2011 is my year!!


Jun 8, 2010
well 2011 is going to be my year! I turn 40 in October and have a lot of goals I want to accomplish in the next 365 days of 2011.
-lose 35lbs
-lose LOTS Of bodyfat
-exercise everyday
-take care of myself
-drink water
-eat better, working on no processed foods, no drive thrus, simple and healthy food
-start running again(I used to love to run in my younger years, haven't put a foot to the ground in a long time)
-run a marathon

I'm sure that there are alot more for me to put in here but family calls so I better run.
Wow! Good Luck in 2011!!!
I just recently started running/working out again and I'm having a blast!!

Enjoy yourself and make it fun!
Happy New Year!!!
It's the begining of a new year and my chance to meet some personal goals! I'm excited :) We sat down as a family this morning and we each talked about what we wanted to do this year, what we wanted to learn, things we wanted to improve. I was really surprised by my little girls 2011 resolutions. Her main resolution was to play outside more :) Sounds good to me!
However her father is turkey, he has no interest in making resolutions in a sincere manner:confused3
Regardless it's going to be a good year!! I'm excited and I hope you all have a fantastic year of health and wellness.

My Team mickey badge isn't working so I need to figure that out!
well today I found it and I did it--I'm signed up for a beginner running program--its a c25k plan (sort of) we're running twice a week with the program and then our weekend runs on our own. It's a charity Race, Paws for a Cause for our areas largest no kill shelter. We start running Feb 21st and we have the beginner runner program till March 30--Race is April 3rd.
I'm also starting weight watchers, I've read some WISH journals that really have convinced me that it will be a positive step ahead.

I've not done so well on my own, so hopefully this will be start in the right direction till I get some progress and more motivation.

I will say reading the boards here has given me lots of hope!! It's really inspirational to read everyones story and know that yes there is hope for me, I can run the wine and dine 1/2 !!!!
You CAN do it!!! I hate running... I really do. But when I did the 5k last year I knew that I could do more. I did fall off the wagon, but have hopped right on a few months ago and am going to run the Princess in a few weeks. You can defiantly be ready for the Food & Wine this fall. Go for it.

You CAN do it!!! I hate running... I really do. But when I did the 5k last year I knew that I could do more. I did fall off the wagon, but have hopped right on a few months ago and am going to run the Princess in a few weeks. You can defiantly be ready for the Food & Wine this fall. Go for it.


Good luck on the Princess 1/2!!! I'm excited about f&w 1/2, I really am. Dh doesn't really think I'll do it, but I'm going to do this!!
here's the motivation...

I turn 40 oct 7th:eek:, I keep telling my mom it's a shame I wasn't born on the 1st, then Disney World and I would have the same birthday:rotfl:

When I asked DD when she wanted to go back to Disney she told me she wanted to go back during MVMCP time. Well DH got one of the pins 35-40% pins for almost all of 2011. So I started thinking, and thinking. I really wanted to do a marathon before I turn 40, and wine and dine 1/2 was the only disney marathon before I turned 40.

PLUS I figured if I was going to kill myself:rotfl2: then I wanted to do it at Disney:thumbsup2 So I asked DD if Mommy could get healthy and run a race at Disney in October for Mommy's birthday instead of a Dec trip and DD said "Yay Mommy, you can do it!":lovestruc

Plus I told her if she would start walking with me that she would be able to do Mickeys Halloween 5k, I showed her the video and then I had to show her the "bling" and she was ALL for it:rotfl2:

so my plan has been formed--we'll vacation, we'll do the 5k as a family, and then I'll take on the 1/2:)

long term goals (that is if the training for the 1/2 and the race itself doesn't kill me:rotfl:)
Mickeys Marathon weekend 2012
Disneyland 1/2 2012 and the Coveted Coast to Coast medal (Actually my DD really wants to go to DL, it will be DH's birthday (45th) so it's perfect timing:)
Good luck to you as you start your running program and take on your new year resolutions. I started running in Aug and just did the Disney 1/2 in January. It was so much fun and a GREAT motivation to keep going. Doing the 5k as a family sounds like a great idea. I can't wait until my DD is old enough to do that. I really found posting on my journal kept me accoutable and motivated. I look forward to following along with you.
Good luck! I admire people who run. Have never enjoyed it myself but hope to one day do it. It's cool that you found a group to run with and that you'll be able to run at Disney. It's awesome that you have your little girl helping you out. You'll have to let us know how it goes.
Good luck to you as you start your running program and take on your new year resolutions. I started running in Aug and just did the Disney 1/2 in January. It was so much fun and a GREAT motivation to keep going. Doing the 5k as a family sounds like a great idea. I can't wait until my DD is old enough to do that. I really found posting on my journal kept me accoutable and motivated. I look forward to following along with you.

I have to tell you that your training journal is a major motivator! because of you I'm signing up with WW!!!! So thank you!!! My DD just turned 6, it will be a big deal for her to finish it--she's a miracle baby, 25 weeker. So it will be a Major triumph for her life!! We just have to take it a day at a time :thumbsup2
Good luck! I admire people who run. Have never enjoyed it myself but hope to one day do it. It's cool that you found a group to run with and that you'll be able to run at Disney. It's awesome that you have your little girl helping you out. You'll have to let us know how it goes.

