1971 WDW Map


Apr 30, 2010
So I have this 1971 Disney Map that I am looking to sell along with my other stuff I am trying to get rid of to be able to move to Florida and get a job with Disney. (anyone wanna roomie with me? lol jk) Anyways... I have this map but I am running into problems. I see that original maps sell for prices of $25 up to $100,000s! :eek: Really? I dont know if this is soooo true or if there is something special like Walt Disney drew it himself or whatever. But anyways I dont want to put it on Ebay and sell it for $5 and have it actually be worth thousands.




Any help would be greatly appreciated!
(I hope asking for help with prices is ok to do on Disboard)


- MaterializedHaunt :hmghost:
Cool map. I've not seen that map sold on Ebay before, but in my defense I'm usually looking for Magic Kingdom specific maps and guides, and not Walt Disney World ones. However, if those are to be a guide towards pricing this one, I'd say you could get between $20 and $30 for it. I've paid between $9 and $15 for '71-'75 Magic Kingdom guidebooks (the 20-30 page brochure with the MK map in the middle), and anywhere from $15 to $30 for the Poster sized MK maps. Now, that said, I've seen the poster maps go as high as $100, but typically they're around $80. The best thing to do is maybe put it on ebay with a reserve and see what you get?
The map your're referring to at $100k is an artwork that used to hang in the resort rooms. When they refurbished they simply got rid of them, and someone ended up a few that they saved. If it's listed for $100k then he's lowered his price as he was asking $250k!
Thanks so much for your help with this! Great to know! I didnt know those big ones were in rooms and such, thats some nifty info! I wonder how many have actually sold for over $100K! That is a terribly ridiculous price! But I guess there are some people out there who have that kinda money to throw into a hobby!

Thanks again!
- MaterializedHaunt :hmghost:
I've been collecting Disney World stuff from the opening days, but I had never seen this EXACT map in this format. It's much smaller than the poster park maps sold in the early 70's. I checked the ticket book pricing and sure enough, it matches up with '71-'72. Plus, your copy has the original Florida banner at the top of the logo. But I seemed to remember seeing the art before, and after a little digging, I found similar art in the 1978 edition of the Walt Disney World Commemorative souvenir book- that's the one with the black, die cut cover showing the construction of the park and the hotels. However, the art in the 78 edition is much more detailed although similar. This image is approx 13 1/2" by 11" tall but double trucked so it's difficult to really photograph the entire image.


The map you have seems to have eliminated a lot of the details and features OR did they add details for the book art like the Space Mountain image? At any rate, I have never seen your map before and didn't even know it existed.

The map you mentioned costing $100,000's is, as previously mentioned, artwork that originally hung in each room of the Contemporary and Polynesian hotels. It is printed on masonite panels and measures 5 feet by 4 feet. During the first rehab of the hotel rooms, these maps were ripped off the walls and thrown into scrap heaps. Later, someone went through the piles and took the bulk of the unbroken ones to the cast member store where they were sold as "Masonite Panels- $5.00"! A few CM's went through the panels and picked some of the least damaged ones to keep for themselves, other fans and collectors. That was somewhere around '88 I think, maybe a year earlier or later. Word spread through the collector community and the $5.00 panels began selling for $250 and above. They did pose a unique problem though in that the only carrier that would take them was Greyhound Bus Co. I guess common carriers would have carried them, but not sure I would have trusted them to deliver it intact. To insure safe delivery, the maps were usually shipped in home made crates.


I too have seen them on eBay offered at super high prices, but I've never seen one sell. Admittedly, I'm not on eBay very often though.

Back to your original question, "How much is it worth?" I would think if you find the right active collector, maybe $50 to $75, depending on the condition. That's my best guess, and I hope all this has been some help to you...
Hey thanks for the GREAT info! So much about Disney that people never knew. Learn something new everyday! I actually tried to sell my map for $150 on ebay with no luck so I lowered it to $130 and lucky me, I found someone who bid on it. I am always keeping my eyes open for new unique items and its always nice to find someone who appreciates it and in the end it helps me pay for a future trip to WDW! :love:

- MaterializedHaunt :hmghost:
This is what a room in the Contemp looked like in April, 1977...


Note the Pueblo Indian print on the wall... theme carried from the Grand Canyon Concourse mosaic by Mary Blair.
holy macros! I almost fell out of the chair! :eek::eek: Not because of the map but because of the other mary blaire picture! I actually have that in my living room along with 2 others! But that exact same looking one! Makes me wonder if its the same one! So cool! Thank you sooo much for that picture! Thats stinkin' cool!

- MaterializedHaunt :hmghost:
Can anyone share more information on the Mary Blair prints that hung in the Contemporary such as how many designs there are, how they were made, etc. I have two of these pictures that I need to get framed so any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I am thinking either silver or black metal frames. Thanks!
Hey OhioGuys- Great idea! Lets start a place where we can see all the known Mary Blair Pueblo prints from the Contemporary...

Let me start:


"Donkeys"- image size approx 30" x 20"


"Alejarse"- image size approx 30" x 20" (29 1/2" by 19 1/2" framed)


I've always called this one "Chicken"- image size approx 19 1/2" x 16 1/2" framed


My favorite- "Bear"!- image size approx 19 1/2" x 16 1/2" framed. This is the original frame so you can see how it was put together.

I've got a photo of one more that needs to be cropped and enlarged but I can't do that right now. I'll get to it though.

Sorry for the different sized pics but I'm pulling old images.

In addition to the prints installed in the rooms, there were quite a few very large, probably one of a kind prints in the public areas of the hotel. Who knows what ever happened to those...

If you have a picture of something I didn't show, please post it, or if you can't, send me the pic and I'll post it for you.
While it's true that most were destroyed or salvaged mine was purchased at the hotel the day it came off the wall. It was then crated and shipped by Disney to my home. It is in perfect condition.
flyinglizard said:
Bettjwk- Was that the map or the Pueblo Indian prints? What else did they offer for sale?

It is the map. We stayed at the Contemporary often and when we were there the rooms were being redone. When I saw the maps were coming down I spent the afternoon tracking down someone who finally said they would get one for me from a room. They did, crated it up and sent it by truck. As far as I know they weren't offering anything even the map. I just wanted one and took the afternoon to find someone who would sell me one.


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