Something About Nothing............ #14

It’s going on to midnight now so just a quick drive thru to say good night to all the homies.

See you in the morning!

Good night
Sleep tight
and do not let the bed bugs bite

But if they do, get a shoe…and beat them till they’re black and blue..

When my boys were little their dad would recite that to our four kids.

Never really understood his humor but the good night jingle did keep our boys in bed when we turned out the lights…

I only heard the first part of that as a child, always wondered where the heck those bed bugs were going to come from....innocence!! We had an early night last night, didn`t see anywhere near midnight! Hope you slept well.

Looks to be a decent day for us, right now anyway, it can change in a heartbeat, but it`s a cold one with us just above 0c, might get rain this afternoon though. Started a new book last night and the word in the meme below appeared in it, a word I used to hear in Scotland, not so much down here if at all. Seemed appropriate.

Brought out the lamb curry for dinner tonight, going to make coconut rice to go with it later, so dinner is sorted. Breakfast is some more of that new butcher`s dry cured ham which was lovely, with a poached egg and yes, more tea. Lunch will be something simple like an open turkey slice sandwich with some coleslaw on the side and small salad.

No plans to go out today, Bahrain Grand Prix is on today instead of Sunday due to Ramadan and Saudi Arabia next week will be the same, very unusual as we usually watch qualifying on a Saturday. So that`s this afternoon taken care of.

Tonight we plan a movie and enjoy a lovely bottle of wine Kyle`s colleagues got for me as a thank you for all the goodies. There was really no need, but very kind of them and the woman who chose the wine has very good taste, we will enjoy this one!!!

Some housework this morning, usual Saturday bedding change, if I could be bothered I`d do it every day, not that we`re dirty, but who doesn`t love that clean sheet feel, so once a week will do!

Perfect sounding weekend ahead....although as mac often says, being a lady of leisure, it`s just like any other day!!




Those white flowers do look like the mock orange bush. It would never be recognized as a tree though. It is typical bush size. We did have one that was humongous! We had to remove it from our small garden area around our patio because it was taking over. Roger had to work and work to get it out. It wasn't easy. We divided it into 2 bushes and they are doing great. They smell like oranges but very sweet too. It's hard to explain. It's a wonderful scent and we always open the bedroom windows so we can smell the one by our window.
You know me and sending pictures, but I will try to find one of mine and send it. I will probably have to do it by phone though.

Thanks for the kind words about grandson. I haven't checked with him yet, but will do it this weekend. I still can't believe he actually worked this week. 2 weeks ago he had to have help with everything and was very weak. He is very strong willed and does not like to accept any help. I was surprised when he told his Mom and Dad that he needed help. That was a big thing for him, but I think it helped him get over the hump and start to get better:)

take care and I will send a picture ASAP,


How`d I miss your post!!!! That`s what I get for scrolling down..... worries with the picture, but you did great with the last ones!!! I know sometimes it`s remembering how we did something that last time for

When that tree flowers this year I`ll go smell it and see exactly what it smells like, it is very pretty, but I do love the idea of something near the windows. We do have a lavendar bush under our window at the front of the house and occasionally smell that in the peak of season, it is very strong and lavendar is supposed to be very relaxing, not that I ever need help sleeping.

Your grandson has done so well and you`ve all looked after him so well! I know how much it brings you joy to see his improvement, and yes it is tough for some to ask for help, thank goodness he did ask for that help.

Have a lovely weekend Ruth :)
Morning all, up with dem birds putting a ham in oven. Kiddos talked me into a making a big brunch today. What was I thinking? Ha, I love to cook, good excuse to figure out a few new dishes I don’t usually get to make as the mr not big on anything but bacon & toast for that meal

You can get bbq food anywhere in my town.
Winner, winner…bbq dinner
Scottish butter tablet
How I managed to miss that heavenly delight all my life is beyond me.
we headed up into the woods behind us again, lovely place to walk even if it is a little barren right now until the leaves start to blossom again.
I love seeing the first brilliant green leaves of the season
By the time I learned about Doctor Who it was in the Peter Davison era
Oh, there’s been a few women who had a Pete Davidson era

