3 days in LA, 6 days in Disneyland and 1 Amazing Cast Member Photo bomb!-update 3-9x2

Loving your trip report! We just booked a trip to California last night for our first every disneyland trip! We want to do socal too but only in 1.5 days! I am from ohio too- toledo, ohio but lived in columbus for OSU.
joining in. Luvin your trip report so far.

Thanks for reading! I know it is taking me forever to get through but am happy that people are still enjoying it.


I love all the pictures!!

Hi! I love TR with lots of pictures so I definitely wanted to be sure to include a lot. Unfortunately my pictures aren't that "good" but any visual is better than none. :)

LOVE your daughters evil queen Pic!!

It's great, isn't it! I love villain interaction (I think because it is so rare) so we were really excited to stumble into her!!

Loving your trip report! We just booked a trip to California last night for our first every disneyland trip! We want to do socal too but only in 1.5 days! I am from ohio too- toledo, ohio but lived in columbus for OSU.

Hey, fellow Ohioan! I am originally from the Cleveland area but made my way to Columbus for OSU also...although at this point I guess I have been in Columbus more than half my life. Ack! First DLR trip is sooooo exciting. It is definitely my "home"!
Thursday, July 18-Day 7-Part 2 One disappointing meal and one great meal

So when I started planning this trip I became obsessed with the Fried Green Tomato Sandwich at the Hungry Bear restaurant so that is where we headed.

I should have known the meal was going to not live up my expectations when we end up in line behind someone who is ordering 100 kid meals for a day care group. Needless to say it was a long/hectic ordering experience. Anyways moving on to the food. My Fried Green Tomato sandwich was good….not great. I wished the bread was about half as thick.

Both girls got the Garden burger and they were fine as well. I think the sweet potato fries were a bigger hit, though!

Now on to Aarons Turkey and Provolone sandwich. He hated it. So much so that it is STILL a joke amongst us. Again I think it was partly due to the bread but he complained about that meal for days!

We decided to share the Bumblebee lemon cupcake 4 ways. LOL….that is not an easy task. Thankfully we only got one because it did also did not live up to the expectations. In all honesty we are more of a chocolate family so this is an item we would never choose had it not had so much hype around it.

So overall it was a bit of a disappointing meal which was a shame!

Once we finished up we decide to head over to California Adventure. On our way out we run into the Dapper Dan’s! We were excited because the Limited Time Magic for our week was the Dapper Dan’s singing boy band songs.  We didn’t see the whole set but enough to feel satisfied!

Also on the way out we saw Jasmine and Aladdin. This picture is just sooo sweet. Really one of my favorites from the trip.

Once inside we stop for some photo pass pictures. Ok, another favorite from the trip!!

Then it was Pixar Parade time. Yes, please!

After the parade ended we decide to take a break and see the Disney Jr. show. Pretty random since we were the only people in there without toddlers but we had a good time. Oh, and Olivia is always up for a meet with Jake!

By now it was about 3:30 and I had wanted to check out the characters at the “Dancing’ with Disney” set. It was super fun although funny how random and junky it was. The girls and I danced and partied with some super cool characters while Aaron relaxed. We spent a good hour here.

I had wanted to go on the Monsters ride so badly. In 2007 we rode this a million times since it was a complete walk on. NOW with the newly released Monsters University it was hugely popular and I believe it was our longest wait of the entire trip (30 minutes) but we had to do it! Mike can't believe the wait time either!!

We jumped on Soarin after Monsters and then made our way out of CA. We had a date with some friends that now lived in Long Beach. We were scheduled to meet them at Tortilla Jo's in DTD for dinner.
This is where I fail you. This was undoubtedly one of our best meals of the trip and I took zero pictures. I blame it on the fact that we were busy chatting with friends we haven’t seen in years. BUT this was a great meal and highly recommend it. (pretty sure I got the Garden Enchiladas, Aaron I am sure got something chicken....Olivia probably nachos without meat and Lucy a cheese quesadilla).
Here I am with my friend. It was a great time!

By the time dinner was over it was 8:45 so we unfortunately go back to the room. Another EMH would be here before we knew it AND tomorrow was our Walk in Walt’s Footsteps tour!!!
Really enjoying your TR!

Can't wait to hear about the tour!!
Friday, July 19-Day 8-Part 1 Our Cars Land photo shoot AND the photo bomb!

