Every Wish That We Put Into Motion.... (comments welcome!)

In costuming-land, I thought I had a great idea for my marathon shirt. And then I cut it out with my cricut yesterday and it was a disaster, and there's no way it'll stay on the tank top (I'm trying to just use adhesive and not iron on) so I'm back to brainstorming for that. It's pretty frustrating, and I currently have no ideas.
Also, still looking for someone to run some (or all) of the marathon with. I'm anticipating being in D corral, and running somewhere between 13-14min/mi until my body tells me that's enough (this has been approximately AK the last couple of years), and then doing the rest by feel. I'm hoping for a ride on EE this year as well.
I can't help you this year, but if I register for the marathon next year I will definitely run with you. I'm a turtle. 🐢
Reffed 3 games of 4-6th grade girls basketball tonight, and since it’s rec league, I kept my watch on just to get an idea of what my hr does in these. I paused my watch between games, which were about 10min breaks, and then restarted it after the jump ball. The middle school games I referee are a little shorter (only 2 games) but are definitely faster from a running standpoint.

I’m not sure what to make of this data, if anything, and if it indicates that I should adjust my training plan for game days. I’d appreciate any insights anyone may have.

Is reffing negatively impacting your running? It looks like great cross training to me but if you’re noticing that you can’t keep up with your training runs then you may want to adjust. Otherwise, consider it bonus points you’ll get to redeem on the race course.
Is reffing negatively impacting your running? It looks like great cross training to me but if you’re noticing that you can’t keep up with your training runs then you may want to adjust. Otherwise, consider it bonus points you’ll get to redeem on the race course.
I don't know yet. I did cut off a mile, and change the M-paced miles to easy yesterday because I'm still dealing with this cough and I knew I had 2.5-3 hours of refereeing last night. I'm trying to treat it like bonus work, but as an example, I turned down 5 games on Saturday (YMCA league) because I'm supposed to run 12 miles that day and there's no way I could do both.
I’m not sure what to make of this data, if anything, and if it indicates that I should adjust my training plan for game days. I’d appreciate any insights anyone may have.

How does that HR compare to an easy run? Based on the HR data, it seems like a lot of mini-sprints and then standing (which seems to jive with how I would see basketball reffing go), but correct me if I'm wrong.

Do you do a lot of talking when reffing? How "into" the games are you that would add additional stress/HR into the moment? Like when I watch a team sport on TV, my HR is higher than if I were just sitting watching normal TV. Or if I'm at a live sport that's exciting my HR is higher as well. So how does that compare to these HRs when reffing?

It doesn't seem akin to walking, which based on my training load calculations based on my own HR is like 1/4 the value of easy running. So a 15 min easy run equals a 60 min walk, but this doesn't quite seem to fit that. This looks a little more challenging, and thus is probably a better cross-training activity than walking. I would say it's probably worth somewhere between 1/2 to 1 of an easy run. How is recovery comparably? If you did 2 hrs of easy running vs 2 hrs of reffing, do they have a comparable soreness, onset of fatigue the next day, how long does it take to recover?
How does that HR compare to an easy run? Based on the HR data, it seems like a lot of mini-sprints and then standing (which seems to jive with how I would see basketball reffing go), but correct me if I'm wrong.
Last night was a lot of mini-sprints, extra mini because it's a very old, elementary gym. It's more the sprints and then pacing around trying to get a good angle on things, but there is definitely some standing. In middle school games (which is 95% of what I'm doing) there is less standing than last night. But I shouldn't be wearing my watch for the ms games, so I can't get any info for those.

Do you do a lot of talking when reffing? How "into" the games are you that would add additional stress/HR into the moment? Like when I watch a team sport on TV, my HR is higher than if I were just sitting watching normal TV. Or if I'm at a live sport that's exciting my HR is higher as well. So how does that compare to these HRs when reffing?
Last night there was a lot more talking than usual because it was the first game for a lot of girls and they have no idea how to do some things.

It doesn't seem akin to walking, which based on my training load calculations based on my own HR is like 1/4 the value of easy running. So a 15 min easy run equals a 60 min walk, but this doesn't quite seem to fit that. This looks a little more challenging, and thus is probably a better cross-training activity than walking. I would say it's probably worth somewhere between 1/2 to 1 of an easy run.
Oof. I knew walking wasn't really a substitute, but I didn't think it would be that small of a ratio.

