2 Castles, 2 Send out 2011 & Ring in 2012...12 Days of Christmas

Dinner & a Movie Night
April 8, 2011
Mary Poppins


Thank goodness for the public library. All of my movies are on VCR...and we do not have a VCR where we watch television as a family anymore....free rentals!

I loved Mary Poppins when I was a child. I remember my mother telling us how the old woman who feeds the birds looked just like my great grandmother Abbie, so the movie holds special meaning. Julie Andrews has to be one of my most favorite actresses...I got the pleasure to meet her a few years ago (and her daughter) at a reading conference where she was the keynote speaker and signed her new book. What a sweet woman she is! I remember this summer at Epcot seeing her in her pretty white dress and thinking...she is as beautiful as I thought growing up.


Activity: Chalk Drawings, looking at pictures of the UK in Epcot, GF resort and 1900 Park Fare and watching some Youtube videos of the British Invasion (Boo already thinks we will need to see ALL their shows...each one is a different era of the Beatles...he is my fan).


The dogs had to get in the act...


*Homemade Fish and Chips...my kids who do not care of fried fish whoofed these down...I have to admit they were pretty yummy and I am amazed that I made these (do not get the idea we eat a lot of fried foods...2 weeks in a row for us is rare)


*Cranberry Scones..Ab made this…yummy



*GF Strawberry Soup...WOW, I can't wait to have the real stuff next Christmas. Ab did a great job with this recipe too! (Boo had 2 bowls of it)

looks so yummy... where did you get the recipe for the soup? I am sure dd would love it.
Wow, poor Goo :hug::hug: I am glad he is feeling better, but that had to be SCARY!!

I seriously LOVE your movie nights! and that strawberry soup looks so good, would love the recipe;)
I found the recipe for Strawberry soup on the ALLEARS site. Here is the direct link to the recipe:


I do do a little tweaking to the recipe. I used Greek plain yogurt, which is not very sweet (thinking next time I will use regular vanilla) and I added stevia (about 1/4 cup) to sweeten it, which made it more dessert like. We added whip cream to the top and a strawberry for garnish (trying to be fancy). On a side note, Boo has already had 3 bowls of it for breakfast...:rotfl: So I guess that makes it an official hit at our house!!!

ALLEARS has a great recipe collection for Disney resorts and restaurants. Here is the link to the recipe collection:


I also have done some searches in ALLRECIPES and GOOGLE finding some other recipes.
I found the recipe for Strawberry soup on the ALLEARS site. Here is the direct link to the recipe:


I do do a little tweaking to the recipe. I used Greek plain yogurt, which is not very sweet (thinking next time I will use regular vanilla) and I added stevia (about 1/4 cup) to sweeten it, which made it more dessert like. We added whip cream to the top and a strawberry for garnish (trying to be fancy). On a side note, Boo has already had 3 bowls of it for breakfast...:rotfl: So I guess that makes it an official hit at our house!!!

ALLEARS has a great recipe collection for Disney resorts and restaurants. Here is the link to the recipe collection:


I also have done some searches in ALLRECIPES and GOOGLE finding some other recipes.

:thumbsup2 Cool, thanks!
It has been a long day and the kids are excited about getting another movie night underway (doing it Friday this week...Abigail has her regional track meet tomorrow out of town and of course we will be there cheering her on)....but I am TIRED! I had the pleasure last night of finding out what the ER looked like at 1:30 am with a trip for Goo.

Background: I am so LUCKY, I can count on 2 hands how many times my 3 children in almost 14 years have been sick enough to even warrent a trip to the doctor's office. None of them have asthma or any chronic issues...but last night I was scared to death. About 1 am, Goo woke up and for some reason I heard him gasphing for air. When I got into his room it was all he could do to breathe. He went to bed as without any sign of being sick or getting sick, just a normal night. I thought be played outside last night, so maybe allergies...so I gave him some benadryl...he could barely swallow it...waited and nothing...dug out the breathing machine that I occasionally use and an old treatment I had on hand...no help. I told dh I was loading him in the car and going to the emergency room...dh looked at me like you are crazy he will be fine. On the drive he did seem to get better, but not much...I was frantic. The nurses immediately took him back, and started on a breathing treatment...his trachia was 97% closed...45 minutes later the doctor shows up and he is still about 75% closed...doctor tells me that if they cannot get his airway open to at least 50% they would admit him in the next hour. They gave the poor guy 2 HUGE steriod shots and switched to another breathing treatment...about 2 hourse later he was able to go home...the verdict...a form of Croup (minus the cough). He is fine today, of course get got to stay with his nanny (MIL) and be spoiled all day long...you would not even know anything happened this morning....

Wonder how much this is going to cost me? I have never seen the inside of an ER and I don't want to again. Thankful he is fine :love: and I get to tell dh I told you so! :laughing: Trust a momma's instinct...I knew something was not right!

