18 Wonderful nights at RPR.....Michael Myers too!! (2014 Trip)

Great update!

Love your park outfits by the way...very cute and also practical I imagine. They seem perfect for that Florida heat. :sunny:

Glad you're still enjoying it.......and thanks for the nice comments........I appreciate it :goodvibes
I am really enjoying your trip report. We stayed at RPR last February but weren't really prepared. We are staying there again in January and I am learning so much! Thank you for sharing
I am really enjoying your trip report. We stayed at RPR last February but weren't really prepared. We are staying there again in January and I am learning so much! Thank you for sharing

You're very welcome..........I hope this time you are more than prepared and have an even better trip. It's such an amazing hotel.

Hope you come back and tell us how you enjoyed it :thumbsup2
Wednesday 17th Sept

Cannot believe we have been here over a week already, it is going past so quickly but doesn`t feel like it at the time.

Today looks breezy and a little bit cooler which may be nice as it has been ultra hot so far. We don`t really have a lot of plans today. We did wonder about driving to the beach for the day and staying overnight somewhere, but when we wake none of us really has any desire to leave the resort today. So we go up to the lounge for breakfast and get to say goodbye to a member of staff we really like a lot. He`s staying with the company but just moving to reservations, and we will miss him as he is lovely, and a lot of fun. We have breakfast and sit for a while today as we are in no rush to go anywhere as usual. Didn`t recognise many of the staff this morning, but turns out there was a massive incident on I4 that stopped the regular staff getting in, most had to turn back, so they got staff from somewhere else. But finally, full up and having said goodbye to AJ we head off to the park. We decided to go back to Studios today.

It is a little cooler, maybe in the low 80`s but a nice little breeze so we decide to just walk and it is a lovely walk today. We pass a man who has a huge dog....massive.....so we stop and chat to him for a bit.....this dog is a mixture of scooby doo and a horse!!!! I have never seen a dog so big, but it is so friendly. We are there in no time and the turnstiles are fairly busy this morning, but we are a little later, maybe 9.45. As we go through we do notice the regular queue for DM was 50 minutes already but Express was no wait at all so we did that once then went on RRR. We got on the front again for this ride, we always ask for it as it just isn`t bumpy and I don`t feel awful coming off. As we walk back down to head to The mummy, Tom tells me he thinks he saw my cousin and family go into the DM store so I head back to look for them, they stay at the the little outdoor shop bit that sells teeshirts and stuff...... but it wasn`t.......I wandered around the store to make sure I hadn`t missed them, but I realise he must have been mistaken and wander back to them.

I can`t see Kyle at this point........so we stand in the shade and the girl who works there starts chatting and has a very big smile on her face.......Tom said Kyle had gone to the bathroom so we are just chatting.......then I get the feeling someone is behind me........Tom and the girl are still smiling and Tom is fiddling with the camera......so I turn around and am met by this........



I almost pass out and can`t even scream........Tom was snapping pictures of me.......I don`t think they`re very funny so I won`t post them :laughing: I had seen the teeshirts with Myers face on but hadn`t spotted the one mask for sale.....they seen it and sent me on a wild goose chase while Kyle put the mask on and hid........ha bloomin ha.........he wanted to buy it, well you had to order it I think it was around $80 but I told him if he bought it he wasn`t coming home with us........he didn`t order it. He did however buy the teeshirt with Michael`s face on it. Lovely.

So my heart rate back to normal, we head round and do the Mummy then go to DA again. We stop off to buy some water and see there`s no one beside Bruce the shark so we get a couple of pics as we haven`t for a couple of years.



After we take our pics there`s a little woman who asks us in broken English to take her picture, so we do......with 4 different camera`s???? She is chinese and on her own so we happily do it and head off to HE. We get the carriage to ourselves on the way to Hogsmeade which was nice. I`m still amazed at how the carriages look so like what UK trains in the 70`s looked like........very nostalgic.




We come back to Studios as we plan to do Gringotts again. Have to share the carriage this time. The queue by the time we get there is 90 minutes so we head down to do single rider........the queue is just to the bottom of the steps so it takes maybe 10-15 minutes to get through......so worth it again. We get split up totally this time, but not bothered at all. I get sat beside a family from Georgia who are nice and chatty.....it`s their first ride which is nice to see.....they loved it as well. It is so good a ride and we all enjoy it so much. We only do it once as we decide we`re hungry. But not really for lunch yet so yep, ice cream sounds good from the ice cream parlor.

