2011 USA trip - aka mice & wizards & pirates, oh my!


flew to Uk with Korean air in 2010, awesome .....they have a stopover in Seoul.Great way to break up the trip...complimentary hotel, meals...and fairly cheap. great aircraft, good service......

I booked accom in the Uk at travelodge..they have great deals ..like 9 pound rooms....clean, comfortable...good locations. I like to be organised.
so i should mention, we got a great deal on our room rates in vegas. i'd been corresponding with their guest services manager, Nicole, about our stay, and she'd arranged hugely discounted rates for our 2 x room suite with connecting door. as they'd just done a massive refurb, their spa wasn't open when we initially booked, but she'd assured us it would be open again by the time we visited, and she was right. she gave us awesome personalised attention, corresponded with us at all times and was just made our trip a pure pleasure. this will be important later.

so we'd chosen the tropicana.


south beach themed, very nicely decorated, and their casino smells great. other smell like smoke, and while they do allow smoking, for some reason people keep it to a minimum inside the trop. their decor is all red & white & natural woods, and comes across as tasteful rather than garish. they also have a coconut/vanilla scent in their public areas (hallways, casinos, restaurant) etc which we found soothing and really quite pleasant.

hotel room (sorry these are a little grainy due to using the 'bad camera')

there was a tasteful sign on the beds advertising them for sale, designed specifically for you by the manufacturer... umm, no thanks!


comfy reading chair & footstool/another chair - is it a footstool if it's bigger than the chair?

from our room, we had 2 x views: mgm grand & strip in one direction - hooters & desert in the other (night views)


suite with 2 x doors :)

we'd slept fabulously the night before, and it was 9am. we had no touring plans, no list of must do's here, and no real plan of how to fill in our time. we wanted to gamble a little (it is, after all, vegas baby!) but we're not big gamblers and we're not big drinkers. why come to vegas at all, you say? why, for the culture of course! lol. we wanted to see what the hype and the fuss was about. we wanted to see the over the top things, the free shows, the performances, the things that you'll only ever see in vegas.

trina had wanted to visit serendipity 3 in nyc, but due to my illness & time constraints on our last day, that got scrapped. i recalled due to my awesome research and fellow DISers recommendations that there was also one in vegas, up at Caesar's Palace. Telling the others to get a move on, I hatched up a plan. a quick phone call to the conceirge later, and it was decided we'd cab it up to caesar's then walk back. we get there, and i was intending it to be a treat -- frozen hot chocolate and a sundae, with the food either back at the hotel or purchased elsewhere. trina though wanted the full lunch/dessert experience.

serendipity 3:

their menu is huge, and their offerings are extensive. their menu can be viewed here: www.serendipity3.com

trina had the regular footlong hotdog, i had the footlong california style (with homemade guacamole) and carlo had the garden burger with sweet potato fries. he said the patty was mostly rice, with veges instead of the usual corn/potato mash with meges. different, and yummy. they dip their sweet potato fries in brown sugar, so they are very, very sweet. and disgustingly more-ish.

footlong hotdog:


i had the strawberry frozen hot chocolate, trina had the regular frozen hot chocolate, and carlo the mint frozen hot chocolate. they make a regular hot chocolate (or flavoured hot chocolate) then blend it all up in a slushy machine with ice til you have a hot chocolate slushy. it came out covered in whipped cream, sprinkles and cherries. these things are huge, literally almost 20cm high.

frozen hot chocolate:

we decided to walk it off, so we headed back to miracle mile shops near planet hollywood. we walked around in there, window shopping for hours. carlo got his new shoes, i bought some new rings and trina and i drooled over a bettie page vintage-style dress shop. we came upon an indoor rainshower.. each day at 4pm, it rains inside this shopping mall. so we sit, and we wait. and we wait, and we sit. others come and go, and get fed up. it's supposed to happen every hour, so we figure we'll have some ben & jerry's while we people watch. it's now 5pm and no indoor rainfall. they finally put up a sign advertising technical issues. so we head out, thinking we'll catch the bellagio fountain show. nope. it's also not running due to issues and the next show isn't for several hours, as it's a weekday. yay. we couldn't be bothered waiting, and the mirage volcano and treasure island 'sirens of TI' shows don't start until later.

bellagio minus water fountains:

we head back to the room, thoroughly peeved at these 'technical issues' spoiling our day. we order up some dinner from pellegrino's pizza and deli in the southbeach marketplace. carlo gets a vege calzone, i get the beef calzone and trina gets a chicken calzone. the vege and chicken calzone are great, but this is my first taste of american beef. they feed their cattle differently to australian cattle, and they cook their meat differently. it results in quite an unusual flavour. good. but different.

we watch some more tv (again with the law & order, bones & mentalist episodes) and then we're asleep for our first real day in vegas.

some pics while sightseeing today:
eiffel tower:

where the rainfall was supposed to occur:

the mountains in the distance at sunrise (sorry for the blur, there is 'wrapping' on the window)

the show we wanted to see but didn't:

old school trop car:

empire state building at NYNY casino across the street - at least i saw this one, if not the 'real' one -

crysler building:
Your first Vegas day sounds great despite the technical issues. Serendipity sounds yummy! Hope you're going to add pics!
pics are def coming today. i was originally trying to post pics as part of the actual trip report but have found it easier to add pics after all the retelling...

plan on finalising the TR today as i'm home from work with a tummy bug :sick:
so this morning is a lazy morning - we had picked up some cereal from a market the night before, and carlo had run down to the convenience store in the hotel to get some milk. nice light, easy breakfast to fuel up before we head out.

our plan for this morning is to walk up and down the length of the strip, just general sightseeing. we wanted to hit up the bellagio for the fountains, and we wanted to see the TI show and the Mirage volcano. we'd wanted to see the Luxor light show (which was slightly south of Tropicana on the strip) and the various other entertainments on the strip. Cool light/artwork above the MGM casino floor:

