1 crazy family+2 resorts+5 parks+1 snake+1 surprise=A Mickeystoontown report 4/3x2

:rotfl2: Love the pics of Hunter taking selfies with the phone!!! I hope my boys are still that "into" Disney at that age!!! Looks like a wonderful dinner!
You are going to find after a bit of time how wonderful a real phone is and wonder how you lived before you had it. LOL

So cute of Hungter taking selfies! I have to say your "boys" are great because they both have accepted my friend requests while on your trips and I can follow along with them. They probably think I am some freak. :rotfl2:
Oh my gosh..someone else that dosnt like their food touching!!! Im glad Im not the only one..hubby keeps threatening to buy me one of those little kiddy trays that have the separate compartments haha hey and I would use it too if I could get away with it!! "nooo food touchy" for me either..lol:thumbsup2

I love this one:

That's an awesome picture! Very funny! :rotfl:

I love that CP is your "end of the trip" meal. It really is one of my favorites, although I prefer going there for breakfast just I can get in the park early!

I had to laugh at your upgrade story. That happened to us over and over again with the kids. Now we both have upgrades in the "banK' so to speak but I keep holding out because I can't stand to give Verizon anymore of my money. But my iPhone, despite keeping up the upgrades, is so slow now that I want to get the newest model before my next Disney trip. Ahhh - Disney - you keep thinking of more ways for us to open up our pocket books! :rotfl2:
Hi Lisa!:goodvibes

It took me a few days but I'm finally caught up!:thumbsup2 Yay! I figured I better get myself over here since your next trip is coming right up!!:cool1:

Love all your MK pictures! I can't wait to see the new Fantasyland! So excited!! The Tiki room wasn't our favorite attraction, but I agree that it was a nice place to cool off!:thumbsup2 The silhouettes are very cool! Yay for Crystal Palace! Cute pictures with the characters! I remember really enjoying the food the last time we went for dinner. I'll have to put it back on my list for the next trip.:)
What a terrific update, Lisa.

I love John playing with his beeper like it's a phone. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

We always used our updates for Markie with our phones. I was so glad when my bosses wife bought me my Iphone as a birthday gift two years ago; I'd be lost without it.

The selfies with Hunter are a hoot. He just cracks me up.

The photos with everyone else and the characters are great also.
Nice update!

CP (lunch) was our first character meal on our trip in 2008. We haven't been back- too many other dining choices and sadly, the boys don't care about character meals anymore- but I would love to get to the pre-opening breakfast there!

Great pictures and character interactions. :goodvibes

I like the pictures of Hunter taking selfies, but where are the selfies?

No Ziplock baggies in this update? ;)
Great update! John is so funny in pictures. I have a feeling he's that funny IRL too!

Glad you had such a good last meal. The pictures look like you had a really fun time. Can't wait to see how you finish up the MK!
I know I haven't been posting a lot, but I have been keeping up from my cell (which is why no posting-not so easy to post from there).

Great updates! And it does most definitely get a little warm ;) there sometimes!

Tiki birds are a great escape from the heat. And it's a CLASSIC!

Jesse's shirt is quite cute! Great job, Lacey!

It's okay, I find myself reading but forgetting to post.

We always pop in to see the tiki birds when it gets too hot to do much of anything else.

I'm back and caught up, Lisa.

As longtime DIS friends, I know you'll understand that I skipped ALL of the photos from the slow boat to China. I mean, I had to sit through it last week with Mark and that was enough until I am there with the girls in May. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yep, and you know that you'll do it with the girls because they'll smile those sweet smiles and you'll hop right on.

I'm sorry momma had troubles getting on the boats. And I don't blame her for being tired after 10 days (I can't believe I'm doing 9 days with the girls this year!).

I made sure that I worked in extra time for rest during our upcoming trip. 14 days in Disney is sure to take a lot out of us.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the silhouttes. We did the "cartoon drawing" when the kids were little, but never the silhouttes. I may try to talk Mark into that in September.

You really should do the silhouettes next trip. It would be a nice souvenir.

Good for you and John getting an escape. We ate at WCC at the WL in December. It really is a beautiful resort (although I still don't want to stay there). I love the totem pole.

I don't think that I would mind staying there but the price is not what I want to pay.

My childhood BFF had a silhouette done in about 1985 and I've always wanted to get ours done but never have. I really must get it done this trip as they're such a great unique souvenir :)

I love our silhouettes and have them on display on my hutch.

Sigh, I read the WL/FW on the phone and as usual, it would appear I didn't post! Arrgh.

Lovel the boat rides to both and I think both stores have some wonderful, unique items. Pancake turner not one I would have expected but glad you found it. Nice that you could get another silhouette to add to the collection, now Jesse really is official!

I am one of those odd ducks who likes the tiki room, but also preferred it under new management.

I find myself reading but forgetting to post. I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I'm stretched as tight as a bow.

Yep, a pancake turner. I looked far and wide and finally found it at FW.

I liked both versions of the tiki room too.
You are correct!

