3rd Times a Charm! Mar. 8-14..lots of pics

Subbing!!! I am loving your TR. I love that picture of your DH asleep in the chair. He just looks like he fell over and crashed.:rotfl: Claire is absolutely so adorable. LOVE THE DRESS AND EARS. I can't believe that she keeps the ears on as well. I just love girly girls because I have one too.:)
I am enjoying your trip report. You have some great pictures! I hope you did get the castle, we purchased it (regular price) for my daughter about 4 years ago and she loved it. She is 10 now and we would not take anything for it.

We did get it.

Great report so far! I just love that Minnie dress :)


Subbing!!! I am loving your TR. I love that picture of your DH asleep in the chair. He just looks like he fell over and crashed.:rotfl: Claire is absolutely so adorable. LOVE THE DRESS AND EARS. I can't believe that she keeps the ears on as well. I just love girly girls because I have one too.:)

Thanks. On the day we were leaving for the airport, we had to get up super early and as we were walking up front we saw two people sleeping on the lounge chairs, and both had a pop bedspread around them. So I guess they are comfy. LOL!
Now we had to decide what we wanted to do. Skip said about 30 times ( a little irritating) that we shouldn’t ride anything that had a long wait, since we could basically walk on everything after dinner. Like I didn’t know that!

So we randomly headed off towards the tea cups.


Claire wanted to ride them, but I told Skip he would have to ride it with her since they make me sick. He said he didn’t want to get sick either. LOL!

So we walked off towards Pooh.. The line didn’t look too bad, so we parked the stroller and got in line. Once in line we saw that the wait time was longer than we wanted to wait, and looking at the line we could tell it was long, so we jumped out.

We started wandering through Fantasyland and I mentioned “Oh there’s where Ariel is”. The immediate reply from a little voice was “I want to see Ariel!”.


The sign said 40 minutes. UGH! But we got in line and Skip went off on his own.
I took a few pictures while waiting.

A very patient girl waiting in line.


Some of the scenery on the path we are waiting in.



As we got with in site of the “chain” (the spot they let you in to actually see her), Claire said she had to go potty! I told her we were close, but she said she had to go BAD. I told her to think of other things. LOL! The family behind us said they would keep our spot, but they didn’t know if they would be already through and out of line by the time we got back, which is what I was thinking too.
Soon we were let into the chained off area, and Ariel was now ins site. This took Claire’s mind off the potty situation totally.
She was mesmerized.


I must add before I go on, that Ariel and Belle are Claire’s 2 favorite princesses. She just loves them both and she has asked m to change her name to Arielbelle. LOL! princess:

So FINALLY we meet Ariel. :cloud9: DD was in heaven and Ariel talked a mile a minute to her. It was dark in the cave and my pictures didn’t turn out that grand, but the photopass ones look great, so once that comes I’ll post them.





After the wonderful meet with Ariel, Claire grabs my hand and says “let’s run, I have to go potty”. LOL! So we make the mad dash for the bathrooms. :scared: Claire is talking non-stop about all Ariel has told her (which I can’t remember anymore) and then I ask her, “what else did Ariel say”, and she gets a blank look and says “Gosh, I can’t remember anymore!” It was just so cute. She was so happy! We made it to the potty on time and all was good in Claire’s world.!
I love all the pics so far. The castle one is my favorite I just wish I could move in :rotfl: . Claire(ArielBelle) looks so cute with Ariel. Glad everything turned out good in Claire's World. :cool1:
Your DD looks too cute in her pink dress and pink ears! Sounds like you're having a perfect day! :)
When you posted the thing about Arielbelle that made me think that I had heard that name before, so when I looked it up, I got:

"The girl's name Arabelle \a-ra-belle, arab(el)-le\ is a variant of Arabella (Latin), and the meaning of Arabelle is "prayerful".
Arabelle is a very rare female first name and a very rare surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census)."

I probably wouldn't let Claire know that it's a sort-of real name, otherwise she's going to want to change her name! :laughing: And Claire is such a pretty name on its own.

Can't wait for more!
If I would ever have another baby, I'm sure Claire would insist on it being named Arielbelle. Whether it was a boy or girl :rotfl: LOL! (I'm not having anymore though! :scared: ) LOL!

I started writing a new installmetn, but haven;t gotten to the pictures yet to edit them, and we have dance class this afternoon, so maybe by the end of the day I'll get it finished. It's so frustrating that life gets in the way! :confused3
Claire is simply beaming with Ariel!! You can tell that she was taking it all in! All your pictures have been wonderful, too. I look forward to the next post.:yay:
After the bathroom break, Claire and I wandered a bit. We went to the smoking section near liberty square and beeped Skip on the Nextel. He was just about to get on Space Mountain. So we decided that Claire and I would get a spot for Spectro Magic in liberty Square since it wasn’t too crowded yet.

