ºoº "13" more days to 2004 Mousefest Mega-Mouse Meet...yeeaaa!

:wave: Deb Wills sent an email through her Mousefest link updating meets.

ºoº She has listed a email on her Mousefest site to sign up for the December 10th, AK Mouseboggler's Meet.

ºoº The specific location for the Mousefest Mega-Mouse Meet will be in the Ballroom Salon #10 of the Swan Resort.

ºoº If you are on Deb Wills www.allearsnet.com special Mousefest email, she said that she will send out links to sign up for the Illumintion Cruises on the five nights of Mousefest. And that they will be sent out in the near future.

ºoº The 2004 WDW Great Race starts at Epcot with host: Jeff(Tiggerfan), Jen(JenKatt), and Rob. He has set up an email to sign up.

Ray :wave:
:wave: "49" more days until Mousefest.

You're welcome John. Deb has a special Mousefest update email if you want to sign up.

Ray :wave:
:wave: 47 more days until the 2004 Mousefest Mega-Mouse Meet.

The next Mousefest Meet that I will try to go to wil be at Epcot on Thursday, December 9, 2004 at 1500 to 1600. Dr. Steven Barret, the author of "The Hidden Mickey's Book" will be giving a short tour of an area of Epcot pointing out a lot of Hidden Mickeys.

He hasn't set a meeting place yet. As soon as he does, I'll post it here. Last year I was at Animal Kingdom park and he gave an outstanding Hidden Mickey tour. This year he will be planning a tour at each of the parks.

This will be his first one after coming back from the Mousefest DCL Wonder Cruise.

Come on by and talk with Dr. Steven Barrett and bring you "Hidden Mickey's Book", too.

A great way to meet and great everyone.

I hope to see you there.

Ray :wave:
:wave: Hi, Danny and Krista. I can't wait until my first cruise. There will be seven meets on the 4-day Wonder.

46 more days until the 2004 Mousefest Mega-Mouse Meet.

After the Hidden Mickey's Hunt with Dr. Steven Barrett, I'm hoping that we will be close to Epcot's Norway. Jennifer and Dave Marx, the authors of the Passporter books, will be holding a meet at the Norway Viking ship for parents and kids to play explore. It's called the Allie and Alexander Viking Cruise Meet, because Jennifer and Dave will have their kids there to meet and greet everyone from 1600 to 1700 on Thursday, December 9, 2004.

This will be a great chance to meet both authors and their newborn. And to have your kids have fun on the Viking playground on the left side of Norway pavilion.

Ray :wave:
:wave: Hi, everyone. Only "45" more days until the 2004 Mousefest Mega-Mouse Meet.

Here is another Mousefest meet being held on Thursday night, December 9, 2004. A lot of people from many different forums have made their own Priority Seatings between 1600 and 1900 at the Magic Kingdom's Liberty Tree Tavern and Crystal Palace before the official start of the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at 1900. For the past several years, WDW has allowed MVMCP ticket holders to enter at 1600.

Deb Wills, founder of AllEarsNet.com, and Dave Card of Tagrel.com will be hosting a Mousefest MVMCP Wishes fireworks meet at about 15 minutes before the spectacular MVMCP Wishes fireworks in the path walkways of the Rose Garden.

The Magic Kingdom Rose Garden has two entrances along the walkway from the center circle area in front of the castle. One entrance to the Rose Garden is toward the Tomorrowland and the other is toward the Cosmic Ray's restaurant or the Teacup's attraction. There are some benches along the paths toward a covered pavilion at the bottom.

I don't know where exactly along the Rose Garden pathway everyone will be, but I like the pathway on the Tomorrowland side. I have sat on one of the three benches there and watched the Wishes fireworks.

The Mousefest MVMCP Wishes Meet Hosts, Deb Wills and Dave Card requests everyone to arrive 15 minutes before the Wishes fireworks begin. Last year, the MVMCP Wishes fireworks started at 2115.

Deb Wills and Dave Card will be handing out the official 2004 Mousefest itineraries in booklet form that are listed on Deb's web site.

You might want to show up a little early. Don't forget that the MVMCP Holiday Parade will probably just have finished and the area will be crowded with viewers and people looking for spots to watch the Wishes fireworks.

Last year, the DIS had a MVMCP Holiday Parade meet near the Liberty Tree Tavern and Christmas shop for the first parade. Then some of us tried to follow and keep up with Dan Murphy's very long legs as he walked from the Hall of Presidents, past the "it's a small world", past the merry go round, past the teacups and Cosmic Ray's, and then down the entrance to the Rose Garden up the other side of the Rose Garden and watched the Fireworks. I almost had a heart attack...lol... trying to keep up with Dan Murphy with his long legs, but we all made it.

The view of the Wishes fireworks were beautiful with the grassy area in front of us. The castle on our left and the fireworks over the trees in front of us.

I hope to see you there.

:wave: Ray
:wave: Hi, everyone. ºoº "44" days to WDW Mousefest Mega-Mouse Meet. ºoº

If you are not at Mickey's Very Merry Christmat Party on Thursday, December 9, 2004, there will be an Illumination's Cruise at Epcot.