I agree with all of your thinking except the spot where you said that you could do a water park and DQ on the same day. Those are both minor parks. Could you use two minor park tickets on the same day at different places?

yes you can

That is good to know!!! Thanks!!

Thank you both! If I need to rearrange our water park/Disney Quest times I can. But, if we can do both in one day, I'll probably keep it as is.
But your going to miss the slumber party! Trying to get myself geared up for 24 hours at the Magic Kingdom and I remembered you pictures from last year and everyone one laying on the ground watching movies.

Those silhouettes turned out great.

Ahhh AC and nonpooping birds, I love the Tiki Room! But now I'm going to be singing that song all day long....In the tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki room....

Pancake flipper? Is this different than a spatula? If so I may "need" one of these!

I knowwwwww! Missing it by one measly day!

Gotta love those nonpooping bird and air conditioning. ;)

Finally back to read!

Love the silhouette. It is beautiful and that really is a great souvie! Sorry the guy had the personality of a wet noodle.

When you talk about the blazing heat it just reminds of when we there in June several years ago and it was so sickening hot. The kind of hot where you take 3 steps outside and you want to die. Ugh! I don't think I will miss June too much this year.

Fun update!

I loved how the silhouette turned out. The guy did a great job.

I know that kind of hot...that's how it gets here in Louisiana...take your breath away hot.

Great updates!:thumbsup2
My DH almost bought a similar flipper last week at DL.

Silhouettes are so cool - we had the girls' done on their first trip! Love that souvenir!

That heat - it's been a few years since we went in summer and we contemplated going in June this year, but have since come to reality that I would be miserable and think we might try to go after Christmas.

Love Jesse's shirt! Lacey did a nice job!

I looked everywhere for that darn flipper!

I'd love to be able to go at Christmas time. I've seen the decorations just once but would love to see them again.

Oh my, I know how your Mama must feel, I got tired just catching up on your trip. Love the pic of Hunter resting his head on Mama's head. I got lost on the tickets. I really need more time for Dissing to stay focus. That said I always love hearing about your trips.

I can't seem to keep caught up myself. Mama was so tired by that time and I didn't blame her one bit for staying at the resort.


I've been away from the DIS for much too long, but I always remembered your trip reports and how much I enjoyed reading them. With a trip in our future, I had to read your latest and yes, they are just as I remembered - absolutely fantastic! :tinker:

Welcome back to the Dis! Glad to "see" you! I hope that you're enjoying the report.

Your plan looks great, Lisa. My only note (as someone already mentioned) is that the water park and Disney Quest would be two minor park visits.

Hope you guys have a great time! It is getting close!

I am more than ready to be back at my happy place!

Our daughter is playing softball at Disney's ESPN Sports Zone in July and we're just "starting" to plan for that trip. Not sure if we will do the parks or not (yeah right, not sure who I'm trying to kid!) but I'm just excited to be going back!

You know good and darn well that you'll have to sneak in at least one park. I know that I would.
Way to go Mama! Sounds like a great and productive weekend!

I love it when things come together for a big event, not having to buy or rent a suit must feel so great! Now y'all are only out the money for the prom tickets, corsage and dinner! :laughing: Oh, and maybe a limo. :)

I need to get with his date's mother and find out what they want to do as far as "other" things for prom. Her mother is super super super I'm talking super over protective and I don't know what she'll let her do unsupervised. If it were me, I'd rent the limo, give 'em some money and let 'em go. I trust my son.

Loving the silhouettes by the way, I've always wanted to get them done of the kids but never took the time to it. :confused: I think that will have to happen when we go back. :goodvibes

If you get a chance, do it! They make great souvenirs and, like I said, they are a 2fer.

Which should be May 2015, I think it will end up being a Mom and Son trip this time, to celebrate his graduating college. I thought for sure this Oct., but I'm afraid that might not happen. :sad2:

Oh man, I hope that a trip to Disney happens sooner rather than later.

Yay Crystal Palace!!! Love seeing all of the food pictures, since we will be eating there for dinner for the first time in May. All the food looks yummy and so do the desserts! :lovestruc Hunter's selfies are pretty funny too.

Oh, and I can't stand my food to touch each other either! I'll do multiple trips up to the food at a buffet to avoid that happening.

We love dinner there because there's something for everybody on the buffet.

Oh, I'll get two or three plates if I have to. My food ain't touching!

Great updates.

And before I forget, my DD said Piglet matched very well with John's shirt! :rotfl:

Now I have to go back and see what John's shirt looked like.

Looks like you had a lot of fun with the characters.

We have only done CP for breakfast, but all that food looks mighty tasty! I might have to choose this as an option some time in the future.

I love the close up picture with Hunter and Tigger. Long eyelashes are wasted on boys, I tell you!!

Tell me about it! John and Hunter have the longest eyelashes ever!
:rotfl2: Love the pics of Hunter taking selfies with the phone!!! I hope my boys are still that "into" Disney at that age!!! Looks like a wonderful dinner!

I've always been lucky with my children in that they have never outgrown their love for Disney.

