$5 per pet ??

man...he's gotta GREAT goatee!!! Is it me, or does he have a REALLY human expression on his face....like "You wanna piece of me?"
Ya ain't heard nothing yet until you've heard a hound baying like Mickey the Wonder Beagle can. Just ask Tungpo1 what that sounds like.
I know what you mean. We named our Beagle Harley because she reminded us of our bike, She's either unable to move or wide open and waking the dead:rotfl2: .We would love to take her to the fort with us but, I've been worried about her going insane because of the smells of wildlife and other dogs.
man...he's gotta GREAT goatee!!! Is it me, or does he have a REALLY human expression on his face....like "You wanna piece of me?"

You got it! Actually he's a SHE. She likes to sit in this chair and bark at the squirrels and chipmunks in the back yard. You should see her when we let her loose to go after them!
Sad news - Mickey the Wonder Beagle went in to the vet for an ear infection, and a Stage 2 murmur was discovered. Guess he is showing his 10 years. Has to be checked every 6 months now for this one. Still acts like a puppy, though.

I'm sorry to hear about the "Wonder Beagle" - but don't dismay.... NTSammy5 & I had a beagle when we were growing up who had an enlarged heart. She lived to be 14 - and only then my parents had her put down because we were moving from NY to Fla. The vet said she would not tolerate the move to such a different climate. She was the sweetest, and smartest little girl. Her name was Cleo. It's funny how attached we get to our fur-babies! I'm sure you will keep on top of things & that Mickey will receive the best of care!

Deb ♥

This is a picture of my beagle Lucy that died back in April, it came unexpectedly and we are still to this day trying to get over it. God we loved her, we now have a Cockapoo ( the one in my signature ) that does help us mend, they are as different as day and night, I couldn't even look at another beagle for months after Lucy died. But having another doggie does help, we love him too.
Terri, sorry to hear that you lost your Beagle. We lost a Schnauzer three years ago, and it was awful. Just like we lost a child. It took us a year of saying we will never have another pet, then suddenly we couldn't stand being "childless" any more and adoped Kassie. Now our family is complete again. But there will always be a spot in our hearts for our never-forgotten Schnauzer and two Great Danes.
First...meet my new puppy, Mitzi. Is she the cutest puppy or what ?? She is a 7 week old miniature schnauzer. So far she is getting along really well with our wheaten terrier, Finnegan. The kids just love her too. I've been bugging DH for the last 6 months to let me get another dog, and I guess he figured if he did it now he could call her my Christmas present.


Now as for my question. I am going to be at FW for 12 nights on our next trip. Am I going to have to pay $60 or $120 ?? Seems like a lot to me anyway considering I am the one cleaning up after her :rolleyes1

I have never seen a schnauzer that color. What a cutie. I have had several salt and peppers. Right now we have 2 solid white miniature schnauzers.
First...meet my new puppy, Mitzi.

OMG! She is soooooooo cute!!!! I grew up with Min. Schnauzers. Now we have a 1 yr. old Labradoodle ;) Enjoy your new puppy!!! Love her coloring!
Is Mitzi considered a black and silver like Kassie?

She is a salt and pepper parti. Mom is liver parti and dad is salt and pepper. The vet was just telling us tonight that she had never seen a schnauzer with her coloring. She is really cute and her coloring is what set her apart from her litter mates. There are lots of colors out there...salt and pepper, silver, black, white, and the parti is any of them mixed with white. Her brother was liver and white, and both of her sisters were mostly black. It will be interesting to see what she looks like when she is grown up. Here is another picture of her with our other dog, Finnegan.



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