1st trip to DL, 1st Anniversary, 1st time on the coast...COMPLETED!!

PS - On my honeymoon 2 years ago we got off the airplane to find our LCD screen was busted on our camera. I was devastated! We weren't sure if all the pictures we took were working and I hardly took any pictures :( Well, I still took over 200, but for a 12 day honeymoon thats NOTHING when I took over 1000 for a week in Mexico! So I can totally understand how you felt about your flash burning out!
Wow... I finally finished (or am caught up!) your TR. You take an amazing amount of pictures! Your TR flows so nicely... great camera, too. It sounds like you had a real taste of LA with your tour (I bookmarked your touring co in case I ever need it ;) ) .... thanks for creating such a fun TR to read!

Looking forward to updates popcorn::
Hey Girlie!

Did you say Leroy Jenkins? Why that's my uncle on my father's side. LOL. J/K
As always, another great update!!!
Oh my gosh, what an amazing update Karen, it made me smile.:goodvibes The Mickey beignets look so yummy, I forgot to try them and really want to try them if and when I ever get back. Thank you for pointing out the hidden Mickey on the Marceline's bag, I kept mine and didn't notice it so I can't wait to check it out.:goodvibes Your stuff from there looks so good, I just love that store. Yum Yum. Your pictures from Bug's Land are so cute, love that place. The tortilla's from that tour were so good, I loved em. Your dog is so cute, oh my gosh, and I so love the Peter Pan outfit, so totally adorable. :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes Your parade pictures are all so beautiful, I love the Parade of Dreams, it is so colorful and so happy!!!:goodvibes I did not catch the Electrical Parade but it looks neat and your pictures are beautiful. I can't believe it is up to your last day. :hug: Can't wait to read and see all about it though. :goodvibes
Great update! I can't believe the White Rabbit had roller skates on. That is cool. Also, your "food list" isn't dorky, it actually sounds like a good idea! I may do that for our next trip. If you're gonna eat, you wanna eat good! :thumbsup2
I am loving all of your updates! Everytime I get excited about my upcoming trip, I come here to read your story. It's just wonderful and you tell your trip story so well! I feel like I was there with you and your DH! I am just trying to figure out how I am going to pack everything I want to do in my 3.5 days!
PS - On my honeymoon 2 years ago we got off the airplane to find our LCD screen was busted on our camera. I was devastated! We weren't sure if all the pictures we took were working and I hardly took any pictures :( Well, I still took over 200, but for a 12 day honeymoon thats NOTHING when I took over 1000 for a week in Mexico! So I can totally understand how you felt about your flash burning out!

Thank you so much!! I see that you leave in 2 days?! How EXCITING!!!!!!! You are going to have SO much fun! You need to PM me your trip report when you start it so I can read it too! There really IS a lot to do but I think you'll have plenty of time!! AAAH That's horrible about your LCD screen busting!! I'm so sorry!!!! I would have cried, seriously. At least you were still able to take pictures, even if you couldn't see them! Thanks for reading along! Are you all packed and ready to go? Here's some extra special Pixie Dust for your upcoming trip!! :tink:

Wow... I finally finished (or am caught up!) your TR. You take an amazing amount of pictures! Your TR flows so nicely... great camera, too. It sounds like you had a real taste of LA with your tour (I bookmarked your touring co in case I ever need it ;) ) .... thanks for creating such a fun TR to read!

Looking forward to updates popcorn::

lol My momma used to get so mad at me because she would pay for development of film. I'm SO glad that digital has been invented!!! That way I can take all of the pictures that I want to and print whatever I want to print!! Thank you very much!! I'm really glad that you enjoyed the report!! :goodvibes

Hey Girlie!

Did you say Leroy Jenkins? Why that's my uncle on my father's side. LOL. J/K
As always, another great update!!!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: That's hilarious!!!! I'm going to have to tell DH that one! He'll get a kick out of it! :rotfl2:

Thank you so much!

Great update! I can't believe the White Rabbit had roller skates on. That is cool. Also, your "food list" isn't dorky, it actually sounds like a good idea! I may do that for our next trip. If you're gonna eat, you wanna eat good! :thumbsup2

I know if I were that White Rabbit, I wouldn't have been able to stand!! lol! No kidding.....I need to take a picture of that food list. I'm seriously, I printed out the picture and all. It was about 9 pages in Word...I printed them and then taped them all together! :rotfl2: Everytime I pulled out the list, DH would roll his eyes! It was nice though because it came in handy!! I would never have remembered all of those places on my own! Thank you so much!!! :thumbsup2 Hope you are doing well! Any Disney trips coming up for you?