So glad your little guy is okay! Sam had croup pretty bad when he was a year old, that was a fun night that I spent in the ER on New Years Eve!

Great find for Discovery Cove! You have a very generous TA if she's willing to use her CC to pay for your tickets:thumbsup2

Love the Mary Poppins nights, Emily was just looking at your pics and now she's saying she wants to do Mary Poppins! How did the scones turn out? They look yummy!
Love the Mary Poppins nights, Emily was just looking at your pics and now she's saying she wants to do Mary Poppins! How did the scones turn out? They look yummy!

The scones were yummy! The recipe was from one of Ab's 5th grade teachers...she had made us a batch as a parent appreciation gift one Christmas so we knew how good they were. The boys finished them and the strawberry soup for breakfast...:laughing: And dh made a fish sandwich out of the last of the fish from last night for lunch...and he so does not do left overs. I guess that makes if official that this has been the favorite meal so far!
Universal Day 2 Plans:
December 27
WWofHP/Grinch Breakfast/Universal Studios

6:30 am Arrive at gates for Early Entry into WWofHP at 7:00 am

Yes, another early morning. We may leave dh and Goo back at RPR to sleep in some, but I know my 2 oldest HP fans...and how much Boo wants to be picked by a wand. Good thing that this family really does not sleep in normally anyway...although we are early to bed!

7:00 am WWofHP
*Olivander’s Wand Shop (If we did not get picked by a wand the 1st day...we have 4 shots at this)...Pick up a butter beer from outside cart for wait in line
*Forbidden Journey: Ride
*Flight of Hippogriff: Ride
*Check out Store Windows, get another butterbeer...

(I am going to have to take out a bank loan for the amount of money I plan on spending drinking butter beer...the dang stuff is so yummy)

9:00 am Breakfast with the Grinch

Ab loves the Grinch. I think it must be a teenage thing...the boys bought her Christmas socks for their gift to her last Christmas. She is still wearing the silly things...she goes to private Catholic School and they can express their individualality in their socks, shoes, and belts...the rest has to be up to dress code...)

10:00 am Universal Studios
*Check out wait time for Rip Rocket Roller Coaster, ride if under 30 minutes
*Experience Twister
*Ride Mummy
*Experience Diaster
*Ride Jaws
*Ride Men in Black
*Ride Simpsons
*Ride ET
*Woody Roller Coaster
*See Animals on Location
*See Horror Make Up Show
*Experience T2
*Experience Shrek
*Check Wait times for Rip Rocket, Ride if under 30 minutes

6:00 pm Dinner Bubba Gumps/NASCAR/Hard Rock/Jimmy Buffett

***Return to USO if anyone wants to ride anything again...or PROBABLY return to RPR for an early night
Great report! Definitely haven't gotten through it all but am looking forward to finishing it later tonight and tomorrow! My kids are 'hanging around' which makes it difficult. :rotfl:

Can't wait to read more!! popcorn::
Great PTR! What a great idea doing Disney movie and dinner night. I am loving your creative ideas.

So glad your little guy is ok. I know you must have been scared out of your mind. Amazing how children can bounce back so quickly from being sick.

Looking forward to your next installment.
It has been a long day and the kids are excited about getting another movie night underway (doing it Friday this week...Abigail has her regional track meet tomorrow out of town and of course we will be there cheering her on)....but I am TIRED! I had the pleasure last night of finding out what the ER looked like at 1:30 am with a trip for Goo.

Background: I am so LUCKY, I can count on 2 hands how many times my 3 children in almost 14 years have been sick enough to even warrent a trip to the doctor's office. None of them have asthma or any chronic issues...but last night I was scared to death. About 1 am, Goo woke up and for some reason I heard him gasphing for air. When I got into his room it was all he could do to breathe. He went to bed as without any sign of being sick or getting sick, just a normal night. I thought be played outside last night, so maybe allergies...so I gave him some benadryl...he could barely swallow it...waited and nothing...dug out the breathing machine that I occasionally use and an old treatment I had on hand...no help. I told dh I was loading him in the car and going to the emergency room...dh looked at me like you are crazy he will be fine. On the drive he did seem to get better, but not much...I was frantic. The nurses immediately took him back, and started on a breathing treatment...his trachia was 97% closed...45 minutes later the doctor shows up and he is still about 75% closed...doctor tells me that if they cannot get his airway open to at least 50% they would admit him in the next hour. They gave the poor guy 2 HUGE steriod shots and switched to another breathing treatment...about 2 hourse later he was able to go home...the verdict...a form of Croup (minus the cough). He is fine today, of course get got to stay with his nanny (MIL) and be spoiled all day long...you would not even know anything happened this morning....

