60 Candles, 30 Million Lights, Best Friends&Family at Disney--Priceless (New 5/23)

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I enjoy Maelstrom but it is so short.
The sandwich in Norway sounds delicious. I must try that one day.
Did you try the pink slushie? OMG it was the best.
That is 2nd time I have heard someone say it is the best ice cream. Was it at a kiosk or a store he got it in?
Nice photo of you both at the fountain.
It was very easy to miss Peter.
Wizard of Oz is one of my faves too but the new one was decent.
Very nice topiary pics.
I loved Daytona Beach, we went every year when I was a kid. Have not been in years and maybe do not want to after your description. LOL
That was very rude of that lady wasting your time.
I saw a billboard telling me where to stop when we drive in December. ROTF.
Lucky you winning at the casino.
All caught up again.
Yeah, Marc looks much better with eyeballs! ::yes::

Yes he does. ;)

When you are not on Disney property, there is a definite difference. It has spoiled me for most other hotels anywhere. I can't help but compare - the physical environment, the atmosphere, and the feeling of a safe, family-friendly environment everywhere you go.

I couldn't agree more.

Ending the night by sitting outside and taking in the ocean sounds lovely. :)

It was a lovely way to end the day.

Thats such a shame that it was such a dump. And the beach being dirty sucks too. i have yet to try Bubba gumps, but I hear good things about it. Maybe it depends on location.

It really was; we have such fond memories...Mark of his childhood trips with his family, his and my trips alone and then with our kids. Perhaps we should try another Bubba Gump...it might have been the whole "Daytona" atmosphere.

Great Flower Fest pix !! You are really making me think about a April/May trip next year as hopefully have an Ap !! Sorry about the hotel at Daytona !! I enjoyed Bubba Gumps in City Walk !! I remeber the Seafood hushpuppies were out of this world !!!!

Thanks, Rosie. It really is a beautiful time to go (just avoid spring break).

Oh Kathy I would have been so mad at that women !!!! What a rotten thing to do !!Wahoooey for the winnings , at least it brightened your day !!!!

Mad is putting it mildly; my husband had to give me "the look" or I was going to throttle her while we were there.

Oh man, I would have been so annoyed too! Some people can be so inconsiderate of others. :mad:

Seriously, it would have taken 30 seconds to make a phone call. :mad:

What an update!!!
I love your pictures. the one with Goofy and the Sun is cool!I LOVE the Monsters and love the butterflies garden! Thanks, Mo.

i'm shocked to hear about Daytona!! Didn't know it went down as it did! Very disappointing.

I was going to say they really themed up the Bubba Gump restaurant?!? the picture with Mark and the shoes sitting outside it is my favorite!!!

I could NOT pass up that picture.

Sorry to hear about the crazy mixed up woman you had to deal with.. that always is a buzz kill for any vacation!

I really wanted to punch her.

another BEAUTIFUL picture of the kids!!!!
Thank you.

How annoying. Not only was she late then she tells you she is selling the store. Couldn't she have done that on the phone? or last week sometime?

30 seconds on the phone would have saved us a heck of a lot of gas, given us another day at Disney. She definitely should have handled it better.

At least you won some money!

That helped a little.
That sounds really interesting...

I don't like dole whips so, unfortunately, did not try it.

You know, I think I might be able to make one of those random monster topiaries.

I bed you could Edward Scissorshand.

Itchy and Scratchy? :confused3

:lmao::lmao::lmao: good one.

It's amazing to me how much effort goes into these festivals.

I agree, just like the decorations at Halloween and Christmas.

What happened to Mark??!!:scared1:

Maybe he had an inkling of what the witch in Daytona was going to pull.

Cars driving in a circle...for 4 hours...:faint:

Yeah, I put it right up there with golf. Not for me.

I once read a book where the author supposed that La Quinta is Spanish for "next to the Denny's". :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

It was the only bad LaQuinta out of the three we stayed this trip...the others were quite nice and comfortable.