What a fantastic report with such wonderful pictures, sounds like an amazing trip :)

Thank you so much!! It really WAS an amazing trip!! :goodvibes

Oh my gosh, what an amazing update Karen, it made me smile.:goodvibes The Mickey beignets look so yummy, I forgot to try them and really want to try them if and when I ever get back. Thank you for pointing out the hidden Mickey on the Marceline's bag, I kept mine and didn't notice it so I can't wait to check it out.:goodvibes Your stuff from there looks so good, I just love that store. Yum Yum. Your pictures from Bug's Land are so cute, love that place. The tortilla's from that tour were so good, I loved em. Your dog is so cute, oh my gosh, and I so love the Peter Pan outfit, so totally adorable. :goodvibes Your parade pictures are all so beautiful, I love the Parade of Dreams, it is so colorful and so happy!!!:goodvibes I did not catch the Electrical Parade but it looks neat and your pictures are beautiful. I can't believe it is up to your last day. :hug: Can't wait to read and see all about it though. :goodvibes

Thank you!!! The girl at the store in Marcelline's pointed out the hidden mickey to us. If she wouldn't have done that, I probably would have never seen it!! I agree...the Tortilla's from the Mission factory were AWESOME! Nice, warm, fresh...yummy!! The parade of dreams is so good! I love all of the colors, too!! You NEED to see the Electric light parade! It's such a classic!! :goodvibes Thank you so much!! :goodvibes

Last day's trip on the way......... :guilty:
Saturday, April 12, 2008 - Last full day at Disneyland

Originally, I had planned a breakfast at the PCH Grill at 7:30 a.m. After looking back on everything and menu prices, I decided that we'd change our "breakfast" time to 10:30 a.m. and that way, we'd eat more of a "brunch" than a breakfast. That would knock out two meals...breakfast and lunch (with only paying for one meal!)!!!

We started off the morning bright and early at the gates of DCA! We wanted to catch the Disney Visa character meet and greet (we had missed it EVERY single day!!).


We were among the first at the ropes!


The park seemed abandoned!


We took the entrance through the Grand Cali hotel and walked as far as we were allowed. The Disney Visa information that is printed off the Internet is VERY misleading. They sent us to the Wine Country Trattoria for pictures. Before, it was supposed to be at Ariel's Grotto. Well, it was in NEITHER place. We had to ask for assistance and of course, the CM's didn't know what we were talking about but they pointed us to the Wine Country Trattoria area. As we were standing up there looking around, this family came running up asking us if we were waiting for the "same thing"?? We were like, "Uuuhhhh???" The family told us that they saw the Dream Team in their white vests heading up into that area and they were "following" them. :rotfl2: We definitely didn't see that but said good luck anyway trying to "follow" them because I heard they are very good at hiding!

As we were talking, a boy came walking up asking the same thing. Apparently, he'd seen them walk up to the same area. Well of course, there was no Dream Team around. In talking to the boy, he told us that he stalks the Dream Team and has won a total of TWELVE magic fast passes! :eek:

I pointed my finger at him (with a silly grin on my face) and said, "SEE?! That's exactly why they hide!!! From people like YOU!" :rotfl2:

Before too long, another family came walking up but they were also looking for the Disney Visa Character Photo area. Somehow, they found out the "correct" information and we followed them all the way over to the Animation Courtyard kinda by Monster's Inc. Talk about HUGE move!!!

We were VERY short on time, also. The park didn't open until 10:00 a.m. and our PS were for 10:30 a.m. so we were definitely in a HURRY!


Even when we made it over to that area, we still had a hard time finding them! The area was not very well marked and the Cast Member's were not well informed about where the greet was taking place!


Our characters for the photo were Chip and Dale!! We took our picture, got our ticket from the CM, and hauled it back across the park to our hotel for our breakfast!

I pointed my finger at him (with a silly grin on my face) and said, "SEE?! That's exactly why they hide!!! From people like YOU!" :rotfl2:

OMG! That is so funny. :lmao:

Great update. I always love looking at your photos. :wizard:

Thank goodness that we made it in time for our breakfast!!


It was not crowded AT ALL!!

The buffet was HUGE and everything looked so good!!!


