20031205--Sign up for the Jellyrolls meet on 12/5/03--INDEXED


Scotty and Ray at Jelly Rolls are the best!
Dec 20, 2002
Hello everyone,

I'm glad to see that there is interest in having a meet at my favorite place, Jellyrolls at the Boardwalk! Since there are so many meets going on that week, I decided that I would plan two official dates. We're all so booked up with other plans, that it seemed like there was no date that everyone could go, so why not have two meets? I'm going to be at Jellyrolls every night anyways. So here are the two official dates that I'm trying to organize a meet for: Friday, December 5th--8:00pm and Saturday, December 6th--10:00pm.

If you plan on joining us on Friday, December 5th, please sign in here so we'll know how many seats to grab inside the bar.

Please sign up on the other thread if you are going to join us on the 6th.

So, mark your calendars, and please try to join me at Jellyrolls. If these days don't work for you, please shot a PM if you want to meet up with me on the 4th, 7th, or 8th. I'll be there, pen in hand, ready to make some requests, and singalong.

I know there are bunch of us being there at thattime. I am not sure which night we will be available. We are there Dec 3 -7. I know on the evenings of 3,4 & 5 we have somethings already planned and paid for. For Sat night I am not sure.
I am sure one of those nights (not too late though, LOL) will work for me, Karen. Looking forward to it.
Any night but the 4th will work for us. We'll see you there.

I'd love to meet up with you and the others - just name the date and time so I can plan around it. Will be at the Dolphin from the 1st thru the 7th!!! :D
Keep us posted. I missed out on Jellyrolls for the past two Decembers and am looking to change that situation. Perhaps I'll see you there.
Be sure and let me know what date and I'll be sure to drop by. I love Jellyrolls. I especially love JellyRolls when there are other DISers there :teeth:
I'm glad to see that there is interest in Jellyrolls meet. Why don't we shot for either Friday, December 5th or Saturday December 6th? We can get this meet indexed and official, and set it in stone!

I'm thrilled to be able to meet some wonderful Disers!

We want to do Jellyrolls and I think the more the merrier....count us in...just let me know which night and time. I'll have my Home Depot Mickey on. Look forward to meeting you also Dan....<p><MARQUEE><font size=+2 color=red <marquee> ºoº...We are going to DisneyWorld...ºoº</MARQUEE><p><p><center>

Hey Karen.. as I said last night in chat.... let me know the date and I will try to be there.. I love that it is now non smoking....or did I read that wrong???
Originally posted by Mackey Mouse
.....I love that it is now non smoking....or did I read that wrong???
Oh, Marsha, could it be????? :bounce: That would be great!!!!!!
According to Deb's Unofficial WDW Information Guide site that's not the case:

"As of July 1, the Florida Indoor Clean Air Act dictates that all enclosed indoor workplaces must be nonsmoking. For the Walt Disney World Resort, this will include resort lobbies, convention spaces, clubs at Downtown Disney and Pleasure Island, resort lounges and the formerly way-too-smoky Atlantic Dance at the Boardwalk. All Ears hears that Jellyrolls will remain a smoking establishment."
Here's the link:
WDWIG Rest. News
Interesting, James. Wonder why that place would be excluded. And I wonder about the common areas of the Swan/Dolphin, one of my only gripes about both those resorts. They are always smokey.
When I was at Jellyrolls a few weeks ago, people were smoking there, although I didn't really notice it, and I'm pretty sensitive to smoke. Maybe I was just there on good nights.

Karen.. not sure I can take the smoke............darn it all...maybe they are not Disney owned and therefore do not have to abide by the same rules.....same with the Swan and Dolphin lobbies...

Maybe we will have to have an Adventurer's Club Meet... Kongaloosh anyone??? I will try Karen, but it makes me sick, I cannot stand the smell, I worked too long and hard to give it up years ago..

Thanks James for the info.. :)
We love Jellyrolls, too! We'll be there around that time, so you never know! We may just show up
Oooo I love Jellyrolls and even better if I can meet up with you all there :)

Shame about it not being non-smoking though.
Originally posted by Towncrier
Keep us posted. I missed out on Jellyrolls for the past two Decembers and am looking to change that situation. Perhaps I'll see you there.

You weren't there? Not even during the first DIS-CON? :eek: John, you HAVE to go at least once this December!
Nope. Never done Jellyrolls. In 2001, I stayed with the DISers who were avoiding the smoke. Last year, I think that I stayed in my room and watched Survivor. When the show was over, I was too tired to walk over to Jellyrolls.
I don't know if I can, I am allergic to smoke, how bad is it, if it isn't that bad I will be ok, but if it is I will have to skip it.


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