How is recovery comparably? If you did 2 hrs of easy running vs 2 hrs of reffing, do they have a comparable soreness, onset of fatigue the next day, how long does it take to recover?
Recovery is hard for me to judge because I basically come home, eat, shower, and go to bed after reffing. When I do a run it's usually late morning/midday and then I have the whole rest of the day to be a functioning human. I did have some unexpected soreness last week after a fairly quick-paced game for 8th grade boys, but I also did more backward movements in that game, which would explain it. But from a recovery standpoint today I'm supposed to do 4mi easy, and I don't think that's going to be much of an issue, but we will see how the legs feel when I get around to that.

Yesterday I did 4mi on the treadmill (3mi easy, 1 mi brisk walk because I needed to stop coughing) and my HR graph looks about the same, except the that "recovery" spikes are deeper. AVG hr is about the same, but the walk could have skewed it down a bit. If I compare it to the outdoor run I did on Monday, my avg hr was 11 points higher on the run than while reffing.
Oof. I knew walking wasn't really a substitute, but I didn't think it would be that small of a ratio.

Yea, just keep in mind this is training load. So not the end all be all and just a tool. But for comparison, a similar effort indoor cycling ride was about 1/2 the training load of a run. So I would need to do 120 min of hard cycling to equal 60 min of hard running.

But it's important to remember that training load lacks specificity. It only knows how hard you worked (HR) and for how long (duration). It doesn't really understand how it was constituted by virtue of what you did. There are different benefits for different activities regardless of whether the training load is equal between them. So that's to say, cross training is beneficial, but won't be a 1:1 replacement for running regardless of training load data.

But from a recovery standpoint today I'm supposed to do 4mi easy, and I don't think that's going to be much of an issue, but we will see how the legs feel when I get around to that.

Right, so what you're saying is after 120 min of reffing activity you won't have an issue with a 4 mile run. So, after running easy/moderate/hard for 120 min, would you have much issue running 4 miles the next day? Comparatively speaking.

Yesterday I did 4mi on the treadmill (3mi easy, 1 mi brisk walk because I needed to stop coughing) and my HR graph looks about the same, except the that "recovery" spikes are deeper.

Suggesting that the walking that does occur in reffing is unlike the walking seen in that treadmill run.

If I compare it to the outdoor run I did on Monday, my avg hr was 11 points higher on the run than while reffing.

Suggesting that the outdoor Monday run was a harder effort than the 120 min reffing, but the duration of reffing could bring them closer on total load. For me, the difference of 11 bpm (145 bpm vs 134 bpm) is the difference between M Tempo and 15% slower than M Tempo. That's about 35% less for training load under the same duration. My 145bpm effort is about 80 TRIMP/hr and my 134bpm effort is about 52 TRIMP/hr. So I would need to run for 90 min of 134 bpm to equal 60 min 145 bpm in a training load calculation. The dropoff becomes more aggressive as the pace slows. So going from 145bpm to 134bpm isn't likely to be the same as 134bpm to 123bpm based on what I've seen in my data feedback.
Weekly wrap up. Things took an interesting turn this week (for lack of a better word.)

Monday: 4mi easy, outside. Kind of overran this one, but I hadn't run outdoors in over a week, was finally feeling mostly better from my chest cold, and.....yeah. This was nice.

Tuesday: 4mi, treadmill. 120/30 intervals. I did 3mi running, and then a mile with some incline and brisk walking because my lungs were not having it again. And then I refereed 3 elementary basketball games in a row by myself. DH came along to help me out with any small issues (alternating possession arrow, etc) since this was my 3rd night ever refereeing. And since it was elementary, I left my watch on in "cardio" mode just to see what refereeing looks like for HR data. For the 3 games, pausing between the games, this ended up being 2:14 of herding cats chasing kids around. And we discussed what the graphs might mean for training load in some of the previous posts.

Wednesday: This was the opening day of firearm deer season, so I spent most of my day in a hunting blind with DS1. Spoiler alert: we only saw one very small buck. I swapped the run I was scheduled to do with Thursday's rest day so that I wasn't trying to do a run at 8pm.

