150 Club....Care to join??? Continued.

Welcome Seattle girl!!

Kat Congrats on hitting the 1270 mins! That is incredible that means you averaged 43 mins a day! Woo-hoo!

Saphire! Congrats on your loss!

Maria, good job on the exercising. I don't know how you ladies who work full time squeeze it all in!

Kelsey, softball sounds like fun! I never did after school sports in school. I kind of wish I could do one now though. I think that would be fun.

Sarah, 30lbs YAY!!! Congratulations that is awesome!!!

Liz, I didn't even know there was a 5K this weekend at Epcot. I want to come! Have a great time at the world!

As for me, I actually went and walked outside this week. first time in a while. I walk along water and it is super windy there. So for DD3 that goes in the carriage I don't go if it is too frigid. Today the sun is shining and I'm about to go out and rake out my flower beds. I saw some stuff sprouting and I'm psyched. Flowers sprouting puts me in such a better mood! I've been focusing on eating more veggies and protein and less sugar and white carbs. I'm going down small amounts. Nothing solid yet. But I"m having an easier time resisting dessert and things so that is a relief!

Hope everyone is well.

Good luck Liz in the race!

Raen! I'm so sorry. Sometimes are minds are so hard to figure out. I can honestly say I've been there before. (Well maybe not on the bench outside the store, but in my car!) I hope your day today improves!!!
I had a very odd (aka bad) night last night. I got home from the dentist and was feeling sore, so I allowed myself some ice cream. Well "some" ice cream turned into over 500 calories worth!!:eek: I have no idea why I did that. Then it got worse. For the BL challenge I have to try some new recipes, so I found a few and headed to the grocery store for supplies. While there I bought a single serving Oreo parfait. I don't even like them really! And then I proceeded to sit on a bench outside the store and eat most of it! I sort of "hid" on the bench like some sort of addict! I needed that parfait NOW. Again no clue why.:confused: I am NEVER like that with food. When I got home, I started to cook and proceeded to "taste" the mini pie crusts I had bought for the low cal key lime pie I was making. I ate two! And then I threw them out to alleviate the temptation. Currently my key lime pie is crust-less because of that, but I couldn't stop! I kept asking myself, "what are you doing?" I was aware of every bite I took, none of it was mindless and yet I ate it all. I was not upset (that I know of, at least before the odysessy began), or bored (in fact, I was very busy cooking), or overly tired or stressed. All I can think, perhaps for some reason my blood sugar was low and as something inside of me tried to fix the problem it kept making it worse by adding more sugar to invariably make the blood sugar lower. I felt like I was watching the whole thing from the outside with no control.
Forget my fiancé sabotaging me, I am doing a fine job myself! :headache: I wish I knew what happened. How do I prevent this from happening again??
Oh and today I feel like a zombie, so I know I royally screwed up my insulin yesterday.

:hug: Sorry that you had a bad day. I every once in a while have a eat-everything-in-sight day. Just pick up and move on today. No-one is perfect all the time!!

The dentist alone is enough to send me into a bad-eating binge. I HATE the dentist! :scared:

Kat Congrats on hitting the 1270 mins! That is incredible that means you averaged 43 mins a day! Woo-hoo!


Maria, good job on the exercising. I don't know how you ladies who work full time squeeze it all in!

Kelsey, softball sounds like fun! I never did after school sports in school. I kind of wish I could do one now though. I think that would be fun.

As for me, I actually went and walked outside this week. first time in a while. I walk along water and it is super windy there. So for DD3 that goes in the carriage I don't go if it is too frigid. Today the sun is shining and I'm about to go out and rake out my flower beds. I saw some stuff sprouting and I'm psyched. Flowers sprouting puts me in such a better mood! I've been focusing on eating more veggies and protein and less sugar and white carbs. I'm going down small amounts. Nothing solid yet. But I"m having an easier time resisting dessert and things so that is a relief!

Hope everyone is well.

Good luck Liz in the race!


Thanks! Wow I didn't think of 43 min a day.

I only fit it in by escaping at lunch. It breaks up my workday nicely, and I have a good boss who lets me take 1.5 hour lunch and make the time up by staying an extra half hour.

I had never played an organized sport either, and 5 years ago (at age 27) decided to take up ice hockey. Had never really skated, either! Man, it is fun!! I completely suck at it, but it is a great workout. I haven't played since last summer but just signed up for a women's summer league that starts April 14th. Can't wait!!

And yes, we have women's league ice hockey in North Carolina. :laughing:
Hi Everybody!

I am so far behind, I can't begin to catch up, so I'll just do a little update on me and jump in from here.

