“Dreams Come True Momma!” A 2 year old’s first trip ~ May 2015~Complete {NEW TR LINK!}

It sounds like a great lunch at BOG! Did Little Miss enjoy the meal? We have an ADR booked here for May but I'm not sure how the boys will like the food.

What a sweet moment in the restroom - things like that make all the planning worth it!

Fun meet with Stitch - he's always so cute!

Excited to hear about your parade FP+ experience!

And my guess is 101 pictures!
Oh and we had the exact same experience with Anna vs. Elsa. True to personalities I guess? And we met the same friend of Elsa...pretty but not much beyond holding their hand and smiling for a picture.
207 pictures! And I like your idea of the MB telling them how many people are there...

332 photos

I'll go with over 300.
ETA oops! I see 332 was picked so to be more specific, I'll pick 350.

85 pictures :)

I'm going to say 150

I'll guess 125 pictures.

And my guess is 101 pictures!


Darn! I figured it was either Stitch or Aladdin. And since you'd tried so hard to see them before...
Oh, well.
The line filled up too fast every time. We just decided to skip it and try another time. Jasmine isn't a favorite and Stitch is one of DH's favorites.

Love that.
He's helping her put her glasses on again, isn't he?

:laughing: You'll find that that excuse never gets old.
:rotfl: No kidding!:thumbsup2

Well of course. It's right there!

No, no, no. That's called "artistic".
:rolleyes2 Not in this case. :rotfl2:

No way! Did she do that without any prompting?
Did she see someone else do it?
We didn't prompt her. Maybe Little Miss saw another kid do it on a TR or something? :confused3 If you recall back to the first day she did this with Rapunzel as well except no one knew what she was doing. It was Anna that figured it out.

Love this one.
Me too.

I see you got the drunken Anna.

Everyone seems to say this about her.
I'm pretty sure that must be her characteristic.
::yes:: 2 different friends of Elsa acting the same way? Its a casting thing.

Kids love that.
I know mine did.
Its one of her favorites for sure.

:sad2: I really did think Teacups.
I thought "What attraction would I sit out, given a choice."
My first thought was Teacups. Then I thought IASW but didn't think you'd sit that out. So Teacups made sense.

Shoot. Gotta be faster!

Were you okay?
Looking back and counting days. I am pretty sure that this was early pregnancy (From that pregnancy that I ended up miscarrying back in June) symptoms kicking in and we didn't know it. At the time I just chopped it up to heat and going too long without a snack. Some ac and ice cream helped.

Gorgeous shot!

:lmao: "Mom! Mom! Daddy? Where's Mommy going??"
Actually Little MIss was with me so it was more like, "Hey, Where did Daddy Go?"

Good idea. I'm surprised I've never heard anyone mention this before.
Me too. THey make umbrellas so small these days it shouldn't be too much of an issue for the park bag.

I'll go with 99 pictures!!

That's so funny that you were keeping up with the marching band!
I find the FoF parade is at the hottest time of day. Definitely an umbrella would be preferable or sitting in the shade somewhere (of which there is very few for that parade with a good view as I found out).
::yes:: I even thought to add a towel to sit on as well but that is just too bulky to carry.

It sounds like a great lunch at BOG! Did Little Miss enjoy the meal? We have an ADR booked here for May but I'm not sure how the boys will like the food.
It was a pretty standard Grill Cheese. The tomatoe soup (which is considered the main dish of the entree and is not swappable) isn't something that DH or I really enjoy so no one tried it. We'll be going back again in march if that is helpful. I found that having access to a comfortable cool place to sit for an hour allows for a nice refreshing break.

What a sweet moment in the restroom - things like that make all the planning worth it!
::yes:: It truly does.

Fun meet with Stitch - he's always so cute!
It was a fun meet!

Excited to hear about your parade FP+ experience!
Be prepared to bake in the sun. There is no shade to be had at that location. You also end up waiting a long time for the parade to get to you. That said having a spot that is blockaded and protected from people trying to worm their way in and crowd you makes for a great experience.

Oh and we had the exact same experience with Anna vs. Elsa. True to personalities I guess?
Has to be. Because I am sure that we had different friends each time and they both acted the same way.

And we met the same friend of Elsa...pretty but not much beyond holding their hand and smiling for a picture.
YOu can actually see her stiff awkwardness pushing Little Miss away in the photos.
:rolleyes2 Not in this case. :rotfl2:


We didn't prompt her. Maybe Little Miss saw another kid do it on a TR or something? :confused3


::yes:: 2 different friends of Elsa acting the same way? Its a casting thing.


Looking back and counting days. I am pretty sure that this was early pregnancy (From that pregnancy that I ended up miscarrying back in June) symptoms kicking in and we didn't know it. At the time I just chopped it up to heat and going too long without a snack. Some ac and ice cream helped.

Ohhhh.... Yeah, that would make total sense.