It is still nice outside but the queue is not long at all, so we head in and Kyle gets yep, plain chocolate, Tom gets salted caramel blondie and I get soft serve toffee which is my favorite of all of them.


I didn`t get chance to take the ice cream pics as they were devoured. It is nice but we all prefer Ben&Jerry`s if given a choice. But you have to try it. We did try the butterbeer one but didn`t like it despite liking frozen butterbeer. We had a walk around KA again before heading off......such fun in there.......




Anyway, we headed around to do MIB and they wanted to do The Simpson`s ride, but the park was so quiet we got some nice photo ops......and we ran into our little friend again......the chinese lady with the 4 camera`s.....lol.....she saw us and headed straight for us handing us the camera`s and saying please, you don`t mind......of course we didn`t....so we took her picture with the car, the train and beside the jeremiah springfield statue........we could have been there all day, but she was so lovely and polite....you couldn`t say no.


Now it was time for lunch. We had gone to Finnegans a couple of times a few years before and didn`t really like it much. But it was at least 3 or 4 years so I wanted to try it again as it always seems to be popular......my two didn`t want to go at all, but I pulled the "my turn to decide" card and that was settled. So we headed back round and went in. It wasn`t overly busy but loud. We got seated immediately and ordered strawberry smoothy and 2 fantas.........and we waited. Then waited some more. Finally after asking and waiting some more we got our drinks....she asked if we wanted some time to check the menu...I said no we`ve had plenty of time can we just order. Kyle wanted chicken strips, I ordered the potato and onion web and Tom ordered the corned beef sandwich.

I don`t have pictures of the food as by the time they arrived we had lost interest.......but apart from the chicken strips it was the worst meal we ever had. The onion web was just greasy....Tom`s sandwich was greasy and a bit cold......we picked at it at best and wished we had ordered tenders....lol.....we finally got our waitress`s attention and told her how disappointing it was.....not interested. She said she would get the check, but we waited some more and by this time I was ready to leave so we went up to the bar and paid it up there telling them why we were paying at the bar. They didn`t say anything and we should have made more of a fuss as the food was terrible but I couldn`t be bothered at this point. I so regretted talking them into going in here today......but now......we will never go back in again. I got a few told you so looks from both of them........

We went to do a few rides and then headed back to the hotel for showers and stuff, but as we were heading out we saw these guys.......


I love this little parade......bright colorful and fun......who doesn`t love a minion!!! But we head off when it`s done and walk back to the hotel. I think I may have a snooze but after getting showered and changed I don`t feel tired. Kyle is on his tablet and Tom has 40 winks before we head up to the lounge for a drink before we go out tonight for dinner. We had decided on Smokey Bones. By now it`s around 6.00 so we, well I have some wine as again, Tom is driving. We chat to Thomas who works there for a while, and also the couple we met the other night.....they are very nice and we are trying to talk the husband into going on to RRR as he has never done it....he`s not sure and his wife is not going on it, ever!! We have a real nice time with them but soon we are heading off for dinner.

Takes us 15 minutes to get to Smokey Bones, we love it here........a real favorite of ours!!!! It`s fairly quiet so we are seated immediately and have a very nice young lady looking after us. We have a blackberry lemonade each...it`s so nice....and Kyle has a smoothy.......the menu here takes us forever to think about. Everything is gorgeous...everything. Kyle just fancies tenders again, Tom has ribs and I order the brisket which I have heard is divine from many people.......she comes back and says she`s sorry but it is finished......it`s such a popular dish. So I order pulled pork with coleslaw and cinammon apples...........it`s so nice in here



As we wait a family sit down behind us. I don`t notice anything at first as we`re talking but soon I take notice. There`s a girl of around 11 or 12 who gets really whiny about how animals are killed and we shouldn`t be eating meat and bla bla bla.......We`re in Smokey Bones........I laugh later as she`s sitting under a poster that says "plants are living things too"........anyway I don`t want to be listening to this at all.....so when she get`s a bit louder with her ramblings and graphic in her descriptions I turn and tell her parents I don`t care to listen to her vegetarian preachings.......her parents are actually ok and apologise and tell her to stop talking. Little girl looks mad as hell but stops talking......never heard another word from her.......then our glorious food full of meat appeared........If anyone wants to be a vegetarian then do it, but why preach about it, I can`t abide that and couldn`t care less about it.




