150 Club....Care to join??? Continued.

Good Friday morning everyone. I am the same as last week which is okay with me. Exercise has been very little since my ankle and foot have been bothering me. TIme to get to the doctor and schedule my bunion surgery for June. It was starting to feel better and I was thinking I could put it off. NO I can't.

I have a busy weekend but the show at the local high school opens next weekend so we spend the weekend looking and finishing the costumes before they use them on Sunday night for the first time. I will be gone most of the weekend. Better start planning my food.

Have a great day everyone. Welcome Tinkerbell of Winter. This group is getting more and more active.
Hi Guys!

Welcome Tinkerbell of Winter!

I did not get on the scale this morning. I'm using my last weight, Wed., for BL today. TOM made a visit last night, and I can literally see the bloating, so I just don't have the heart for it. I know it will go down in a few days. On the bright side, I did 6 mi Mon., and 4 Tues., and Wed., so I feel that was the best I could do exercise-wise. My eating wasn't that good, but without TOM I feel confident I would be seeing a loss...

I'd better get some breakfast, I have to go to another affordable housing hearing this morning. Would it kill them to hold a hearing when it's not freezing with snow in MA?! This pesky work is getting in the way of my DIS time! LOL

Maria :upsidedow
Good morning ladies! Welcome Tinkerbell of Winter!

Belle – I am so jealous of your 165! Years ago when I did WW I started at 165and was so thrilled to get down to 145. This time I started at 184 and would be thrilled to hit 165. Congratulations, you are so close to being in the 150’s!

Cobrabubbles – I like my carbs too. I don’t eat that many but I like the ones I do have. I don’t think I could give them up. We also get together with friends every weekend and I like to have a cocktail or two or whatever. I hope you are feeling better.

Dona – Being the same is better than gaining! Good luck this weekend. Weekends are the hardest for me and usually when I mess up. But I work hard during the week to leave myself room to enjoy myself a little over the weekend too.

Maria – at least you’ve got snow, we’re just really cold. My poor DD is heartbroken that we haven’t really seen any snow this year or last year. She wants so badly to go out and play in it.

Well, I weighed this morning and was at 178 so I’m actually up about a half pound from last week. But I think some may be water weight. I’m going to weigh again tomorrow and see. I didn’t do horrible this week but I didn’t do great. I didn’t do my TM on Monday but I did Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and I’ll try to do tonight to make up for it. I made a carrot cake on Saturday for DH for Valentine’s Day and I’ve been nibbling on it all week. I think that was probably my demise. So I’ve proved that I can’t be trusted with a cake in the house even if not’s my favorite kind. So no more cake until the weight comes off.

I know it sounds horrible but my mom baked for us as kids and I want to do that for DD. Not every day or even every week. But probably at least once a month my mom made something special. Either a cake or brownies or whatever. We were never allowed to gorge ourselves with it. One serving a day or whatever until it was gone. I don’t want to not do things like that for DD because I have no willpower. I think I do need to hold off until I get my weight under control enough that one piece here or there won’t hurt me too much though.

One thing I will praise myself on is that I am still doing pretty good with the water. During the workday I drink my 64 ounces and probably a little more easily. I am still completely off regular soda and drink very limited diet soda. I don’t think I’ve had any since Monday. The weekends are harder although I drink water I don’t drink 64 ounces a day. I just forget. It’s easier at work where my water bottle is right in front of me.

We looked at the house again last night and we love it. It's actually just a few houses up from a house DH and I had about 6 years ago that we loved and I wish we had never sold. This house is different but has a few similar qualities. It's not a traditional layout. It has a very open main room with the kitchen, dining and family room all kind of together yet each has it's own space. Much like our old house. It has a great bar with columns that seperates the kitchen from the family room and even has an additional small sink in it. It has more cabinets than I could ever hope for. And DD would have a huge room with a huge closet. Her room now is very small and I hate it because her stuff is all over the house. We just love it. We have friends over a lot and it offers such a great area for entertaining. But its a foreclosure and the bank hasn't set the asking price yet. We've got our fingers crossed that it will be in our price range and that we will get an offer in fast enough that the bank will accept. There aren't many foreclosures in this price range in our area and they go fast. I know I'll probably jinx it by talking about it. But we've prayed about it and if it's right for us it will happen.

Well good luck everyone! I hope you see the numbers you are hoping for this week
Good afternoon ladies! Hope everyone is doing good. For those weighing in tomorrow like me, good luck! I'm hoping to get in some time on the TM tonight. But DH is off today and we're going to look at a couple of houses after I get off.