First up is the Lion Habitat at the MGM Grand. MGM is right next door to our hotel, so it's a nice quick first stop. We get there, and the enclosure is in the middle of the casino floor. Whilst the enclosure seems like clear glass, apparently it is specially treated so that the light does not filter in from the casino & the lions aren't distressed by the cameras and people all around, which makes us happy to know that we're not causing them stress. They have two older cubs, they are a few years old, but not fully grown in the enclosure today. They are cute & cuddly and one keeps knocking his ball into the water then looking at the handlers like... so... whatchu gonna do about it? and they go in and retrieve it for him :) cute.

not quite cubs, not full grown but wholly adorable!



we spend probably close to about an hour watching their antics, then go around the corner to the nursery area. they have a lion and tiger cub in there. the lion cub is spotted, but apparently the rosettes disappear when they get older. he's so cute, and keeps cuddling up against the glass where his friend is resting on the other side. it's like they snuggle up for warmth, despite a clear glass barrier between them. so cute & we have to restrain ourselves from buying up a whole heap of lion & tiger merchandise :)

next up is some more shopping, then up to the cosmopolitan. they have a lounge area that is entirely covered in ropes of crystals,


a giant pink stiletto (big enough for a person to stand in) in their lobby

and the walls are covered in crystals.


gorgeous & classy & different. they also have a decision tree on the outside of the hotel, which is quite amusing & caught our attention:


eiffel tower on our way past:

next up we hit the forum shops at caesars and we find ourselves at serendipity again. oh, well. guess we'll have to go in & get food. lol. trina orders the pasta - tomato & basil chicken with pepper-vodka sauce, served with proscuitto.


i get the ABC burger - avocado, brie & caramelised onions with my meat - medium rare & the sweet potato fries. carlo gets the vege burger again as he really enjoyed it. trina and i are not big spiced-food eaters and the pepper-vodka sauce, while delicious is too much for her. we swap plates & she enjoys my burger and i finish most of her pasta. the proscuitto is gorgeous.

ABC burger - looks exactly the same as carlo's burgers:

our server talks us into a drink - the daily special is an apple long island iced tea (made with apple vodka) for 4. normally $40, ours for $25. since that was comparable to regular drinks for 3, we figured sure...

they bring out a giant bowl of drink -- it's roughly the size of a small fishbowl, easily 25-30cm high, and full of alcohol. it tastes just like apple juice, but with a nice little kick in the belly as the alcohol hits. it's garnished with 3 large apple slices, also dipped in the apple vodka and some cherries. yummo. 3 straws, and we each have some, and the level barely dips. wow. it takes the better part of our hour long meal to get through it, and we're happy & weaving by the time we leave.

bowl o' booze:

we decide we can't leave without dessert as that is serendipity's other big special. we treat ourselves to dessert & when the portions come out, it's clear we've gotten our value for money. the burger was $15, the pasta $16 and carlo's burger was $14 -- approximately, give or take $1-2 for my memory. the desserts are all around the $12-15 mark.

trina and i decide to split a regular banana split -- they do a large portion, which is about $22 a serve, and a regular - $14 a serve. trust me, the regular size is plenty for 2 people. carlo gets the red velvet cake sundae.

his sundae is about 5 scoops of chocolate icecream, a huge slice of red velvet cake on top of that, then a mound of whipped cream, sprinkles and cherries.

red velvet sundae:

our banana split has 3 huge scoops of vanilla, chocolate and cherry icecream, with whipped cream, chocolate fudge and strawberries/cherries and some kind of cherry-flavoured thick sauce as well. pure bliss & we're in sugar comas by the time we get up from the table.

side view:

we walk past the rest of caesar's palace, past the winged victory in front of the fountains

winged victory:

past the flamingo, harrahs and up to the mirage. our plan was to hit mirage & ti and then head back to bellagio. we get to the mirage, the music starts up, the lights go out, the big puff of red smoke comes out of the volcano... then after a few minutes, the waterfall starts up again, and the lights come up. what the... ? technical difficulties again. gah!!! vegas, get your act together! lol.

we walk up to TI and we see.. Jack Sparrow sauntering up the street. He passes us and gives Katrina the old once over, and then back for a second look see. he winks and saunters away. We try to race after him but he's swallowed up by the crowds. He is the best imitator we've seen all day.. he's got the swagger, the tan, the moustache, the hair and scarves & rings and gold tooth all down pat. even down to the costuming, he's brilliant. we're disappointed that we didn't get pics, and trina can't wait to try and find him again.

we head up to TI but can't find the Sirens of TI performance, so we head over to the Venetian & Palazzo, have a bit of a look see, then head back to the room for dinner. We get mojitos for drinkies and salads and wraps from Cafe Nikki, then alone-time in the rooms before bed.

colesseum at caesar's:

neptune's fountain:

so since Trina and I had matching spa appointments today, we decided to make this a total hang out at the hotel day. Carlo would go for a wander, we'd hang out at the pool, sleep, watch tv, whatever. just be big ol vegetables. so, yay. breakfast was again cereal - we are not huge eaters (food porn on this trip to the contrary) and really not big breakfast eaters, so this suited us brilliantly.


i will preface this as saying i don't have any photos from this day as i didn't think it prudent to take a camera with me to the spa. really regretting that decision, as it was very pretty & tasteful. next time, i promise :)

as trina and i had our appointments at the same time, i went to her room & woke her up. she mentioned the front desk had called her the previous night about the credit card we had used to pay for our rooms declining.. umm, ???

now, upon check in, carlo and i had given our card for both rooms, with instructions to call me in my room (1027). they called trina in room 1029 (next door of the suite).