Oh my this meal was good........Kyle`s tenders were just gorgeous, Tom`s ribs were lush....I only got one though.....lol.....and the pulled pork was sublime......it was piled high under the garlic toast and full of flavor.....I could have eaten this meal again, I love the coleslaw they serve in here.....touch of sweetness makes all the difference. We enjoyed every morsel of food and sat back and looked at our empty plates........our waitress came back and asked if we wanted dessert.......Tom and I didn`t but Kyle as usual knows they do a phenomenal chocolate wall for dessert......so he ordered that. She did bring 3 spoons so I took a smidge of ice cream and Tom did have some of the cake. It looks so rich........ice cream is nice though.......


We sit for a while to relax after our meal then head out, as we are leaving the mother of the girl behind us stops us and apologises again and says she`s at that age. We tell her no problems, just wasn`t prepared to listen to nonsense while we were eating our meal. The girl is sat with her arms folded and looked grim........her brother was teasing her how much he enjoyed his steak at this point.....lol we said goodbye and left.

We drove back and had planned, again, to go and do minigolf at Citywalk, but again, it was quite late and a bit cool......maybe in the high 70`s....my brother laughed when I told him that.....how did you cope was his response.......lol.......so we went back to the hotel and thought we might have a cocktail in Orchids, but it was so busy. Definetely a convention bunch by the look of them........so we just head up to our room and crash out fairly quickly.

We decide to do IOA again tomorrow and then remember it`s one more day to HHN. Sadly forecast is rain.....but we`ll worry about that on Friday.
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Another great update Carole :thumbsup2

Love your pretty purple tops and I'm with you about Finnegan's... the only good things are the bread and fish & chips but it's not worth putting up with bad food and poor service... there are too many great places to eat in the parks ::yes::

Your guys were so bad to play that trick on you...wish I had been there to see your reaction:lmao:

Thanks for the food porn...just started my diet again and I almost licked the page...yum.
:rotfl2:re the MM mask & the tableside 'preaching' @ Smokey Bones. Good for you to try & educate her parents.

tour flags in October! eek

sounds as though you managed to fill up a suitcase full of goodies.:thumbsup2 did the Clinique make it home intact in checked luggage? Had thought of buying perfume when in Orlando but afraid it might leak due to pressure changes.
Another great update Carole :thumbsup2

Love your pretty purple tops and I'm with you about Finnegan's... the only good things are the bread and fish & chips but it's not worth putting up with bad food and poor service... there are too many great places to eat in the parks ::yes::

Your guys were so bad to play that trick on you...wish I had been there to see your reaction:lmao:

Thanks for the food porn...just started my diet again and I almost licked the page...yum.

It was so funny afterward Vicki, but at the time :scared1: lol at you licking the pages......good luck with the diet :thumbsup2
Yep, never eating in Finnegans again........:)

:rotfl2:re the MM mask & the tableside 'preaching' @ Smokey Bones. Good for you to try & educate her parents.

tour flags in October! eek

sounds as though you managed to fill up a suitcase full of goodies.:thumbsup2 did the Clinique make it home intact in checked luggage? Had thought of buying perfume when in Orlando but afraid it might leak due to pressure changes.

Preachy veggies are a bugbear of mine :thumbsup2

Oh everything made it home safe and sound.....I wrap it all carefully :thumbsup2........I always buy one or two perfumes and they always make it home safe so you should be good to go buying it :)

Glad you're still reading along :goodvibes
I love your trip reports! We are getting ready to go over the US Thanksgiving break, so I'm soaking it up before we go! I am now taking Finnegan's off the list of restaurants. I get the best information from your reports.

I am not a fan of preachy vegetarians either! If you don't want to eat something - don't. But don't expect that everyone else is going to agree with you or want to hear your point of view. At least the Mom apologized for her.

The trick Tom & Kyle played on you would be something my husband & DD would do! They gave DS a terrible time for saying Thing1 & Thing2 from The Cat in the Hat ride were creepy. They kept pointing out the Things everywhere we went!
I love your trip reports! We are getting ready to go over the US Thanksgiving break, so I'm soaking it up before we go! I am now taking Finnegan's off the list of restaurants. I get the best information from your reports.

I am not a fan of preachy vegetarians either! If you don't want to eat something - don't. But don't expect that everyone else is going to agree with you or want to hear your point of view. At least the Mom apologized for her.