The "back" of the buffet! Once again...dang flash is broken and I didn't know how it would do if I walked up to the buffet with my camera taking pictures of food! (I also didn't know what kind of looks I would get from others!) hehe!


Jason's first plate


My first plate

The characters started arriving.........it was so much fun!! I have never "met" Lilo before and I LOVE Lilo and Stitch so I was very excited to see her!!




Weird, yes...but I thought that the ceiling looked really neat! It was blue with clouds painted on it!


As I went to the "omelet" station to ask for 2 eggs, sunny side up, I was given a VERY funny look by the Chef and had to repeat myself. You know what he asked me?! He said, "WHERE YOU COME FROM?!" :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I didn't realize that eggs sunny side up was a southern thing (I don't think it is)......however, I COULD have asked him from GRITS!! :rotfl2: He probably would have REALLY given me an odd look then!! Hah!


Pluto was there, too!


And here comes Stitch...


We also had to re-take this picture (below) THREE times. When you walk into the restaurant, first thing you do is take a picture with the character at the door. Then as you eat, they process your picture and offer it to you at your table. After our meal, we waited and waited for the picture and it never arrived. Our waitress checked on it and when she came back, she told us that there was a mix up and they thought we were with the people sitting at the table next to us. OK?? So that means you didn't print it at all?? Because you thought we were with the people at the next table? Whatever. So we took another picture, only this time, it was with DAISY!!! I was so excited because I had never "met" Daisy before either! Well, the picture processed, came back, and Jason HATED it. He was making some kind of strange face instead of smiling. They took it back and offered for us to take it again for the third time. Of course with my luck, by this time.....Minnie was out again and not Daisy! Ah well, such is life!


However, we FINALLY got our picture!!! lol!

After eating, we walked over to DCA again to ride Grizzly River Run. We had grabbed fast passes after our picture (on our way to breakfast). I of course had my trusty poncho!! hehe!


Look at all the people!!


Jason got a tad bit wet, but not soaked like some of the people on our boat did!!


We saw Golden Dreams next which was really good!!! Very informative but it held your interest, too! It's about the history of California with Whoopi Goldberg.


Golden Dreams theatre


We picked up our photo after the show. It was neat because we got to pick the borders and even put more than one (hence the characters signature and then California adventure logo!)!


Inside the photo shop



We got fast passes for California Screamin (3rd time) because we loved the ride so much!!


This really is a neat ride!


Excited about the ride!


After California Screamin, we walked over to Soarin (once again...for the 3rd time) and grabbed fast passes. The time to return was later on in the afternoon and we couldn't think of anything else that we wanted to do in either park so we went back to the room to change for the POOL!



I didn't take the camera downstairs with us because we were both getting in the pool and I didn't want it to get stolen!

We had a lot of fun swimming! It wasn't too crowded at all! Every trip, we always say that we are going to make time to swim and we never have so I was excited that we had time to swim here! I got out before Jason did and sat in the sun for a little while. It was so nice and relaxing!

After swimming, we went back to the room and changed because it was getting close to our Soarin fast pass time!



We made plans to eat supper at Taste Pilot's Grill (because I thought they had nachos)...I found out later that I was wrong!


So apparently, 1 side of Soarin was broken and the fast pass return line was 45 minutes long!


We stayed and waited, though!! lol!


Jason and his bored "foot" picture. He does that EVERY time he gets my camera! :rotfl2:


Waiting in line...


We got off the ride and discovered that Taste Pilots only had hamburgers and that sort of food so we walked back over towards the tortilla factory because there was Mexican food not too far away (for Jason) and I wanted soup in a sourdough bread bowl.



Jason's food...



My food...




We finished eating and took another nostalgic walk around DCA. It was our last night there. We wouldn't be back (although I hope to return in the future!).


I took another picture of the flowers...so very pretty!


Me sadly saying goodbye to DCA!!

We walked back over to Disneyland because I wanted to ride Splash Mountain again since I didn't get to enjoy it the time before when I had discovered that my camera flash had broken. I love love love this ride!!!!


We bought this picture because we thought it was hilarious! I NEVER EVER put my hands up (even on something as silly as splash mountain)...I am usually holding on for dear life. Jason cracked up when he saw this picture and said that we needed to buy it so we did!

We also re-rode Space Mountain again (once again for the 3rd time)!!


Didn't buy this picture but we finally figured out where the camera was!