I scaled my mileage back on Saturday because we had a birthday party for ds, and my time was limited. Yesterday I did 4.2 miles, so that was good. Today I'll be on the bike for crosstraining. I am so ready for Spring! We have sunshine, but I'd really like a 60 degree day. I guess it will come eventually!

For those that don't know me well -- I am a grants professional with about 15 years of experience. I am a member of the American Association of Grantwriting Professionals. This organization has been working for the last five years or so to create a professional credential specifically for grant professionals, as one did not exist. A professional credential means that in order to earn the credential you must first be qualifed to take a test, then take a psychometric test, which has been created through a rigorous process. The qualification process usually involves submitting an application/resume with your accomplishments and experience as well as references. The certification process was finally ready to go last Fall. I submitted my application in September, and was invited to take the test in November. The test consisted of 4 hours to complete multiple choice questions, and 90 minutes to prepare a written section. It took me about 3 1/4 hours, to do the multiple choice, and 75 minutes for the written part. I was very nervous after I finished, because the test is truly for generalists, and although I have worked in both the private and government arenas, I've been doing strictly government work for the past 7 years. There were many questions where I really was guessing. Anyway, I finally got my results last week, and I passed! Right now,there are 170 credentialed grants professionals nationwide, and I am one of four in New England. So, anyone who sees my designation (potential employer) should feel confident that I can do anything grants-related with excellence.

This was the hardest test I've taken since I defended my thesis to get my Masters, so I am pleased as punch. I don't often have exciting life news to share, so I wanted to let my DIS family know!

Maria :cloud9:
Hi Everybody!

I am so far behind, I can't begin to catch up, so I'll just do a little update on me and jump in from here.

I scaled my mileage back on Saturday because we had a birthday party for ds, and my time was limited. Yesterday I did 4.2 miles, so that was good. Today I'll be on the bike for crosstraining. I am so ready for Spring! We have sunshine, but I'd really like a 60 degree day. I guess it will come eventually!

For those that don't know me well -- I am a grants professional with about 15 years of experience. I am a member of the American Association of Grantwriting Professionals. This organization has been working for the last five years or so to create a professional credential specifically for grant professionals, as one did not exist. A professional credential means that in order to earn the credential you must first be qualifed to take a test, then take a psychometric test, which has been created through a rigorous process. The qualification process usually involves submitting an application/resume with your accomplishments and experience as well as references. The certification process was finally ready to go last Fall. I submitted my application in September, and was invited to take the test in November. The test consisted of 4 hours to complete multiple choice questions, and 90 minutes to prepare a written section. It took me about 3 1/4 hours, to do the multiple choice, and 75 minutes for the written part. I was very nervous after I finished, because the test is truly for generalists, and although I have worked in both the private and government arenas, I've been doing strictly government work for the past 7 years. There were many questions where I really was guessing. Anyway, I finally got my results last week, and I passed! Right now,there are 170 credentialed grants professionals nationwide, and I am one of four in New England. So, anyone who sees my designation (potential employer) should feel confident that I can do anything grants-related with excellence.

This was the hardest test I've taken since I defended my thesis to get my Masters, so I am pleased as punch. I don't often have exciting life news to share, so I wanted to let my DIS family know!

Maria :cloud9:

Woohoo!!! Thats awesome!!!! :cheer2: :woohoo:
Thanks for the support, I am so pleased when one area of my life comes together. Actually, I'm kind of together in every way except for the weight loss. How come I can do everything but that?!

I'm going back to writing down everything I eat (starting today), and also counting my exercise points. DH thinks that will do it. I've tried everything else, so I'm going back to what worked. I did lose 25 lbs with WW, but that was about 5 years ago. I gained it all back and went beyond...yuck!

Welcome, Cristabel!

Best of luck to you on your journey, and welcome to this thread! Tell us a little about yourself and your goals!

can I join in too? I'm luna99 and I'm a 31 year old newlywed who works at home doing medical transcription. I moved to Syracuse late 2005 but I'm really a Texan and will always be! :woohoo: I have always been somewhat chubby to fat all of my life and sometimes I can't even imagine what I would look like thin. I'm currently coming in at about 205 and want to get to 150! My husband told me if I get to 150 he will take me on a huge shopping spree and give me $1000 smackers to buy new clothes.. that alone should be a big incentive! :thumbsup2

btw, my husband? yeah.. he's lost 30 pounds since the beginning of the year. hmph. why is it men can lose it quicker than women?!? and he's made it look easy (well for the most part... but he REALLY has cut back on his food).

so.. here I am.. ready to start and meet some fabulous people and support anyone who needs it! We can do this! :cheer2: I told myself I would get thin in my 30's and stay that way.

