ºoº "7" Days to 4-day Wonder December 5, 2004, Sunday, 7-Mousefest Meets, UPDATEDºoº

:wave: Hi, Angel and Mark. I'll be in WDW early, too. I'll be going to the Novevember 30th MVMCP with a group from the DIS.

38 more days until our wonderful Wonder cruise.

Another 4-day Wonder Mousefest Cruise meet should be great for anyone that has not been to Nassau before, or if you would like to go with a group.

Come to Dave Marx's, co-author of the Passporter books, to his 'Round Nassau Town Walking Tour on Monday, December 6th. Are you curious about Nassau but not sure about venturing forth alone? Join Passporter's Dave Marx on his own walking tour of the port area. Wear comfortable walking shoes and be prepared for a few steps and hills. You'll be back in time for lunch! Meet at 10:00 am, meet outside Walt Disney Theater (deck 4 forward); Open to Everyone!

See you there.

Ray :wave:
Hello again,

We're thinking about joining the walk around Nassau too. We'll miss the little get together in the port coffee shop though, as we're taking the DCL bus from AKL, and doubt we'll make it there early enough.

Can you post a list of the meets a few days before you leave, say the 25th or so? I'll print it out and put it with my other stuff. Hopefully they'll have a time for the Hidden Mickey walk by then.

Take care,

:wave: Hi everyone. Only 37 more days until our Wonderous, Wonderful, Wonder Cruise.

Here's another Mousefest Meet for adults only. Jennifer and Dave Marx, co-authors of the Passporter books, will be a hosting a 70's night at Wavebands in Route 66 Meet on Tuesday, December 7th.

They request that you come dressed in 70's attire (if you dare...lol) at this 70's Disco Party at 10:00 P.M. at Wavebands on Deck-3-forward. Everyone is welcome.

Now what kind of 70's clothes should I wear...hmmm...I don't know?

Ray :wave:
Originally posted by RaySharpton
Now what kind of 70's clothes should I wear...hmmm...I don't know?
Kev'll be OK - he can just come in his normal gear. ;)
OOOoo Deb

Naughty, naughty, talking about Kev behind his back when he can't defend himself


Well when he gets back from China I'm sure he will be mortified to hear what you have to say about his dress sense. But having said that I'm sure there are some suitable things in his wardrobe that he could wear to the 70's night!! I myself will have to have a trip to the charity shop to find some suitable attire

:wave: Hi, everyone. 35 more days.

I just discovered that there are 617 people that have signed up for Deb Wills AllEarsNet 2004 Mousefest "UPDATE" email list. I know that this may not mean that 617 people may actually show up for Mousefest. But it is interesting that there are 617 people that want to know about the 2004 Mousefest Updates.

You can go to Deb Wills 2004 Mousefest website direct link listed here at for her list of meets at: www.allearsnet.com/btp/mousefest.htm
You can also go to following site to sign up for Deb Wills AllEarsNet 2004 Mousefest "UPDATES". This Yahoo account can show you the past updates by clicking "messages", and you can also click "members" to see how many people have signed up for this email update and is interested or may come to Mousefest. Can you believe over "617" have signed up so far since 10/30/04?!!! Here is the link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/2004MF/join

So I guess this is a way to sign up for the 2004 Mousefest Mega-Mouse Meet if you are interested to let Deb Wills and the other Web Founders if you are interested in coming to the 2004 Mousefest.

I think that last year under 200 people signed up, but almost 400 actually came to the 2003 Mousefest MegaMouse Meet. If 617 have signed up now, could another 400 show up that aren't signed up? Could there be over a 1000 people there? Wowzer!!!!!!

Ray :wave:
:wave: Hi, everyone. Only 34 more days until our wonderful Wonder cruise.

The next Mousefest meet will be a Celebrity Breakfast Meet on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 with Jennifer Watson, Dave Marx and Deb Wills hosting a relaxing breakfast at Parrot Cay at 9:00am. Meet outside Parrot Cay at 8:45 am. We'll all gather and then get seated promptly at 9:00am; Open to Everyone!

So many chances to meet so many Disney people. I hope that you can make it.

Ray :wave:
:wave: Hi, everyone. 33 days until the 2004 4-day Wonder Cruise.

Are you going to WDW after the cruise?

The 2004 Mousefest Illuminations Cruise request form and payment details for the five nights of December 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, 2004 are listed on the following link:


I am not part of Mousefest organizing, but I thought that I would pass this information along to you. Everything you need to know is in the link above or you can email the organizer in the link above.

Here is a quote frm that web page. It is very easy to sign up for these cruises. If there is an empty space, you can request that particular night, and boat number. But please remember that these spots will fill up fast, and even though there may be a space listed as blank that you chose, the web site may not be updated at the time that you make your request. So please be patient and wait for a response by email to your request and later you will see your name listed on the boat that you chose.

