75 employees laid off at Pixar, including the director of Lightyear

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Bingo!! He needs to cut whoever is signing off on these decisions and cut everyone that cannot produce a single original idea instead of butchering these remakes.

IMHO it’s getting to the point where it might be too late for a turn around for Disney. Some of these consumers will no longer will support this company even if they flip it back.
I hate the live action remakes, but until recently they were all making stupid amounts of money.
I wouldn't go that far. I think Disney will survive, as they have been through some really tough times before. What they look like 4 years from now may be another discussion.

Bottom line, is the crap they have been producing does not sell. Moderate / Conservate middle class families are losing faith in Disney, like rapidly. Iger is a smart man and he knows this. Even if he hates their beliefs, he still wants their money. Disney cannot succeed without support from these families imho, they just represent too big a chunk of the country to ignore.
Also, I tend to type and post fast. If I see it, I will edit it. I've been known to edit some post I made years ago becuase it got a random like and I noticed it.

i am particularly vulnerable to the commont typos teh, aslo, and jsut.
Now we're getting lots of misspellings of "Ahsoka" on these boards. Mostly "Ashoka."
So... where do people stand on representation of wheelchair users in Elemental?:rolleyes1

It is a blink and you miss it moment. Even less than in Strange World (as far as I can remember. I don't remember a lot about Strange World).
I've got your back on this one, it's everyone else that is wrong.
Not joking at all but the last time I was at HS, I rode Tower of Terror, bought a Buffalo grilled cheese from ABC Commissary and then left. With the loss of Great Movie Ride and Osborne Lights and my lack of interest in Star Wars and Toy Story, it's a park I don't enjoy being in.

I hate the live action remakes, but until recently they were all making stupid amounts of money.
Agreed. The live action remakes suck creatively but besides Little Mermaid they're guaranteed smash hit money makers. Can't wait to see how great Lilo and Stitch is /s
Not joking at all but the last time I was at HS, I rode Tower of Terror, bought a Buffalo grilled cheese from ABC Commissary and then left. With the loss of Great Movie and Osborne Lights and my lack of interest in Star Wars and Toy Story, it's a park I don't enjoy being in.

Agreed. The live action remakes suck creatively but besides Little Mermaid they're guaranteed smash hit money makers. Can't wait to see how great Lilo and Stitch is /s
Ironically, I can count on 1 hand the live actions that I like and that includes Little Mermaid.
I wouldn't go that far. I think Disney will survive, as they have been through some really tough times before. What they look like 4 years from now may be another discussion.

Bottom line, is the crap they have been producing does not sell. Moderate / Conservate middle class families are losing faith in Disney, like rapidly. Iger is a smart man and he knows this. Even if he hates their beliefs, he still wants their money. Disney cannot succeed without support from these families imho, they just represent too big a chunk of the country to ignore.
You really think they can get pulled back in?? Look at bud light lol!

I like being optimistic but they are not coming back that chunk of consumers will now watch other movies, go to other theme parks or travel locations and stream other types of entertainment. I think the way Disney doubled down on the crap is what turned off those consumers for good.
Ironically, I can count on 1 hand the live actions that I like and that includes Little Mermaid.
I didn't think Jungle Book was that bad but that was because it relied more on the book than trying to recreate the animated film. The worst ones IMO were Lion King, Mulan and Pinocchio.
I want more Maleficent and Cruella type films and less shot for shot remakes.
The shot for shot remakes suck so bad it's unreal. Lion King 2019 is no joke one of the worst films I've seen in a while. On the same level as that garbage Psycho remake.
Yeah, I do think they can recover. Woke sounds great and everyone loves it until you start losing money, and all your buddies start getting fired. Iger is quietly trying to course correct now, I firmly believe. Not because he wants to, but just because he wants to turn it around financially. Ideals are great, but the almighty dollar wins every single time.
I guess time will tell. I do agree that the dollar always wins and making profits should be the focus of any business especially if they have been losing money hand over fist with these changes they were pushed into by the mob.
In the case of Pixar and Disney animation, I hope the massive L they are taking from Nintendo / Universal on The Mario Movie teaches them something. That movie had a low budget and basically gave the fans exactly what they wanted. Nothing more nothing less........good clean family entertainment, and made some serious bank!

As much as I hated Jack Black in Mando 3, I loved him in Mario. The perfect Bowser!
No, you provide proof it hasn't?

I can see it clearly with my eyes.

Not just Disney. It's everywhere. You see it in commercials too. Almost like a checklist. Disney has publicly stated that they are working to increase "diversity" in their offerings, so of course it's baked in from the very beginning. Anybody that denies that is just fooling themselves. None of it feels authentic or organic. Feels about as natural as a zoo, because that is the model.
Not just Disney. It's everywhere. You see it in commercials too. Almost like a checklist. Disney has publicly stated that they are working to increase "diversity" in their offerings, so of course it's baked in from the very beginning. Anybody that denies that is just fooling themselves. None of it feels authentic or organic. Feels about as natural as a zoo, because that is the model.
I mean all these folks on this forum act like I have never see the re-imagine Tomorrow initiative info. They pretty much told you what they planned to do, then went to work doing it. I knew it was a mistake from the beginning and a certain portion of the customer base would recoil from this mess. It's not rocket surgery to quote a buddy of mine.

Notice what Iger did quietly a few weeks ago.......let go of his CDO who drove a bunch of this stuff. The man is no dummy.
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Not just Disney. It's everywhere. You see it in commercials too. Almost like a checklist. Disney has publicly stated that they are working to increase "diversity" in their offerings, so of course it's baked in from the very beginning. Anybody that denies that is just fooling themselves. None of it feels authentic or organic. Feels about as natural as a zoo, because that is the model.
I mean all these folks on this forum act like I have never see the re-imagine Tomorrow initiative info. They pretty much told you what they planned to do, then went to work doing it. I knew it was a mistake from the beginning and a certain portion of the customer base would recoil from this mess. It's not rocket surgery to quote a buddy of mine.

Notice what Iger did quietly a few weeks ago.......let go of his CDO who drove a bunch of this stuff. The man is no dummy.

Nobody is claiming that they are not being concious about inclusion in their work - pretty much all the movie studios are doing this. The questions are, one - why is that so terrible? Two - are they putting it before story, or are they just encouraging their creators to include it? Three - why would creators want to include such things? Could it be that these things are more aparent in daily life in America these days, and thus art imitates life? It's just a fact.

I will admit, soemtimes the inclusion can be a little heavy handed and feel forces. Sometimes it's so ridiculously "not enough" too that I wonder if that's even worse than not having it at all. What I don't believe is that any of it has a significant impact on the box office. Again, I have cited where movies that have all this inclusion have done increddibly well, and movies without it that have done poorly. Some more inclusive movies have done poorly too, and some without it have done great? My point it, that it is NOT the underlying issue.
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