thinking this was a little mix up, i call down to the front desk. oh, so sorry ms schultz. we've taken a little extra pre-authorisation, so when we went to process the room charges, it wouldn't go through ... umm, what? no preauthorisation was discussed at time of booking. it wasn't mentioned in any of their literature, as i'd very carefully checked, as i hate hidden fees & 'security authorisations' etc. i'd confirmed with nicole, their guest services manager regarding fees, and it was nowhere mentioned in any of the original terms & conditions we'd signed upon check in. so the lovely lady at the desk mentions that oh yes, it's in case we order room service or want to charge purchases to the room. except, oh yeah, we had specifically mentioned we didn't want to do that at this hotel and that they were to only charge us for the rooms as we were using a prepaid travel money card for all the hotel rooms, and then using our credit card if we chose to charge incidentals (ie, roayal pacific & the huge room service bill). since we didn't want a repeat of that, we had said we would pay our way for these charges & not to take any excess funds. but they did. a whole extra $500 above what we'd authorised, and therefore there were now insufficient funds to pay for the 2 x rooms. great.

so the lovely front desk staff apologise for the mix up. they'll get rid of the authorisation straight away & fix it so that the funds they had already taken were applied to the room & everything is now A-ok. after much reassuring from the front desk that it was now all sorted, we head off to our spa appointments.

Nicole had helped me plan our spa appointments at their newly opened spa by Mandara called Glow. It's slightly different to other Mandara spas. some similar treatments, but some new. As we weren't made of money, and had been hemorrhaging it on tips and things like $497 room service bills :scared1: we had decided to just have a 50 min swedish massage each, and a 50 min pedi each. We'd asked for our appointments to occur at the same time so that we could enjoy our privacy, but still not be sitting around waiting for the other person etc. we'd also been given the choice of male/female attendants. i don't really mind, but trina hasn't had a massage before & i figure she'll be more comfortable with a female, so i opt for 2 x female attendants.

so we get there and it's all very new & lush. lots of white & blonde wood tones. we fill out cards re our allergies, which scented oils we prefer, room temperature etc. nice. we're taken to the 'dressing' room by a lovely asian lady who is fond of bowing after she speaks. i find this odd in a western spa, but okay. the dressing room is an open room (that is to say, tucked away so that no-one can just walk in, but no separate change rooms) with very swank wood panelled lockers. we are given refreshments & spa sandals/thongy things sized to our feet & robes. my robe is too small for me, and having corresponded with Nicole, I knew they had robes up to 4x and 5x. I'm not that big, but my hips are too wide for the regular size 12-14 one size fits all robe. I ask for a larger robe & she brings me the standard small-medium one again. I demonstrate that it is too small, and ask for a larger robe again. I'm not sure if she misunderstood, but she brings me yet another regular sized robe. This in spite of the fact that they have signs in the lockers stating that they have robes up to a 4x and 5x and 'please ask your dressing room attendant'. sheesh. so i decide i'll just wear my regular clothes instead of a robe, and just undress in the actual 'massage room'. today is not so much with the relaxing yet, but i'm hoping that's all about to change.

we're lead to their 'relaxation room' which is a dimly lit room, recessed lighting & easy on the eyes. it's in whites/blonde woods again, with kind of a beachy theme. the water feature is irritating my bladder, but it's pretty. there is a couple already in the room, husband/wife or gf/bf. we're brought juice and snack mix with peanuts & m&ms and little bits of fruit. yum. a lovely young lady comes in & takes away the girl and then the guy from the other couple. next a guy comes in for ms schultz. which one, we say? laughs all round. he's going to be my masseuse. great, except, i had originally requested a female, and why bother asking for preference if you're not going to accomodate it. clearly some kinks in their booking process they're still working out as they've only been open 1 week at this stage. not a problem for me, so Andrew (my masseuse) leads me to a lovely room. again, dimly lit with the recessed lighting which cycles through different colour hues which bleed together and are very easy on the eyes. there is the big table in the middle of the room, lots of floral arrangements (big on the orchids and sculptured wood) and he lets me smell the oils he'll use on me to make sure i'm comfortable. i explain the robe situation & he leaves me to undress & get comfortable. he comes back in, and then 50 mins of pure, relaxing bliss. he gives me a free foot treatment, as my feet are all gross from walking so much the last few weeks. i have a little eczma on my thigh, and he puts some milk bath on that to reduce inflammation. it's time to roll over, and he leaves so i can get comfortable again. by the time he finished, i'm sure i've devolved into a big puddle, but everything works and i'm totally blissed out. he offers to massage me again tomorrow if i want him to work on some deeper knots in my back. i give it serious thought as i head back to the relaxation room to meet trina. i also give serious thought to giving him all my money. the tip is included in the price of the treatments, but this was a pretty amazing massage (and i get massages pretty regularly back home).

trina comes in a few minutes later. her masseuse is a cutie - all latin heritage with his dark eyes, tanned skin & curly black hair - he comes back with her, makes sure she's comfy etc. she tells me they got on great. turns out she was comfortable with a guy massaging her after all :)

we're lead through to the salon & meet our manicurist who do our pedis. my manicurist talks me into adding on the paraffin treatment as my feet are a little cracked. trina gets it too when i tell her the paraffin treatment is purple, her favourite colour. so we get that done & the manicurists are fabulous, chatting with us, very lively and entertaining and gossipy -- exactly what we wanted. trina opts for a blush pink polish with a little glitter, i go for something a little more bold, a navy blue. i'm trying new things in america. my manicurist gives me silver glitter on top for a bit more shine. :)

we head back to the 'dressing room' get dressed and head out. we pay & it's exactly the price we'd been quoted. yay. we go down to cafe nikki and get lunch... we get fish for carlo, i get a beef & brie wrap with salad, trina gets some chicken wrap & salad. we get back to the room & carlo's gone with a note... out for a walk, will get lunch, be back soon :scared1: he comes back but he didn't get lunch. great, cause we did :) lunch is had, then it's time for more relaxing with exploring the pool, the hotel and reading/alone time.

