PlanDisney Panelist Search 2024 Applications Now Open

Who has already began obsessively checking your email??🙋🏼‍♀️

I've got it in my head that it won't be until Friday, so I think I'm probably safe from the every-other-minute email check for another couple of days 😂

I'm really trying to mellow out and prepare myself for the likely outcome. I noticed two nomenclature errors in my submission (I said "Disney's Animal Kingdom" without the "Park" in my video and also wrote Main Street USA instead of Main Street, U.S.A.). So I'm really trying to just set realistic expectations here.
We have a trip this spring so I'll be eligible again to apply next year, and we're heavily considering a December 2023 trip which would make me eligible for the following year too. This was my first time applying and I'm trying not to beat myself up for the errors - just live and learn.

I'm just trying to distract myself with planning those trips and kind of mentally put this on the back burner. Not sure how well it's working, but I'm trying!
I've got it in my head that it won't be until Friday, so I think I'm probably safe from the every-other-minute email check for another couple of days 😂

I'm really trying to mellow out and prepare myself for the likely outcome. I noticed two nomenclature errors in my submission (I said "Disney's Animal Kingdom" without the "Park" in my video and also wrote Main Street USA instead of Main Street, U.S.A.). So I'm really trying to just set realistic expectations here.
We have a trip this spring so I'll be eligible again to apply next year, and we're heavily considering a December 2023 trip which would make me eligible for the following year too. This was my first time applying and I'm trying not to beat myself up for the errors - just live and learn.

I'm just trying to distract myself with planning those trips and kind of mentally put this on the back burner. Not sure how well it's working, but I'm trying!
So don’t get yourself down YET. I watched a panelist from last year’s video and she used shots of non Disney treat, so just stock photos of cupcakes, and some random stand up roller coaster when she talked about rides. So you aren’t out of it yet girl!!!
Even though this wait is significantly shorter than the R1-R2 wait, it's starting to feel longer 😂

Agreed. I think it's because by now you've poured even more of yourself into it. Making/submitting a video like that felt vulnerable, at least for me. Round 1 felt more like a shot in the dark, because you know how many applicants there are. Round 2, you're even more invested. Just imagine what it's like for people who make Round 3! The wait to find out who ultimately makes it to the panel is supposedly only a couple of days, but I'm sure it must feel like years!
So don’t get yourself down YET. I watched a panelist from last year’s video and she used shots of non Disney treat, so just stock photos of cupcakes, and some random stand up roller coaster when she talked about rides. So you aren’t out of it yet girl!!!

That is REALLY interesting. I've read in a lot of places that nomenclature is SO SO important, to the point where I feel like a slip up like that is an automatic no-go. On the other hand, I submitted my Round 1 responses before I knew that, and I shortened a bunch of terms so I could fit in the 100 words. I was so sure I'd be out of it for that reason, but here I am still hanging in for Round 2. Sort of makes you wonder if all the emphasis on nomenclature is "real" or just us little people clinging to something we can "control." It does make sense to me that they'd be looking for well-written responses, first and foremost. The job IS, at its core, writing. Nomenclature can be taught more easily than decent writing.
That is REALLY interesting. I've read in a lot of places that nomenclature is SO SO important, to the point where I feel like a slip up like that is an automatic no-go. On the other hand, I submitted my Round 1 responses before I knew that, and I shortened a bunch of terms so I could fit in the 100 words. I was so sure I'd be out of it for that reason, but here I am still hanging in for Round 2. Sort of makes you wonder if all the emphasis on nomenclature is "real" or just us little people clinging to something we can "control." It does make sense to me that they'd be looking for well-written responses, first and foremost. The job IS, at its core, writing. Nomenclature can be taught more easily than decent writing.
It was kinda infuriating when I finally watched it all the way through last week. I couldn’t last year. Didn’t make it more than 10 seconds. It made me feel so inferior. Like all the work I had done was for nothing. To see that all the stress on nomenclature, making sure it was the REAL DISNEY, and that was acceptable. I think that is why it was so upsetting. At the same time you make a very good point. Maybe it is US making that such a priority. Just like the single space after the periods. Something we CAN control.
It was kinda infuriating when I finally watched it all the way through last week. I couldn’t last year. Didn’t make it more than 10 seconds. It made me feel so inferior. Like all the work I had done was for nothing. To see that all the stress on nomenclature, making sure it was the REAL DISNEY, and that was acceptable. I think that is why it was so upsetting. At the same time you make a very good point. Maybe it is US making that such a priority. Just like the single space after the periods. Something we CAN control.

I totally get where you're coming from, but don't let it make you feel inferior! If anything, I take it as a good sign - a sign that normal people who make mistakes CAN get through this process and actually make it as a panelist. You don't have to be the 9-year applicant who knows this process inside out, you don't have to have a fancy video, you don't have to prove that you know each and every piece of correct nomenclature or be perfect-in-every-way.

I think in the end we really have no way of knowing what they're looking for at any given time. It could be as impersonal as this year, they need a panelist experienced in child-free solo trips and a panelist who is experienced with DAS issues, but they already have plenty of panelists who are experienced with multigenerational trips (like me!). Also, who knows what that panelist's written responses looked like? As much emphasis is put on the videos in these Facebook groups, I tend to think that they are probably secondary for the committee who decides these things. I mean, I've literally never done this before so what do I know? But LOGIC tells me that for a job that consists mainly of writing about Disney, they'd be looking primarily for good writers and communicators who know and love Disney. Maybe that panelist had kick-@$$ written responses and they decided to overlook the faux pas in the video. Honestly, I can only HOPE that's true, because the written part is my strong suit. My video is FINE - I know it's not terrible. But it's also not anything that's going to wow anyone, either.