Thursday: 4mi, treadmill. Lungs are finally "better," although I do have a lingering cough. And then it was back to the gym for another 3 elementary girls games. My first 2 games were much higher paced (much more skilled and older players) than Tuesday, and I ran a lot more. Of course, I took my watch off this night, so I didn't have any data, but the 2nd game especially was much more like a "run" based on feel than anything I did on Tuesday. And then on the way home, while I was talking to DH on the phone (it helps me decompress if I talk to him about the game, weird calls/situations, stuff I need to work on, etc. so I can get to sleep when I want to once I get home) he mentioned that our assigner wanted me to come work a freshman/JV boys scrimmage the following night. We decided that it would be a good idea, because need every bit of experience I can get right now.

Friday: 5mi run. I knew I had 2+ hours of chasing teenage boys up and down a full-sized basketball court, so I elected to not wear myself out beforehand. And then our assigner surprised me with hey you're going to learn 3-man mechanics tonight and myself or this other trainer are going to shadow you up and down the floor to help you figure this out. If he had told me that's what we were doing, I would have gotten my mechanics manual out and studied up on it BECAUSE I have specifically not looked at 3-person mechanics because I'm not scheduled for any games that would have 3 referees. I wanted to figure out 2-person mechanics, be solid on those, and then start working on 3-person. (If you're not familiar with basketball, generally speaking middle school games have 2 officials on the court with the teams, and JV/varsity games have 3 officials. How you move around the court, which areas you are supposed to watch, and so on are pretty different.) It was a lot, both physically and mentally. I was there for almost 2.5 hours and only sat out for one 8min running-clock period so someone else could rotate in.

Saturday: long run. Nope. I was absolutely exhausted. The YMCA assigner had, on Friday night, tried to get me to go referee 6 more games (with DH) on Saturday morning and I told her no. Plus, I had Thanksgiving grocery shopping to do, and a bunch of other stuff I had put off during the week that needed to get done.

Sunday: longrun-ish. OK. Not really a long run. 90 minutes. DH had taken DS1&2 downstate to Ford Field for the Lions game; this was DS1's belated birthday present. I had referee training from 3-5, but had to drive 40min to my SIL's to drop kids 3&4 off, and then another 50min to the training. I was doing all of the mom-math in bed on Saturday night and decided that I needed to be on the tread between 9 and 930am. I was successful in adhering to the timeline. Unfortunately, I also woke up with a massive headache. I was running 4min/1min intervals, and those were feeling OK, but the run in general was an absolute slog. I couldn't get in a groove because DD was constantly trying to push the incline buttons, almost rolling onto the tread deck on an exercise ball, asking me all of the questions, and generally being a 4 year old who wasn't getting 100% of my attention. That was probably a good thing in the grand scheme because we barely got out the door in time for me to do all of my driving around/dropping off, and being on-time. I can only imagine what me trying to get in another 60min of running would have turned my afternoon into.

Last week a question was "is reffing negatively impacting your running?"

The answer, now that I've done it a few times, is yes. Sort of. Impacting? For sure. Negatively? Not sure that's the right word. Cumulative fatigue is definitely happening when I'm running and reffing on the same days, multiple days in a week, so I feel like I will need to judge how much running I should do on days that I am scheduled for both.

As an example, tonight's games will be wildly different; the first game (7th grade) will not be competitive at all, but the 2nd game (8th grade) should be decent. Today's run is supposed to be 3 miles, with speedwork, and that seems reasonable since refereeing won't be overly taxing. But on Wednesday I'm refereeing 2+ hours of varsity boys scrimmages (yikes!) so I will probably take my scheduled 3mi run that day extra-easy, or skip it.

I'm also a bit nervous about next week already because it's supposed to be one of my biggest weeks for mileage (30mi), and I also referee 3x....Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, with a 13mi long run on Saturday.
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Weekly wrap-up, Thanksgiving edition.

Monday: 3mi, outside. This was 1mi easy, 1mi 10k pace, 1mi easy. Well. It was supposed to be. I haven't run outside in forever, and I decided to wear my supercomps again (to test the theory that they are, in fact, giving me blisters on the tips of my 4th toes) because they are my go-fast shoes. Mmmmm. So bouncy. That means that mile 1 was almost a minute too fast, and mile 2 was "supposed" to be 11:08 pace, but was actually 10:37.....which is between 5k and CV pace according to one of my charts. Whoopsie! Mile 3 was too fast again. But this felt pretty good. Then that evening it was off to referee more basketball with 2 very lopsided games. But I did get a good amount of running in during the first half of the 2nd game.