The trick Tom & Kyle played on you would be something my husband & DD would do! They gave DS a terrible time for saying Thing1 & Thing2 from The Cat in the Hat ride were creepy. They kept pointing out the Things everywhere we went!

Lol......your poor DS......those Thing things are quite creepy.......:rotfl:

I honestly wouldn't recommend Finnegans at all. So disappointing, but there are so many good places to eat you wouldn't be missing out by not going.

Glad you are enjoying the trippie and thanks for the nice comments :wave2:
LOL about the whiney vegetarian girl! The kids and I don't eat any meat, although Hubs just bought half a pig for himself! Seriously! Our downstairs freezer is about to be filled with various pig parts! :lmao: I told him that he will be eating pig everyday for the rest of his life since he is the only one who eats meat!

Anyhoo.. she is that age! I am pretty sure that I was very outspoken and annoying at that age as well! :) At least her mom was apologetic..

So, I guess I will cross Finnegan's off of my "potential places to eat" list. I have not heard good things..
Thursday 18th Sept

We have fog this morning. Real live thick fog. Can`t see a thing out the window as the sun comes up at all. We are all strangely wide awake this morning and hear the early birds heading off for EE while we get dressed. People always ask us why we don`t even just once get up for EE.....my answer is always the same......Why? There`s no need. We have all the time in the world, although it is a shock how long we`ve been here already. So showered and dressed we head up for our usual breakfast. It`s quite busy today and a lot of Brits too. We don`t plan to hang around but as usual we get chatting to staff and other guests too so it`s well after 9 by the time we leave to walk to the park. We don`t mind as I genuinely enjoy getting to know new people, or just chat to ones I do.

The fog is gone and we have a very humid heat today and it`s blisteringly hot.....worst humidity I think we have ever felt today, so we walk slowly. As we get to the gates it`s really not busy at all. We actually walk through the gift shop as we are really feeling the heat today........think we will be really taking our time round the park. We wander round to our usual first hit The Hulk, I take out my camera as the place is practically deserted, I take loads of pics but the humidity has made my camera fog up.........




I love The Hulk........but it can be a bit of a headbasher, so I only ride it twice and leave them to ride some more.....doesn`t seem to affect them like it does me.......so I take some more pictures, there`s a few more people around now so no park to ourselves today........even sitting in the shade today I can feel this heat sizzle my skin......but I wait all year for this heat so I daren`t complain or I`ll get in trouble.....lol.......

They have a few more goes then we walk round to Doom. We love this ride......I know many people think it`s a poor ride as in it`s too short, but we love the thrill of waiting to get shot up in the air.....and the feeling of exhileration as you are propelled out of your seat at the top is soooooo much fun......didn`t think that the first time I rode it though :blush: But I came to love it immediately after that!! It`s the only ride my husband get`s a bit nervous on strangely, but he wouldn`t miss it out. We go on about 5 or 6 times and on one of them we are just about to be propelled when we hear a TM voice tell someone to put away the go-pro.......we think uh oh......they are asked 3 times to put it away properly, then the person operating the ride tells him if he doesn`t put it away he will be removed.........so we are again sat waiting to go, he must have put it away as we were soon catapulted up in the air again. It`s such a shame some people don`t think the rules apply to them and can do what they like. Now we head round to SM, get some water and walk slowly round to JP..........

We get some more water then go on JP.........there`s no queue again today so it`s sit where you like really. We talk DS into going on with us......he hates getting soaked and always seems to attract it somehow.......so we go about 6 times and don`t get that wet apart from the last 2 goes....where I get soaked twice, then the last ride.....DS gets almost whooshed away with amount of water that gets plunged on to him.......I nearly choke with laughter at his face.......lol........it`s hard to tell but you could have just wrung him out..........

It always makes me smile when I see people say oh you don`t get wet on JP.......er, yes you can!! We decide we have had enough of JP today.......it`s a bit busier in the park now as we head round to FJ.........I don`t go on it today as my head was bashed enough on Hulk this morning so I head round to the bathroom then again go and sit beside the Talking Fountain. This is something you really must do if you haven`t already.......there are many people who voice the Fountain and they are all very funny, I can imagine them being very acerbically funny in real life, but they have to be careful and make sure the slightly adult comments go over little ones heads...it usually does. Today as I was sitting, drinking more water.....I`m being very good today and buying a bottle of water every time I stop, and this man walks up to the front of the fountain and starts to wash his hair.......The Fountain was astounded and told him he wasn`t a public bathroom and tried to communicate with the man, but he ignored any banter that was being fired at him and walked off........fake incandescence followed from The Fountain. I was howling with laughter as he was so funny. I honestly could sit there for hours, if it wasn`t for the fact I was sitting on a rock......after a while it does become uncomfortable!!!!