It was crazy and sad.


It's okay....this was good too.

Krispy Kreme? Approved! :thumbsup2

Thanks for the approval.


You really didn't think I'd miss Starbucks once out of Disney did you?

:furious: Do you want to borrow my taser?

I've had to borrow that thing from you a couple of times now. :mad:

Was it next to the La Quinta?:confused3:rotfl:

No it wasn't smarty pants.

:cool1::woohoo: Now that was worth the trip!

It helped ease the pain.

Kathy - what is it with you and your lucky winning streaks? Can I take you somewhere where there's is gambling so you can win me a few extra hundred dollars.

It, unfortunately, has not happened since I've been home. I'm hoping to hit a machine in Dubuque after the shower...be nice to give the kids a little "extra" for their wedding. You can take me anywhere you want. :)

Yeah - I would have been pretty po'd to drive to Daytona and then have the client cancel. That's awful. I don't think I've ever gone to the main part of Daytona. We always go to the beach in Daytona Beach Shores which is much, much nicer. How depressing to walk a beach full of trash and sleep in a bed with holes in the comforter.

Maybe we'll have to look at the Shores next time. I barely slept that night...I was so creeped out.

Back to Epcot - I just LOVE that topiary of Sully! OMG - how cute. What an awesome time at Epcot!

It really was a perfect day and an awesome time.

Great update! :)

Thank you. :goodvibes
I'm making my own in the MK next time. :rolleyes1

I won't tell.

I haven't seen it yet, but I am kind of eager to see it. Not sure how I'll feel about it, but I plan to have an open mind going in. Since it is kind of a prequel, I hope it feels "right."

I've heard it is okay...but no one I know has raved about it.

Me neither, but DW was watching one of those movies on Disney channel a few days ago.

That's kind of he hard part...no young kids so we don't see these shows anymore.

Awesome!!! They made a topiary for Barry and Ryder!!! :rotfl2:

That is exactly who I thought of when I saw it. :lmao::lmao:

I've heard this from some other people recently.

I'm glad it wasn't only me.

Did she talk like Bubba? :confused3

She talked like a....oh never mind, I don't want to be mean. Let's just say Bubba talked better

Did they at least give you a box of chocolates for dessert?

Surprisingly, no.

Waffle House didn't even cross my mind. I was expecting Starbucks. :lmao:

Of course you were.

Ok, that's better. I was starting to worry about you.

I aim to please where you are concerned.

:furious: :headache: :faint:

Exactly how I felt!


I'm glad I could humor you.

And yet, you photograph them... :rolleyes1

How could I not for you guys? ;)

Well, you certainly wouldn't have won $500 in the MK. Maybe the inconsiderate witch did you a favor. :confused3 :rotfl:

True, but I'd have preferred being at the MK; I only ended up spending part of the money and giving the kids the rest towards the wedding.

His eyes look hollow.

I've never seen that happen with sunglasses on before.

:eek: Now it all makes perfect sense!

Seriously, the rest of the LaQuinta's were fine...it was just that one.


Don't humor him!

Is Mike wearing braces there?
That’s quite an interesting detail even for the masters of detail. I’ll have to pay attention when we get to actually see the new film to determine if that’s what’s goin’ on.

It looks like it, doesn't it? Doesn't that new film come out soon?

The Butterfly garden is gorgeous but it’s also interesting that Tink and all her friends are missing their faces. That’s the reverse of what I’d expect detail wise from the masters of detail.

I wondered why they looked a little "off".

Better then four years

I really hope you get back soon.:grouphug:

Yah… we stayed at one of those once.

Just “once”.

Every LaQuinta we have stayed at has been perfectly fine (and we stayed at the one in Naples for three nights); but this one was a fleabag hotel.

Dang shame…

It really was.

Thanks for the honest review

That's what I'm here for.