It was 7:30 and Spectro started at 8.
We found a spot right in front of the Hall of Presidents (which is boarded up for refurbishment…...I assume adding Obama)

We parked the stroller in our spot and walked a few steps over to the Hula hoop guy to play.




After a bit Skip beeped us and said he was on his way. He stopped off to get a drink for Claire and I. I think he got to our spot about 10 minutes before Spectro was due to hit our area. (It was after 8 when he got there)

I took some pictures of them waiting. Claire is still chowing on that popcorn.


I'm finally here and loving your TR! Claire is just adorable-I love her dress and ears. You took some beautiful pictures!

Sounds like a great first day-looking forward to more! :goodvibes
I'm finally here and loving your TR! Claire is just adorable-I love her dress and ears. You took some beautiful pictures!

Sounds like a great first day-looking forward to more! :goodvibes

HEY! Welcome!

I used two cameras throguh out the trip. A Canon A540 Point and shoot, which most of the first day ones are shot with, and a Canon Rebel XTi. Love the Rebel ,but didn't want to lug it EVERYDAY, though it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be when I did take it.

But my point and shoot can take some awesome pictures too. The only bad thing about it is, if I shoot with the flash it takes a long time to recharge before you can shoot again, and if I shoot in manual, and need a ISO of 800 to get the darker shots better, it gets pretty grainy.
It takes great daytime shots though for the most part. :lovestruc
I have to say one of my most favorite things at Disney is Spectro Magic. I get chills watching it. :lovestruc It just gives me a special feeling. :cloud9: I want to tear up with joy. And I LOVE the song. :dance3: The spot we had this year was great. There wasn’t enough room for people to stand behind us and crowd in. The families on each side of us had plenty of room and didn’t crowd in. :grouphug: The one family next to us had several people ask if they could squeeze in with them and they told them no. LOL! :thumbsup2 The lady said she just hates that. When you let someone into a small spot they tend to take it over, and she is right.
I had a lady last year ask if her DD could squeeze in next to Claire and I said yes. (we were standing behind her for the afternoon parade) This lady then squeezes in herself and FIVE other kids! Claire still had a good view, but she was squished.

So on to Spectro Magic!

I took some video. I am terrible at it, but it still gives you the feeling of it. Of course it’s so much better in person and the sound is so much better in person.



Chip and Dale



Little Mermaid




Several characters waved right at Claire. She was so excited. Minnie blew her a kiss, as well as Snow White. I think on other did too, but I can’t for the life of me remember who, but she would get so excited each time. Bashful walked up to her and shook her hand.



After Spectro we made another potty stop.

Then we went against the traffic flow . After Spectro, everyone usually heads towards the castle to see Wishes. We decided we didn’t care if we saw it. We also had two other days to catch it if we chose. We like wishes a lot, but the crowds around the castle are just awful and it drives me batty at times. :hippie:

We decided we would look for a “big girl” ride for Claire. This was the first year she was tall enough for some of the bigger rides. And boy was she excited about that. :banana: She kept talking about what a big girl she is constantly.

We went to Splash Mountain to check out the wait time….20 minutes…we had time before our ADR!

The wait was only 10 minutes.

I was hoping we wouldn’t get very wet, so we didn’t go to dinner dripping. LOL!
I only got a light splash when we floated by the spot where the boat comes down. The girl in front of me got it more.

DH had never ridden this ride either, and was amazed with the theming and story it had inside.


As we rounded outside on the boat, Wishes was going off. How beautiful to see the fireworks from up high on the “mountainside.” It was such a magical :wizard: moment and Claire oohed and ahhed! :cheer2:

Every room and turn we went into DH would say “here it comes”, but I was pretty sure we had a ways to go yet. LOL! Then the big drop came! :scared1: I ducked WAY down so I wouldn’t get wet. None of us did though. Claire loved it! She was a big girl now.
We got off and went to look at the picture they take of you coming down. You can’t see me or Claire. LOL! I was ducked down too far and Claire is too short. LOL! :rotfl:

When we got off we noticed it was getting close to our ADR time, so we walked back towards the castle. :bride:
You are quite an amazing updater! You just pop it out there so fast!!!

I love your photos. Great update.
"Arielbelle" I love it!

That would be great to see Wishes from Splash Mountain - I will have to remember that!
It doesn't feel that fast. LOL! I am still on day 1! I have soooo many pictures to go through yet. Plus I need to make up my photopass album. I went to try and start it last night and the dang site was down, and then my internet service went out later on! :scared1: It's back on this morning, so it better not go off again. It made me mad because my BIL had just called me yesterday asking how it was, because he was thinking of getting that company. LOL! Then it goes out right after I tell him it's pretty good. :headache:
I'll start on another installment after a bit. ;)
Thanks for reading! and sharing my joy!


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