Oops, wrong dude :) JK couldn’t resist
Well, Janet, I guess I did forget someone???? Wonder who?
Did you end up getting the countertop figured out?
Well, it’s in my online shoppingcart, that’s a start. They didn’t have it in the store. So heavy, the idea of having to return it if I don’t like the pattern is a bit daunting. Need to work my head around that. I’m the worst at making decisions re home improvements, takes me forever to pull the trigger
And little one said it looks like Royal Pacific. Guess we have stayed there so many times, she remembers.
That’s the thing, kiddos remember the travel and grow from it
He is very strong willed and does not like to accept any help. I was surprised when he told his Mom and Dad that he needed help. That was a big thing for him, but I think it helped him get over the hump and start to get better:)
Sounds like a remarkable young man. Continued good wishes sent this way.

Have a good one guys!
Good Saturday morning everyone :wave2:



Glad you had such a lovely birthday Robbie 🎉🎁🎈🛍️
Thank you Carole. I had a wonderful birthday.

Robo, belated happy birthday. Sounds like some wonderful gifts. And hope your anniversary was as nice. Busy February you have had. Glad to hear nice weather there for March.
Thank you Lynne.

Glad to hear your dad is doing so well and hopefully the alterations will make life a lot easier for him going forward.
Yes, hoping he will continue to get stronger. I think he has a good Therapist.

You had some lovely visits from family Robbie, and what a wonderful gift with the chef!!! That is very considerate and so thoughtful of them, you must feel very blessed with your family Robbie.....enjoy your next couple of days too, I do like the idea of extending celebrations!!
I do feel fortunate to have such a loving famiy. Nothing wrong with extending the celebrations for sure.

And again, belated Happy Birthday and Happy Anninversary to a lovely lady and her equally lovely mister :)
Thank you, so sweet of you to say that.

Yes, they drove 3 different race cars each and they loved it. Tom and I when we were younger used to drive raleigh cars for fun....we were both a lot slimmer then!!! But we adore that kind of experience and those three friends were all the same, he`s not long back in and they all had a blast!!
Sounds like fun.

The trees are really starting to change already, apple blossom is coming out and although the evergreens don`t change much, there are buds on the regular trees too especially our fruit trees!
Looks like you will have a lot of fruit with all those healthy blooms on the trees.

Had a respite due to a loved one being very sick, but he is on the mend now, finally. I don't have to worry all the time about him now:) I won't get into what he had, but he lost over 30 lbs in 2 months,, and he is tall and thin to begin with, plus trying to handle a very difficult illness.
Sorry to hear your grandson has been sick again. Sending prayers for him that he feels better soon.

OMGosh, you had a personal chef cook for you???!!!! I would love to have that because I really don't like to cook all that much. I always tell my husband that if we win the lottery, I would hire a cook, LOL. It was a wonderful gift for your birthday. And a Happy belated Birthday to you in sunny Florida!
Thank you Ruth. It was a very special treat to have a Chef cooked meal at home. I did talk to the Chef a little and he was such a nice fellow. He also does meal prep and delivery for lunch and dinner. It would be nice to have someone make and deliver a few meals a week. Going to keep that on the back burner for now.

I have been busy sewing a baby girl quilt in pinks, browns, and white. No new grandchild, just pretty fabric. It's fun to get back into sewing again. I haven't been in my sewing studio for about a year. I just lost interest for a while. I'm still crocheting the huge afghan from He**. It will be pretty long and wide. It's for Robins birthday this July, and I hope I get it done. I'm not the fastest crocheter, but enjoy it. Roger and I have been doing puzzles and relaxing, and going out to eat at our favorite restaurants. Just taking it easy:) Tonight is left over roast beef and home made noodles, mashed potatoes, and home made french bread. No shortage of carbs for us, LOL.
Sounds like you have two nice projects going. Would love to see the finished blankets.

Good to hear your father is doing well in his recovery.
Thank you Janet. Fingers and toes crossed that he continues to progress well.

Sounds like you have a feast planned this morning.

Mac glad to hear you were able to get your self back on the boards.