You are going to find after a bit of time how wonderful a real phone is and wonder how you lived before you had it. LOL

So cute of Hungter taking selfies! I have to say your "boys" are great because they both have accepted my friend requests while on your trips and I can follow along with them. They probably think I am some freak. :rotfl2:

If I can actually operate a new phone. :lmao:

I remember that you were able to keep up with the "live report" through the guys. Of course, me and my slider phone couldn't update anything. ;)

Oh my gosh..someone else that dosnt like their food touching!!! Im glad Im not the only one..hubby keeps threatening to buy me one of those little kiddy trays that have the separate compartments haha hey and I would use it too if I could get away with it!! "nooo food touchy" for me either..lol:thumbsup2

You know what? My Mama actually has two or three divided Corelle plates and I love them. You know what's the worst? When gravy or some sort of juice gets onto the bottom of your roll. UGH!
That's an awesome picture! Very funny! :rotfl:

I love that CP is your "end of the trip" meal. It really is one of my favorites, although I prefer going there for breakfast just I can get in the park early!

I had to laugh at your upgrade story. That happened to us over and over again with the kids. Now we both have upgrades in the "banK' so to speak but I keep holding out because I can't stand to give Verizon anymore of my money. But my iPhone, despite keeping up the upgrades, is so slow now that I want to get the newest model before my next Disney trip. Ahhh - Disney - you keep thinking of more ways for us to open up our pocket books! :rotfl2:

That's one of my favorite pictures of the trip. I've thought about booking a breakfast ADR at the Crystal Palace just so we can get into the park early but we aren't big breakfast eaters.

I'm with Verizon too and already pay more than I want. When I upgrade, I'll be paying even more. :eek:

Hi Lisa!:goodvibes

It took me a few days but I'm finally caught up!:thumbsup2 Yay! I figured I better get myself over here since your next trip is coming right up!!:cool1:

Love all your MK pictures! I can't wait to see the new Fantasyland! So excited!! The Tiki room wasn't our favorite attraction, but I agree that it was a nice place to cool off!:thumbsup2 The silhouettes are very cool! Yay for Crystal Palace! Cute pictures with the characters! I remember really enjoying the food the last time we went for dinner. I'll have to put it back on my list for the next trip.:)

Angie! Long time no see!

I have got to get a move on with this report or I won't have time to do a pre-trip report.

I love the buffet at the Crystal Palace and it quickly became our tradition to end the trip with dinner there.

What a terrific update, Lisa.

I love John playing with his beeper like it's a phone. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

We always used our updates for Markie with our phones. I was so glad when my bosses wife bought me my Iphone as a birthday gift two years ago; I'd be lost without it.

The selfies with Hunter are a hoot. He just cracks me up.

The photos with everyone else and the characters are great also.

Isn't it tough being the low man on the totem pole...I mean parents. ;)

Hunter cracks me up too as does John. They are two peas in a pod.
I'm still here! Loving the pics from Crystal palace! Hunter is SOOO funny with the "selfies with characters".


Glad you've stuck around since I seem to take forever to update. Hunter is such a goofball.

Nice update!

CP (lunch) was our first character meal on our trip in 2008. We haven't been back- too many other dining choices and sadly, the boys don't care about character meals anymore- but I would love to get to the pre-opening breakfast there!

I've thought about a breakfast ADR there just to get in the park early but we aren't big breakfast eaters so I can't justify the cost.

Great pictures and character interactions. :goodvibes

I like the pictures of Hunter taking selfies, but where are the selfies?

Are you kidding? I can't even open his phone to get to the selfies. :lmao:

No Ziplock baggies in this update? ;)

Not this time but, believe me, we all laughed about it and almost snuck in a few slices of bread to take back to Mama.

Great update! John is so funny in pictures. I have a feeling he's that funny IRL too!

Glad you had such a good last meal. The pictures look like you had a really fun time. Can't wait to see how you finish up the MK!

Oh believe me, he's just as big of a goof in real life as in pictures.

I hope to get another post done this afternoon or tomorrow.
I really need to try CP!! :) Looks great!

The last night is terrible! You wait forever for the trip to come & then it's just gone.....

Can't believe you are so close!

Sadly, I don't think we are even going on June. I'll send you a message on Facebook! ;)
WL lobby is so pretty.
Glad you didn’t go in your pants.
Love taking the boats anywhere at Disney.
I like the silhouettes.
Tiki Birds is good for AC.
If we sell this place I want to go down during the time you are there. Gay Days are at the end of your trip.
I need my Galaxy s(whatever). I need my emails and to check in. LOL. What kind are you getting?
Looks like a good meal and great character interaction.
I am all caught up again.
Hey Lisa I just spent about an hour getting caught back up on your trip report. I took a Dis break for the last 5 months. Your family always seems to have so much fun on your trips. Thanks for sharing.
Fun Update! You got some great pics with the characters, love the one of Pooh with his hands (paws?) covering Jesse's eyes!

I love Winnie the Pooh and the gang, I really want to go there soon.


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