around 5pm, trina gets a call again from front desk. :headache: i take the call & ask what's wrong. the card issue again. nope, it's all fixed, says i. nope say the front desk. there is still an amt of $148 outstanding that they couldn't present to the card. what? but the room for us has been paid, and all of trina's room except this $148 has been paid. yes, says the front desk. ok. clearly i miscalculated the funds on the card, i thought we had plenty on there, but we'll bring it down in cash, if that's ok? sure, they say. so we head down.

get to the front desk & no one there is the person i was talking to, but we go to pay the 148 and they need a supervisor to approve the cash transaction... what the? ok. so they explain that this will pay us up for trina's room up til tonight, but there's still $300 plus owing on our room for the rest of the stay and $280 some owing on trinas. :headache::headache::headache: i'm sorry, what? first it was an un-authorised transaction. then it was it's all been paid bar $148, now it's you still owe another $580 after that? with the room rate we got, it was between $50-100/night for 5 nights. even including tax, the whole stay wouldn't cost this much. apparently they charge to your card on a daily basis, rather than at check in or check out, which is why this matter had come up now. so i'm livid at this point, absolutely livid & trying to get a straight story out of the front desk is pointless. the manager speaks to me & tells me that if i'm having trouble paying, i should perhaps check out.

umm, excuse me??? i came here with PLENTY of money. we have thousands available. and you're telling me that because you screwed up & i want a clear explanation, i should check out, you insufferable pig? no. no no no no no.

they tell me they have been unable to authorise any money off our card, so we offer to go up and get another card for them to use. they tell us to call our card company, but as it's midnight in australia, on a saturday, the chances of getting an operator are slim. they tell us we have 30 mins to pay, or we have to check out. :mad::mad: omg. the effrontery of it all. we aren't set to leave for another 2 days, and i really don't want the hassle of finding somewhere else to stay, and to be honest, our stay had been fabulous up til this point, so i decide we'll see it through, despite the sheer insufferability of the front desk staff & their manager. so we go upstairs, i get the other card, i have a wee little vent to carlo & trina at the gall of this front desk (i may have slipped & said some words that were not PG rated) and i check the account. nope. there is an authorisation for $560 odd sitting on my card. i knew it!!! trina takes her card downstairs, demands to pay for the rooms in full as we wanted no more issues/suprises - yay trina!! this request apparently surprised them as they don't normally allow you to pay in full until check out. yeah, no. we'd had enough issues at this point. they had given her a print out of all activity on my card to 'show her' that there had been no authorisations... except, in black & white, yeah, there was a big fat authorisation showing as approved for $560 odd dollars. god, the stupidity.

meanwhile, i had transferred money from my account to trina's to cover the expense she had just incurred and was in the middle of writing a rather long explanatory email to nicole. when i glanced at our room statement, after getting the authorisation for $560 odd off the card, they had kept trying further authorisations, all in the $500 range, for a total attempt at almost $3000 off my card. the cheek of it!! thank god those funds weren't available, or they'd have held up all my credit.

so i vow we're not eating or drinking or gambling in the hotel again. i know it's the front desk only & not the hotel's fault, but i'm seeing red and mad as anything and deeply upset at being treated like i was welching on my bill or something. hugely PO'd at this point. i have a hot shower, trina gets us some frozen yoghurt from downstairs (she knows what will cheer me up) and carlo goes out for maccas from down the street. we'd wanted to try the mcrib if they had it, and they did. not bad, but not something i'd ever eat again. it's a pork patty (very tender & juicy) in a hickory smoked bbq sauce with sliced onions & 1 pickle on a bun.


on the inside:

the alcohol we buy at a local mart to help with the grumps:

can't sleep tonight, still too mad, so i read until really late, then sleep in really late the next morning.

nighttime shots from around the hotel - mgm across from us:

statue of liberty at NYNY on the other corner:

empire state at NYNY:

excalibur on the other corner:

the closest i'll come to fendi boots from the forum shops at caesar's yesterday:
so, wake up late this morning, groggy from staying up too late (4am) and started to get a jump on the packing. today is our last full day in vegas. we want to head out and see bellagio fountains, the sirens of ti show and the mirage volcano. we also want to see the welcome to vegas sign and the luxor light show, all things that show up better at night. we hang around the room again in the morning, have cereal for breakfast, watching trashy american tv, packing and doing a general tidy-up. we find that on a sunday, there is sports on tv, or shows about sports, and that is it. there might have been a televangelist or two, but other than that... sports. not our cup of tea, so tv remains off.

we decide to head out around 4 to see all our sights and because it's a weekend, the bellagio fountains come on earlier than during the week. yay. i was also after some really great night shots of the light displays on the casinos.

we head out, grab a cab and head down to the welcome to vegas sign. it was technically walking distance, only about 2kms, but it's pretty much deserted road for 1.5 of those 2 kms, and we figured cabbing would be easier. our cabbie is from Honolulu and picks our aussie accents in a hearbeat. we try to take pics of the luxor on the way past, but they don't come out. we get along great, and he offers to wait for us at the sign while we take pics then drive us where we want to go. fabulous. there's a big tourist group at the sign, but we only want pics of the sign itself, not of us under it, so we get our pics and go.