Cloudy this morning. Almost looks like it could rain. Supposed to be 80 today.

Charade congratulations to your hubby on receiving his books.

Up early this morning. Went out and bought hubby some fresh everything bagels. He likes those for breakfast. Publix is baking the Einstein bagels in house so they have an Einstein baking case with 5 different types of fresh baked bagels everyday.

They moved the Crewed liftoff to tonight at 11:16 pm. Will need to talk to fellow Rocket Sista’s about going up for the view of the lift off. Might not be worth it with all this cloud cover. Will see how the day goes.

We did go out and celebrate our birthdays together. Then we came back to my house for some wine and some sweet treats. They liked their birthday gift bags with all the goodies I put in them. I know they like to shop so I bought them gift certificates to their favorite stores and some other nice things.

My friend across the street bought us all a matching necklaces. It was so sweet of her and fitting for all the Rocket Sista’s to have a necklace with a moon, rocket and spaceman on it.


I did not sleep well last night so I know a nap is going to happen today for sure. I have a few things to do outside today so need to get scootin.

Have a wonderful day everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
And the rain has come. Started in the overnight, and still raining now. And will be most of today. But at least weather lady said once rain moves out, the skies will clear, giving us a balmy 20 degrees when we wake up tomorrow morning. But yay, that sunshine filled Sunday will see 64 degrees late in the afternoon. Woot! Warner day coming.

DH asked what is on agenda today. Nothing I can think of. Poor kids have some rain this morning too, said free breakfast was busy when they went down for it at the hotel they are at. They had a great day yesterday, and concert for tonight too. Then I hope to meet them up at my sister’s tomorrow, as way they go to the mountains goes past where she lives.

Robo, love that necklace, so nice to have received. Glad to hear father is doing better, and hope the beautiful weather stays around.

Ooh, 8 more days before we advance in time. Weather lady said next Sunday, will have 80 minutes more of day light when that jump ahead time is then being kept. Leaving in ST in a week, then will be in DT time. Sigh. Always harder to advance than fall back.

Super happy Saturday to all. With our rain, good day to be that ever so lazy, and drink more tea. Yay, weekend is here.
Morning all, up with dem birds putting a ham in oven. Kiddos talked me into a making a big brunch today. What was I thinking? Ha, I love to cook, good excuse to figure out a few new dishes I don’t usually get to make as the mr not big on anything but bacon & toast for that meal

Winner, winner…bbq dinner

How I managed to miss that heavenly delight all my life is beyond me.

I love seeing the first brilliant green leaves of the season

Oh, there’s been a few women who had a Pete Davidson era

Oops, wrong dude :) JK couldn’t resist


Well, it’s in my online shoppingcart, that’s a start. They didn’t have it in the store. So heavy, the idea of having to return it if I don’t like the pattern is a bit daunting. Need to work my head around that. I’m the worst at making decisions re home improvements, takes me forever to pull the trigger

That’s the thing, kiddos remember the travel and grow from it

Sounds like a remarkable young man. Continued good wishes sent this way.

Have a good one guys!

Them early birds were noisy this morning did add an extra X for politeness!!!


We are surrounded by trees, but when you want a LAZY sleep in with your husband and they are twirping away......yep!!!

Your brunch sound lovely though, not sure about the nutella French Toast, but I`d bet you`ll make it nice, yes it is fun cooking properly. And lovely they`ll be joining you.

Yep, if you haven`t tried butter tablet, you haven`t experienced anything Scottish!!

I think the next few weeks we`ll start to see the trees start to fill out and look alive again, lovely time of year for nature to start afresh.

Have a great day Janet!

Good Saturday morning everyone :wave2:
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Thank you Carole. I had a wonderful birthday.

Thank you Lynne.

Yes, hoping he will continue to get stronger. I think he has a good Therapist.

I do feel fortunate to have such a loving famiy. Nothing wrong with extending the celebrations for sure.

Thank you, so sweet of you to say that.

Sounds like fun.

Looks like you will have a lot of fruit with all those healthy blooms on the trees.

Sorry to hear your grandson has been sick again. Sending prayers for him that he feels better soon.