Friday starts once again, very early. We arrive at California Adventure around 7:10 to take advantage of our EMH. We really didn’t have a plan and decided against doing Radiator Springs Racers since Lucy was still acting weird about it. SO with no real plan I decide we should head over to Cars Land to get a few pictures while the crowds were low. We ended up getting a total Cars Land photo shoot with a really sweet photopass CM. She set up lots of poses, etc. I was a bit disappointed at how tired I look in all of them (It was early!) but still think she did some cute things!

Since our anniversary was in two days.

This one would be SO perfect if Lucy's hand placement had worked a bit better!

After the photo shoot we rode Mater's Junkyard Jamboree and met a few of our favorite cars before deciding to take in Paradise Pier.

We walk right up to Toy Story. I wanted to get a picture of the girls and Aaron in front.

As I am doing this a Toy Story CM asks if we would like her to take our picture and of course we agree. She takes one and kind of pauses before saying she better take another. I didn’t think anything of it at the time but on the plane ride home I always look through the picture we took during the trip and there it was….a hysterical photo bomb. I can’t believe they pulled that off. I SO WISH I had noticed when we were there. So the first picture was the photo bomb.

In case you need a closer look (how did we not know she was there??)

And then the post photo bomb picture where I guess the girl jumped out so we could get a “real” picture. I LOVE that you can still see her in the picture laughing at us!

So we rode TSM twice….as a person whose “home” park is WDW (by location not heart) it is AMAZING to see the short lines here.

After this Olivia and I took a ride on California Screaming while Lucy rode King Tritons Carrousel. We ventured on down the pier area and the girls and I rode Goofys Sky School. It wasn’t nearly as good as Primeval Whirl (a favorite of Lucy’s) although right now I can’t really remember how or why it was different. We all went on the Jelly Fish.

By now it was about 8:40 and we needed to get over to Disneyland for our Walk in Walt’s Footsteps tour.
Really enjoying your TR, Stacy!

Oh my goodness, that CM photo bomb is too funny! :rotfl:

And I love that your daughter got a photo with the Dapper Dans. I'm totally going to do the same next time. :goodvibes

Question for you: Based on your report and photos it seems like it wasn't crazy busy as I'd expect for July. Was it really crowded and what were the lines like? My family's always gone the first week of June, but because of the cooler weather the last few trips, plus grad night going on we're a bit more open to trying a different month.
haha that was great!! Its good they like to have a good time too!!...Can't wait to hear about your tour!!! I was considering doing one but I don't think my kids are big enough to enjoy it(and act right) so we decided on the F! dessert package.
Really enjoying your TR, Stacy!

Oh my goodness, that CM photo bomb is too funny! :rotfl:

And I love that your daughter got a photo with the Dapper Dans. I'm totally going to do the same next time. :goodvibes

Question for you: Based on your report and photos it seems like it wasn't crazy busy as I'd expect for July. Was it really crowded and what were the lines like? My family's always gone the first week of June, but because of the cooler weather the last few trips, plus grad night going on we're a bit more open to trying a different month.

Thanks for reading along!

I LOVE the CM photo bomb. Seriously so fun and so crazy that we had NO IDEA!!

As far as July goes....I will first say that we are typically "busy season" Disney vacationers so keep that in mind but really the crowds were ok. As you can see we made sure to utilize our mornings and really got things done then. I do think the EMH were invaluable (something we don't usually take advantage of at WDW) and would recommend a DLR hotel during peak months for that purpose. I think a smart Dis'er can have a perfect July DL vacation. Enjoy!!

haha that was great!! Its good they like to have a good time too!!...Can't wait to hear about your tour!!! I was considering doing one but I don't think my kids are big enough to enjoy it(and act right) so we decided on the F! dessert package.

[FONT="Comic Sans [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT]MS"]I really, really love that picture. :)

Hoping to get my tour review up today. Lucy (9 at the time) did ok...but honestly I would say the tour is LONG and better suited for 12+. Not that she couldn't behave but I know she zoned out!!

The Pixar parade is one of my favorites!!!

LOVE parades but hate "waiting" for them so just happening upon it is ideal for us! YAY! Who doesn't love Pixar???
Friday, July 19-Day 8-Part 2 Walk in Walt’s Footsteps tour
So we head over to DL and check in for our tour around 9.

I inquired about a more kid friendly vegetarian lunch option for Lucy. I received a less than magical response from the CM checking us in but she did call the chef at Jolly Holiday Bakery who was MORE than willing to make Lucy a grilled cheese.  Perfect!

