"300" insults Iran?

so.......since it's compared to Sin City so much......does that mean it'll suck like Sin City did, too?

Personally I'm going hoping it will be done as well as Sin City. Based on what I've seen and heard so far, I will not be disapointed.

And yes, I guess you should avoid it at all costs.
I hated Sin City too but 300 is very different. I saw it Friday. It is much brighter and more real to life. Sin City was just dark and negative.

There are warrior bodies to oogle for the ladies and lots of blood for the guys. Good movie.
Exactly WHAT doesn't offend Iran ? Would it offend them if we laid a nuke in the middle of Tehran ?

Golf4food said:
Tehran deserves nothing. Certainly not sympathy. When they stop dancing in the streets calling for the murder of millions of innocent people then we'll talk.

WOW! What irony. So dancing in the streets calling for the murder of millions of innocent Americans is bad, but one poster on here calling for the laying of a nuke (which could kill millions of innocent Iranians) is ok. :confused3

This is why the world is such a messed up place, it's always we think we're right and they're wrong? Their government doesn't speak for the people. Heck ours doesn't either!!!
The Greeks are the ones who should be offended since I think the entire concept behind this movie trivializes the true heroism shown by the defending 300 in the face of overwhelming odds in an effort to save their culture and country. Thermoplaye is one of the great stories in the history of mankind. It deserves better than a video game-esque farce.


I couldn't believe what they did to the story!!! Sure they showed that the Spartans were very brave in their effort to protect Sparta but the story was so much more involved than that. I had heard about the battle of Thermoplaye but then I watched a 2 hour show on The History Channel or National Geographic...can't remember...then saw the movie...WOW what a difference.
This topic reminds of a thread on a movie message board. :rotfl2:

This guy was having a fit as one of the characters in 300 wasn't protrayed accurate. As he was a direct decendant of said character and the character looked nothing like him or his family. :rotfl:
This guy was having a fit as one of the characters in 300 wasn't protrayed accurate. As he was a direct decendant of said character and the character looked nothing like him or his family. :rotfl:

This whole "story" is Exhibit "A" for the notion that there will never be any sort of lasting peace in the Mid-east. Arabian culture is so quick to insult at the slightest instance. My uncle used to work in Saudi Arabia and he used to talk about all of the problems he had with customs getting into the Kingdom. Any magazine story or map that marked the body of water next to Saudi Arabia as "The Persian Gulf" was confiscated. To them it's "The Arabian Gulf" and calling it "Persian" is perceived as a major insult. "Nuts" to all of them!
Interesting side note: In the current issue of Entertainment Weekly, Zack Snyder (director of 300) tells of how when they showed test screenings of the movie in European locales, filmmakers received some harsh feedback. Seems that those audiences saw 300 as being a "pro-Bush" movie. Snyder said that some viewers felt that any film that depicted themes of freedom and liberty -and particularly moving ahead in the face of insurmountable odds -was basically Bush apologetics.

Sorry I don't have a link. This is just from an article I was reading earlier today.

We couldn't get the guy to understand that 2500 years of genetics would make a major change in looks. He was talking about suing and making heads roll.
Exactly WHAT doesn't offend Iran ? Would it offend them if we laid a nuke in the middle of Tehran ?

I have thought about this post. My response: I would be offended if we used a nuke.

It does not help to even joke about mass murder. The people of Iran are not our enemies. The People in Charge of Iran are.


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