welcome to vegas sign:

back of vegas sign:

our cabbie is impressed with our speed -- yay, impressed cabbie. no, seriously, he's lovely, and we tell him to take us up to the bellagio. we try for the luxor again on the way past, but a bus gets in our way this time... it's just not meant to be.. we get there, and the fountains are due to start up any minute. we get in spot, and it starts. it's lovely and beautiful and we were at the same spot as the guys at end of ocean's 11. yay. i filmed part of the show, but took pics of some of the fountain show. it's simple and lovely and magical and they play some soaring italian opera through the speakers while it's happening to add to the pomp and circumstance of it all. a very lovely experience, and so glad it's working today for us.

eiffel tower across the road:

bellagio at night:

winged victory at night:

we head up to the mirage and we get there with about 5 mins to see the volcano erupt. this time it works and it's over the top with the fire and the explosions... great pics, a great memory and it's pretty fabulously over the top.

mirage volcano explosion:

we see there's a denny's across the street. we hadn't had pie in america yet, and we hadn't eaten in a diner. let's do denny's in vegas. so we did. we went past the venetian and the palazzo which are just too totally classy & completely out of our price range, but beautiful the canals are gorgeous. at denny's we're told apologetically it will be about a 5 min wait for a table. no problem. we waited 20 and 30 mins respectively for our serendipity tables, so not a problem to wait 5 mins. we peruse the menu and so much looks good. i can't decide between breakfast for dinner, an omelette or some kind of burger.

trina orders fries for the table to start, she gets a cherry lemonade as does carlo and i get a peach smoothie. it comes out and it tastes like ripe peaches blended with frozen peach yoghurt. just, yumm. and so fresh. i can still taste it to this day. the fries for the table come and they're served in a sort of soup bowl sized bowl, but they are drowning in 2 kinds of melted cheese. there is more cheese than fries in the bowl. although there aren't many fries, the cheese fills us up, and i'm not sure if i can fit in dinner & dessert.


peach smoothie:

cherry lemonade:

i get the skillet - potato, spinach, tomato, sausage & something else i can't remember, diced up casserole style (but minus the sauce), cooked in a skillet & served still in the skillet. they serve it with toast & 2 eggs. i get mine sunny side up.


trina gets the breakfast french toast which come with syrup and bacon, plus 2 eggs. hers are poached. she takes a big spoon of what looks like icecream on top of her french toast, puts it into her mouth, only to discover it's whipped butter. the look on her face -- priceless.


carlo gets fish & chips (told you he loves his fish) which come with sauce & coleslaw and such.


we get another round of drinks - i get my 2nd smoothie, carlo gets some christmas milkshake - gingerbread & cookie flavoured - and trina gets her cherry lemonade again.

xmas milkshake:

the food here is cheap, good quality home cooked style food, and the quantities are large though not overpowering. our dinners are around $6-12 each, with my smoothie coming in at $3, carlo's milkshake at $2.95 and trina's cherry lemonades at $2.50. our final bill was less than $50.00. our server was lovely, and actually only charged us for one of my smoothies. when i pointed it out, she told us not to worry about paying for the 2nd and thanked us for our honesty yay. free smoothie.

we got pie. they had apple, pecan and pumpkin. they also had a turtle cheesecake. carlo got apple, i got the turtle cheesecake, and trina ordered pecan. our server came back, they'd just sold the last pecan slice. trina got apple pie instead. very lovely, again, home cooked. the turtle cheesecake is regular cheesecake covered liberally in both chocolate & caramel sauces (to make it look like tortoiseshell). very, very, very rich.

apple pie a la mode:

turtle cheesecake:

afterwards, barely able to walk for our full bellies, we notice there's another volcano explosion due to go off in 5 mins. we hustle across the street and get a position right against the rails, but at the side of the volcano, rather than the front where everyone else queues for a spot. this spot is actually better & our photos are amazing.

better volcano photos:


we head up to Treasure Island and along the way we see Jack -- or as he & trina say, there should be a captain in there somewhere... so sorr, captain jack. i ask if i can take his pic, and he says he works for tips, love. not a problem. we give him some cashes, and he says thanks, love & strolls off. we all laugh, and he poses, then comes & greets trina. he remembers her from the day before, they have a quick hug & we're on our way. trina is never washing her jacket again. he's truly got the patois down pat, and he's remarkably lifelike in his portrayal. it's money well spent.

we head into Treasure Island, or TI as it's abbreviated & fall in love with the decor. it's a little tacky in the sense that it's been a while since their last refurb, but it's clean and everything is pirate themed!!! who doesn't love a pirate?

lantern lights:

captain's cabin doors:

We follow the signs into the casino for the sirens of TI, but we only get as far as the gift shop. Pirate everything!!! Trina buys a t-shirt 'i got my swash buckled at Treasure Island' for $6. we buy a cute little pirate dummy for my brother & sis-in-law's baby due in march. trina also buys a 'poop deck' sign. we all giggle as we say 'poop deck' -- we're all 5 yr olds at this moment. poop deck. hehehe.

we press some pennies with pirate & TI theming. we ask the store clerk where the show is, and it's directly out the other doors to the shop. :rolleyes1 silly us.

we head out, and the show is terrible. there are girls strutting around in hot pants & bikinis, trying to sing a song & seduce another pirate ship of men, but the singing is off key, the acting is off to the soundtrack by a few beats, and it's just all around cheesy. the performance only goes for a few minutes, then everyone packed into a tiny area wants out..and we're standing in front of the exit doors. there are fireworks -- the only saving grace of the performance


we turn & find ourselves at an outdoor cantina of sorts, selling the BIG alcohol drinks famous in vegas. we want one! trina and i share a big plastic yard glass with mango daquiri in it, and carlo gets a BIG pilsner full of margarita mix. the barkeep makes up our drinks by first pouring in all the alcohol to the bottom -- and he's very, very, very liberal with the quantitites - then putting the slushie mix in on top. carlo's glass is blue, trina and i get a big red one to share. she keeps hers, carlo and i get to keep his. the first sips are pure alcohol and hit our system. carlo likes his margarita, but our daquiri is too strong in terms of alcohol content. after a few more sips though, we don't notice.