Thank you Ruth. It was a very special treat to have a Chef cooked meal at home. I did talk to the Chef a little and he was such a nice fellow. He also does meal prep and delivery for lunch and dinner. It would be nice to have someone make and deliver a few meals a week. Going to keep that on the back burner for now.

Sounds like you have two nice projects going. Would love to see the finished blankets.

Thank you Janet. Fingers and toes crossed that he continues to progress well.

Sounds like you have a feast planned this morning.

Mac glad to hear you were able to get your self back on the boards.

Cloudy this morning. Almost looks like it could rain. Supposed to be 80 today.

Charade congratulations to your hubby on receiving his books.

Up early this morning. Went out and bought hubby some fresh everything bagels. He likes those for breakfast. Publix is baking the Einstein bagels in house so they have an Einstein baking case with 5 different types of fresh baked bagels everyday.

They moved the Crewed liftoff to tonight at 11:16 pm. Will need to talk to fellow Rocket Sista’s about going up for the view of the lift off. Might not be worth it with all this cloud cover. Will see how the day goes.

We did go out and celebrate our birthdays together. Then we came back to my house for some wine and some sweet treats. They liked their birthday gift bags with all the goodies I put in them. I know they like to shop so I bought them gift certificates to their favorite stores and some other nice things.

My friend across the street bought us all a matching necklaces. It was so sweet of her and fitting for all the Rocket Sista’s to have a necklace with a moon, rocket and spaceman on it.

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I did not sleep well last night so I know a nap is going to happen today for sure. I have a few things to do outside today so need to get scootin.

Have a wonderful day everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

Weirdly although that tree has apple blosson flowers, it`s not an apple tree, but when it`s fully bloomed, it is stunning, even for just a few weeks, or a very heavy wind lol......

Your necklace is lovely, glad you enjoyed such an extended birthday, have a great weekend!

naps are a good way to keep us refreshed and going.
Enjoy yours later today.

I am late but happy belated birthday day!

Better late than never mac...... :)

It`s been a lovely Saturday so far, although I am very confused with the actual GP race being on today instead of the usual Sunday, now I`m thinking this is Sunday.

Beautiful morning, a little duller this afternoon and a little rain but wandered down to the fruit trees and they are coming along nicely.

Some little flowers making an appearance.


Didn`t bother with lunch as breakfast was so filling and a little late due to sleeping a little later, can`t beat that extra snuggle in the French Toast with bacon and some fresh fruit, and yep that third pot of tea. Just had some spicy chips and dip earlier, and just had an early glass of wine, Tom surprised me and brought it through, well it would be rude to say no!!

Won`t be eating till much later, maybe aroud 7ish then we`ll choose a movie for tonight

Nice lazy Saturday as is usual for us....I must sound like a broken record with that!!


You were very close..

Left the Chicago area for a different state.

I moved 8 years, 2 months ago to Georgia.
Say, Mac, I have a moderator question, I guess? I have 23 notices but they are all repeats. Some of them are repeated 4 or 5 times, same message. I wonder if it's my computer or something going on with the DIS? Thanks:)
I may not eat the rest of the day.
Even made ohanas pog juice, family loves. The Nutella French toast to left of it

Off to see dune 2 after grabbing a large hot tea to go.

My friend across the street bought us all a matching necklaces
Those are lovely, so thoughtful
naps are a good way to keep us refreshed and going.
I wish I had that skill. Naps make me even crankier than usual, unless I’m sick
said free breakfast was busy when they went down for it at the hotel they are at. They had a great day yesterday, and concert for tonight too.
Sounds like they are having a great time!
Some little flowers making an appearance.
And they are purple!
I may not eat the rest of the day.
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Even made ohanas pog juice, family loves. The Nutella French toast to left of it

Off to see dune 2 after grabbing a large hot tea to go.

Those are lovely, so thoughtful

I wish I had that skill. Naps make me even crankier than usual, unless I’m sick

Sounds like they are having a great time!

And they are purple!

That looks gorgeous Janet!! French Toast too.....yep, that would keep an army going for the day.

Enjoy the movie, is that an old one???

