12/09/06 Cruise Continued ~ Pirating Bananas DIS Geekorama Part 2 Part 10

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MrsMork said:
I'm gonna get fired! And so close to retirement! :surfweb:

I'm just glad that my boss is away today but my DW is here. It's almost lunch time and she will give me "the look" if she sees me DISing at work! :confused3
Whoever said a few posts ago that they were going to get fired.....today's the kind of day where I WANT to get fired. I can't believe all the crap I have to do in a short period of time.

I'm now in avoidance mode and sitting here on teh dis. ugh.

okay...probably won't be back till tonight.

hugs everyone.
MrsMork said:
Oh man! We will put you and the kids in our prayers for sure, Lisa. Let us know how it turns out. :grouphug:

I am just here for a quick break from school. I have already done a sign & packed up what I need to take back this afternoon.

I think this is OK because nothing has been done yet today. :thumbsup2 Kathryn & I were joking about it this morning. If they suspend our kids, we will have to be home with them. That means they don't have anyone to run the carnival. ;)

Also great news today regarding the kid in DD's class! :cool1: Last night when I asked how her day went & if he had bothered her at all she said that he went to another teacher's class who is in Kindergarten. I confirmed that with her assistant this morning! :woohoo: Hopefully having identified a major issue he was having will help his behavior. I would think that a child who is that far behind would act up because he can't do the work. As a parent of a child in the class....I am very relieved. Part of me is concerned about the kindergarteners he is with now though. :(
pyramid2000 said:
Maybe there is something I can slip into everyone's drink CC day that will make them "faint" like the goats on their sprint to the beach! He he :teeth:

Yeah, I'm thinking a little rum, some cocanut, maybe a pineapple...put an umbrella on it and I may just sit down and take a break... :thumbsup2
pyramid2000 said:
I don't know if trip insurane would cover it??? :confused3 I did put in for a quote with DU. My niece keeps saying she couldn't afford it, but if I hear that her DH will be back in time and would have to time off to go, I will find a way to make it happen. :teeth:

Caroline, why don't you call DCL & explain the situation to them. It wont be about your reservation so you should be able to talk to them. I am guessing that with it being a deployed member of the military they would allow them to move their reservation to a different date if they needed to. I am hoping that companies are giving a little more leway to members of the military who are at war since they have no control over when they can come home. I would also call the travel insurance company to see if that would qualify. If his current orders say that he will be home & his orders change, that may be covered. I would get it from someone who knows what they are talking about there though...maybe a supervisor.
pyramid2000 said:
...but give something back to your DIS friends!! :Pinkbounc

You know I wouldn't deny anyone a good spot, I may even save an extra spot or two....I tend to get to my spot (family beach) and have three chairs and an umbrella...sometimes I get near a hammock; I could be persuaded to hold a few extra chairs and a hammock for some lucky winners...(Rumrunner, all I have to say, Rumrunner, should I spell that?) :rolleyes1
pyramid2000 said:
The Princess one right?

Yes, we saw it at the center that is at a metro stop. It was a total surprise! They didn't know until we picked up our tickets & I had DS read them. :)
MrsMork said:
Angie's just so nice! :teeth: I don't share with non DISers though. Some guy walked past the hammock I was enjoying about 11 am one year and made some comment about people who get there early then don't let others use the hammock. I managed to open one eye and told him perhaps he should get out of bed earlier. :rolleyes:

Thats funny. Really, I was walking one time and saw this woman in a hammock and I said...oh wait. Ruht Roh.

I think we need a pirate flag to stake out areas...and a big sign that says, Dead Man Get no Hammock pirate: !
pyramid2000 said:
Oy! She got sick on top of everyting else? :guilty: Lisa, I want to come and help you!!!

Yup! That was the week that DS was up at 12:30 Wednesday throwing up all night then DD was up Friday night. It was not fun...but it was nearly a month ago. Better in September than December. :thumbsup2
goofyforlife said:
Oh shoot that reminds me...........DH you have to get measured at a tux place...

Find a store in town and see what I have to do. Its the least you could do to get me in that monkey suit. And downtown that I could walk to during lunch? you could go with me and make sure its done right...<no laughing!>
klineyqueen said:
Whoa...did I miss something? Are you saying that your DD got sick after eating a powdered donut at the party???? If so...I may have to scratch that idea!

Brandi, she ate the donut, a hotdog, chips, cookies, and fruit. That was the week the tummy bug was going thru the school. DS had it Wednesday night & DD caught it from him a couple days later. All of the kids at the party either had it already or caught it the next week. I just mentioned that because I felt badly at first that I didn't realize she was sick. We were at the party almost 3 hours and she didn't start looking run down until the last 30 minutes or so. She was running around playing in the house & the backyard. I felt better after seeing her on the video because she didn't look sick there at all. She was smiling and having a good time. She would have gotten sick that night if we had gone to the party or not. :thumbsup2
MrsMork said:
Oh man! I know the 40 sec rule will get me now! pirate:

Oh, it didn't! :woohoo: pirate:

Now to work!

Congrats Angie!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

At least Kristina came to your rescue to help. You didn't get fired did you?! ;)
pjpoohbear said:
I am just a sweet Canadian girl!


Look! we have another sweet one! :rolleyes:
brack said:
I'm just glad that my boss is away today but my DW is here. It's almost lunch time and she will give me "the look" if she sees me DISing at work! :confused3

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
lbgraves said:
I am just here for a quick break from school. I have already done a sign & packed up what I need to take back this afternoon.

I think this is OK because nothing has been done yet today. :thumbsup2 Kathryn & I were joking about it this morning. If they suspend our kids, we will have to be home with them. That means they don't have anyone to run the carnival. ;)

Also great news today regarding the kid in DD's class! :cool1: Last night when I asked how her day went & if he had bothered her at all she said that he went to another teacher's class who is in Kindergarten. I confirmed that with her assistant this morning! :woohoo: Hopefully having identified a major issue he was having will help his behavior. I would think that a child who is that far behind would act up because he can't do the work. As a parent of a child in the class....I am very relieved. Part of me is concerned about the kindergarteners he is with now though. :(

I'm glad things have improved in school. I thought the same thing about the kids new class.
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