Wonder how much this is going to cost me? I have never seen the inside of an ER and I don't want to again. Thankful he is fine :love: and I get to tell dh I told you so! :laughing: Trust a momma's instinct...I knew something was not right!

Holy cow :scared1: I can't believe I missed this post. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I bet he (and you were both terrified) Poor guy! I am glad it was nothing serious. a form of Croup? wow.... :sad2: :hug:
Universal Day 2 Plans:
December 27
WWofHP/Grinch Breakfast/Universal Studios

6:30 am Arrive at gates for Early Entry into WWofHP at 7:00 am

Yes, another early morning. We may leave dh and Goo back at RPR to sleep in some, but I know my 2 oldest HP fans...and how much Boo wants to be picked by a wand. Good thing that this family really does not sleep in normally anyway...although we are early to bed!

7:00 am WWofHP
*Olivander’s Wand Shop (If we did not get picked by a wand the 1st day...we have 4 shots at this)...Pick up a butter beer from outside cart for wait in line
*Forbidden Journey: Ride
*Flight of Hippogriff: Ride
*Check out Store Windows, get another butterbeer...

(I am going to have to take out a bank loan for the amount of money I plan on spending drinking butter beer...the dang stuff is so yummy)

9:00 am Breakfast with the Grinch

Ab loves the Grinch. I think it must be a teenage thing...the boys bought her Christmas socks for their gift to her last Christmas. She is still wearing the silly things...she goes to private Catholic School and they can express their individualality in their socks, shoes, and belts...the rest has to be up to dress code...)

10:00 am Universal Studios
*Check out wait time for Rip Rocket Roller Coaster, ride if under 30 minutes
*Experience Twister
*Ride Mummy
*Experience Diaster
*Ride Jaws
*Ride Men in Black
*Ride Simpsons
*Ride ET
*Woody Roller Coaster
*See Animals on Location
*See Horror Make Up Show
*Experience T2
*Experience Shrek
*Check Wait times for Rip Rocket, Ride if under 30 minutes

6:00 pm Dinner Bubba Gumps/NASCAR/Hard Rock/Jimmy Buffett

***Return to USO if anyone wants to ride anything again...or PROBABLY return to RPR for an early night

Plans sounds great! Crossing fingers that Boo gets picked at Olivanders! I really need to get my hands on some butter beer if it's that good!
Great PTR! What a great idea doing Disney movie and dinner night. I am loving your creative ideas.

So glad your little guy is ok. I know you must have been scared out of your mind. Amazing how children can bounce back so quickly from being sick.

Looking forward to your next installment.

Thank you so much for your kind words...and WELCOME to my obsessive planning thread! Please feel free to jump in anytime and give me advice/tips that you have!
Plans sounds great! Crossing fingers that Boo gets picked at Olivanders! I really need to get my hands on some butter beer if it's that good!

My mug from June is sitting on my computer desk and each time I look at it I long for some! There is a debate/poll going on in the USO room on yay or nay...I am in the YAY category! I can't even describe the stuff...some say it tastes like cream soda...not me I hate cream soda. To me it is like a big butterscotch hard candy! Over the course of 2 days we probably drank at least 6 mugs of it! I tried the Pumpkin juice, while it was good...it was also way to sweet...one time was enough! My 2 HP fans want to try them both...

For our HP movie night (actually I am thinking of a marathon before we go see the Part 2 of the last book) I am going to try my hand at butterbeer. I found a recipe where most people agree that so far it is the closest thing to USO verision, which I understand is TOP secret.

Here are some pictures!!!

Butterbeer Cart


Hog’s Head Tavern Sign


Hog’s Head Tavern Bar-The line inside is a lot faster than waiting outside at the Butter Beer Cart, plus you can enjoy Butter Beer Frozen!!!


Hog’s Head


Ahhh….Butter Beer...

Holy cow :scared1: I can't believe I missed this post. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I bet he (and you were both terrified) Poor guy! I am glad it was nothing serious. a form of Croup? wow.... :sad2: :hug:

Thank you...it is funny how little ones get over something so fast...by the time we left the ER it was all I could do to keep the oxygen finger monitor on his finger and the mask on his face...so not the case of the first 2 1/2 hours we were there! We decided not to take him to Ab's track meet yesterday...the wind was (still is) blowing so bad and the track meet was out in the middle of cotten country...and the dirt in the air probably would have not been the best for his lungs!
Followed you here. :) Subbing in. Looks like you have so much planned and are going to do soooo much. I have no time now but I will come back and read soon. :goodvibes
The beiguets were okay...I think we did somethng wrong (although I am not sure how...), they were pretty flat and chewy. Maybe we will make it over to POR-FQ and get some next Christmas.

My sister and her family went to Discovery Cove a few years ago...it was their favorite part of their entire trip. DD wants to be either a small animal vet or a marine vet, so Discovery Cove and the Swim with the Dolphins experience is for her. I am really excited about it too, now to get another 30 pounds off by then.