margarita - this 'pilsner' is 40cm high

yard glass:

we head into the casino and carlo sees a star wars pokie machine. woot!!

star wars + gambling, for the win!

we head over, and he puts in a dollar, and ends up cashing out with $3. that's 300% profit. wootage. trina puts in a dollar at a machine nearby, but she cashes out with only 5c in winnings. we love the little paper chits they give you showing your winnings. she heads up to the cashier, and gets her nickel. that's her first vegas winnings.

we go back into the store where we buy a few more souvenirs, i get a gorgeous black leather handbag for much cheaper than i would have paid here in aus, and we decide to cab it home. we grab some snacks on the way up to the room - i buy dingdongs. not such a good idea, as they tasted like cardboard, although that might have been the copious quantities of alcohol talking.


we get back to the room, and we're up late, just chatting and hanging. tomorrow we check out in the morning, then plan to gamble for a few hours, have lunch, then head to the airport for our flight back to lax. once in lax, we then have to change terminals, have dinner then get on our lax - bne flight to head home.
I just read of your issues with the hotel and your travel card, we had a similar problem staying at MGM where they put a $500 hold (just in case you use it) and then refund it a month after you check out :scared1:
Now knowing this we used our travel card and then upon after checking out we saw our bill and the hold, and they wouldn't take the hold off!
Next time I know to use a credit card and not the travel card!
so this morning we sleep in a little, get up and finalise our packing. we can't find one of our luggage locks and trina lends us one of her spares. we get all packed up, call down to luggage services, and they come up with their little cart & load us up. from here on, we pretty much don't have to carry our own luggage, and we're grateful, cause there's a lot and it's heavy. we head down to check out, and they're suprised we're all paid up. they must have 20 people working the front desk, in shifts of only 2 at a time cause none of them have been the same employee we have previously dealt with, or know anyone we have previously dealt with. we left knowing that nicole was investigating our issue, and having all the confidence in the world that she would sort it out.

our last morning in vegas -- i had to open the window the 2.5 inches it would open, stretch my arm out & take these pics one handed so as to avoid the 'wrapping' on the window -- you are welcome :)


we went off and gambled some. carlo and i set ourselves a budget of $50 each and stuck to it. trina did the same, but won about $80. we walked away with about $5 in winnings off our initial input of $50, so we were down $45.

one of trina's winning machines with $48.99

we got pizza from pelegrino's pizza for lunch, and we ordered a whole pie, half vege for carlo, half meat for me & trina to share. it was not good or at least, not anything like the amazingness of ray's pizza from nyc. they do have a raspberry iced tea drink though that i found addictive. trina and i got a little frozen yoghurt to wash down the greasy pizza, then we were on our way.

huge pizza:

before we left, trina wanted to put $100 on a roulette spin. it was one of her 'must do' things in vegas. she didn't care if she won or lost, but she wanted to put $100 on and just have it bet on a spin of the wheel.

roulette wheel:

trina betting:

chip - hers is the $100 on red

(again, please excuse the grainy shots, i was down to the old p&s camera as my good camera was waiting for the battery to recharge & these were really bad lighting conditions)

not giving away the outcome, but trina definitely left with more money than carlo & i.

skylight at tropicana, similar to mickey's hat at DLR:

the ride to the airport was awesome, as i finally got my coveted shot of the luxor. the night before, i'd bought a post-card with the luxor on it so that i at least had a pic of the only casino i'd been unable to get a shot of... and then just as we were turning into mccarran airport, the luxor beautifully framed :)

as per regulations, we got there early, and as per our luck, there was only a 2 min wait for TSA/Security so we had plenty of time to wait before the flight. boarded & the Southwest staff were doing their safety instruction demonstration when the air hostess's hairpiece got tangled in the oxygen mask, and came off. seems she was wearing a longer ponytail piece. after that, it just got hilarious as she used the hairpiece to add a much needed dose of humour to the proceedings. she blew kisses at us as she finished, and we applauded the performance. nice start to our journey home. :yay:

our fabulous southwest 'cruise director'

an hour later we touched down in lax, got one of those little trolley cart things, and loaded up our luggage. we had to wait a while for luggage to arrive as an earlier flight with delayed baggage had delayed ours... :(

we had arrived in terminal 1 and our VAustralia flight was departing terminal 3. we didn't want to haul luggage onto/off the transport, so we walked from terminal one to terminal two, to terminal three. let me just say, that's a fair haul & i can see why people take the transport :) we were a little tired & cranky at this point, so we begged assistance from the first person wearing a uniform we could find, found v australia check in and got all our luggage away. up past tsa (again, a tiny little wait, but nothing like the rumoured hour or so) and then into the gate area. as we'd come in on esta and didn't need the i-94 forms or anything, there was no customs or immigration check point or anything for our return journey, just the normal tsa screening and passport inspection.

we were in the same gate area that we had initially departed on our first lax -jfk leg of the journey, and we ended up in the same burger king for dinner. we were chatting and reminiscing, but by this time it's about 9pm and our flight is due to leave at 10.55. trina was making friends while charging up her laptop and camera battery, and i was reading. we go to the gate to sit down and trina weaves us over to a bunch of seats. we sit down and directly opposite us is a colleague from my previous job. of all the departure lounges in all the world :) they were heading home after 4 weeks doing california, we were heading home after 2.5 weeks across the width of america. we were all busted and broken and tired.