Mousefest has not listed the sign-ups, nor the times for this event, but Deb Wills sent out a Mousefest Update saying that she is getting close and will sent out another Mousefest Update via her special email Mousefest update.

If you would like to sign up for these 2004 Mousefest Updates, then go to Deb Wills web site at www.AllEarsNet.com and click on the Mousefest icon on the bottom right of the screen. Then scroll down until you see a sentence that asks you if you would like to sign up for the special Mousefest Updates.

These 2004 Mousefest Updates do not come out at regular intervals. They are only sent out when something new comes up or needs to be addressed. Once you sign up for this yahoo email you can see the other four or five updates that have been sent out over the last several months.

These 2004 Mousefest Illumination Cruises will be held on five nights of the 2004 Mousefest Meets.

They "TENTATIVELY"will be held on Thursday, December 9, 2004,
Friday, December 10, 2004,
Saturday, December 11, 2004,
Sunday, December 12, 2004,
Monday, December 13,2004.

I don't know if there will be one pontoon boat or several pontoon boats available.

I don't know how much they may charge per person.

I don't know when or what the registration process will be, but when I get the 2004 Mousefest Update email, I will post it here.

Or you could get the same update by signing up as I described above.

These Epcot Illumination Cruises are so much fun.

You usually meet at the Beach and Yacht Club Resort Marina at a certain time. You board the pontoon boats that are led by a seasoned Castmember who usually gives you a little tour of the lake around the Boardwalk, Swan, Dolphin and MGM areas.

Then the captain will head toward Epcot and park side by side under the bridge with the other pontoon boats well before the Epcot Illumintion fireworks start. This bridge is located between the British and French lands.

A great view from a lake level view.

I hope to hear about the information soon. From past experience, they fill up very fast.

Or you could try and rent a pontoon boat yourself for the Illumintion's Cruise by paying the whole fee, and collect the individual fees from other friends that you might want to invite to help defray the costs.

Both the 2004 Mousefest Illumination's Cruise Meet would be a great way to participate in Mousefest and meet many other Disney fans from so many other Disney web sites. Who knows, you may be sitting next to one of the Disney authors or Disney Web site Founders.

Ray :wave:
:wave: Hi, everyone. Only 43 more days until the 2004 Mousefest MegaMouse Meet.

Well, if you didn't go to Epcot's Illumination Cruise and you are still at the Magic Kingdom's Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party, here's another Mousefest meet held by the Tagrel.com.

Last year, the second MVMCP Holiday Parade started at 2215.

On Thursday, December 9, 2004, at about 15 minutes before the second Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party Holiday Parade, www.tagrel.com hosts LimeGreenCheri and SuzyQ will hold a Mousefest Tagrel MVMCP Parade Meet on the Front porch of the Liberty Tree Tavern.

So if you didn't see the first parade, or if you just want to see it a second time, why don't you drop by and meet some great Mousefest Tagrel people and watch the parade with a bunch of Disney loving people.

Get to know the friendly people from Tagrel.com by posting on their site and RSVP on their meet thread. Dave Card, founder of Tagrel.com is also co-hosting with Deb Wills, founder of AllEarsNet.com at the Mousefest Wishes Meet earlier in the evening.

Ray :wave:
:wave: Hi, everyone. 41 more days until the MegaMouse Meet.

I just discovered that there are 617 people that have signed up for Deb Wills AllEarsNet 2004 Mousefest "UPDATE" email list. I know that this may not mean that 617 people may actually show up for Mousefest. But it is interesting that there are 617 people that want to know about the 2004 Mousefest Updates.

You can go to Deb Wills 2004 Mousefest website direct link listed here at for her list of meets at: www.allearsnet.com/btp/mousefest.htm
You can also go to following site to sign up for Deb Wills AllEarsNet 2004 Mousefest "UPDATES". This Yahoo account can show you the past updates by clicking "messages", and you can also click "members" to see how many people have signed up for this email update and is interested or may come to Mousefest. Can you believe over "617" have signed up so far since 10/30/04?!!! Here is the link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/2004MF/join

So I guess this is a way to sign up for the 2004 Mousefest Mega-Mouse Meet if you are interested to let Deb Wills and the other Web Founders if you are interested in coming to the 2004 Mousefest.

I think that last year under 200 people signed up, but almost 400 actually came to the 2003 Mousefest MegaMouse Meet. If 617 have signed up now, could another 400 show up that aren't signed up? Could there be over a 1000 people there? Wowzer!!!!!!

Ray :wave:
No Ray Sharpton meets this year?
Ray, I enjoyed your Electric Umbrella and Epcot Tree Lighting meets last year, and of course I'll see you at some of the Mousefest meets, but aren't you going to host any meets this year?
Originally posted by Carl
No Ray Sharpton meets this year?
Ray, I enjoyed your Electric Umbrella and Epcot Tree Lighting meets last year, and of course I'll see you at some of the Mousefest meets, but aren't you going to host any meets this year?

:wave:Hi, Carl. No hosting for me this year. I was waiting to see if the DIS was going to do anything.

There are plenty of meets to keep me busy this year...lol.