I am trying to get everything done in the 12 days we are on vacation, knowing that I probably will never get dh to go back. This is a first time for vacation as a family (our vacations are usually just head to our cabin). Heck I did not even get a honeymoon...we honeymooned with all of our guests in the mountains even then. The kids and I have taken off with my mom, sisters and their families...but dh never has come along (partly he does not want to deal with inlaws and partly because summer his his busy time).

Just think in less than 2 months you will be on your way! I cant wait for you guys to experience some more magic!

Hey I am joining in! I talked to you on someone else's PTR (maybe mine?) I can't remember whose, sorry!
Anyway I am SO happy that your little guy is feeling better:love:! Unfortunately we know all to well what an ER looks like at 1:30 am! Your plans look great, although I can't give much help for plans because I have never been anywhere! We are a lot a like! This will be our 1st official family va-ca and my DH is an electrician (kinda the same field no?), PLUS my in laws believe that I should be at their house with their grandson every waking minute- nope scratch that, every SINGLE minute including the ones he's not awake! I also love the way you plan to tell the kids- they are so clever how you tied everything in and have them DOING things while on the hunt (brushing teeth, reading, making beds, cleaning up the dishes and so much more)! I love the family movie nights I am waiting for DH to get home so that we can talk about it- more like me begging for it! I can't wait to read more!
We have a full schedule tonight. DD-Ab has open house/orientation at the advanced math and science high school tonight. We are so proud of her for getting accepted into the veterinarin program at the school. She will spend the morning at thise high school and the afternoon at her current private middle/high school. It will be tough not really fitting in at either place 100%, but she is so focused and goal driven...and this is what she wants. When she graduates from this high school program in 4 years, she will have an associates degree in vet medicine...be a certified veterinarin tech...this will help her get her foot in the door to veterinarin medical school and be able to work her way through college in a job associated with her dreams.

Discovery Cove...I found someone who is going to let me us her American Express card to purchase the Discovery Cove Tickets tomorrow from American Express (actually is a friend of a friend). I figured the savings at almost $600! :banana: This helps ease my budget over what is going to happen with airline tickets and gas prices! So tomorrow at noon all I will have left to pay for is: the balance of Universal, WDW tickets, airline tickets and DDxDp...Discovery Cove and BWV stay are paid for!
No, I did not get the Discovery Cove tickets...

After all the pain to get an AMEX card to purchase these tickets....I knew the tickets would be limited, but really only 85 tickets available (should not have wasted my time, did not know this until I saw it posted this afternoon)...had 4 people try all at the same time frame right on the noon dot to help me out...we never got in...after 24 minutes of refreshing (must have clicked that button over 300 times)...SOLD OUT! Yep, I am disappointed...oh well, would have helped my budget but not a trip breaker...and yes we are still going to Discovery Cove.

I am very HAPPY for those who got in and were able to get these tickets...yes I am, because sometime I will get lucky too and get a great deal, not this time...oh well...

But now that being said...I got to thinking more about this entire offer...

ONLY 85 TICKETS....??????

If Discovery Cove only admits 1000 people per day (according to their website), and there are about 260 days left to use that offer that means...260,000 people OVER 1/4 of a million for the remainder of the year will get to experience Discovery Cove....that means 85 tickets....1 ticket per 3000 people were offered or 1 ticket for almost every 4 days the park is in operation....

Tell me is that really an offer????

Yep, if it sounds too good to be true...It is!!!!!
No, I did not get the Discovery Cove tickets...

After all the pain to get an AMEX card to purchase these tickets....I knew the tickets would be limited, but really only 85 tickets available (should not have wasted my time, did not know this until I saw it posted this afternoon)...had 4 people try all at the same time frame right on the noon dot to help me out...we never got in...after 24 minutes of refreshing (must have clicked that button over 300 times)...SOLD OUT! Yep, I am disappointed...oh well, would have helped my budget but not a trip breaker...and yes we are still going to Discovery Cove.

I am very HAPPY for those who got in and were able to get these tickets...yes I am, because sometime I will get lucky too and get a great deal, not this time...oh well...

But now that being said...I got to thinking more about this entire offer...

ONLY 85 TICKETS....??????

If Discovery Cove only admits 1000 people per day (according to their website), and there are about 260 days left to use that offer that means...260,000 people OVER 1/4 of a million for the remainder of the year will get to experience Discovery Cove....that means 85 tickets....1 ticket per 3000 people were offered or 1 ticket for almost every 4 days the park is in operation....

Tell me is that really an offer????

Yep, if it sounds too good to be true...It is!!!!!

That totally sucks about the tickets. I can imagine how frustrated you must have been! Glad that you still are able to go though!


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