OH... btw, we are probably going to start working on having a baby in the next year or two.. so that sorta throws a kink in my plans. LOL. I'm like.. great, just when I get thin I'll be getting fat again! :rolleyes:

oh, and my favorite character???? Donald of course! :donald:

so far I've already lost 5 pounds (started about a week and a half ago) and I've got 55 more to go! :teacher: woohoo!

have a healthy day everyone!

ps congrats worfiedoodles!!
Anyway, I finally got my results last week, and I passed! Right now,there are 170 credentialed grants professionals nationwide, and I am one of four in New England.

Wow, that is a real honor! Congratulations to you for passing the test!

I am plugging along with my plan. I have lost another 1.5 and am down to 164.5. I am not sure if I will make it by Easter to the 150's, but DH and I are going away for a weekend in April, so I will extend (ugh) the diet to April 10. I am confident I can make it by then.
I mentioned before that I love to cook and entertain and I find the weekends so difficult. I haven't had anyone to dinner which is just as well since it would throw me off track. I am having company for St. Patrick's Day, however, and will really have to watch my intake of corned beef (and everything else).
I still haven't started walking, Boston weather hasn't been that great, but I know it will help me to reach my goal.
Hello, luna99 and congrats on your weight loss!
Here's a little more info:

I'm a 19 year old college student who needs to lose 100lbs (ideally).

So far I worked out for 45 minutes on Monday and my plans to work out went to moot yesterday. Today I have a date with the gym at 2:30pm

Yay for the elliptical.
Welcome Luna!

thank you Raenstoirm and hello saphire! It's so wonderful to be a part of a group of like minded people all working towards one goal! thanks for the welcome..

and disney-inspired... I know 100 pounds sometimes can sound like a lot to lose but you can do it one step (or workout) at a time! Congrats on going to the gym on monday! For me personally sometimes getting to the gym is the hardest part. Once I'm there and I start working out I actually *gasp* LIKE working out! :scared1: and I especially love being DONE with a workout! haha. (That's the best part right?) :lmao:
I am plugging along with my plan. I have lost another 1.5 and am down to 164.5. I am not sure if I will make it by Easter to the 150's, but DH and I are going away for a weekend in April, so I will extend (ugh) the diet to April 10. I am confident I can make it by then.
I mentioned before that I love to cook and entertain and I find the weekends so difficult. I haven't had anyone to dinner which is just as well since it would throw me off track. I am having company for St. Patrick's Day, however, and will really have to watch my intake of corned beef (and everything else).
I still haven't started walking, Boston weather hasn't been that great, but I know it will help me to reach my goal.
Hello, luna99 and congrats on your weight loss!

my husband and I were saying just last night how there is ALWAYS some holiday just around the corner to mess up everyone's diet!! and everything is about FOOD (and fattening food usually). Here's to getting through St. Patty's Day and Easter without putting any weight on!
Wow! This is the first time I've ever seen the 150s Club fall off the first page.

Please tell me someone out there is doing better than I am. TOM is hitting me hard, and I'm full of martyrdom and feeling sorry for myself.

Any thoughts for motivational reading? I'm a voracious reader, and when I have directions, I can usually follow them...

I was at 177 last weigh-in (Friday). That is a total of 41 lost since last Feb when I decided to start a healthier lifestyle. And down from the 192 I hit this Jan after my WDW trip. Hopefully I can continue to stick to it and make it into the 150s this year.

Sorry I haven't been posting much, work has been kicking my behind and it is all I can do to keep up.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I have been off of WISH for almost 2 years! It is soooo AWESOME to see the 150's club still going strong! Please accept me back..I have pretty much been yo-yoing...life got in the way, I put aside my exercise and it came back on...I'm all about trading back in my 60 pound clippie and getting honest with myself...I'm actually weighing in kg's to avoid seeing the pounds...my lowest was 175.8 and I was only 26 pounds from 150's!! It may take me all this year to get back to that point, but I'm going to do it!!

I got a treadmill and started a fat burning 6 week routine...curious to see how many kg's I can take off in that time :)

I don't have the chance to see who all is still here from 2 years ago...but I'm so thankful to have a supportive group to make this journey with! We're planning another Dis trip this September and I want to be under that 200 mark which I'm sure I'm over right now...

Also moved out to the country and have a couple of horses that I'm training...so losing the weight would let me be a better trainer for the horses and a lighter rider!! And my kids will see the value of putting health above hectic pace! :)

ON TO ONEDERLAND (again:thumbsup2 )

Welcome back Tara!! I wasn't here 2 years ago.

I can so relate to the yo-yo. I got to 173 as my lowest 2007 weight (in Aug) and crept back up to 192 by end of Jan 2008. I am back down to 177ish (havent weighed since last Fri).

I think weighing in kg would just confuse me! Then again, I am easily confused... :laughing:

Oh, and I am jealous of the horses. :goodvibes


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