My two appear at this point having done FJ and DD a couple of times, it`s too early for lunch so Tom says he would like to see Poseidon`s Fury. Now, I thought we had done this, but they say no.......so we go in and I truly have no desire to see it, but it`s hot and I want to be inside, not that I say that of course :blush: So we queue inside in the non queue as in there`s no-one there........a few people come in behind us and we wait around 20 minutes for the show to start.



What a load of rubbish!!! And we had flash photographers again, despite being told not to.......anyways, the water part at the end was good but overall I would not waste that time again going back in there. I think it`s something you should do once though as some people seemed to enjoy it. But not for me, I wouldn`t miss it if it gets removed in a revamp of the area.

Now it`s lunch time, well it`s only just midday but we are hot.......as we are at Mythos we decide to eat here again......not a trial at all, we really enjoy it in here. It looks fairly busy, and we have a 10 minute wait till we are shown to a table. One thing we never do is make reservations, ever and have no intention of doing so. That`s too much like planning for us....... The girl remembers us from previous day and shows us to a table by the window. We realise in all out visits in here, we have never sat by the window. It`s nice. She tells us we have Mr Pepper serving us again, real name Robert, but he is super nice and a real character. He comes over and immediately asks Kyle if he is having the non alcoholic strawberry daiquiri again....what a memory this guy has. He is having that, and we have sprite. We always say we`ll have a cocktail or a beer during the day, but it`s so hot the last thing we want is alcohol.....plus if I drink at lunch I`m ready to sleep an hour later!!!






Kyle had the cheese pizza, Tom had the spicy one and I had Asian Chicken Salad which was gorgeous, second nicest asian chicken salad I ever ate, Cheesecake Factory was the best one. Kyle orders the flourless chocolate again........Tom wants to share it this time........I think that`s a no........


Now at this point, I am beyond freezing, yep, I`m actually shivering......so I do what lizards do, or so I`m told....I head out to the sunshine and heat.......the door is just beside us so I tell them to come out when they`re finished. The heat hits me like a wall of fire, but it`s glorious after being cold. I do like air conditioning in restaurants but today it was just a bit much......so I bask in the sunshine.....ironically beside a little lizard like gecko........






We head round to do trolley train and cat in the hat, why we do cith I don`t know as it`s just weird to us, not being brought up with it I suppose, well I think it`s weird anyway. But it`s such a beautiful area, you can`t help be impressed with the way it brightens up even a dull day, it is a very colorful place!!!




We head back to the hotel now, someone told us there`s going to be a storm, although looking at this you would never know!! The landscaping around Universal and the resorts is so beautiful I always try and take notice of it every time


We get back to our room and we all get showered and think about what we might want to do later tonight. We think if it`s not raining we`ll have a pool night. So it`s fairly early still, but we can see the weather coming in so we head up to the lounge and get a prime window seat and coffee and just watch it. It`s a real corker of a storm amazing lightning for daytime and very loud thunder, the likes of we just don`t get in the UK. We do get it, just not like here. We watch it dance across the sky in total awe for ages, then it just starts to deplete a bit. We love watching a good old fashioned Orlando storm.

We have some wine now as it`s "happy hour"....when we hear the older woman from the other night who was a bit annoying start banging on about Scottish people. Now I think everyone is entitled to their opinion but it was aimed at us........quite pathetic really.....but I stood up and spoke to the couple who she was speaking to, to say goodbye to them. She was so rude and kept banging on had we voted, did we miss the vote. Now Scotland was having their Independence vote that day. We haven`t lived in Scotland for 20 years so we didn`t get a vote anyway, but she didn`t know that. I just ignored her to be honest and carried on a conversation with the other couple whomlived quite near us by chance. Her husband did look uncomfortable though. I just thought, why do people have to be so challenging :rotfl:

We then headed out after saying our goodbyes and decided as the storm had gone and the sun had come out, we would have our pool night after all. We got some loungers and sat by the poolside. The movie was Iron Man, again, but hey Robert Downey Junior is very watchable ::yes::

It`s such a lovely night, humidity has gone......it`s just hot. We order a couple of cocktails each and we share the beef wrap and fries as it`s huge.....and gorgeous.....I ask them to leave out the mushrooms and have extra onions as we both love onions.....and it`s perfect. Kyle goes and gets his chocolate dessert from Jake`s........as soon as he walks in the girl smiles at him and asks if it`s the usual......lol..........

