“Dreams Come True Momma!” A 2 year old’s first trip ~ May 2015~Complete {NEW TR LINK!}

Fingers crossed for you on the closing date!

I know how stressful this can be, we closed a few days before Christmas 2 years ago, so sending tons of positive vibes to you!
Just got all caught up on the last few updates.

That Rose & Crown meal/view is great - we will need to get there someday (and hope for that table).
We really did luck out with that table!

Love the video of Little Miss dancing in Epcot - so cute!
It's really is just a special quiet moment.

I didn't know that Mission Space play area was there - I'll have to remember that one.
Apparently a lot of people overlook it. Its a neat little spot. nice and cool too!

Sorry for the bus transportation issues - glad you thought to get a cab. Interested to hear what more is to come on that.

Good luck with getting the closing on the 11th! :goodvibes
THanks. I think it may be more of a dream than a realistic hope at this point.

Oh, for the contest, I'll say Crystal Palace and the Magic Carpets.

Fingers crossed for you on the closing date!
We'll see! At this point though I just hate hanging in the unknown on something so vital.

I know how stressful this can be, we closed a few days before Christmas 2 years ago, so sending tons of positive vibes to you!
Yeah now I know why this is the cheapest time to buy a house. All the smart people don't want to deal with this extra stress at Christmas time! :crazy2: Thannks for the positive vibes!
All caught up! I love the pic of little miss sleeping with the pics of the princesses hanging in the background -- so sweet..so Disney! I'm glad you didn't let the pressure of the no-show bus keep you down.. that's always so nerve wracking, especially when you have an ADR to get too! My guess for the trivia is Crystal Palace and first ride will be Peter Pan!

Wishing you positivity and pixie dust as you proceed to your closing date! :hug: As someone who has recently been in your same position, the best way forward is to go with the flow. As much as we tried to have the lawyers and sellers bend our way -- we always ended up frustrated. The closing will happen -- positive thoughts my friend :) !
Don't have much time right now because I will have to run out soon (to a meeting with our builder! :hyper:) but wanted to give an update...


While it doesn't look like I get the 11th like I have been pushing for They will do it on our second choice date of the 16th. Not ideal and cuts out a vital extra weekend before christmas but I think I can make this work. This is where my stubbornness to make it happen will kick in. (I'm going to have my house and christmas:santa: too dang it!!!! :P)
Great news! I'm glad you at least know what the plan is going forward. It may not be ideal, but you should still have plenty of time to get some of the necessities in place and celebrate Christmas in your new home, even if you can't get everything moved in and unpacked.

Not ideal and cuts out a vital extra weekend before christmas but I think I can make this work. This is where my stubbornness to make it happen will kick in. (I'm going to have my house and christmas:santa: too dang it!!!! :P)
:thumbsup2 Be stubborn.

But your stubborn determination for Christmas success kind of makes me think of a certain speech given by Clark W. Griswold.

Don't have much time right now because I will have to run out soon (to a meeting with our builder! :hyper:) but wanted to give an update...


While it doesn't look like I get the 11th like I have been pushing for They will do it on our second choice date of the 16th. Not ideal and cuts out a vital extra weekend before christmas but I think I can make this work. This is where my stubbornness to make it happen will kick in. (I'm going to have my house and christmas:santa: too dang it!!!! :P)

Wonderful news! It will definitely be a Christmas you will remember for days to come!
Great news! I'm glad you at least know what the plan is going forward. It may not be ideal, but you should still have plenty of time to get some of the necessities in place and celebrate Christmas in your new home, even if you can't get everything moved in and unpacked.
Indeed! and knowing and being able to plan is over half the battle. It also helps that my organization fairy is able to swoop in the day after we have to moving truck come. While things won't be perfect the living spaces will be livable and the Christmas stuff should be mostly up.

:thumbsup2 Be stubborn.

But your stubborn determination for Christmas success kind of makes me think of a certain speech given by Clark W. Griswold.

:rotfl2: DH would tell you that this is a little more spot on than one might think! LOL! :santa:


Congrats! Not ideal but you'll make it work enjoy your new home and the holidays!
:thanks: Gives new meaning to the song "There's no place like home for the holidays!"

Wonderful news! It will definitely be a Christmas you will remember for days to come!
:thanks: Gives new meaning to the song "There's no place like home for the holidays!"
And now time for a few quick fire updates. You never know when I'll be back to get another update up so get the guesses in fast. FYI the quicker the next post is put up the higher the point value will be....


Breakfast In Pooh Corner (5/13/15 Part 2)

We last left off with checking into our ADR and hanging out waiting to be called.








At 7:55 we were called into the restaurant.


We got a table and were quick to get characters to the table.

First up was Tigger:




We tried to get Little Miss to bounce with Tigger but I think she was star struck a bit and she just stared at him.

Next up was Piglet:



And then Eeyore, who she really seemed to love and was thrilled when Eeyore leaned over and gave her a kiss.


After Eeyore came Winnie the Pooh himself.




