2019 Princess Half Marathon Weekend

So when is everyone scheduled to start an official plan for Princess 1/2 training? I am trying to get my ducks in a row for which plan I will follow, and currently trying to build a base. However, this is much harder now with a 1 year old than any previous training I've ever done o_O
So when is everyone scheduled to start an official plan for Princess 1/2 training? I am trying to get my ducks in a row for which plan I will follow, and currently trying to build a base. However, this is much harder now with a 1 year old than any previous training I've ever done o_O

I’ll probably just run it as a training run. I have a half marathon I’m currently training for in October, the Wine & Dine Half in November and Dopey in January.

I remember the days of having little ones. It was a luxury to go to bathroom by yourself with nobody knocking or sticking their fingers under the door. Enjoy every minute of this age. I just sent my son off to high school this year :sad:
We should not be relying on course fuel. Water and powerade, OK, but not the fuel. Never know if it'll work for your belly, never know if they'll have run out by the time you get there, never know if their flavor will work for you.
THIS!!! Always bring your own fuel. I would even recommend bringing your own electrolytes, too, if you need them. Different brands and flavours of fuel and electrolytes can really mess with your system and can make or break a race. Nobody wants to be DNF because the gel they took didn't agree with them and left them in cramps or nauseated. Find out what works best for you during training runs and bring some with you at Princess. For instance, any flavour/colour Gatorade works for me, except blue - them I'm a vomiting mess - it just doesn't agree with me whilst running. And yes, I found that out the hard way during a soccer tournament.

I don't usually need anything for a half marathon, aside from a little water if it's hot out, but I'll still bring a fruit bar tucked into my shorts in case I need a boost after three days of super early mornings. You have to do what's right for you, come prepared for a great race, and bring a few extras in case it becomes tougher than expected.
So when is everyone scheduled to start an official plan for Princess 1/2 training? I am trying to get my ducks in a row for which plan I will follow, and currently trying to build a base. However, this is much harder now with a 1 year old than any previous training I've ever done o_O
I would start training now if you don't already run 10+ km regularly. Running through winter can be challenging depending on where you live, so developing those routines now will help with that. Set a specific time each week to get your speed/hills and your long runs in. Maybe have a weekly play date set up for your little one at the same time each week, too. Otherwise, most training plans are 4 months, so that would mean starting in October.
So when is everyone scheduled to start an official plan for Princess 1/2 training? I am trying to get my ducks in a row for which plan I will follow, and currently trying to build a base. However, this is much harder now with a 1 year old than any previous training I've ever done o_O
I have a Halloween half marathon, and then Las Vegas Rock n Roll half marathon in November first. I'll follow those training plans and then just pick up whatever week I'm supposed to be at for Princess after Rock N Roll. I love training for a Disney race, because I use Disney stickers for my printed out training plan- yes I'm an adult excited about my sticker chart! :cutie::P
So when is everyone scheduled to start an official plan for Princess 1/2 training? I am trying to get my ducks in a row for which plan I will follow, and currently trying to build a base. However, this is much harder now with a 1 year old than any previous training I've ever done o_O
This weekend!!
My doctor FINALLY gave me the go ahead today to start running again. I haven’t done any running since April 30th when I had surgery on my foot and achilles. I know it’s going to be a slooow road to get back to where I was prior to surgery, but I’m just ecstatic to get back out there no matter how slow I’ll be.
I would even recommend bringing your own electrolytes, too, if you need them. Different brands and flavours of fuel and electrolytes can really mess with your system and can make or break a race. Nobody wants to be DNF because the gel they took didn't agree with them and left them in cramps or nauseated.


My brother, a seasoned runner who doesn't even drink water for a Half, destroyed his chances of a hard-fought PR by taking an untried gu/gel on a marathon course many years ago. He said he felt all the water from his body head straight to his belly, where it stayed for the rest of the run.

Running through winter can be challenging depending on where you live, so developing those routines now will help with that.

Good point.
So when is everyone scheduled to start an official plan for Princess 1/2 training? I am trying to get my ducks in a row for which plan I will follow, and currently trying to build a base. However, this is much harder now with a 1 year old than any previous training I've ever done o_O

I'm doing a half marathon in October that I'm hoping to use for my proof of time so I'm already training. After that I might do another race in November, maybe a 10k. Then I'll pretty much start training for the princess half.

I always have such a hard time running over winter. I can't stand the cold! But I think the princess half will keep me motivated. At least, I hope it does!
So when is everyone scheduled to start an official plan for Princess 1/2 training? I am trying to get my ducks in a row for which plan I will follow, and currently trying to build a base. However, this is much harder now with a 1 year old than any previous training I've ever done o_O

I've already started just because I have at 10k the weekend before PoT is due for Princess and I wanna get a good PoT for the race.
I haven't done Princess in a few years so I'm super excited!!!
So when is everyone scheduled to start an official plan for Princess 1/2 training? I am trying to get my ducks in a row for which plan I will follow, and currently trying to build a base. However, this is much harder now with a 1 year old than any previous training I've ever done o_O

I'm still recovering from an injury :( I'm hoping to be out of my boot by the end of August, running a little bit by the end of September, and training in earnest by late November/early December. But I then again, when my injury was first diagnosed I was told I could probably do Ragnar this weekend. So we'll see if that actually happens.