The instructions are very clear and easy to follow. It looks like that there will be ten people per boat. Some of these boats are designated as web founders boats and that is why you may not find an empty space on that particular boat because the guest may have already been given to the possibly the guest Disney authors or Disney web founders.

Again...here is part of the quotes from the link above:
Whether you're a regular participant or occasional visitor in one of the many communities participating in MouseFest, or just someone who loves Disney World, all are welcome to join us for this magical V.I.P. experience!

Cruises depart from the Yacht Club and take a tour around Crescent Lake before heading to Epcot. All boats park under the bridge between U.K. and France for a great view of IllumiNations!

The Boats
Each SunTracker "Party Barge" can hold 10 people (or 11 if some of them are small children). The boats are very comfortable with padded seats, and the captains are knowledgeable and accommodating (sharing WDW trivia, supplying blankets if it's a chilly night, etc.)

SunTracker "Party Barge"
NOTE: The boats are not accessible for wheelchairs or ECVs -- the entrance and aisles are too narrow and there is a lip at the entrance. Disabled persons must be able to stand up, walk a few steps, and step over the threshold.

Reservations & Payment
The cruise costs $15/pp, or $16/pp if using PayPal, for all passengers age 3 or older. Park admission is not needed. There is no charge for children under 3, but they must be included in your reservation count and they must sit on your lap at all times. Payment is due when you make your reservation, and can be paid by PayPal, check, or money order. If we do not receive your payment within 10 days, your seat(s) may be released for other cruisers. Refunds are only available if we are able to resell your seat(s).

Where to Meet
Cruises depart from the Yacht Club Boathouse. You can park at the Yacht Club by informing security that you are taking the IllumiNations Cruise. The Boathouse, as seen in the picture below, is the small one-story building near the marina. It is NOT the taller lighthouse where the Friendship boats dock.

Disney's Yacht Club Resort
When to Meet
All passengers should meet at the Yacht Club Boathouse by 8:30 PM on the night you are scheduled to sail. Hosts should arrive by 8:20 PM. Please check in with your Boat Host upon arrival. IllumiNations starts at 9:30 PM. You will be returned to the Yacht Club around 10:00 PM.

If Disney changes their schedule and runs IllumiNations at 9:00 PM instead of 9:30 PM as is usual during December, all parties should meet at the Yacht Club Boathouse at 8:00 PM instead of 8:30 PM.

Ray :wave:
not long now Ray, and everyone!:)

Tam, Im sure you must have some nice incriminating pix of Kev in 70's gear somewhere!;) (just so we know what we're letting ourselves in for!)

:Pinkbounc :bounce:
We're coming too!!! We are Ellen (me), Jason, Jarrett and Owen. Our MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL, niece and nephew will be having a magical gathering! We are SOOO exited. DH and I have been lurking here for months. Anybody got their docs yet? I saw a post of someone from the 12/11 who already got theirs.

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Dreams told us they were printing our docs yesterday and sending them out to us today!:bounce: :Pinkbounc
Guess that means about another week or so before they get to us here in the UK :sunny:
Originally posted by UKANGEL
not long now Ray, and everyone!:)

Tam, Im sure you must have some nice incriminating pix of Kev in 70's gear somewhere!;) (just so we know what we're letting ourselves in for!)

:Pinkbounc :bounce:

Not long at all. And where are those pictures...lol.
Originally posted by virginiamama
We're coming too!!! We are Ellen (me), Jason, Jarrett and Owen. Our MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL, niece and nephew will be having a magical gathering! We are SOOO exited. DH and I have been lurking here for months. Anybody got their docs yet? I saw a post of someone from the 12/11 who already got theirs.

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

:wave: Hi, virginiamama. Wow...you have a whole gathering of people coming. I can't wait to meet you and your family. I haven't got my documents, yet.

Originally posted by mommyof2cuties
No docs here yet. When I get those then it will be real!WHOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!

:wave: Hi, mommyof2cuties and Angel. No docs for me either.

:wave: Hi, everyone. Only "28" more days until the 4-day Wonder Cruise.

ºoº Hidden Mickey Hunt will be held on Wednesday afternoon on December 8, 2004 at 1600 by the author Dr. Steven Barrett. Everyone will meet outside the main entrance to the Triton's restaurant. Open to everyone.

(edited for date correction...thankyou erik.)

Ray :wave:
Originally posted by RaySharpton
ºoº Hidden Mickey Hunt will be held on Wednesday afternoon on December 12, 2004 at 1600 by the author Dr. Steven Barrett. Everyone will meet outside the main entrance to the Triton's restaurant. Open to everyone.

Ray means Dec 8 of course.
Originally posted by erikthewise
Ray means Dec 8 of course.

Thank you erik...you are absolutely right. I was getting confused with his other land tours at all the parks. Thank you.



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