i picked up some jerky

carlo got jolly ranchers which he & trina shared:

our flight finally starts boarding, and we're one of the last to board due to a slightly different boarding policy... we're in the middle of our cabin, just over the wing area. the same sporting team that flew with us bne-lax is on our lax-bne flight. omg!!! but they look just as tired & beat as we are so hopefully this will be a good flight.

cabin seats:

we find our seats, get settled and they start bringing around dinner straight away. i'd assumed it would be too late for dinner, but apparently not.

carlo's dinner - vege option

mine - beef burgundy with greens & mashed potato

we pick at ours and hand it back. we take them up on the alcohol though, thinking it would put us to sleep. no such luck. trina sleeps for most of the flight as does almost everyone on board. the flight from bne-lax was a nightmare. this is like a giant slumber party. awesome-sauce... carlo and i can't sleep properly though -- we get about 2 hours in spits and spurts here and there. i spend it reading and watching tv shows, or the first hour or so of various movies til i got bored and would change to a different movie. 14 hours goes by quickly this time, and shortly enough it's wake up time (or turn off the tv-shows time) as they're serving breakfast.


this time it's edible and i love the yoghurt.

carlo's breakfast - vege option

mine - omelette with sausage

we only have another hour or so of flying at this point. it seems like no time at all, and it's 6.30am and we're touching down in brisbane. now comes the nerve wracking part... getting our food from wwohp through customs and the quarantine inspection people. we'd filled out our entry to australia card, and there's a line at customs. we wait about 10-15 mins here to use the smart gate service. we all get cleared through, get our luggage and put it on individual carts. mine has a wonky wheel :)

we get up to the inspection point, the quarantine inspection officer looks at our cards where we declare we're bringing in food, puts trina and i in the k-9 line, and carlo gets cleared straight through as he's got no food. trina and i get lined up in front of a gorgeous golden retriever & black lab, who are cute and sniff us and then we're good to go. welcome home. carlo's not where we thought he'd be waiting, so 5 mins of looking for him later and we're all together. trina heads off & jumps in a cab for the ride back to her place, and we're in a cab heading home. it's about 25 degrees c with humidity in the 60s. it's hot and muggy and i want to go back!! the usa was cold and even when it was warm, it was only 20 degrees c with a humidity of like.. 0%. in the states, with no product, no straighteners, no hairdryers etc, my hair was fabulous. it looked great and shiny and sat perfectly. 10 mins after being back home and it's ruined. stupid brisbane weather - grumpy now. also the whole time we were away, carlo had no allergies, no sniffling, no asthma problems. the day we get back and he's reaching for the telfast & kleenex. stupid brisbane weather.

we pull up to the house around 8am & it seems terribly familiar & yet completely strange to be back here. we head inside, dump our things and open all the windows to get some fresh air circulating. there's no food in the fridge as groceries are being delivered tomorrow, so we grab some water & head up to shower. we're exhausted, and though we know it's silly as we'll ruin our acclimation to brisbane time, we head to bed.

we get woken around 3pm with a welcome home call from dad. he's at work on a break. he's happy the trip went well and he's pleased for me that all my planning & research & hard work paid off. i think he's most gratified that all the plans and confirmations and preparations actually resulted in what we wanted... we weren't scammed by any online companies, the hotels were exactly what they'd purported to be, all our shuttle confirmations were actually there, no delays in flights and such. which was actually very gratifying. aside from a few issues with people on the trip (yeah, i'm looking at you mr drunk guy on the first flight, and front desk staff at the trop) all of our actual plans (ie reservations, confirmations, shuttles, flights etc) all went off without a hitch.

ordered eagle boys pizza for dinner, had some friends over & retold tales from the trip. we don't have to be back to work til monday, and it's only wed night now, so 4 more days to rest and recover.

checked my email on day 17 (thurs after we landed) and nicole had written back... an internal investigation of our account was being done. trina's room had been charged resort fees it shouldn't have and the authorisation on my credit card was still outstanding. nicole got back to me within 2 business days of hearing about the initial inquiry. they dropped the authorisation, refunded the money and sent an apology. the manager had been given appropriate feedback about their conduct and nicole had even called her bank & explained the situation to them so they could tell her what she could tell us to ask our bank to do to release the hold on the funds. she was fabulous and went seriously above and beyond in resolving this, especially as this was right before thanksgiving, which is traditionally a hugely busy time of year for them. we will go back to tropicana,for sure, as we loved it there and this was really only a tiny blip on the radar of a great trip, and it was resolved quickly and competently. i'm not so precious that i'll let this experience sour me on a great hotel. but will i take steps with the front desk to make sure this doesn't happen again -- fo sure!

so anyways, that's our story. our first trip internationally, our first trip to disneyland, and our first trip to the USA. it was fun. exciting. amazing. tiring. exhilarating. exhausting. and memorable.

carlo and i are in love with disney. when i was first planning, i thought 3 days would be enough to do both disneyland and dca plenty of times over. having been now, we know that you could be there for 2 weeks and not see it all (and we want to see it all. like, every single experience). so we're doing another trip. Nov 2012. DLR for 5 nights. WDW for 5 nights. WWOHP for 5 nights, then a final night at DLR before heading home. we're getting a premier passport each for DLR and WDW as it's the most cost effective way of visiting both parks and will cover us for our 2013 trip as well

then May/Jun 2013. 5 nights at WDW for Star Wars Weekend. We'll do a quick trip to NYC for 2 nights prior to WDW, but only a short trip in 2013.

in order to save up for this trip, we bought no birthday/easter/christmas presents for each other. i stopped having my hair done. we didn't go to the movies or have date nights or go to restaurants or any kind of luxury extras. we worked, slept, ate and repeated. all our savings went into the bank and we used most of those to pay for this trip. and it was so worth it.

now we're looking at doing it again this year, and we're talking about doing the same thing.. no luxuries, all our savings in the bank, some of it used for this trip. we're getting a new car this year, but i think carlo's been good and he's put up with me & my obsessive trip planning so i'm tossing up whether to buy him a ps3 for xmas as a surprise. what do you think? :santa:
Alicia I loved reading your report, but must admit I am exhausted reading it, can only imagine how exhausted you must have been living it!