Me too. THey make umbrellas so small these days it shouldn't be too much of an issue for the park bag.

Yep. Got one of those... somewhere.
It's so small that I think we misplaced it!
What a wonderful memory from BOG .... and one of those moments when you realize why all the planning and effort is worth it (and also why Disney can charge whatever they want ;))

My kids have never been a fan of Stitch, but seems like you had a fun meet with him!

I am curious as the the set up for the Anna & Elsa meet when they move to the new location. I think it would be good if they move back to the setup where they meet together. Anna just always is going to be a better meet ... if Elsa was all of a sudden super jovial, etc. it wouldn't really fit the character (though I must say the Elsa we met out in Disneyland was the best we have ever had and was much more interactive, but in her own way)
What a wonderful memory from BOG .... and one of those moments when you realize why all the planning and effort is worth it (and also why Disney can charge whatever they want ;))

My kids have never been a fan of Stitch, but seems like you had a fun meet with him!
It was very fun indeed!

I am curious as the the set up for the Anna & Elsa meet when they move to the new location. I think it would be good if they move back to the setup where they meet together. Anna just always is going to be a better meet ... if Elsa was all of a sudden super jovial, etc. it wouldn't really fit the character (though I must say the Elsa we met out in Disneyland was the best we have ever had and was much more interactive, but in her own way)
I'm not saying she needs to be full on Joval. But a few steps warmer than visibly recoiling in every frame of my photos would be nice.
So how'd you do???
I was too exhausted to stay up. DH stayed up got everything on the list as best as he could..... for the wrong day.:headache::rotfl2: I was luckily able to change them out early this morning with minor issue. (I ended up having to flop a few things around not too bad though.)
DH stayed up got everything on the list as best as he could.....

Yay! Way to go...

for the wrong day.

... oh.


I was luckily able to change them out early this morning with minor issue. (I ended up having to flop a few things around not too bad though.)

Well that's good.
Just out of curiosity, was it worth staying up for then? Or do you think you would've done just as well in the morning?
I was too exhausted to stay up. DH stayed up got everything on the list as best as he could..... for the wrong day.:headache::rotfl2: I was luckily able to change them out early this morning with minor issue. (I ended up having to flop a few things around not too bad though.)

points for effort?

Well, glad you were able to sort out the mess he made ;)
I was too exhausted to stay up. DH stayed up got everything on the list as best as he could..... for the wrong day.

The fact that he stayed up is just an awesome gesture on it's own! My DH would have just laughed at me if I even thought he was gonna do this. He likes Disney but thinks I am obsessed (WHAT, is that even possible? Who knew?). He say's there is nothing that we haven't already done that is worth losing sleep over. Tell that to my 13 year old DS who would literally cry if he didn't get to go on Soarin or my 16 year old DD who would cry if we don't get to do Haunted Mansion. Sure, they would say it is OK sitting at home, but once we step foot in the park it would be all over.
Just out of curiosity, was it worth staying up for then? Or do you think you would've done just as well in the morning?
Seeing as I had to cancel everything he did last night and redo it when I woke up anyways I'd say probably not. However I did wake up fairly early and a good number of the time slots for Peter Pan were already gone. I also wasn't able to get the window for Buzz that I wanted and had to go with another one and swap things around.

points for effort?

Well, glad you were able to sort out the mess he made ;)
It was partly my fault. I left notes on what we were going for but forgot to write down the day we were going in the park.

The fact that he stayed up is just an awesome gesture on it's own!
Indeed it is. I'm lucky to have a very patient DH.
Seeing as I had to cancel everything he did last night and redo it when I woke up anyways I'd say probably not. However I did wake up fairly early and a good number of the time slots for Peter Pan were already gone. I also wasn't able to get the window for Buzz that I wanted and had to go with another one and swap things around.

Sounds like if you want perfect, stay up. If you don't mind settling a bit, sleep... but not too late.
DH didn’t want to pre order (though I now kinda wish we had because it took longer to get through the line.)
I don't like the idea of pre-ordering. It is hard to decide where I want to eat on a certain day at a certain time 6 months from now, let alone deciding what exactly I want.

However, due to the line issue, I'm sure we'll be ordering ahead next time...

So after our rather tasty meal we sent DH back up to acquire our cupcakes to share.
I'm glad that worked out. You can't go to BOG and not get some cupcakes!

As we were walking towards the bathroom the Beauty and the Beast Main theme came on and Little Miss asked DH to dance with her. I was so absorbed in the cuteness of the moment that I wasn’t able to get video in time. However it was cute enough that even a few CMs stopped to let out an Aww.

I took Little Miss for a potty break and it was in the stall that one of my absolute FAVORITE moments of the trip happened. We had just finished lunch in Beasts Castle and Little Miss just looked up at me from the potty with the sweetest look of gratitude on her face and said, “Dreams come true Momma, Dreams Come True!”
That. That is why we go there. Moments like this make everything worth doing.