Biggest thing here though, if you DON'T get through (and I am rooting for you and betting that you do!), it has nothing to do with your value or worth as a person. I'm looking at this a little like playing the lottery. There are SO many applicants, we have NO way of improving our odds. When you don't win the lottery, you don't feel rejected. You just play again next time :)
That is REALLY interesting. I've read in a lot of places that nomenclature is SO SO important, to the point where I feel like a slip up like that is an automatic no-go. On the other hand, I submitted my Round 1 responses before I knew that, and I shortened a bunch of terms so I could fit in the 100 words. I was so sure I'd be out of it for that reason, but here I am still hanging in for Round 2. Sort of makes you wonder if all the emphasis on nomenclature is "real" or just us little people clinging to something we can "control." It does make sense to me that they'd be looking for well-written responses, first and foremost. The job IS, at its core, writing. Nomenclature can be taught more easily than decent writing.

It was kinda infuriating when I finally watched it all the way through last week. I couldn’t last year. Didn’t make it more than 10 seconds. It made me feel so inferior. Like all the work I had done was for nothing. To see that all the stress on nomenclature, making sure it was the REAL DISNEY, and that was acceptable. I think that is why it was so upsetting. At the same time you make a very good point. Maybe it is US making that such a priority. Just like the single space after the periods. Something we CAN control.

I don't think the emphasis on nomenclature is completely made up, but agree with Annabelle that nomenclature is easy for them to teach at training compared to the other qualities/skills. It's one thing to shorten DAK to Disney's Animal Kingdom (instead of including Theme Park), but another thing to say Cinderellas Castle when it's Cinderella Castle. That said, a current panelist said she said "Happiest Place on Earth" at the end of her WDW video so they must not get hung up on one or two slip ups if someone is otherwise exactly what they're looking for.
I don't think the emphasis on nomenclature is completely made up, but agree with Annabelle that nomenclature is easy for them to teach at training compared to the other qualities/skills. It's one thing to shorten DAK to Disney's Animal Kingdom (instead of including Theme Park), but another thing to say Cinderellas Castle when it's Cinderella Castle. That said, a current panelist said she said "Happiest Place on Earth" at the end of her WDW video so they must not get hung up on one or two slip ups if someone is otherwise exactly what they're looking for.

I don't think it's made up either... it makes sense that they'd want a panelist to have a good grasp on correct nomenclature. It also shows the committee that you're not just coming out of left field - because any panelist is going to need to prove they know their stuff, and calling things by the correct names/terms is a good start to that, I'm sure. I just mean that the emphasis on nomenclature was such in these groups that I really thought I had absolutely ZERO, ZILCH chance of moving forward to Round 2. I'm sure nomenclature IS important, but so are any number of other factors we don't even know about.
Think I am already hitting the “Can I just know so I can be upset and get over it already, please?” stage.
Think I am already hitting the “Can I just know so I can be upset and get over it already, please?” stage.

You just said it yourself, to me! Don't count yourself out yet. You really have no idea what could happen.

That said, I hear you. I'm half and half. Part of me is enjoying the wait, because until those emails go out, anything can happen! I'm still in the game! But in my heart I'm absolutely expecting the no thank you. I think my expectations are realistic and my mindset is in a good place, though. Rejection always stings a little, but it's been a fun ride! I'm really surprised and thankful that I even made it to Round 2. I'm also thankful I have a qualifying trip coming up so I get to try again next year.

In the meantime, I'll be over here daydreaming that all three of us here make it to and through Round 3, and we'll be hanging out in Disneyland in person come December :cool1:
Hi All! I have been reading up on all things planDisney Panel and finally wanted to join the discussion. I made it to round 2 as well. Hoping to make it to round 3!!! First time making it this far. Good luck and pixie dust to all. And yes....I am STALKING my email as well even though I am guessing nothing will come through until the earliest Friday.
Hi All! I have been reading up on all things planDisney Panel and finally wanted to join the discussion. I made it to round 2 as well. Hoping to make it to round 3!!! First time making it this far. Good luck and pixie dust to all. And yes....I am STALKING my email as well even though I am guessing nothing will come through until the earliest Friday.
Welcome, and congrats on making R2!!! What specialty did you apply for? I'm WDW (DVC secondary).
Hi All! I have been reading up on all things planDisney Panel and finally wanted to join the discussion. I made it to round 2 as well. Hoping to make it to round 3!!! First time making it this far. Good luck and pixie dust to all. And yes....I am STALKING my email as well even though I am guessing nothing will come through until the earliest Friday.
Welcome! Nice to have another person here! Congrats on making it to R2. I think we have a long, few more days to go. And a lot of grumbling about it, at least from me. LOL!
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Hi All! I have been reading up on all things planDisney Panel and finally wanted to join the discussion. I made it to round 2 as well. Hoping to make it to round 3!!! First time making it this far. Good luck and pixie dust to all. And yes....I am STALKING my email as well even though I am guessing nothing will come through until the earliest Friday.

Congrats, and welcome! I'm also feeling like Friday will be the day, but who knows. The wait is so much harder than I anticipated! This is the first time I've applied, and I was totally unprepared for how anxious I'd be.


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