12 Year Old Project - **Raising 3000 Dollars** (help)


When Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures A
Feb 11, 2006
Whats up disboards, I dont post that much anymore, but I need some help.

Sounds pretty crazy huh? 3 grand, for a 12 year old?

You are probably asking why do I need (or want) 3 grand?

The purpose is, well let me explain.

See, me and my little brother, we are starting to want seperate rooms.
We have bunk beds, but not much room, in our room. We have another room which has all my little brothers toys and stuff, but we consider it as the "playroom". There is a big screen, (not flat or plasma) in the playroom.
In the bedroom, that we sleep in there is a small tv ( I think its plasma) And both have direct tv. Well, see me and my brother want seperate rooms. I have different ideas on what I want the room to look like why we are sharing it, and well my brother has toys all over both rooms sooooo...... Next summer or whenever I can get 3 grand, we will be working on seperate rooms maybe.

Here is what I want to get with the 3000 (It doesnt exactly have to be 3 grand) But as long as it can be something.

If anyone knows the prices for this??

New Carpet (white)
Flat Screen To Put Against Wall (preferably black)
New Paint (preferably a sandy or chocolate color, something light brown)
Those little glow in the dark star things (lol maybe)
Possibly a new desk, maybe one of those one that curves to fit in corners
If Not paint, then maybe carpet the walls with like a dark blue or something.(No idea how that works????)
And If Ihave enough room left over a small skateboard halfpipe.

So please, the reason I posted this is how to make money? Anyone know how I can make about 3 grand in a year? Besides mowing lawns or working at mcdonalds?

Also if anyone knows the prices of the things I wanted to do to the room, please post.

Since you're posting this on the VMK section, I assume you play VMK, probably a lot? To earn $3k, you'd have to probably give that up as working to earn the money would take up most of your time.

I'm not sure why you need $3k to change rooms? Just to convert a play room to a bed room sounds like just some paint and a carpet. You don't really need a TV -- although the flat screen one you're asking about runs anywhere from $400 - $1200, depending on the size. Seriously -- paint and carpet for a bedroom, prob around $300. Usable desk, $30 from Salvation Army (don't knock it, they got some good stuff!). Cheap TV from wally world - $100. Now, earning/scrimping/saving $500 is easier than $3000! Watch those shows on HGTV and A&E -- they'll teach you how to decorate without any money!

PS - Your parents probably told you to come up with the money just to keep you from bugging them for another year. LOL! Heck, that's what I'd do if I were them!

Good luck!
I don't think it will cost 3k either.. I mean paint, when found on sale, isn't even that expensive. We got my paint for like 20 bucks. I mean, I don't even think it will cost 1k...
And truthfully, I think it would be impossible for someone 12 to make 3k in a year. I'm 13, so I feel for you. You'd have to have a teenage job.
Are you parents not in support of you redoing your room? Is that why they have having you raise the money? Just curious.
Either way, I wish you the best of luck :). Just save every penny you get, even if you have that brand new video game you want or whatever, still save. :)
online there alot i forget where i read them at survey componies that you drive to a place and try something and do the survey and get 50-100 dollors very simple and down all the time 100 dollors a week 400*12= 4800 so there are specail age eqirments so start looking
Thanks guys, now that I think of it, I guess I dont need about 3k, but its the first time I would ever do my own room so.. My Bedroom has a desk, the bunkbead, a counter/drawer for my brothers clothing with the tv on top of it. The dresser with my clothes and the lamp on top of that.. Then I got this chest in the room under the humoungous window, and my closet.. The playroom which my little brother will probably get, has a tv in the corner, (its big but its not plasma or flat) just a big tv. 2 bookshelfs, a desk in the middle of those (for my moms scrabbook stuff) The closet on the opposit side, and a rack up on the wall for all the dvds, and another trunk filled with blankets.


There is the plans.

Im hoping to, on the right room, which is the room I want, that shares the bunk right now, get rid of were the tv sits on top of, remove that desk, Maybe flip the bed around 90 degrees against the window, and move the dresser next to the bed maybe, I have tile floors which are stupid and ugly.. (sorry but they are) And my brother would do whatever he wants with the playroom (left room).
Paper Route.

Summer Jorb.

Do various chores for neighbors.

Paper Route.

Summer Jorb.

Do various chores for neighbors.


Or you could dress up as the Hamburglar, hang around and steal famous people's burgers and sell them on eBay for riddiculous amounts of money... that's what I'd do :eek: ...

Or you could just mow lawns.. whichever :rolleyes:

See this is the stuff i think of everyday, aren't you glad you aren't me?
LOl ok people thanks, Keep the ideas coming

P.s. Cap, where do you find these so called "famous peoples" I want to get a george washington sandwhich with his face on it lol.
New Carpet (white)
Flat Screen To Put Against Wall (preferably black)
New Paint (preferably a sandy or chocolate color, something light brown)
Those little glow in the dark star things (lol maybe)
Possibly a new desk, maybe one of those one that curves to fit in corners
If Not paint, then maybe carpet the walls with like a dark blue or something.(No idea how that works????)
And If Ihave enough room left over a small skateboard halfpipe.

Why put a television in your room? You'll sleep better without it and save at least $300 (believe me, I'm not one of those "TV-turn-off-I-hate-all-forms-of-entertainment-bringing-technology" people, but trust me :rotfl2: ) . And if you're going to have a white carpet in your room, you won't want to be skateboarding on it :lmao:
Bout 400 to 650, Im working on helping my friend build 1 in his backyard.

I could make 6 half pipes or more with the wood we have @_@ we just got like 10 thousand dollars of wood for free gl on your room until I get my job I don't even make 50 dollars a year and im 14
Lol thanks everyone, and jason...


Lol I was going to build a huge 2 foot halfpipe, (really wide) in my backyard but I dont got the wood or money.
I just wet to walmart, and looked at the tv's and wow, I must say...

I saw a tv that is not a even a foot wide and its 298 dollars! Gosh they are expensive, my, grandma says if I was to get carpet it would cost about 500 dollars and a desk about 200 to 500. Also I want to to get a tempurpedic matress lol, so.. I got alot of money to work on.


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