Yes, we're nuts and we're thinking about buying right now. We're renting at the moment and our lease is up in a month so we're in a good place as far as having nothing to sell.

I don't think that's nuts, I think that it's a buyers market more or less in all places so you should be able to find something. Just be diligent and do the thing that's right for you. Good luck! I hope you find your dream place :thumbsup2

I'd like to join, 150 is my goal weight after all :) Hopefully this time next year I will be there!

:banana: Welcome! :banana:

Good Friday morning everyone. I am the same as last week which is okay with me. Exercise has been very little since my ankle and foot have been bothering me. TIme to get to the doctor and schedule my bunion surgery for June. It was starting to feel better and I was thinking I could put it off. NO I can't.

Good luck with that, I'll send out a prayer that all will go well.

Hi Guys!
My eating wasn't that good, but without TOM I feel confident I would be seeing a loss...

I think that's a great call, you don't want to discourage yourself over water weight that'll be gone in a couple.

Cobrabubbles – I like my carbs too. I don’t eat that many but I like the ones I do have. I don’t think I could give them up. We also get together with friends every weekend and I like to have a cocktail or two or whatever. I hope you are feeling better.

I know it sounds horrible but my mom baked for us as kids and I want to do that for DD. Not every day or even every week. But probably at least once a month my mom made something special. Either a cake or brownies or whatever.

Well good luck everyone! I hope you see the numbers you are hoping for this week

Mmmmm carbs..ha ha. I am a bread and potatoes person. In moderation of course. I realise that carbs aren't great, but also that a healthy balanced diet is good, too and I should not overindulge and try to put in more whole grains, etc.

BTW I don't think it sounds horrible at all to bake now and then. Food is not evil, that's giving it way too much credit. It is better to be able to do things like that in moderation so you don't go crazy and learn to incorporate treats into your life w/o having to have one all the time (that's my problem). I'm learning that I can have something once in a while and then go without for a while, etc. Well that's my perspective anyway.

Good luck with the house, you have a good attitude about it, and I know what's right will come your way.


Inexplicably I just weighed myself and I lost some weight. I have no idea how, other than that I've just not been feeling good enough to eat a lot and I've not been able to taste anything. I've been drinking more pop than usual because I feel sick and I just don't care if it's bad right now. I guess it all is balanced out because I broke the 60's. I'm at 169.

I'm tentatively happy but I don't think I deserve it for one thing and for another thing I have a sneaking suspicion I'm going to gain a couple of quick pounds now. I weighed myself the other day to kind of see what I was up against for Friday and I was at 172 so I was shocked to see that number today. Maybe it's been working those hard shifts while sick and I sweated it off :confused3

Dunno, but I still am not good...bad cough and breathing is hard but I have no fever which is a good feeling. My worry is that this is persist and make it hard for me to do my walking until well into March *sigh*. I hope it goes away soon, but the respiratory stuff is very persistent and I can't really be physical without having coughing fits.
Cobra, take care of yourself and make sure you are over all that respiratory stuff before you try to do too much. An illness that hit that hard needs recovery time! Hope you are much better soon.

I haven't been posting because my weight loss is stalled and I'm discouraged, but I realized that I need encouragement the most now, so here I am. I've been stuck at 175 for what seems like forever, even though I'm keeping up with my exercising and calorie counting. Part of the problem is getting a new scale that added a couple of pounds and started this 175 merry-go-round, but even with the new scale I've been stuck here for a while. Oh, well, I know if I keep at it the numbers will drop. They've got to. I'm feeling and looking better, to the extent that my kids have commented on it, so I'll keep plugging along. Congrats to all of those who have had success with the scale, and my sympathies to those like me that seem to be stuck for now!
Hi everyone sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days but my DD has been sick. She has had a stomach bug and I think I am getting it now. I haven't been able to keep up the walking two times a day since she has been sick because my morning walks are always with her. So I have only been able to do my evening walks when my DH gets home to watch her. I was down one more lb when I weighted yesterday so I am down to 164. :banana: :woohoo:

Congrats to all of you who have lost!!!