We start our tour and instantly I feel dread because the earpiece they give you to help aid in hearing your guide is very faulty. Honestly we spent much of the tour trying to get the earpiece to work…and that is by far my biggest complaint about the tour. With technology the way it is I REALLY hope that Disney finds a way to improve this. It is VERY frustrating to not be able to hear.
I am not going to go into detail of all the items discussed for three reasons….1. If you have planned the tour you want to learn NEW things so I don’t want to spoil it for you. 2. I know the tours vary so you may not even get the same tour route as we did and finally….3. I took pretty poor notes and don’t remember a tons of details.
Our included “rides” were: Peter Pan (YES! I was hoping for that), the railroad and Mr. Lincoln.

We stopped at Club 33 (this area was very interesting with the history of the courtyard). In the elevator

Our “group” tour ended at Mr. Lincoln…which I have to say our guides “talk” about Walt’s death got me very emotional and I was struggling to hold in the tears.
At this point half the group went to eat and the other half (our half) when to Walt’s Apartment. I am happy I went but pictures, etc are VERY limited so know that going in.

We were then taken to lunch while the second group went to Walt’s.

Lunch was ok but I have to say that the Matterhorn Macaroon was my absolute favorite. So glad I chose this and SO sad I only got the one. This is a must!!!

I really like the pin we received!

Overall I am happy we went. My biggest complaint was the ablity to hear our guide. I feel like Disney needs to either improve the earpiece system or break the tour into smaller groups where the earpiece isn’t needed. It was a distraction.
Lucy (9 years old) did OK. We are a pretty big Disney family and I do feel she was slightly bored at some points during the tour. She behaved and managed but I would really recommend the tour for a slightly older age group. Maybe 12 and up….
Brief real life update!

As my signature shows I am currently planning TWO WDW trips! TWO! The first is in exactly 4 weeks! Its actually pretty last minute and will just be Aaron and I for 5 days...but the kicker is we are only going to 1 park, 1 day (Epcot)! So excited to being going with my guy and taking it slow...it might almost feel like a vacation!!

Our May family trip is proving to be somewhat difficult to schedule now that the girls are on different school schedules....it is a work in progress!

SO...my point is that I will be working overtime to try and finish this up and say good bye (for now...not forever) to the Disneyland side of things! I am dreaming, wishing, hoping to be back here in 2015!! Ok...on with the show! :)

Friday, July 19-Day 8-Part 3 Disneyland Afternoon/California Adventure Evening (WOC)
We finished our lunch and were free to leave the tour at that point (around 1:00). We decided to see the tangled performance. We arrived at the theatre pretty late but they squeezed us in on the floor with just moments to spare!

The show was very cute! I was hoping Rapunzel and Flynn would do a meet afterwards but no such luck!

Next we noticed the line at Princess Fantasy Faire was pretty short (maybe 30 minutes?) so we hopped in the line there to meet Snow White, Ariel and Aurora.

We then decided to move on over to Adventure land and take a Jungle Cruise (another of our longer waits…30+ minutes).

Unfortunately our skipper was pretty lame so we were bummed!
Since we had some time to kill before we could use our Indiana Jones FP’s we explored Tarzan’s Treehouse and did some window shopping.

Once we finished on Indiana Jones (have a said how much I LOVE this ride????) we make our way up to Main Street to stake out a spot for Soundsational. Lucy wanted an Ice Cream so we went and grabbed that.

I have to say (dodging flying objects…) I didn’t love Soundsational. Maybe I am SO used to celebrate a Dream Come True (WDW) that I just couldn’t adjust. I don’t know but it was just ok for me.

After the parade we say goodbye to Disneyland and head over to California Adventure. It was a bit early but we all decide we are ready for dinner. Sourdough soup bread bowls at Pacific Wharf here we come! I got the tomato soup, Aaron and Olivia got the broccoli and cheese and Lucy got something that was in a cute kid’s meal bag!! (Can’t remember!!).

It was all very good but it would be great to have REAL silverware to attack that bowl with. Plastic wasn’t cutting it! HA…pun intended!

We then walked on to the Little Mermaid ride twice. I REALLY LOVED this! I haven’t been to the one at WDW yet (they are the same, yes??) so it was a brand new ride! YAY!!