We sit till they blow the whistle tonight. We wander in and out the pool all night and we got chatting to a few people which was nice. I must admit I was glad when it was time to go up as I had started to get cold, and I get so teased whenever I say I`m cold in Florida. But we are all tired tonight, so no tv just straight to bed and the knowledge that finally, tomorrow is the opening night of HHN..........can`t wait for that.
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All caught up again :thumbsup2. Superb updates again, my friend....but to be honest, your posts never disappoint.

lol about the vegetarian girl :rotfl: . You have more confidence than I do....I would have been seething while I listened to her preaching, but would never have the courage to say something to quiet her. I truly envy those who have a backbone can speak up! I mean, SHEESH! Why should her individual beliefs taint the enjoyment of your meal?

I am truly disappointed to hear about your poor experience(s) at Finnegan's :sad1: . That was one I had on our to-do list for May. Perhaps we will look at something at CityWalk instead ..... or Smokey Bones ;) . My meatatarian man would love those ribs....or the brisket....or a steak....or maybe some of each? :rolleyes1 :lmao:
Me too! I always find that I have to remind myself to just stop and drink it all in!

Yep, it's so beautiful. I show some pics to one friend that's never been and she said she had no idea Universal was so pretty, she thought it was like a concrete jungle :)

All caught up again :thumbsup2. Superb updates again, my friend....but to be honest, your posts never disappoint.

lol about the vegetarian girl :rotfl: . You have more confidence than I do....I would have been seething while I listened to her preaching, but would never have the courage to say something to quiet her. I truly envy those who have a backbone can speak up! I mean, SHEESH! Why should her individual beliefs taint the enjoyment of your meal?

I am truly disappointed to hear about your poor experience(s) at Finnegan's :sad1: . That was one I had on our to-do list for May. Perhaps we will look at something at CityWalk instead ..... or Smokey Bones ;) . My meatatarian man would love those ribs....or the brisket....or a steak....or maybe some of each? :rolleyes1 :lmao:

Thanks Gina, that's so nice of you to say :goodvibes

I'm not usually confrontational, well sometimes I suppose I am if I really feel the need, but usually I'm pretty laid back......:scratchin

Oh Smokey Bones is a must go to place.........every piece of food we have had there has been amazing!! Love that word..........meatatarian........ I am so going to steal that word as my own :rotfl:

Glad you are still enjoying reading along :wave2:
Forgot, someone asked me in an email how much cocktails were in Orchids Lounge.

Well, I think they are around $15 each.......worth every cent too. They are quite strong!!!

The Bula Bar cocktails are around the same but if you give back the plastic glass I think it was only $10 and they do give you a clean glass :thumbsup2
Friday 19th..........Finally HHN

We are up with the larks again today for some reason. We all slept so well I don`t think any of us moved all night. Today is going to be a moochy around day till later on when we head out to meet Todd at 3ish. We head up for breakfast and chat to one member of staff about horror nights......he was telling us some cool stuff we never knew, so we could have chatted all day....we really took our time this morning and I had a lot of coffee which is unusual for me.....1 cup is enough. Just before we leave Mike tells us the forecast really, really sucks for tonight.......lots of heavy rain and then more rain. Joy. I don`t care though......I`m going to meet Michael Myers.

We set off for Wal-Mart........we speak to our friend who works there and then get some bits and bobs........not quite sure what we bought but the cart was quite full? I know there was water and cookies and Aussie shampoo and stuff..........we pass about an hour or so then head back. Boys are going to play pool and I iron before my friend is due to call me..........that is always a long conversation!!!!! We don`t have any lunch as we have pizza at Louie`s with Todd, but maybe have a cookie or two so I don`t get too hungry.........so my friend calls and we chat till it`s time to leave for the boat to Citywalk. We meet up with the nice couple from the lounge, he has convinced her to go to HHN but she is not looking forward to it at all. I tell her she`ll love it and want to go back again......she doesn`t look convinced at all. I tell her I`ll look out for her.......