Tuesday: off. I was supposed to do 3mi, but something was going on during the day (I cannot remember WHAT it was though.)

Wednesday: 3mi easy. 2 hours of varsity boys refereeing. This was a big gym, and I had just done training in it on Sunday, and I knew that it was going to be a lot of work so I purposely skipped my run. We went for about 2.5 hours, with 4 of us rotating in and out...I only sat once.....to practice our 3-man crew mechanics. Well.....so DH and I could practice since the other 2 guys have done this for awhile. It was good basketball, which makes things a lot easier to referee, and if was FUN. I feel like I'm figuring out what I'm supposed to do for this stuff, even if I don't think I'm scheduled for any 3-man crew games this year. I also fit in "special person day" at preschool in the morning, and then did all of the Thanksgiving dinner prep from the time I got home from that, until we left for basketball.

Thursday: Turkey day. DS3 PR'ed in our local 5k. DS2 could have won the race, but took a hard knee to his quad in basketball the day before and chose not to run because he was still limping pretty badly.

Friday: 5mi easy, treadmill. SIL and I went shopping in the morning, and then DH and I worked on a project at home that afternoon, so the run didn't happen until 6:30pm. I have a hard time motivating myself after dinner, so I was glad I managed to get myself to do this. I feel like I've skipped too many runs lately.

Saturday: 10mi, treadmill. YES. I did it! I haven't done a double-digit run in over a month, and wow did I need this mentally. I had spent the entire morning on my feet (cleaning, folding laundry, etc) and then DH and I went and did some remaining shopping while DS2 went to a movie with some friends. We picked up pizza to take home to the rest of the kids, and I ate it in the car so I could get ready and go for my run as soon as we got home.

The original plan for this run was 1mi WU, 8mi M, 1mi CD. I modified it just a little to 2mi WU, 7mi M, 1mi CD (And I was planning on modifying it further to 2+6+2, but felt good once I got about 6mi into the run.) I stat'ed these all as separate runs so I could get a better/clearer picture of what my pacing was for the M miles since I haven't run those in awhile on the treadmill and wasn't 100% sure my interval/pace plan was going to work out as fast enough. (I ran 2:00/0:30 intervals at 5.2/3.7) As it ended up, goal M pace is about 12:04 and I ran about 12:15, so I probably need to do at least one of those intervals per mile at 5.3/3.7 to bring the pace down.

I started this run with compression sleeves on my calves because I've had a lot of tightness in my left calf, but paused to take them off 3mi in because my legs felt awful. The tightness has been enough that I've been limping a little when I get up from sitting for awhile, so that's not great. Once I got into the M pace and got a groove going, I decided that I really didn't want to do 2 whole miles at my easy pace after because that would feel like it took for.ev.er. and would do 2+7+1 instead.

Once I was done and got cleaned up, I used some coconut oil and a butter knife to "graston" my left calf, and then iced it while we caught up on the British Baking Show and I ate more pizza and leftover pecan pie from Thursday.
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Something in my left calf completely locked up on my in the 2nd quarter of the 2nd game I refereed last night. It's high in my calf, in the middle, almost behind my knee, and deep. Something about a 4mi run in the morning, and then 2 hours of running around 2 days in a row that my body doesn't like. I think I may need to add a racquetball and/or a golf ball to my supply bag to try to get ahead stuff like this that is probably going to continue to creep up since my schedule isn't going to let up for another month. I should have a few minutes during halftime and between games if needed. It's mostly better this morning, but I will probably wait until after lunch for my run to see if I can foam roll and stretch the remaining tightness out.

Realized this morning that I have 0 head-wear plans for the half/full, and I probably missed the better sales over the weekend. Time to go scour the internet for a hat or visor that will work.

