‘McMissile’ moment lands mother in jail

Even worse what if she threw that into a car with someone armed with a gun.

That could have been real bad ,road stopped ,no where to go and this person would have killed the SiL her baby to be,the other kids and all.

I did things way back when but it was alot different then then it is now.
Gotta be the dissenter here. I think they ought to crack down on stuff like this right away. 2 years seems good. Ought to deter people in the future.

You just can't have people doing stuff like this. It's dangerous and, IMO, ought to be nipped in the bud.

Kids around here were tossing stuff off bridges. Got their hands slapped (when caught)...until some woman died. THEN they started cracking down on them and it ended. Why wait until someone dies?

If you are playing traffic games, you go to jail.

This is one reason I'm not an elected official. :)

Please take this in the joking manner that it's intended, but I'm hearing Barney Fife.:rotfl:
SwedishMeatball, thanks for a great comment. How nice it would be if we could return to those "good old days": Andy would give the bad girl a "talking to" and the other driver a "little bit of advice", we would all smile over the wisdom of the Sheriff, and everyone would drive a little safer. Imnoprince is right, way back then was a long time ago, but I have to admit that two years of incarceration (just because she was too poor to have a decent attorney) makes me want the wisdom of an Andy Griffith back.

Crazy :sad2:

Also, I'm generally pretty skeptical about a lot of claims about deterrence. I think there are certainly some cases in which consequences can matter. Teenagers doing stupid things for fun, for example. Probably first offending drunk driving when one is not over the legal limit by very much. But other crimes--murder, rape, kidnapping, bank robbery--I just think unless one is extremely smart and calculating people just aren't thinking very rationally about their self-interest when they commit these crimes. (Well maybe they are with rape, since it actually gets prosecuted infrequently and rarely results in conviction compared to other crimes.) I mean, whether the penalty for murder is 20 years or the death penalty, how could it ever be in the average person's self-interest to risk either?

In the case of "road rage", or a person "snapping", or a "crime of passion" I'm even more skeptical. If it really is a rage, a snapping, or a passion, then by definition the person isn't thinking clearly. So how will the consequences matter to them at that moment?
A cup filled with ice is what she had at hand, but what if it had been something not nearly so innocuous? What if it had hit the other driver just right, and caused her to lose control of her car? She lost control of herself, WHILE she was behind the wheel of a car, and WHILE she had small children in the car. Not that has anything to do with the charge, but if she acted with such disregard in a position of such responsibility, she cared not for the repercussions of her actions, and needs a little legal punishment to teach her.
Two years in jail is ALOT more than a 'little legal punishment' to teach her a lesson.

I am not saying she shouldn't have been punished. I just think incarceration of a length time should be reserved for much more serious crimes.

30 days, which she has already done, is MORE than enough time to give this woman a wake up call.

We don't have enough jail space for the people who really need to be there for a long, long time. Don't crowd the jails with people who are dumb jerks. Fine the crap out of them, send the to anger mgmt classes.
Two years in jail is ALOT more than a 'little legal punishment' to teach her a lesson.

I am not saying she shouldn't have been punished. I just think incarceration of a length time should be reserved for much more serious crimes.

30 days, which she has already done, is MORE than enough time to give this woman a wake up call.

We don't have enough jail space for the people who really need to be there for a long, long time. Don't crowd the jails with people who are dumb jerks. Fine the crap out of them, send the to anger mgmt classes.


what she said.
I agree, community service and a hefty fine would be more than sufficient for this type of thing! Now 3 kids are without a mom, her husband in Iraq is probably sick with worry and putting him in danger, and the tax payers are paying $$ for her jail sentence when there are real criminals out there that should be put behind bars!
I agree, community service and a hefty fine would be more than sufficient for this type of thing! Now 3 kids are without a mom, her husband in Iraq is probably sick with worry and putting him in danger, and the tax payers are paying $$ for her jail sentence when there are real criminals out there that should be put behind bars!

But it's the mom's fault! We can't let people break the law and then look at how it will effect their particular lifestyle before we decide on their punishment. She is the one who should have been thinking about her children's welfare before she assaulted someone else.

Sorry, but if my car were in a parking lot and I came back to find that someone had dumped a drink inside it, I would want that person charged with vandalism. If I were standing outside and someone threw a cup of ice at me, I would want them charged with assault. When I put those two things together it seems pretty serious to me.

It is the first time she has been caught. I would assume that this might be a good indication of what kind of person this woman is. Normal people don't throw things at others while driving.
I think the sentence is too long but she should go a bit longer than 30 days IMO. I think a sentence of 6 months or so since she's likely to get out earlier would have been adequate. She needs some time to cool her heels and to hopefully never do anything that stupid again. People could have been killed if the cars had been moving at high speed and that's serious IMO.
Lucky she wasn't in New Orleans probley woulda popped a cap on her azzz.
That was the first thing that I thought too. If she didn't get shot right then, her body would be found later on the street with a small hole in the head.

Can't diss someone like that w/o retribution in the streets. A two year lock up would be lengthening her life expectancy by two years.
2 years seems extremely excessive, but the mom was sooo stupid for throwing anything out her window at another car. I had a similar thing happen to me when I was in my early-twenties. I was driving about 7 mph over the speed limit on a 2-lane street and this jerk thought that I wasn't driving fast enough. He tailgated me for about 30 seconds until I slowed down so he could drive around me in the left lane. That's when he decided to throw his half-drank Slurpee out of his window at me and it hit the side of my car! I went absolutely nuts and followed him to the first traffic light, where we were both forced to stop behind other cars at a red. I got out and dared him to step out of his car. I tell you, I would have strangled the guy if he would have rolled down his window. I'd say the guy was in his mid-40 and he looked like he was going to cry as I pounded on his window and begged him to get out of the car. I still get fired up when I think about it! He ended up saying he was sorry (through his rolled up window) and asked me to please leave him alone. I just let him drive away, calmed down, and took my car through the car wash, but I tell you...it's jerks like him, and the lady who threw the ice, who make it dangerous for other drivers out there.
I still think the only reason this went to court was because she was POOR and had an attorney who failed to consider the consequences for his client, did not seek some sort of community service deal w/ the DA prior to the trial and neglected his responsibility to vigorously defend his client. Any attorney should know when the DA wants blood, and this appeared to be the case. If she could have afforded adequate (paid) counsel, there would have been no case.

I hope some Va attorney does a pro bono and gets her home to her babies, soon.

I still think the only reason this went to court was because she was POOR and had an attorney who failed to consider the consequences for his client, did not seek some sort of community service deal w/ the DA prior to the trial and neglected his responsibility to vigorously defend his client. Any attorney should know when the DA wants blood, and this appeared to be the case. If she could have afforded adequate (paid) counsel, there would have been no case.

I hope some Va attorney does a pro bono and gets her home to her babies, soon.


And if that happens I hope that this woman starts thinking about the welfare of her babies and stops doing stupid things that put her family at risk.
They don't mess around in Virginia. With so much going on in her life -- 3 children under 6, a husband that has spent multiple tours of duty in Iraq and a pregnant sister -- it looks like she just snapped. I don't think she should get to walk away scot free, but 2 years is jail? The judge has the option of not sentencing her to jail for 2 years and I certainly hope that he doesn't. Personally, I think she needs some sort of Anger Management program not 2 years in jail.

She should have claimed she had PMS. Somebody did that in Virginia a few years ago and got off for assaulting a police officer.


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