To those of you who are stuck right now at the same weight. Don't give up. Keep the faith. I was stuck at 180 for around a month before I FINALLY started to loosing. It WILL happen. We are all rooting for you!!!:cheer2: :flower3:

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!! :cool2:
Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. I am still stuck at 178. I just can't seem to shake it. But I was pretty good this weekend. I walked on the TM both Saturday and Sunday which was a first for me. I usually take the weekend off. But I've decided to try a different approach. I was only walking during the weekdays. Or at least trying to. But I think I'm going to try to do two days on one day off for awhile and see how that works for me.

I did overeat yesterday though. We went to a lunch buffet after church and I know I ate too much. Then we grilled out for dinner with friends. But I didn't eat much at dinner. I was feeling bad about lunch still. At least I did the TM when we got home from lunch. Hopefully that helped a little.

My goal this week is to be down to at least 176 hopefully maybe 175 if I'm lucky. I need a little boost in the weight loss, it's getting so discouraging.

Cobra ~ take care of yourself. Respiratory illness is nothing to mess with. There is a lot of nasty stuff going around too. A very good friend of mine just got over a really bad case of pneumonia (I have no idea how to spell that) that started out as a persistent cold. So just take care of yourself.

Carpenters ~ I feel you. I'm stuck at 178. I started this around 184 and was so excited to get under 180 but now I'm kind of stuck. I've been at this for over a month and was really hoping to be in the lower 170's by now. Or even better in the 160's. It can be very discouraging but just keep up the good work and it will all pay off. It just might take longer than expected. Keep coming here for support and encouragement. I've found it so helpful in keeping my spirits up about it.

Belle - congratulations on the 164! I am so jealous! I hope that your DD gets better quickly. It's so hard to see them sick. I hope that you don't sick too!
Morning everyone!!

I know that carbs are hard to give up, but I really want my husband to lose weight (he has 100+ to lose) for his health, and this was his idea. So, a month of it to help him get going won't hurt. I was 181 yesterday, so the 11.6 lbs I have lost so far have been welcome, too!

Cobra, hope you are feeling better soon.

KT, is it as cold by you in VA as it was here in NC this morning? Brrrr!!

Sorry for all the stalled ladies. Maybe think of changing it up? Lower calories, or add more exercise? Sometimes even a day or two of lower calories and then going back up can get things "moving". If not, just hang in there, it will come off. :)
Morning everyone!!

I know that carbs are hard to give up, but I really want my husband to lose weight (he has 100+ to lose) for his health, and this was his idea. So, a month of it to help him get going won't hurt. I was 181 yesterday, so the 11.6 lbs I have lost so far have been welcome, too!

Cobra, hope you are feeling better soon.

KT, is it as cold by you in VA as it was here in NC this morning? Brrrr!!

Sorry for all the stalled ladies. Maybe think of changing it up? Lower calories, or add more exercise? Sometimes even a day or two of lower calories and then going back up can get things "moving". If not, just hang in there, it will come off. :)

Yes, it was freezing here this morning. We had such beautiful weather about a week and half ago. What a horrible tease. I'm so ready for warm weather. My poor DD is so sad that we didn't get any snow here though. We haven't had a really good snow here in several years. I can handle the cold if we get to see some beautiful snow, but if it's just going to be cold I hate it.

I'm hoping that changing up my excercise will help a little. I may even start walking on the TM on my lunch break. I work about 2 minutes from my house so I have a full hour almost for lunch. I could do an easy 15 or 20 minute walk in that time. Nothing that would cause me to have to take a shower but it would burn a few extra calories for the day. Other than that I'm hoping that doing two days on one day off will help some. And I'm going to try to up my water intake. I've been drinking two 33 oz bottles a day and I'm going to shoot for 3. That would put me at 100 oz a day and probalby more. I don't count what I drink at home though. I try to get my 64 oz in at work.
Morning Ladies. I am just hoping to hang on at a stall this week. I am working with a local high school on their costumes for their spring musical and it has the unofficial opening Thursday night. I was at the school all day Sat and from 11 to 11:30 yesterday. I will probably not get in until 11 every night this week. I was thinking of taking a day off but I have obligations Mon, Tues and Wed after school so taking a day is a no go.

This tech week has been strange because for the last 4 years I have not only worked with the costume guy but also with my ds2. He was out gohper for 4 years and last year moved all the way up to stage manager. Last night as we were watching the dress rehersal all we both could think of was We wish Sean was back. He got a couple of text messages from us as we watched the show and saw the very young crew have trouble keeping up. They will get better as the week goes on.