So we walk into the park totally psyched up for tonight despite the ominous looking sky above us that seems to be a mocking grey today.....we just get to Louie`s and the heavens open......it`s raining!!! Well, we just have to make the best of it. Not long after Todd arrives and we get our food. They have a new supreme pizza which has meat on it.......so we get a mix of cheese, garden, pepperoni and supreme between us......they are all lovely. The person serving said they would charge for a whole pizza which worked out cheaper and was nice of them, I hadn`t thought of that. But anyway, the pizza was as usual gorgeous. We sit and chat and catch up some more with Todd who we always love spending time with and then head over to the holding area.

There already is a queue for Finnegans, I nearly booked a table for today but thankfully I couldn`t get one. Although after previous meal I would have cancelled anyway. But, we got a seat on some steps and we would have shelter if it rained....which it did. It is a fairly long wait but time passes quickly and soon they are checking everyone`s ticket........this was just before the rain



We don`t take a lot of pictures tonight as the weather was so foul, we do get more next few nights though. So just after that the rain came bouncing down so we all squeezed into the space at the top of the steps glad we hadn`t bagged the bench over the other side as those guys were getting water dumped on them!!! It eased slightly, but not much just as I saw someone I thought was mikkimus on here. She is from Iceland and I knew she was going....so I went over and said hello......it was her thank goodness......she introduced me to her boyfriend, although I couldn`t repeat his name now. Nice girl and we chatted a bit before I headed back over to a bemused bunch........they are always amazed at my ability to talk to total strangers. So soon after we are let loose around 6ish.

We have a choice of Dracula or AVP....we choose Dracula, we still wait around 15 -20 minutes to get in to this.......and boy what a let down. I hadn`t realised it wasn`t based on the traditional Dracula to begin with, but that aside it was a poor house. Got one scare I think and that`s it. Disappointing start really. But we headed back out into the rain and went into AVP........I`m not a fan of these movies but they love them. However it is a good house and the animatronics are superb.........you did have to bend down to get out of this house at the end which surprised me but it wasnt long. Now, Todd asked what did we want to do now. I immediately said Halloween.

So we walked through the rain and the Purge zone which I thought was poor at his point. But soon we were at the queue for Halloween. I think it said 45 minutes or an hour not sure which. We did have EP but wanted to do the regular queue first then go again with EP. Not that the queue had anything special. But we got drenched. Walking through those lines was soul destroying and of course apparently I was very nervous, agitated and giving very short answers to questions. My son says I have 2 traits that show I`m nervous and I was doing both at the same time?? Soon we were close and could hear the music they started playing.....the original score which is scary on it`s own.........


And we were going in......me first for some reason............I truly was terrified at this point..........well, it was amazing........the first couple of Michaels I missed with timing......but when I walked into the room with Michael`s everywhere.....I flipped out and jumped hiding behind Todd while screaming, grabbing Todd and closing my eyes at the same time.....my heart at this point was pounding.......but I made it through and was in awe of what a good job they did with this house.....I freaked at the next couple of rooms, the kitchen and the bedroom with the headstone.......I missed through timing the living room scene with Laurie.........I would well and truly see it next time!!! So I made it out in one piece with them wondering if I was going to pass out at his point....but once I got my breath back I declared it the best HHN house ever......not everyone will agree but for me it was. At this point we were soaked to the skin........so Todd was heading home as his clothes were so drenched they were getting hangy on him.....so we said our goodbyes and then we went into the EP queue for Halloween.

It was better this time as it was totally dark and you could see the show they put on the front of the house this time...basically setting up the movie and how he murdered his sister....it was good. But as we went to go in I thought maybe I wouldn`t........but I did.....and first again for some reason.....I got every scare going this time!!! Oh my goodness........the first adult Michael jumped out in front of me and just stood and I nearly passed out with fright, but Tom shoved me and I moved on......Kitchen Michael freaked me out as did room full of Michaels......that was bad......at this point, sounds ridiculous but I thought I was going to cry :blush: I was so freaked out.......but again I got every scare going.....bedroom michael got me twice......then I was perfectly timed for living room Michael......as he came out and finished his attack on "laurie"....I stopped and froze as Michael very slowly and deliberately turned his head towards me and just stared at me........I froze. Quite literally I couldn`t move.......then he very slowly tilted his head to the side the way he does, knife still in the air.....still staring at me and I then "awoke" I jumped about 10 feet in the air and turned and ran.......he very suddenly appeared beside me......at this point I was holding my head and screaming blue murder and running out....he was everywhere.......My guys loved every second :rotfl: When I froze in the living room scene it felt like an eternity I was looking at him, Tom said it was about 15-20 seconds, and the people behind weren`t hurrying it along....Tom said one guy said to him is she ok? lol........

