using at DTD now. You know, the ones that are in the next zip code over from where most of the restaurants are.

I put on an ingratiating smile and sidled on up to the podium and was promptly told to wipe that cheesy smile off of my face because no tables were available until 8:30. But, they politely told me, you can sit at the bar if you'd like. Well, no, I wouldn't like, but I will. It wasn't the meal or situation I was hoping for, but ya win some, ya lose some.

See those over there? Yeah, those are the empty tables they wouldn't seat me at. I grew more and more miffed as my dinner progressed.

My pizza wasn't very good, but my Mule was. Maybe if I'd been in a better mood, the pizza would have tasted better. Anyway, it was WAY heavy on the garlic and perhaps that might have proven to be to my advantage later that evening...

Stay tuned. Hint, no, I did not encounter a vampire.
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Whew all caught up and enjoying your trip for sure. You definitely know how to get stuff done while still enjoying the ambience of the place.
That bungalow looks gorgeous and the view of EWP/ fireworks is lovely.
Can’t believe the wait times for MK and even though you’re complaining I love your cell phone photos. They are way better than anything I’ve ever managed.
Your report really makes me want to do a solo trip so I can just please myself and go where I fancy even if I do end up at a bar with a garlicky pizza while there’s empty tables right over there! What’s the craic with that? I mean it’s not like they couldn’t give you a leave time if it was booked for another party and let you decide whether it suited or not!:confused3
What a great morning in the MK
I agree about JC, I miss the Trader Sam’s storyline
It is a must each trip for us as well!
I love Pooh and PM, we usually hit Pooh early on because the line builds there as well!
We will be eating a fair amount at DS since the ADR’s are nonexistent for the week we are there now!
WGP never seems busy, why you couldn’t be seated is clearly the staff not wanting to accommodate you!
This was not the first time I'd made that rookie mistake! Only FantasyLand is open for that first hour (a year ago there was still an hour of EMH, not 30 minutes, which is a complete joke, but that's another novel I could write) so I ran, yes, literally ran over there. Derp.
We made that mistake the first time they offered the early morning hours for resort guests. I think it has totally ruined Jungle Cruise for us, since the rope drop advantage is gone. But we have enjoyed Peter Pan with early hours. PP is an all time favorite that brings back memories of WDW when our kids were young and MK was the only park.

Let's just say, one needs to be "intentional" while there so you don't find yourself in a bind.
You are speaking the absolute truth on this one. I love bacon but it doesn't help the situation. ;)
Perhaps I needed a session of self-immolation for some sub-conscious act of unkindness, and what better place than in Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin and Miss?
I love Buzz because I receive intense pleasure when I get a better score than my husband, which isn't very often anymore. I made the mistake of telling him where some of the 100,000 point targets were.
Q is for: Queued to Wait.

After my not-so-great dinner experience, it was time to head back to the MK to watch Enchantment from up close. I was anxious to compare it to the last few shows.

At 7:30 I'd tapped in and positioned myself in a place that not only provided a pretty decent viewing but also some excellent human drama observation. Seriously, it ended up being quite a study in human nature which I'll get to in a minute.

For now, here is my view as of 7:34PM for a 9:00 showing of Disney's Enchantment. Did I stand there for 90 minutes for a show. Yeah, because if you want to watch it, that's what you gotta do. But again, more on that in a bit.

First allow me to give you the details on exactly where this spot was in case you want to find this little sweet spot for yourselves. But, again, you MUST be able to stand (not sit, they won't allow it) for the duration.

Here is a map and the arrow points to exactly where I was.

Right at that line they put down some tape. 6 or 8 feet in front of that line there was another line of tape which formed a walkway. That walkway is kept moving with 100% compliance the entire show. The CMs are absolutely militant about this. Over the course of the hour and a half I watched multiple idiots try to argue this and ended up having CM Manager Ratched come over and threaten to call security and have them removed altogether. They explained this is the emergency walkway and no standing or stopping is allowed at all. I was right there with my toes on the line and a goodly space in front of me preventing tall folks to pop in and block my view. Perfection!

With about 30 minutes to go, the Head CM came to our little section and gave us all some "instructions" for moving forward with the evening.

<in best loud CM voice> "For those of you on the back line, put your toes on the line, squeeze in close shoulder to shoulder (so much for Covid distancing), and do not let others pass through you. This area is now full." *** Remember that garlicky pizza?***

"For those of you on the front line, put your heels on the line behind you, squeeze in close.... and do not allow others to pass through you...."

She also required anyone who was sitting at all on or around that line to now stand. There was a family with a blanket hogging up acres of space, and she swiftly shut that nonsense down. Others quickly filled in the space and a new equilibrium was established.