Thank you so much!! I'll definitely keep everyone updated right here!
DD has been home sick all week with pneumonia and flu, and she still is sooo sick. Good news I've been able to fight off all the junk, that is until today :( It's not bad, just coughing, burning in the chest, runny nose and a headace... UGH.

I weighed in with WW (online) this morning. I've got the points calculator app downloaded for my droid, and I'm SHOCKED how many points a sprite has:scared1: I know I drink way too many of them a day, I switched to them after I kicked Mtn dew to the curb two years ago, but it looks like I'm kicking them to the curb too. I can eat a whole meal for what the point count is for two sprites UGH. Can't do the diet ones, I get migraines from the sweetner stuff. sigh. I drink lots of water too, but I guess from now on it's water with lemon. I'd much rather have those points for actual food instead of drinking them....
well let's see where I left off, DD finally returned to school from her bout with pneumonia and the flu, everything was going ok with her health, until this Thursday, she woke up with pink eye horribly and an upper respiratory infection. UGH. So we're home again with sick days :( It seems like this winter has either been sick days or snow days YUCK!!

I fell off the weight watcher wagon, really quick. I've been eating ok, but not keeping up with it. bad, bad, bad. So I'm back on the wagon again today!
Also got my new shoes, mizunos, they are amazing. I've been walking, and I'm getting a treadmill from my mom this weekend :) Plus my training program begins on the 21st--next week!!

I'm excited about the 5k, I really believe I can do it. But the 1/2, well I'm scared. I "clocked" the mileage from my house to the lake (which in a car seems very far from our house) and that's how far the 1/2 will be:scared1: I know it's a mental thing and I need to let it go and quit freaking out about it. I never thought this would be easy, it's just putting one foot in front of the other and making sure that I'm as prepared as I can be. I don't want this to be one of those things that I start and never finish, I know I have the attention span of a gnat sometimes, lol.

My DH is really being supportive, we hiked last Saturday together with our beast dog and it was good. Lots and lots of climbing and switchbacks, a real heartrate push, but it felt good.
1st day of Galloway 5k training plan (to finish-- no time goal)
Completed 1.5 miles in 25 minutes (includes warm up time):banana::cool1:
Would have totally done 2 miles but down the road is a super scary, unleased, unfenced dog that decided to run down his yard and to the road, I bailed and turned around. Need to get some doggy mace if I'm going to do the full two mile out n' back in that direction. Serious hills, I thought my lungs were going to explode before I got back up that last flippin' hill.:rotfl:

Plus today was my first day in my running shoes, wow what a difference good shoes make. seriously no shin pain. WOW. I'm now a believer that you have to have the right shoe for you.

Good nutrition today so far--protein shake for breakfast (hard to eat in the mornings, blech, much easier to drink something)

Lunch- another protein shake, it just worked out this way, since I got back from running/walking, it was the easiest and most pallatable substance. I had planned on tuna and egg whites, Oh well that's what I'll have tomorrow.

Dinner--no clue yet, have to run to the grocery, but I'm guessing some sort of chicken...

Water as of right now I've consumed 5 10oz glasses, so I'm doing well. Only a few sips of sprite this morning...
the flu has overtaken our house, along with pink eye and a heaven knows what other germs are lurking... So needless to say I haven't done well on training. :confused3

I have done "ok" with food intake and such and I've lost 3 lbs YAY!!!!!:banana:

I made up my mind and our ressie for food and wine is confirmed, Sept 24-Oct 4th, Port Orleans Riverside Riverview, I requested Magnolia Bend, because DD wants to stay in a "mansion" :)
got the blahs. It's turned cold and rainy again--I'm so ready for spring.
I've done well with food and training--I'll have to do my long run on the treadmill this weekend, unless the weather cooperates a little better.
weekends and me watching my food intake are big obstacles. I need to plan better, but I just seem to shut down and fly by the seat of my pants. Not good. Lots of stress over the weekend and this morning, over a new vehicle for me. As a matter of a fact, I feel like I've been in a nonstop panic attack since 7am this morning. I've tried talking myself out of it, but it's not working. I hate feeling flipped and twisted inside out. It's a bad place to be. I keep telling myself that nothing is as bad as it seems, and in a few days it will all be over and it won't be a big deal. I'm going to try and use this nervous, freaked out energy.
I thought since you were all over my journal, I should come visit yours! It looks like you're off to a great start!! Except for all the sickness :( Hope everyone is feeling better now.

I just realized, I'll be leaving Disney the very day you arrive! SO bummed we'll be missing each other :( I think we should start a WISH Meet-up thread...hmm...:scratchin

I can't wait to hear more about your successes!
well 2011 is going to be my year! I turn 40 in October and have a lot of goals I want to accomplish in the next 365 days of 2011.
-lose 35lbs
-lose LOTS Of bodyfat
-exercise everyday
-take care of myself
-drink water
-eat better, working on no processed foods, no drive thrus, simple and healthy food
-start running again(I used to love to run in my younger years, haven't put a foot to the ground in a long time)
-run a marathon

I'm sure that there are alot more for me to put in here but family calls so I better run.

Wich diet did you use? Ketose?


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