The plans for 2012, 2013 sound great. As for the ps3 Is Carlo a big game person? If he is I say surprise him, but also be aware at how expensive buying the games can become not to mention how addictive the ps3 seems to be as well.

You have made me a little nervous for Vegas with the card preauthorisation I am thinking of making sure I have a separate card that will deal with all that.

I also can't wait for you to add some more photos to your report, I want to see these giant cocktails you speak of, and pics from Serepndipity.
I just read of your issues with the hotel and your travel card, we had a similar problem staying at MGM where they put a $500 hold (just in case you use it) and then refund it a month after you check out :scared1:

I had very, very diligently been researching about pre-authorisations in vegas, and chose trop because they didn't do it. i also confirmed with our disneyland, new york and universal studios that they didn't do it either. only diff was universal studios will let you either pay cash for your charges as you go along, or you can leave a credit card (can be a diff one to the one you use to pay for your room) for charges. this is what we did.

we specifically asked when we checked in if they took a pre-auth and they said no. don't know if it was a deliberate fudge or whether she was just inexperienced, but we were unhappy. it's not that we didn't have the funds, but more that we weren't told about it. next time we go, we'll have the funds for the pre-auth and extra for the room. i'm just mad that they specifically went against our instructions not to charge anything other than the room, and then had the gall to blame us for not having made suff funds available when they didn't notify us of the pre-auth in the first place :headache:

Alicia I loved reading your report, but must admit I am exhausted reading it, can only imagine how exhausted you must have been living it!

The plans for 2012, 2013 sound great. As for the ps3 Is Carlo a big game person? If he is I say surprise him, but also be aware at how expensive buying the games can become not to mention how addictive the ps3 seems to be as well.

You have made me a little nervous for Vegas with the card preauthorisation I am thinking of making sure I have a separate card that will deal with all that.

I also can't wait for you to add some more photos to your report, I want to see these giant cocktails you speak of, and pics from Serepndipity.

thanks for the great comments -- it was a fun & massive & exhausting trip.

yes, carlo is a huge gamer. we have a ps2 & wii already, and he has various ds/ds lite/psp portable gaming systems. i know the games aren't cheap, but he does enjoy blowing things up as a form of stress release from work :)

i'm uploading pics for our last 5 days now, so hopefully will be completed tonight :)
really enjoyed reading the trip report....
thanks for the hard work that goes into one and the glimpse into your life, even if its just for a moment:thumbsup2
A wonderful detailed report Alicia. Well Done! (ooops that sounds very teacher like of me:rotfl:)

I really enjoyed reading about the amazing highs and the lows just added to the drama. You report has made me look forward eagerly to WWoHP, to WDW, to the totally outrageous US food and just generally to the challenging yet rewarding experience of travel.

Thanks for your efforts.
to everyone who has read along with our trip report & shared in our journey, even vicariously, thank you. thank you, thank you for your support and interest and shared enthusiasm.

i love travel, i loved this trip, in spite of it's challenges and struggles for motivation at times (that sounds very management speak of me) - but it was fabulous and we cannot wait to repeat the experience. i loved doing the trip report, and intend to do one for each and every trip we take, so if you're prepared to ride along with us, i'm happy to keep typing away.

we plan on taking the laptop or the tablet with us on the next journey, so hopefully that will cut down on the time it takes to upload/finalise the TR from the date we get home :)
Thanks for sharing your trip.

Get the PS3. If you're going to cut out luxuries, then at least Carlo will be happy to stay home and play.

Your story about Vegas, sadly, rang a lot of bells for me. Based on a previous similar experience....My last two trips....I PREPAID in FULL the entire accommodation in Vegas to avoid the credit card "scam" of pre-authorisation of funds....probably siphoned into a high interest yielding account for someone over there....and then released much much later.

Nope....both hotels....did the same thing, even when you prepay in full. :headache:
Princess - I know what you mean!! i'd read horror stories about preauthorisations and i thought i'd be so smart and make sure i got a hotel that didn't do it and that had confirmed with us that they wouldn't do it, and i asked when we checked in (as i had other cards with more than enough, and i would have used them if i knew) and no... they told me they didn't do it...


yup. preauthorisation time. It still took almost 2 weeks to get the funds released back to us...

do people really trash their hotel rooms, or run off with light fixtures, or some other kind of wrong doing that would cause them to do this preauth thing regardless of circumstance?

so, so frustrating :headache: next time we go, i'm just going to either pay in cash or give them the card with plenty of funds, knowing i won't see a penny for at least a month :headache:
I have enjoyed reading your trip report so much Alicia. Many thanks for sharing your journey with us :love:. We are planning to include Vegas in our 2013 trip so it has been useful to read about the issues with preauthorisation charges.
happy to share my story so that others can benefit :)

the vegas situation really threw me, not necessarily due to the pre-auth but also due to the behaviour of the manager at the front desk who was very not nice to us. that was the bit that made me the maddest, i'll confess.

having gotten our money refunded relatively quickly made me happier about the situation -- feel bad for others that took up to a month to get the money back :(
Loved your report!! :cool1:

Just found it this morning and read it all today - great explanations and photos :thumbsup2
maryr1oz - that's a lot of reading in one day :)

thanks for sticking with me through my adventure

it's been such fun to share our journey with everyone, and it's been a great way to recap as well -- carlo has also been lurking along and enjoying the recap :)


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