5th Annual Jellyrolls Meet--Sunday, December 9th, 2007

I'm all packed, ready to go..come on Krista, get a move on!!!
Packed??? I haven't even started yet... too much work and stuff..:surfweb: Tonight.. i have a 6:55 am flight tomorrow.

Shorts?? I wonder if I will look odd in Chicago weather at 1 below zero in shorts and a t shirt???

see ya real soon!!!
Well, I know that Geffric and KristaTX and TLinden and CamColt and Goofy4Tink and Magiroux and a bunch of others got packed and to Orlando safely, because we've already been meeting and playing and riding and eating!
Got back into Boston last night - Who forgot to turn on the heat?? :cold: :cold: :cold: :cold:

It was great seeing/meeting everyone. I had such an awesome time.

As always, thanks Karen for putting on such a wonderful meet!!! I'm sure there will be incriminating pitcures to follow.

Feliz Navidad :rolleyes1 ;)
Sorry I missed you, guys...I passed out after the Pats game, and just couldn't wake up! Hope it was a blast. Maybe next year....
Can you believe another year is over? :confused: How did that happen?

Well it was great seeing everyone, as always. And nice to meet you, Heather. It was fun...even though Karen and I are the only die hards who made it til closing. ;) Tommy (I think it was Tommy) said a song was for "Karen and the gang over there" I was the only "gang" there! :rotfl:

Ursula, you should have joined us....we had Steelers fans in there. We thought they were going to beat Karen and I up on the way out (Karen, I ended up walking behind them all the way into the Dolphin...I kept my distance ;) ).

Mary Ann, glad to hear you made it home ok. We had about a 1 hour delay, which wasnt a big deal considering.

I do have a few pictures, but I need to find the time to get them together. And I realized, I never took any of the second group that came in. Sorry Krista & John. :( I guess after a few drinks the camera gets forgotten. ;)

Thanks for getting us all together, Karen!
Ok, hot off the presses....

Our fearless leader and her fan

The Princess with her bling

The passing of the ears

Mary Ann, take good care of them

The first shift

The Boston crew

ummm...I don't know???

Diane practicing her spinning

They were great!

Go Kermit!

And not a part of this night, but for those involved, I know you will see it here.
Ok, hot off the presses....

The passing of the ears

Mary Ann, take good care of them

UGH- she's posted proof about the ears. I guess now there's no trying to pretend I don't know what you are all talking about, eh? :confused3 :rotfl:

PS: I haven't told DH about the ears yet ;)
LOL! Yep, you are officially signed up for another year. :goodvibes

I think its just you and I Mary Ann. The rest have left us. You would think they are all having fun in WDW or something. Geesh! ;)
Can you believe another year is over? :confused: How did that happen?

I do have a few pictures, but I need to find the time to get them together. And I realized, I never took any of the second group that came in. Sorry Krista & John. :( I guess after a few drinks the camera gets forgotten. ;)

Thanks for getting us all together, Karen!

No pictures is fine by me. What happens at Jellyrolls STAYS at Jellyrolls. DW Sue and I had an excellent time. She had never seen Scotty perform his special musical number and laughed her you-know-what off.

Apologies to Poohbear67 for not being at Jellyrolls to meet up with you. :sad1:

Thanks Karen for a great evening!!! :thumbsup2
Sorry I didn't make it but Christopher and I were very tired that night and I knew someone had to sleep with him! Looks like I missed a lot of fun.
Well, that was a lot of fun, wasn't it?? Glad everyone has made it home safely...well, except for Karen who's still waiting to board her flight home. Had a great time. Not sure I'll be there next year. I think I may just do the cruise and then come home after the cruise. But, it's a year away...things change.
Guard those ears Mary Ann. And hide them away where you'll know where to find them next Dec!
Theres some more of you!

LOL, John. I think we were all very well behaved....considering. ;)

Glad you made it home Diane...just in time for a nice few days of getting socked with the white stuff. :eek: :headache:
It was lovely meeting everyone. Pity no one got a picture of the brats who were there the first hour. ;) :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1
Seriously though, I had an excellent time.
I just got home this evening (Friday). As usual, I had a blast hanging out with y'all all week. But I truly missed all of you after you left FL :(. I was still having fun but was really kind of sad after you all left :guilty:. I am already looking forward to next year.

Even though it was a small group at Jellyrolls, Todd (aka KristaTXsDH) said he had more fun at Jellyrolls this year than at the previous years :dance3:. I did get to see Danny & Belinda again yesterday at the second DIS podcast meet :goodvibes. I made it to both of the podcast meets, and got to see some old friends and make some new ones. I guess I'll go see if anyone posted pictures from those get-togethers.
Ah...Krista, I hope Todd's having a better time this time around had nothing to do with the fact that I left JR's about 30 mins after you guys arrived!!!! I missed saying goodby to you guys and John, but that's life I guess. I hope your inlaws had a good time though!
They had a great time, Diane :thumbsup2. But I must say that I am not intending on playing "tour-guide" or planner again for anyone besides me/Todd/Mom anytime soon. I've done that waaaayyyyy too much lately, and I am now declaring my December trips officially off-limits :snooty: :laughing:.


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