It was getting dark, and close to park closing time. There was nothing else that we could think of to do again and it was SO CROWDED...(it was a Saturday) so we took our time and walked around the stores on Main Street!


I had NO IDEA that there was a REAL cinema on Main Street with old black and white cartoons inside!!


OMG I was in HEAVEN!!!! It was so neat!


I HAD to get one of the Indian, too! Even if my flash was broken and he came out blurry...lol!


I loved seeing the old nostalgic things in the stores on Main Street!



Sadly, with one last look back, we said goodbye to our very first Disneyland Trip and our First Anniversary! It had been fun, we had a good time, but unfortunately, it was time to go home. :guilty:

Don't you get mixed feelings when it's time to go?

Sad to leave. But happy to go home to your loved ones, and to your own bed, etc..
Sunday, April 13, 2008 - Goodbye Disneyland!

Our flight out was at 8 a.m. so we had to wake up extra early to finish packing up and get downstairs to catch the bus back to the airport!



Sad in the lobby that we were leaving!

We boarded the bus and I was holding onto Leroy. At the time, we were the only ones in the bus but we stopped at the Disneyland hotel and a mother and her little girl got on and sat a few rows in front of us on the opposite side. The little girl was staring at our puppy. She turned to her mom and motioned to look. Her mom said, "I see someone went to the Build-A-Bear store!" I smiled and nodded my head. The little girl kept herself turned around looking at Leroy. Jason said, "Do you want to hear him talk?" (with this hilarious grin on his face). The little girl kind of gave him this crazy look so he pushed the puppy's foot. Leroy roared. The mom turned back and looked at us like, "WHAT?!" That's when Jason said, "He's CONFUSED!" It was SO FUNNY! That's when the lady asked, "So what does a confused dog that roars like a lion and is dressed like Peter Pan have for a name?!" When Jason said "LEROY" she CRACKED up and said, "OF COURSE he does!!" It was SO FUNNY!!!! :rotfl2:


We finally arrived at the airport and had plenty of time to kill so we got some breakfast. The only thing open was McDonald's.


My breakfast...lol!


Jason's breakfast...hah!


Bored in McDonald's!!!



We finished eating and walked over to our terminal to wait for the plane. Jason had placed Leroy in his carry on bag for safe-keeping.


Before I knew it, he had Leory's head out of the bag. I asked what he was doing and he said, "Hello! Leory has to BREATHE!" :rotfl2: It was early and we were tired...you could tell!!


Waiting on the plane...


More landscape from the air!


The movie on the way back was that Water horse movie and I really didn't have any interest in watching it so I pretty much stared out the window the entire time.


We had another breakfast of cheerios. If we had realized that we were going to be given food, we wouldn't have eaten McDonald's but oh well!


After arriving in Houston, we found our luggage and boarded the piggy bus to take us back to our car!

Our magical wonderful trip of firsts was over! We had a great time and really really enjoyed ourselves! I'd encourage ANYONE to go do Disneyland. It's SO much fun and a neat experience being at Walt's first park!! We had an amazing time!!

OMG! That is so funny. :lmao:

Great update. I always love looking at your photos. :wizard:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: Thank you! Deep down, I was a little mad at the kid! Seriously? It's supposed to be random! Let all the poor folks who have been 10 different times and haven't won anything win a dream!!! Oh well.....

Thank you again!! :goodvibes
Ok, I REALLY have to go to Disneyland!!

If only I could find a guy who tolerates and likes to go to Disney lol

mmmmm I'm getting hungry

Don't you get mixed feelings when it's time to go?

Sad to leave. But happy to go home to your loved ones, and to your own bed, etc..

YES you do have to go to Disneyland!! You'll find one, I promise! And if he hates Disneyland, you'll have to stick him on us and let all of us convert him! :rotfl2:
I know, right? That food was awesome!!!! Loved the soup and the breadbowl was great!
I agree, it's a very emotional time...mixed feelings about wanting to go home but also not wanting to leave! The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I'll be back!!!

Thanks for reading!! :goodvibes
Karen - sorry to see another great TR of yours is almost over, but again I thoroughly enjoyed following along!

Can't wait to see the Photopass pics!

And BTW - I like my eggs sunnyside up too, and I am from Canada. So definitely not a "southern" thing - LOL! Maybe he was giving you the wierd looks because it was an omlette station - but so what??? If that's the strangest thing he has heard, he must have lived a very sheltered life - LOL!:rotfl:


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