About to have our curry, it is bouncing down with rain outside, so it`s nice to be inside where it`s cosy.

Love a Saturday night 🍷 🥰
It rained almost all day yesterday but today was gorgeous. The weather was almost perfect for being outdoors. Fifteen years ago today we had this:

Aside from the weather, yesterday was pretty good. I had to have the a/c in my car repaired. Usually I take my car to a neighborhood mechanic, but the last time I had an a/c issue (different car) they were unable to fix it and I ended up taking it to the dealer. This time I took it straight to the dealer knowing it would probably cost more. It turned out that I have an extended warranty that I had forgotten about and the repair was covered 100%. I was thrilled to hear that.

Last night dh and I went to see a traveling Wheel of Fortune show. One of my friends was there too. I was hoping she would get picked to participate, but unfortunately she didn’t. They chose a young guy who was sitting in the row behind us. His friends were screaming and cheering really loudly. It was annoying dh so I reminded him that’s how I feel when he starts screaming at football games.

My cats still have not read the note that breakfast is served for them at 7:00 am.
Mine wants to eat at 5:00 or earlier. I try to make him wait until 7:00, but dh will give in and feed him early.

I hope your daughter finds something she likes, that's the main thing. I dont blame her for not wanting to be a teacher nowadays. I don't have the temperament for it.
Thanks. She doesn’t have the temperament for it either.

Wow, you stayed up late stitching!
It’s kind of like “just one more chapter” with reading only for me it’s “I just need to finish this section” or “I’ll stitch until I run out of this thread color”.

Oh, there’s been a few women who had a Pete Davidson era
Davison, not Davidson. Lol. I cannot even begin to picture Pete Davidson as The Doctor.

Publix is baking the Einstein bagels in house so they have an Einstein baking case with 5 different types of fresh baked bagels everyday.
I miss Publix. We have one Einstein Bagel shop in town, but it’s on the university campus.

They moved the Crewed liftoff to tonight at 11:16 pm. Will need to talk to fellow Rocket Sista’s about going up for the view of the lift off. Might not be worth it with all this cloud cover. Will see how the day goes.
A night launch will be awesome to watch if it’s clear tonight. I have a night launch poster that I bought ages ago.

Some little flowers making an appearance.
Very pretty.

I may not eat the rest of the day.
Wow, that’s an awesome spread.

Almost forgot, today I got some annoying news. Remember my car wreck? I got a notice from the other person’s insurance company. They say that she didn’t have an active policy at the time of the accident. So I was hit by a teenager who was driving her mother’s uninsured car. State Farm is currently trying to recover my deductible, but I suspect I will never see that money.
Holy heck charade ……
You now are told the teen did not have car insurance?
That’s just plain nuts you are now stuck for the coverage costs using your insurance policy.

people know when they have coverage.
Do they even think they can walk away and not be held responsible?
Our neighbor mowed their lawn today.
We are holding off and waiting for at least another week before we have ours done.

Well, we don’t do the mowing but hire it out.
Our back yard looks a tad shady but front yard is not too bad.

Our flowers bloomed quite a bit except the rose bushes.

But once the temperatures keep holding at 70 degrees, it will be a weekly mow then.
Holy heck charade ……
You now are told the teen did not have car insurance?
That’s just plain nuts you are now stuck for the coverage costs using your insurance policy.

people know when they have coverage.
Do they even think they can walk away and not be held responsible?
Yep. Makes me wonder what she showed the police officer when he asked for proof of insurance. It’s possible that the girl wasn’t aware that she had no insurance, but what kind of mom would let her kid drive knowing that she didn’t have insurance? She is 19, so technically an adult, but still…..
Thankfully my car has been repaired and all I had to pay was the deductible, which wasn’t too high.
Yep. Makes me wonder what she showed the police officer when he asked for proof of insurance. It’s possible that the girl wasn’t aware that she had no insurance, but what kind of mom would let her kid drive knowing that she didn’t have insurance? She is 19, so technically an adult, but still…..
Thankfully my car has been repaired and all I had to pay was the deductible, which wasn’t too high.
You know that there are some people that just does not think.
At age 19, she needs to catch on quickly and get with the program…just saying.
Janet… did you have any leftovers from that meal you made? had the same thoughts I did......we could eat all day at Janet`s I imagine!!!