Have a great week everyone. ANd yes it is VERY cold here in jersey. One of my car doors won't open because the rain and the cold has frozen it shut.
Good morning! I hope everyone is off to a good start this week. I did really well yesterday on my calories I think and I got in my 30 minutes on the TM. I snuck in a weigh this morning and was actually up to 178.8 but I think it may be water weight. I always drink more water during the week at work than I do at home over the weekend. At least I hope that's what it is.

I'm feeling pretty good today about this week though. I think if I can keep on track and get my TM in each day that I will see a loss this week. I'm really hoping for several pounds. I'd like to hit 175 this week but I know that's a long shot. 176 would be great too though.

It's really cold here again. We had some beautiful warm weather here a couple weeks ago and it was such a tease. I can't wait until it gets warm again and stays warm. It's so much nicer to walk outside.

Still no word on the house yet. It's in foreclosure and according to the listing agent the bank hadn't set an asking price yet. I was hoping they would by yesterday but so far nothing. We don't have a huge market of foreclosures in our area so the good deals get scooped up pretty quick. We lost out on the last one by a day. I am in love with this house though. It needs quite a bit of cosmetic work inside such as paint and carpet but it has a great layout and everything and more cabinets in the kitchen then I've ever seen. And DD would have a huge bedroom with a huge walk in closet. It's actually bigger than the master bedroom. She has a tiny room now and it's so cramped and always feels messy even when it's clean. So it's really bad when it is messy. It would be so nice for her to have a room she can move around in and play in. Anyway, I need to quit thinking about it because I know it's a long shot.

Well, have a great day everyone!
Good morning everyone! I'm still sick and I can't shake it. I'm going crazy. It's just a very persistent thing, and I'm literally starting to just go slightly crazy...ha ha. Thanks for the well-wishes everyone.

Remember that the more you exercise the more you gain muscle and that you can gain some weight when you build up muscle. It's not just a cliche...muscle does really weigh more than fat. Just keep that in mind.

Keep up the good work everyone. Remember if you are stuck that you won't be forever! Good luck!
Good morning everyone! I finally saw a loss on the scale this morning at 177.2. I hit a high 177 a couple weeks ago but then drifted back up to 178/179. So it was exciting to see the low 177.2 again. I don't think I'll hit my goal of 175 by Friday, but hopefully a low 176 and maybe under 175 by next weekend. I'm so happy to have seen a loss, even a small one and an overall loss now of 7.2 pounds. :banana:

Cobra - I'm sorry to hear that you are still feeling sick. Have you been to the Dr.? I hope that you are feeling better today.

Our realtor called yesterday and no word on the house yet. We have a friend/aquaintance that we met through another couple. We were all together Sunday grilling out and he's a builder. My DH was discussing the house we are interested in and the builder said that he had a house he needed to unload. That it was a custom house he built for some people and something happened and they couldn't buy it. THen he did a lease purchase for someone else and they ended up filing for bankruptcy. He siad he'd sell it to us for whatever he had in it. That at this point he just needed it off his books.

So DH and I drove by there last night and OMG, it is BEAUTIFUL. And huge. And the type of house that we would love to have someday. And it has double wall ovens. Double wall ovens are my dream. DH even commented on the fact that it had them. (we peeked in the windows) Anyway, I'm sure it is out of our price range even at what he has in it. I'm sure he was planning on selling it origonally for mid to upper 300's. Our range is really around 230. I don't have any idea what the markup is in a house but I'm sure he's probably got more than 230 in it. But what if, you know. A girl can dream.

I know we won't go out of our range though. That's something we are totally set on. We've bought above our means before and lost big time. We learned our lesson. I don't ever want to be in that boat again. And I don't have a lot of confidence that he will do what he said anyway. DH tried to call him Monday and Tuesday and he didn't asnwer or call back. He even had his friend try to call him and no answer. He's a big talker but I'm not sure if he's real good about the follow through.

So, anyway. How is everyone else's week going so far? Keep up the good work!
Okay ladies, it's been really quiet today. Hope everyone is having a great week so far. I just wanted to update on our real estate quest. The realtor called today and the list price on the house is awesome. It's way less than we thought it would be AND it's under our limit so it's a great prospect. DH is double checking our financing and we will probably put in an offer tomorrow.