TBH that was part of my motivation to sign up for the 5K too. Even if I can't do the half, I know I can hobble a 5K in a boot. I won't miss out on the whole experience entirely.
I'm sending my youngest off to college in two weeks. We have been crazy this summer with her schedule (she's a musician) so I've done practically no running, and definitely no long runs in months. I'm planning to start in with training at the beginning of Sept. Of course the Wine and Dine trip with DH mid September is not going to be helpful. Lol.
So when is everyone scheduled to start an official plan for Princess 1/2 training? I am trying to get my ducks in a row for which plan I will follow, and currently trying to build a base. However, this is much harder now with a 1 year old than any previous training I've ever done o_O
I am currently training for a 10 mile race in september. Just ran 8 miles today. :) Recently ran a 10k in July for my proof of time. So in theory have been training since May. After my 10 miler I will officially start training for the princess half. Planning to follow the experienced runner plan on rundisney website.
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I let My small base fall off in the heat of summer. So I started basically over a few weeks ago. I’ve got a Veterans Day 10K I’m training for to try to better my POT. Then I’ll fade that into the half. At least that’s the plan.
I have a 10K tomorrow that I was going to try and better my POT as well. Unfortunately, the air is thick with wildfire smoke and nobody will be running very fast, for health and safety reasons. My asthma doesn't affect my running, but I won't test it with the smoke. They may even shorten the course.

I might sign up for another 10K or half in October to better my POT. I really want corral A, because that is how fast I normally run without pushing it too hard, but races aren't really my thing and I end up with slower times for one reason or another: people seeding themselves incorrectly, crowds, weather, etc. That being said, I generally don't enter races. I wish they took Garmin or Strava times as POT.
So when is everyone scheduled to start an official plan for Princess 1/2 training? I am trying to get my ducks in a row for which plan I will follow, and currently trying to build a base. However, this is much harder now with a 1 year old than any previous training I've ever done o_O
We are training for a 10K right now to try and get a good proof of time in. We may since we are already training do The Urban Bourbon Half marathon in Louisville the end of October, then ramp down for a couple of weeks and start working back up for the Half! I am SO EXCITED!
Did my first run post surgery today. It was only one mile and predictably slow at 15:46. I’m starting out doing 15 second run and 30 second walk intervals and hope to get back doing 60/30 by October. Overall my foot felt okay except for some instability in the ankle when running around corners or on uneven ground. This will improve though as the smaller muscles around the ankle get stronger. I just hope my patience holds out and I don’t do something stupid.
Y'all, I just had to come and post about how proud I am of my BFF who is running Princess with me. She's not a big runner, but Princess was a big bucket list item of hers. When we did it in 2018, she was severely undertrained and definitely paid for it. We ended up walking about the entire second half and we only got one princess picture because the sweepers were on our tail (we only finished about 5 minutes ahead of the balloon ladies).

This time, she committed to getting a POT and training harder. I was a little skeptical, but she is actually doing it! The last three weeks she has run 3-4 times per week, and has shaved 3 minutes off of her 5K time in the past month. She's working up to a 10K in October for her POT, and I know she's going to crush it. I'm so proud of her and happy that she's taking it so seriously this time.
Y'all, I just had to come and post about how proud I am of my BFF who is running Princess with me. She's not a big runner, but Princess was a big bucket list item of hers. When we did it in 2018, she was severely undertrained and definitely paid for it. We ended up walking about the entire second half and we only got one princess picture because the sweepers were on our tail (we only finished about 5 minutes ahead of the balloon ladies).

This time, she committed to getting a POT and training harder. I was a little skeptical, but she is actually doing it! The last three weeks she has run 3-4 times per week, and has shaved 3 minutes off of her 5K time in the past month. She's working up to a 10K in October for her POT, and I know she's going to crush it. I'm so proud of her and happy that she's taking it so seriously this time.

Sounds like she doesn’t want a repeat of 2018! Good for her! I don’t think a lot of people realize just how tough a half marathon can be. Add in heat and humidity and it can be brutal.
Sounds like she doesn’t want a repeat of 2018! Good for her! I don’t think a lot of people realize just how tough a half marathon can be. Add in heat and humidity and it can be brutal.

The weather at the 2018 Princess half was OPPRESSIVE! Especially since she was in the last corral (I moved back to be with her). We didn't cross the start line until 6:40am. The sun was already coming up and it got hot FAST. It doesn't help that we live in Minnesota, so we can't easily show up to the race conditioned for that. But it's been hot around here lately, so the fact that she's keeping up with it now will definitely help!
The weather at the 2018 Princess half was OPPRESSIVE! Especially since she was in the last corral (I moved back to be with her). We didn't cross the start line until 6:40am. The sun was already coming up and it got hot FAST. It doesn't help that we live in Minnesota, so we can't easily show up to the race conditioned for that. But it's been hot around here lately, so the fact that she's keeping up with it now will definitely help!
Congrats to your friend for making that goal and working at it. The thing I love about running is anyone that wants to can do it- you just have to put in the time consistently!

Crossing my fingers for nice weather! When I ran Princess in 2016, the weather wasn't too hot, so I hope 2019 is more like that!


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