It rained almost all day yesterday but today was gorgeous. The weather was almost perfect for being outdoors. Fifteen years ago today we had this:
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Aside from the weather, yesterday was pretty good. I had to have the a/c in my car repaired. Usually I take my car to a neighborhood mechanic, but the last time I had an a/c issue (different car) they were unable to fix it and I ended up taking it to the dealer. This time I took it straight to the dealer knowing it would probably cost more. It turned out that I have an extended warranty that I had forgotten about and the repair was covered 100%. I was thrilled to hear that.

Last night dh and I went to see a traveling Wheel of Fortune show. One of my friends was there too. I was hoping she would get picked to participate, but unfortunately she didn’t. They chose a young guy who was sitting in the row behind us. His friends were screaming and cheering really loudly. It was annoying dh so I reminded him that’s how I feel when he starts screaming at football games.

Mine wants to eat at 5:00 or earlier. I try to make him wait until 7:00, but dh will give in and feed him early.

Thanks. She doesn’t have the temperament for it either.

It’s kind of like “just one more chapter” with reading only for me it’s “I just need to finish this section” or “I’ll stitch until I run out of this thread color”.

Davison, not Davidson. Lol. I cannot even begin to picture Pete Davidson as The Doctor.

I miss Publix. We have one Einstein Bagel shop in town, but it’s on the university campus.

A night launch will be awesome to watch if it’s clear tonight. I have a night launch poster that I bought ages ago.

Very pretty.

Wow, that’s an awesome spread.

Almost forgot, today I got some annoying news. Remember my car wreck? I got a notice from the other person’s insurance company. They say that she didn’t have an active policy at the time of the accident. So I was hit by a teenager who was driving her mother’s uninsured car. State Farm is currently trying to recover my deductible, but I suspect I will never see that money.

I love that picture!!! Childhood personified, enjoying the snow without a care in the world.

That sucks with the other driver! Hopefully you`ll be lucky, but doesn`t sound positive.

Our neighbor mowed their lawn today.
We are holding off and waiting for at least another week before we have ours done.

Well, we don’t do the mowing but hire it out.
Our back yard looks a tad shady but front yard is not too bad.

Our flowers bloomed quite a bit except the rose bushes.

But once the temperatures keep holding at 70 degrees, it will be a weekly mow then.

It is a nice feeling when the lawns start to get mowed again, your rose bushes will bloom when the real heat starts up. Our spring flowers are all popping through now, hopefully we don`t get a hard frost or heaven forbid anymore snow or they`ll disappear again.

We`ve had so much rain our gardener says it`ll be a few weeks yet before he can even consider getting them done.

Yep. Makes me wonder what she showed the police officer when he asked for proof of insurance. It’s possible that the girl wasn’t aware that she had no insurance, but what kind of mom would let her kid drive knowing that she didn’t have insurance? She is 19, so technically an adult, but still…..
Thankfully my car has been repaired and all I had to pay was the deductible, which wasn’t too high.

No excuse with her age from them, 19 is adult enough to know right from wrong, and yes what was the mother thinking! And as you say it didn`t cost you too much and no injuries best of all.

Sat up late last night watching movies, one called Spotlight which was very good, I don`t normally like Michael Keaton, not sure why, but he was good in this one and Stanley Tucci was in it too, he can do no wrong in a movie! But, late night, so never heard those noisy yakky early birds this morning although it was maybe a little cold for them.

Will be eager to hear from Kyle later as he and a gang of the running club are doing a half marathon today, I know what time he hopes to do and doesn`t appear to be very windy up there so fingers crossed he does well!!!

Beef in ale for us tonight for dinner, marinaded it ovenight, last time I made it too bitter, so won`t make that mistake this time, will serve it with mash and roast purple and white carrots we have. Lunch will be whatever......but poached egg on toast for breakfast with some melon and berries. On my third cuppa this morning, used one of the larger teapots, will make fresh when sleeping beauty gets up for breakfast.