Ray :wave:
:wave: Hi, everyone. 39 days until the 2004 Mousefest Mega-Mouse Meet.

The 2004 Mousefest Illuminations Cruise request form and payment details for the five nights of December 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, 2004 are listed on the following link:


I am not part of Mousefest organizing, but I thought that I would pass this information along to you. Everything you need to know is in the link above or you can email the organizer in the link above.

Here is a quote frm that web page. It is very easy to sign up for these cruises. If there is an empty space, you can request that particular night, and boat number. But please remember that these spots will fill up fast, and even though there may be a space listed as blank that you chose, the web site may not be updated at the time that you make your request. So please be patient and wait for a response by email to your request and later you will see your name listed on the boat that you chose.

The instructions are very clear and easy to follow. It looks like that there will be ten people per boat. Some of these boats are designated as web founders boats and that is why you may not find an empty space on that particular boat because the guest may have already been given to the possibly the guest Disney authors or Disney web founders.

Again...here is part of the quotes from the link above:
Whether you're a regular participant or occasional visitor in one of the many communities participating in MouseFest, or just someone who loves Disney World, all are welcome to join us for this magical V.I.P. experience!

Cruises depart from the Yacht Club and take a tour around Crescent Lake before heading to Epcot. All boats park under the bridge between U.K. and France for a great view of IllumiNations!

The Boats
Each SunTracker "Party Barge" can hold 10 people (or 11 if some of them are small children). The boats are very comfortable with padded seats, and the captains are knowledgeable and accommodating (sharing WDW trivia, supplying blankets if it's a chilly night, etc.)

SunTracker "Party Barge"
NOTE: The boats are not accessible for wheelchairs or ECVs -- the entrance and aisles are too narrow and there is a lip at the entrance. Disabled persons must be able to stand up, walk a few steps, and step over the threshold.

Reservations & Payment
The cruise costs $15/pp, or $16/pp if using PayPal, for all passengers age 3 or older. Park admission is not needed. There is no charge for children under 3, but they must be included in your reservation count and they must sit on your lap at all times. Payment is due when you make your reservation, and can be paid by PayPal, check, or money order. If we do not receive your payment within 10 days, your seat(s) may be released for other cruisers. Refunds are only available if we are able to resell your seat(s).

Where to Meet
Cruises depart from the Yacht Club Boathouse. You can park at the Yacht Club by informing security that you are taking the IllumiNations Cruise. The Boathouse, as seen in the picture below, is the small one-story building near the marina. It is NOT the taller lighthouse where the Friendship boats dock.

Disney's Yacht Club Resort
When to Meet
All passengers should meet at the Yacht Club Boathouse by 8:30 PM on the night you are scheduled to sail. Hosts should arrive by 8:20 PM. Please check in with your Boat Host upon arrival. IllumiNations starts at 9:30 PM. You will be returned to the Yacht Club around 10:00 PM.

If Disney changes their schedule and runs IllumiNations at 9:00 PM instead of 9:30 PM as is usual during December, all parties should meet at the Yacht Club Boathouse at 8:00 PM instead of 8:30 PM.

Ray :wave:
If you want to be on a cruise, you had better sign up QUICKLY. I checked last night within 2 hours of the cruise announcement and most of the boats were available. I checked again this morning and was surprised at how few spaces remained. At this moment, Ray's boat on December 13th has only one passenger (me) and 8 available spaces. Thanks to Ray for being a "boat host" for this event.
I went on one of the MouseFest IllumiNations cruises last December, and it was great! I'm glad you guys are doing it again...wish I could be there!!!
Barry & I will be on a boat on Sat night. John & Ray, sorry we didn't end up on the same night as you, but we've never done an Illuminations Cruise before & I didn't want to miss out by having to wait & see who was going when. I'm sure we'll make some new friends that night!
I haven't planned the rest of our Mousefest itinerary yet since I don't know how many days we'll be coming down. I chose Sat because of the Mega-Mouse Meet.
Hope to see you guys at some of the other meets during MouseFest! :wave2:
As of tonight there aren't many spaces available on any of the boats! Better act quickly if you want one!
I'm thinking seriously about a quickie Sat. night-Tuesday trip to WDW for Mousefest! I'd have to get Sun.-Tues. off work and convince the DH I need to go. I already reserved a room at ASMusic - not my first choice but cheap! I really want to see the parks decorated for Christmas, and see the Osborne Lights (REALLY missed them not being there last year)...plus the special holiday things at Epcot!

**Good news!!! I was able to get the time off work, and my DH didn't grumble too much! So I'm a goin'!!!! :)
HEY!!! The events for Sunday and Monday (Dec. 12 and 13) at the MK and MGM seem kind of sparse. Surely you will want to do Who Wants to Be A Millionaire at MGM!

Also, is anyone doing a CP dinner package on Sunday, Dec. 12th? I thought about going to MVMCP on the 12th, but don't want to go alone, and don't want to spend the money this trip.
Originally posted by NancyIL
HEY!!! The events for Sunday and Monday (Dec. 12 and 13) at the MK and MGM seem kind of sparse.

So I guess you won't be coming to TriviaFest on Monday, huh? :(


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