We could use all the pixie dust and prayers you can spare. If they accept our offer or even if we negotiate up closer to the list price it will be a great deal on a house that we really like. I'll update on it as soon as we know. I don't want to get my hopes up. It is a foreclosure and I know that anything can happen with it. We're just praying that it will work out for us and if it doesn't then I know that God has something different planned for us.
Kt_mom: Hope things work out with the house. I know it can be so annoying trying to find what you want within your price range. Good Luck!:thumbsup2

Sorry I have been MIA for a little while but I have been sick. I did end up getting the bug my DD had and I have been sick as a dog all week. I haven't been able to keep any food down and I actually had to go to the ER last night because I was dehydrated. I am feeling better today but still not 100%. Hope you guys are having a better week than me! :sad1:

Hope to see hear from you guys soon!!!
Good morning everyone!

Belle - I hope you are feeling better this morning. I'm sorry to hear you have been so sick and going to the ER is no picnic. I hope that you are trying to rest and take care of yourself.

Well, I weighed this morning and was at 174.4. I'm sure that is some kind of water weight fluctuation and probably in part because I forgot to eat dinner last night. I was excited about the house news and poured myself a glass of wine and got on the phone with a friend and before you know it the late news was coming on and it was time for bed. I never even thought about dinner.

I did consume plenty of calories in wine though. Walmart had this wine I've never seen before on sale for 2.97 so I picked up a few bottles. I figured I'd give it a try and then have a some on hand. Which I usually don't because I just can't afford to have a stash of wine sitting around. And it's not like we buy expensive wine, it's usually about $8 or $9 a bottle. I usually just buy a bottle when we want one or whatever. Well, my stash of three bottles is now down to a half bottle and I feel like crap this morning but it's ok. DH and I enjoyed our wine last night.

DH will hopefully get with our realtor this morning and get an offer in on the house. Then I guess we play the waiting game since it's a foreclosure. I'm just hoping that the bank will be in a hurry to get the house sold and will accept our offer quickly and we can get things rolling.
kt, which house are you putting an offer in? The one that the guy was going to sell you at cost, or a different one? What is it like? I bet you are SOOOO excited!!!!

Still doing well here, on the low cal/low carb thing. I have been exercising a lot and am quite sore, but am hoping that will go away someday soon.

Cobra and Belle, sorry you have been feeling poorly. That can really wreak havoc on a schedule/routine.

Maria, where are you?? :goodvibes
I'm here, Kat! :wave2:

Sorry guys. Life has me busy, but thank goodness I haven't been sick like some of you! :grouphug:

I've been getting in some great workouts this week --

Sun -- Bike 30 min; Mon -- 4 mi; Tues -- 3 mi + yoga; Wed -- 4 mi, and Thurs -- 4 mi.

Tomorrow is my rest day, and then I'll do 6 mi on Sat., then start all over again :cool1:

I've given up treats for Lent -- cookies, candy, chips, etc., as well as fast and fried food -- yep, everything I should avoid, anyway. I just think I'm not losing because I eat too many 100 cal packs :rolleyes1

So, with my eating curtailed and my exercise rolling, I'm hoping for some great losses in March. :thumbsup2 February has been pretty blah, I keep losing and regaining the same pounds...

Kat -- How is you energy with the low carb/low fat diet? That's my only concern with my new plan -- I need calories to workout, but I just have to find the right balance...:confused3

kt mom -- Best of luck with the house purchase! We bought our house just before 9/11, and were in the midst of selling our condo, so I'm familiar with the wacky market -- but it will all work out as it should. :goodvibes

Belle -- I hope you're rehydrating left and right, and feeling better! :flower3:

Cobrabubbles -- I hope you're feeling better, too! Wow, that bug is everywhere, isn't it? ::yes::

Carpenters -- If you are doing what you should 90% of the time, it will happen eventually. Some people lose slower than others, but have faith, it will happen! :wizard:

Dona -- I keep hearing Spring is coming...any signs your way? We got nothin' up here :cold:

Everyone have an awesome day, and a fantastic weekend!

Maria :upsidedow
Kat we haven't yet put in the offer and I'm not sure now that we will be able to. DH was missing some paperwork that he needed to get the VA loan approval. He's requested it, but I was unaware of this and after reading through the info I don't think he is going to qualify like he thought he was. He says if he doesn't qualify for the VA loan then we're not going to try for another kind of loan. He doesn't want to take the cash out of savings to put down. So short of some divine intervention I don't think we will be getting the house. I'm pretty disappointed.

It was not the one the builder was going to see us at cost. DH did hear from him and it's way out of our range and I don't think he quoted us his cost anyway. The one we were going to put the offer on was the foreclosure. I loved the kitchen in this one and the size of the extra bedrooms was awesome. Oh well.


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