We then hung out in Bugs land. This had been a favorite area of ours in our 2007 trip….and I have to say Heimlich is still pretty awesome! "I miss you already!" LOVE HIM!

Earlier we had grabbed FP’s for Soarin so we make our way over to take our flight. Unfortunately the fast pass line wasn’t super-fast.

Aaron and I then decide to get a Starbucks before we make our way back to (FINALLY) see World of Color! Once we arrive in that area the girls decide to get hot chocolates and that was probably a mistake. The line was VERY slow and it cost us a much better spot for WOC. We were in the blue FP zone but me being of shorter size my view was pretty bad. I got kind of emotional at it and I felt like it was a combination of it being awesome, me not being able to see it and the realization that I was really there!! Hopefully I will have another chance to really “see” it!!

Love the Pier at night!

After WOC ended we made the mass exit out of the park….tomorrow would be our last DL EMH!!
I really want to see WOC! We went this past summer but having two little kids, they fell asleep early and I didn't want to wait while a 2 yr old was on my shoulder, lol. In October, it will be one of my goals when we go back to the parks.
Thanks for the info!

I've heard how good the Matterhorn Macaroons are. They look delicious!

Your photo Paradise Pier at night sure does look beautiful! The last time I was there (2009) was before they stayed open at night. I can't wait to see DCA all lit up a night on our next trip.
I really want to see WOC! We went this past summer but having two little kids, they fell asleep early and I didn't want to wait while a 2 yr old was on my shoulder, lol. In October, it will be one of my goals when we go back to the parks.

We aren't very good about sticking around for the "night shows" either...and I don't have small children as an excuse!:) It is definitely worth it....and worth taking the time to stake out a good spot. The view area leaves a lot to be desired. Hope you get a chance to see it!!

Thanks for the info!

I've heard how good the Matterhorn Macaroons are. They look delicious!

Your photo Paradise Pier at night sure does look beautiful! The last time I was there (2009) was before they stayed open at night. I can't wait to see DCA all lit up a night on our next trip.

What I would give for one of those Macaroons right now! So yummy!

Paradise Pier is so awesome at night. All the lights and colors are just so beautiful. You will love it.

Following along to get ideas for my trip.

Jill in CO

Thanks for reading, Jill! I became obsessed with TR reading while planning our trip and there are so many less Disneyland reports here than on the WDW side so that is what made me determined to write this. Hope it is useful for you!!
Saturday, July 20-Day 9-Part 1 Princess’ x 3
After the usual morning routine we end up at Disneyland’s EMH at about 7:10am.

As we are heading back to Fantasyland off to the left we see three lovely ladies just standing around! We had to make the detour for this fabulous greet! LOVED THIS!!

Love how Lucy is looking at Aurora in this one!!

After chatting and picture taking with the princess’ we again start to make our way to Fantasyland. Our rides that morning included Mr. Toad, Pinocchio, Dumbo, Alice in Wonderland and a few spins on the Matterhorn!

We had to try! (Sword in the Stone was a "new to us" movie that we had watched before the trip).

We then make our way to Tomorrowland (LOVE the bathroom signs here!).

We test our driving skills at Autopia, pull some Space Mountain fast passes and “enjoy” a submarine ride with Nemo. I say “enjoy” because they are definitely claustrophobic worthy. I spent the whole time secretly freaking out.

After Olivia and I used both sets of Space Mountain fastpasses and we ride Buzz Lightyear we move on to Adventureland. We hit Pirates (which might have been the only time? Not sure but it’s a shame because I LOVE the DL version!). As we are exiting we decide to see if we could get a lunch reservation for the next day at Blue Bayou. I had gone back and forth about this for months leading up to the trip. I had really wanted to do it but I was hesitant because of the cost. Sure enough they could get us in so we were going for it! Tomorrow was our wedding anniversary so what better day to splurge on a nice meal. 
After setting that up we took another ride on Indiana Jones! LOVE!

I think on the way out we grab this picture with the photopass photographer.

And then decided to look for some lunch in Down Town Disney. It took us awhile to decide but ended up at La Brea. If I recall we all enjoyed our choices.

Aaron got the Turkey panini (not pictured), the Rosemary vegetable panini was my choice:

Olivia had the Margherita Focaccia:

Lucy had the kids Mac and Cheese:

Once we finished lunch (around 2pm) we decided to head back to our hotel for an afternoon nap. This is probably our first ever Disney nap but after all the 7am EMH mornings we REALLY NEEDED IT.



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