Quiet week ahead, Tom is volunteering three afternoons this week and maybe one morning, I`m in school either tomorrow or Tuesday morning, but that aside apart from Wednesday lunch with some friends, not much going on for us, might get a couple of walks in if the weather behaves, shake off the cobwebs.

More tea I think, perfect and lazy Sunday ahead for us........ 🫖

Have a lovely Sunday!


Charade, that stinks. Doesn’t make it right when someone drives uninsured. Long time ago, my mom got hit by an uninsured person. She sued him in small claims court. She got a verdict he’d have to pay her for damaging her car. He never paid anything, and she was out the money to fix the car. Back then I don’t think insurance is what it is today. To drive in my state, you have to show valid insurance every time you annually register your car. But glad you got your AC fixed, and how nice to see was covered by warranty. Before you know it, will be glad to having blowing in your car.

Weather. And what a day later makes. Glorious sunshine we have, and while 20 degrees when we woke up, and heating up nicely and now, 43 degrees already. 64 degrees the high. But bad hair alert. Windy day, so I’ll be tying up my hair with those 15 mph wind gusts we have.

And our usual Sunday. Kids come home, but will most likely see them at my sister’s home before they do. And trash out, as DH likes to do it early. After dinner, the cans get dragged to the curb. Alarm already set, even as we got up right around when it will be going off tomorrow.

Leaving with a picture from little one, as she took on a scenic overlook in the rainy, foggy afternoon they had yesterday:

Morning all, getting ready to go hoofing around the track, a lovely stretch of weather brewing.

Dune movie was long but, interesting. Suffered poor editing the last hour or so. I enjoy the cinematography. Figured worst case I’d get a good nap.

Later going to try making a round roast in the instapot. Two of the boys have saved a seat at the table. Haven’t bought one in years as never a fan of the meat texture. Supposedly, it will be tender. Show me :)

Tomorrow, getting that knee/baker’s cyst checked by the podiatrist. Saw my Dr Friday. Had to laugh, they have 2,000+ current patients in the combined practice group. Said he’s never encountered one before, even as a resident/intern & that the other drs who weren’t in the office that day would be jealous. LOL I’m so darn special.
Davison, not Davidson. Lol. I cannot even begin to picture Pete Davidson as The Doctor.

I miss Publix. We have one Einstein Bagel shop in town, but it’s on the university campus.

A night launch will be awesome to watch if it’s clear tonight. I have a night launch poster that I bought ages ago.

Very pretty.

Wow, that’s an awesome spread.

Almost forgot, today I got some annoying news. Remember my car wreck? I got a notice from the other person’s insurance company. They say that she didn’t have an active policy at the time of the accident. So I was hit by a teenager who was driving her mother’s uninsured car. State Farm is currently trying to recover my deductible, but I suspect I will never see that money.
Haha that would be a bit trippy to see that Pete as the dr. Saw a meme other day, in response to conspiracy theories re Kate Middleton being out of the public eye. Obviously, photoshopped, still funny

Well, that stinks re the insurance snafu

people know when they have coverage.
Do they even think they can walk away and not be held responsible?
Far as I know, they can’t. At very least a civil judgement
what kind of mom would let her kid drive knowing that she didn’t have insurance? She is 19, so technically an adult, but still…..
Thankfully my car has been repaired and all I had to pay was the deductible, which wasn’t too high.
way it goes here, onus is on the car owner to have insurance on car. Thot they all offered coverage on whomever you let pilot your car as long as not in a commercial sort of way (driving for uber etc.) had the same thoughts I did......we could eat all day at Janet`s I imagine!!!
Majority of leftovers, left lol. Did have a bite of the french toast this am with my coffee. Think there may be a few bits of ham in the fridge
Long time ago, my mom got hit by an uninsured person. She sued him in small claims court. She got a verdict he’d have to pay her for damaging her car. He never paid anything, and she was out the money to fix the car. Back then I don’t think insurance is what it is today. To drive in my state, you have to show valid insurance every time you annually register your car.
Indeed, and if you don’t keep that car insurance up, the state police will come a-knocking for your plate. Assume that man was living his life in a judgement proof manner.


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