So did I now it was over........what an amazing house!!! I truly wanted to go back in again......but I didn`t think it would be as good again as we had lucked out with timing second time tonight. Wow.......I was still catching my breath as we walked out. We all truly loved it and thought about going in the regular queue again.....for about 2 seconds.....it was now over an hour and the rain was even heavier, so we decided to call it a night, get the boat back to hotel, shower and head down to Orchids lounge. Which is what we did. It was soul destroying walking through the rain, but we got the boat and by now we were all cold so as soon as we were in the room we all had a lovely warm shower, we even turned the heat up in the room which we never do.

But we were warmed up now so went downstairs and sat in the lounge. It was fairly busy so we ordered a drink each and Kyle got his daiquiri


We ordered Thai lettuce wraps and spring rolls to share, they also brought us some edamame beans to nibble on......Kyle only wanted his choc cake so we ordered that too...........he came back with the drinks sat down my ginger cocktail, Kyle`s daiquiri and then went to give Tom his wine and he spilled it over his lap........what could we do we just laughed......waiter was mortified......Tom told him it wasn`t the first time tonight he had been soaked.....poor guy felt so bad but accidents happen. Anyway food was nice and they didn`t charge for Tom`s drink




Spring rolls were lovely, and we wanted to have another drink but it was so busy we headed upstairs where we knew we had another bottle of bubbly, so we headed upstairs and put tv on and had some bubbly and watched something I just can`t remember now. We were asleep by about midnight I think. We hoped tomorrow would be better weather for HHN again.....surely it couldn`t be worse!!
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Great updates, Carole!!

I know we all have the right to eat what we like. I also understand that a vegetarian lifestyle can be healthy however you don't have to whine and shout it. I work with vegetarians and also with many who have food allergies. I am learning that I like hummus and lentils and some of the vegetarians are learning that bbq is not so bad. I have had to learn that chicken and beef bbq can be just as good as pork.

We have pot lucks at work, and I don't get mad if I can't eat the entrée because it is pork bbq.(I am deathly allergic to pork!!) I do get mad if you don't tell me you put ham in your veggies to season them. :rotfl::rotfl: Part of the issue with the girl appears to be her age.

Scared were you at HHN?!?! Would have loved to see pictures of that?

Kyle in the mask was too funny. How old is Kyle? He seems to luv his Mom and scaring her!!

Can't wait to hear more!! You are getting me so excited for like 43 days from now!!!
Great updates, Carole!!

I know we all have the right to eat what we like. I also understand that a vegetarian lifestyle can be healthy however you don't have to whine and shout it. I work with vegetarians and also with many who have food allergies. I am learning that I like hummus and lentils and some of the vegetarians are learning that bbq is not so bad. I have had to learn that chicken and beef bbq can be just as good as pork.

We have pot lucks at work, and I don't get mad if I can't eat the entrée because it is pork bbq.(I am deathly allergic to pork!!) I do get mad if you don't tell me you put ham in your veggies to season them. :rotfl::rotfl: Part of the issue with the girl appears to be her age.

Scared were you at HHN?!?! Would have loved to see pictures of that?

Kyle in the mask was too funny. How old is Kyle? He seems to luv his Mom and scaring her!!

Can't wait to hear more!! You are getting me so excited for like 43 days from now!!!

Allergies are a whole other thing though aren't they. It must be terrifying to be constantly having to worry whether what you eat will make you ill or worse. Pork is something we don't eat a lot of, unless it's pulled pork and slathered in bbq sauce......tried lentils once......not for me :laughing:

Kyle is 20, we love that he still wants to come on trips with us, but it seems to be acceptable to go to the States with parents.....his friends would come with us in a heartbeat too :rotfl: think this may have been his last year though.......which is sad as we still love him with us......but it has to change at sometime and that's ok too.

He loves scaring me and seeing me scared.......he wears his Michael Myers tee shirt and just laughs as I cringe and try not to look at it........lol

There's more pics of horror nights next update...........thank you for lovely comments and glad you are enjoying reading along...........43 days till you go.......wow........will be here before you know it :thumbsup2


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