After our meet with Stitch we had FPs for over at Buzz Light year. I’d like to be able to say that I won, but it really wasn’t even a contest. I’ll simply blame my score on Little Miss getting a bit Spin happy in the wrong parts.
Did you even try? :rolleyes1

On our way over to Fantasyland we came across the Move It Shake It parade (or whatever they are calling it these days:confused3)
I just call it Vamos... because apparently that's the only word in the song.

Little Miss seemed rather excited and ran right up to Anna and then proceeded to go past her to the curtain. :rolleyes2 Anna was the one to quickly find out that Little Miss was trying to play peek-a-boo. Little Miss was thrilled to pieces when Anna played with her. It also made for some great shots.
That's certainly a fun meet and greet. I'm glad Anna was feeling playful for her!

And definitely some great pictures.

Unfortunately, we just found that Elsa’s aloof unwillingness to do much of anything but stand and pose for the shot made Little Miss disinterested in the meet and greet. Anna is a much better meet by far.
I'm sorry Elsa wasn't a little bit better. We had some good luck with Elsa this past trip... easily the best interaction we've had with her, but they also were in reverse order this time. Elsa first, then Anna. Not sure if that played into it or not.

What classic attraction do Little MIss and DH go on without me?
Tea Cups!!!

Another Lightning Round Update being thrown at you! Points for the bonus question from last round will go into a pot that will be an extra speed round bonus for the first to get a correct answer! The points will add up quickly so most everyone still has a shot at winning at this point.
Well, at least you didn't get too carried away with posting while I was gone.

It was as we got to Main Street to head to our Parade FP spot that I realized that you can take the girl out of Marching Band but you can’t take the Marching Band out of the Girl. There were a few Marching bands preforming a pre parade -parade and without realizing it I found myself keeping pace with them and before I knew it, I had left DH in the dust. :rotfl2: Hehe… Oops! :blush:

How many pictures of the parade did we end up with?
I don't like the idea of pre-ordering. It is hard to decide where I want to eat on a certain day at a certain time 6 months from now, let alone deciding what exactly I want.

However, due to the line issue, I'm sure we'll be ordering ahead next time...
I think we'll just do the morning off or something. Really we could have pre ordered because after waffling around DH ended up going with the dish I had recommended for him to begin with.

I'm glad that worked out. You can't go to BOG and not get some cupcakes!


That. That is why we go there. Moments like this make everything worth doing.
Pretty much! How do you top that?

Did you even try? :rolleyes1

I just call it Vamos... because apparently that's the only word in the song.

That's certainly a fun meet and greet. I'm glad Anna was feeling playful for her!

And definitely some great pictures.
There are a few great ones in there.

I'm sorry Elsa wasn't a little bit better. We had some good luck with Elsa this past trip... easily the best interaction we've had with her, but they also were in reverse order this time. Elsa first, then Anna. Not sure if that played into it or not.
Maybe Management has finally caught on and made Elsa "Thaw Out" a little? :confused3 Glad to hear that things were better this time.

Well, at least you didn't get too carried away with posting while I was gone.
:rotfl2: I really meant too, but the next update is so picture heavy that I never got the chance to get it posted last week.

Festival of Fantasy pictures Galore! (5/14/15 Part 5)

So I’ll warn you now, this update is Picture heavy in the EXTREME! I spent most of the parade clicking away and I was impressed at how well a lot of these photos turned out. *Remember all our photos were taken on our phones. Only PhotoPass Photographers had the nice cameras.


























(Continued in next post)

























So what were our thoughts? We just simply loved it! Little Miss’s face just lighted up with every character that passed. The floats were well done. The only thing that I feel is a down side to it is that I don’t feel they transitioned the songs very well at all and the between float stuff just comes off as somewhat chaotic. But overall we thought it was a great use of a FP and wouldn’t hesitate to use one for the FP spot again. We would just remember to touch up the sunscreen and bring an umbrella to shade us with. Also a towel to put on the ground so that we could sit without burning ourselves wouldn’t be remise.

***Bonus Time***

What do we do next?

What’s our next FP?
Trip Report Game Points

Speed Round Bonus Pot: Full correct answer not guessed ( Anything between 50-54 would have been accepted) 10 pts added to pot for next round. Bonus Pot rewarded ONLY to FIRST FULL correct answer!

@afwdwfan : 5pts Closest answer


annie170 – 67

Afwdwfan – 60

Chunkymonkey – 54

Pkondz – 47

Dugette – 43

Cajunfan – 35

BlvInMagic – 33

Mdsouth – 26

Princessesandpascal – 19

NJLauren - 19

Vleeth – 15

BibbitybobityLu – 11

Kadrachb – 8

LovesTheMouse – 6

ashw100 – 5

Jasperann - 2pts

Answers: 54 ,

Speed Round Bonus Pot: 20 pts


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