And that was that. It truly did minimize the obnoxious, overly rude, and generally poor behavior of people trying to force their way in, in front of everyone else who'd been standing there already over an hour. There were many who did try, but those of us standing shoulder to shoulder held the line. It was like an epic Lord of the Rings battle and we had the Great Horn of Gondor encouraging us to stand our ground. All the while, about a dozen CMs with the orange batons kept yelling at people to, "Keep moving, this is an emergency walkway. No standing or stopping is allowed!"

With only minutes left until showtime, some very belligerent jerk got right up in one tiny CMs face and security and CM Ratched was on him like flies on rice. "There's no where else to go." "I'm sorry, Sir, you cannot stand here. Blah, blah, blah... Please move along or we will have to escort you to the park entrance."

He moved.

All in all, it was a pretty good place to stand for the show. I was able to see the projections on the castle and have a pretty decent view of the overhead fireworks. Do I love the projection heavy shows that are the new style of Disney nighttime entertainment? Not really. I don't like having to divide my attention between what's up and what's down. My neck hurts enough as it is. It seems like a cheap cop out for the more expensive, and imho better, pyrotechnics. I would guess Disney is losing it's once famed status of largest purchaser of explosives after the US Military. I'd rather have an amazing orchestral score and a well-executed, thoughtfully choreographed fireworks show. Why not separate them into 2 shows? One that is fireworks based with the song-story, and another projection show later on as a kiss goodnight on steroids? Just a thought.

Anyhow, I took a few shots of the show that turned out okay:

In all, I'm glad I watched the show and had found a pretty decent spot to do it from. I'm not sure I feel a pressing need to watch them again if I'm alone and would probably take that same time to do some rides in Adventure and FrontierLand. After the show, I decided to do a couple of rides I'd not done yet on this trip. It would be my last bit of time at this park, and while I'd not done everything there was to do there, I was satisfied. My only regret was skipping COP.

Til now, I'd not gone under the sea, so thought I should. I took the 9 mile walk through the queue and took the 6:30 minute ride, spending more time for a walk-on just getting to my Clammobile. But the queue is cute and there's some fun little details to see along the way. Less focused on photos by now, you get 2... unfocused photos. Get it? :rolleyes: That's all I had in me this late at night.

Just for photographic evidence here is the one uninteresting photo you get from the next attraction I did.

It was late and although my spirit was willing, my flesh was weak. I knew it was time for one last frolic with the the spirits who could party all night and then go. It is nice of them to always be so inviting.

And with that, it was time to stroll out of the park one last time. I took it slowly because, even if this not my favorite of the parks, it is nice to take the exit at a sauntering pace. I didn't need to worry about a long line for a boat back to the Poly, so there was no need to rush.

Here are the last couple of photos I took before I said Aloha and good night.

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Whew all caught up and enjoying your trip for sure. You definitely know how to get stuff done while still enjoying the ambience of the place.
That bungalow looks gorgeous and the view of EWP/ fireworks is lovely.
So glad you're still here!!! It's been nice to finally get these photos out in the interwebs and the stories told. :) I do like to try to find that balance of doing enough to whet my appetite bur also taking the time to enjoy all that the Imagineers have put in the parks to tell the story. :)
Can’t believe the wait times for MK and even though you’re complaining I love your cell phone photos. They are way better than anything I’ve ever managed.
I know. I was shocked. Maybe everyone had seen the mayhem of the morning and decided to bail early.

Thank you very much. :) More from an upcoming trip at some point, but once I get back from Disney, Baltimore, and Italy, I have to jump right inot my next term and I'll be off the DIS again until I can finish my courses up. :)
Your report really makes me want to do a solo trip so I can just please myself and go where I fancy even if I do end up at a bar with a garlicky pizza while there’s empty tables right over there!
You will never be sorry for doing a solo trip. It's really nice doing the parks on your own terms. Going with a friend is always really nice if you can find someone like-minded and tours like you do but solo is great if you can't!
What’s the craic with that? I mean it’s not like they couldn’t give you a leave time if it was booked for another party and let you decide whether it suited or not!:confused3
RIGHT?! I mean wth?! Very silly, and I'm certainly in zero hurry to ever go back.
What a great morning in the MK
I agree about JC, I miss the Trader Sam’s storyline
So sad they removed him.
It is a must each trip for us as well!
I love Pooh and PM, we usually hit Pooh early on because the line builds there as well!
Yes, it does. I have been shocked at how long that line gets now. It didn't used to be that way until about 3 or 4 years ago when it was always a walk-on. Now... just ugh.
We will be eating a fair amount at DS since the ADR’s are nonexistent for the week we are there now!
Such a shame you lost those. I hope we can make up for it by going to Space 220 together. You are very welcome to join us ladies for whatever overlaps too. :)
WGP never seems busy, why you couldn’t be seated is clearly the staff not wanting to accommodate you!
Yeah, that's the impression I got. I think they've lost my business unfortunately.


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