And about the time that we were done Tigger came back around and this time a certain Little Miss was ready to bounce!

Tigger didn’t stay long with us this time but Little Miss had big fun bouncing with him. She was moving too fast to get decent pictures, only one turned out (sorta).


Soon we were stuffed and Rope Drop was occurring and we were ready to hit the park! So we said goodbye to our Pooh friends and went on our way.



We would for sure do this meal again. The food was very tasty and the character interaction was pretty good. And at $69.49 (with tax and tip *Remember Little Miss was only 2 and therefore free at the time) the price isn’t all that bad!

So with it being right after Rope drop we decided that our first attraction would be to Hit up Peter Pan since we had to skip it on our first day.





I have to say, it was fun. Going into it I wasn’t sure about it because I am not really that big of a fan of the movie but the ride is really well done. Little Miss seemed to love it and recognized Hook and Smee from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

We were off Peter Pan pretty quickly and were on to the next ride.

***Bonus Question****

Where to next?
Trip Report Game Points

@afwdwfan :7pts; CP, PP, First full correct answer

@BlvInMagic : 6pts; CP, PP

@NJlauren : 1pt; CP

@annie170 : 1pt; CP

@pkondz : 1pt; CP

@kadrachb : 1pt; CP

@Dugette : 1pt; CP

@mdsouth : 5pts, PP


annie170 – 44

Dugette – 41

Afwdwfan – 37

Chunkymonkey – 28

Pkondz – 24

Cajunfan – 22

Princessesandpascal – 19

NJLauren - 19

BlvInMagic – 18

Vleeth – 15

Mdsouth – 15

BibbitybobityLu – 11

Kadrachb – 8

LovesTheMouse – 6

ashw100 – 5
Whew! Finally caught up!

CONGRATULATIONS on the HOUSE!!!! You can do your Christmas tree and cookies! I know you can!

Sorry for the drive by post...but,

I think the next ride will be It's a Small World or Mickey's Philharmagic
Tigger didn’t stay long with us this time but Little Miss had big fun bouncing with him. She was moving too fast to get decent pictures, only one turned out (sorta).
That's awesome! I'm glad that Tigger came back and she was ready to bounce.

And at $69.49 (with tax and tip *Remember Little Miss was only 2 and therefore free at the time) the price isn’t all that bad!
You make a great point. These buffet type meals are an absolute bargain before she's 3.

But... well, you'll see. :rolleyes1 :faint:

I have to say, it was fun. Going into it I wasn’t sure about it because I am not really that big of a fan of the movie but the ride is really well done. Little Miss seemed to love it and recognized Hook and Smee from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
Peter Pan is always a good ride to experience. Gotta love the classics. And Jake really is helping give those characters a nice little resurgence, although a much different version of Hook from the original!

Where to next?
Um... Haunted Mansion
Whew! Finally caught up!
She's alive!!!:hmghost::rotfl2:


You can do your Christmas tree and cookies! I know you can!
I'm getting a very important extra helper I didn't think would be able to help. I think it will make all the difference.

Sorry for the drive by post...but,

I think the next ride will be It's a Small World or Mickey's Philharmagic

That's awesome! I'm glad that Tigger came back and she was ready to bounce.
Such a nice extra touch.

You make a great point. These buffet type meals are an absolute bargain before she's 3.

But... well, you'll see. :rolleyes1 :faint:
:crazy2: I'm sure I will eventually. Not as willing to throwdown the money when you have to pay for them.

Peter Pan is always a good ride to experience. Gotta love the classics. And Jake really is helping give those characters a nice little resurgence, although a much different version of Hook from the original!
I like the newer version of Hook myself.

Um... Haunted Mansion
I warned that these would be quick fire updates. Don't assume this will be the last one of the week either.

You didn’t expect us to get away with only one ride a trip did you? (5/13/15 Part 3)

Word of warning, this is update is going to be very light on words and very picture heavy.

So with Little Miss in tow and standing at the exit to Peter Pan is there any way that our next ride WOULDN’T be It’s a Small World?

It was walk on and we breezed through and found ourselves on our cruse quickly.






















It was a wonderful cruise but with the clock striking 9:30 we had somewhere we needed to get to.

***Bonus Time***

Who or What do we see/do next?
Trip Report Game Points
(I told you that the quick fire rounds would be a nice chunk of points!)

@BlvInMagic : 11 pts; rapid fire bonus, Small World, first correct answer bonus

@cajunfan : 10pts; Small world, Rapid fire bonus


annie170 – 44

Dugette – 41

Afwdwfan – 37

Cajunfan – 32

BlvInMagic – 29

Chunkymonkey – 28

Pkondz – 24

Princessesandpascal – 19

NJLauren - 19

Vleeth – 15

Mdsouth – 15

BibbitybobityLu – 11

Kadrachb – 8

LovesTheMouse – 6

ashw100 – 5
Now I am thinking Mickey's Philharmagic!

Lol....I was thinking I should get a gazillion points for getting that last one...


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