Yesterday I started debating wearing the dottie skirt for the marathon, which is a costume I feel like I've been trying to puzzle out since registration day. I'm going to take it for a test run today and see how it does as it's a size larger than I usually wear, and that means it's a little bit longer; I was already planning on taking the elastic in the waist in some, but I won't bother if the length is too long to run in.
Do you think wearing calf compression sleeves or socks during the games would help?
Do you think wearing calf compression sleeves or socks during the games would help?
calf sleeves irritate my achilles down by my ankle, but I DID order some compression socks on friday (in black, so they would go with my uniform) with that in mind. And then I completely forgot about it. So yes. That might be a good solution.
I cut out my decal for my marathon tank today. There’s still a couple of layers of clear backing to peel off after I get it ironed on, but I’m really happy with how it turned out. Now to pick a shirt base color, and decide if I want to stick with this skirt or find something different. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ AND I honestly don’t know if I want to deal with tulle for 3 days in a row. Sooooo yeah. (Also, thinking about post-race medal pics....I need to go back and look at the medals)
Weekly wrap-up. Ugh.

Sunday: rest day. I felt great, and considered a short run, but decided against it.

Monday: 4mi easy. Refereed 2 middle school games. Nothing note-worthy.

Tuesday: 4mi easy. Refereed 2 middle school games. My left calf got pretty tight during the 2nd game, but wasn't too terrible.

Wednesday: 1mi easy + 4mi M. This went really well. I streamed last MW's 5k from WDWCouple (they've renamed their yt page, but all their stuff still comes up when I search their original name) to keep my brain occupied. Used 9mi/1mi intervals for the easy mile, and then 2:00/0:30 for the M pace. 5.3/3.7 on the treadmill. Legs felt fine, and I made sure I drank some extra water, and some nuun tablets as I'm currently out of liquid IV (holding out for a sale at Costco.)

Thursday: rest day from running. I refereed 2 more middle school games (in which the visiting team's parents were awful.) My calf started to get tight in the 2nd quarter of the first game, and by the time we got to the 2nd game I was limping (just a little) up and down the floor. I couldn't push/toe off with my left leg, and planting/stopping/turning to go the other direction on turnovers was slow and didn't feel great. I couldn't fully flex my ankle when I got home without it pulling quite a bit, but my normal calf stretches (against a wall, or in lunge) didn't really feel like they were doing anything. Heat/ice/advil, massage gun. I started throwing everything at it. because this was supposed to be a 30mi week for training. 🤬

Friday: 4mi easy Nope. Started to figure out that the movement that really irritates my calf is and eccentric heel drop, such as walking down stairs, when you start on your toe as you step down. My calf no-likey. Tried to salvage some sort of MW prep with cricut stuff for my costumes (see previous post) while heating/icing my leg. It did feel better by the end of the day...maybe 80%? And I was considering trying to do a run on Saturday.

Saturday: 9mi easy + 4mi M This was out of the question. Everything tightened back up some overnight, and at this point I decided I just need to give it a couple of days and try to be healthy enough on Monday that I can work the basketball games I'm supposed to.

Sunday: off? I'm debating walking or trying a very very easy run today to test things out. I'm scheduled to work 3 games on Monday, 2 games on both Tuesday and Wednesday, and I'm "supposed to" 3mi, 4mi, and 4mi on those days as well. But getting this calf better this week takes massive priority because I'd rather "just referee" this week and get better than stretch things out over the rest of the month and go into MW with this still nagging. If my calf is troublesome enough, I will call my assigner and try to get someone else to cover the games I'm supposed to work.
#6: find someone(s) to run the full with.

I'm replying to your post in your training journal. If you'll have me, I'd volunteer as tribute. I'm also anticipating to be in either C or D based on my estimated marathon time and I have no time goals. I'm happy to be in Team Not-So-Fast and have as much fun as possible on the course.

I don't know if I'll make any of the daytime meetups since I'm travelling with my family, but I'll for sure try to make all the pre-race meetups. we can maybe meet in person for the first time then :)
I'm replying to your post in your training journal. If you'll have me, I'd volunteer as tribute. I'm also anticipating to be in either C or D based on my estimated marathon time and I have no time goals. I'm happy to be in Team Not-So-Fast and have as much fun as possible on the course.

I don't know if I'll make any of the daytime meetups since I'm travelling with my family, but I'll for sure try to make all the pre-race meetups. we can maybe meet in person for the first time then :)
that would be super fun! And, if running together just doesn't work out for more than a few miles, that's OK too.


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