And that ain’t sayin’ much right there,
I believe we’ll be skipping the Gump experience.

I would if I were you.

That’s a pretty blatant disregard for the fact that there are other humans living on the same planet.

We've become a very self-centered society I am afraid.

Must be satisfying to lack a conscious.

You think??

A little bit of karma for enduring the trials back in Daytona

It helped.

Nice Key.
A long way from where you were at the time, but I’d make the trip if I had the chance.

I would have loved to have gone all the way to the Keys, but it was late. The kids are taking a cruise there from Marco Island on their honeymoon and I can't wait to hear what they thought of it.
Kathy, how can you not be interested in Daytona International Speedway. That is hallowed ground. :lmao: I love Nascar.

Does this mean you don't want to meet me now? :sad:

Sorry to hear about the hotel. I have never had a good experience at a LaQuinta and will not stay at one. But hey, at least it didn't have bedbugs. :thumbsup2

The thing that riled me is all of our other LaQuinta hotels were clean, new bedding, etc.

One of the CMs at the Butterfly house asked how I liked the Dole Whip with Rum.

The booth used Spiced Rum and while it was good( it was a Dole whip after all ) the spiced rum gave it a little more tang than was needed.

I remarked to the CM that coconut Rum should be used to enhance the tropical flavor and he agreed. In fact he said:

Go over to the Poly and get a Dole Whip downstairs and bring it up to the Tambu lounge upstairs and ask the bartender for a shot of coconut rum. :idea:

Did not get a chance to do that yet but I will report back results when I do.

I'll be curious to hear what you think of that after you try it.

Hi, ,just stumbled over your tr and loved every minute of it, makes me want to go at Christmas to see the decor for sure.
headed over to read your ptr for the girls trip now.

:welcome::welcome: I'm delighted to have a new reader.

We'd always wanted to do a Christmas trip and was so glad we did it last year and are going back this year.

The girls trip will be a blast.

really stinks about that customer, but at least you won some money.

The money took a little of the sting away.

did you try the dole whip with rum? i didnt see you mention it after the picture of the sign was taken.

No, I did not. I do NOT like dole whips (okay...stop throwing rocks at me!).

sorry your trip to Daytona was a bust! I'd be :furious: at the lady too! what a waste of time! :scared: about the condition of the beach, surrounding area and the hotel.

It was an entire wasted drive to Daytona. :(

on the bright side :cheer2::cheer2: for winning $500.00! hope you had a nice dinner that night!

We ate at the casino that night; but we had a very good dinner later in the week with Todd and Nicki and the rest went to the kids to pay for some wedding stuff.

Do we get a daily pix till the wedding ?? I hope so!!!!:goodvibes

Yes, a pic every day until I go to Florida in two weeks.

Happy Anniversary Kathy and Mark!!! :thumbsup2

Thanks, Andy.

Happy Anniversary to you both!!

Thank you, Mark.

Happy Anniversary!
Inconsiderate people are the worst. So sad she did that and cost you the time and an extra Disney day.
I cannot wait to see the new Monsters Inc movie! Brings back memories of our Chicago Area Disers group. Whenever a Pixar/Disney cartoon would come out, we would try to plan a DIS Group get together with our kids to see the movie and then go to lunch. Seems like forever ago.
Driving to the Keys brings back memories, too. I remember thinking when we reached Miami we were almost there! LOL (then it took another 5 hours). I am very glad Orlando is nearer the top than the bottom.

:wave2:; thanks for the anniversary wishes.

I would have loved an extra day at Disney. But nothing we could do about it.

I want to see the new Monsters Inc movie too.

One of these days we will get to the Keys; it is a long haul from wherever you are (well, unless you are in Marathon, Florida ;)).

Nice wrap-up to the F&G portion of your trip! I agree about the France Pavilion........it is very nicely themed and it seems like you can always find something interesting to see there. :goodvibes

Thanks, Marv. I think France is a beautiful pavilion; only thing I don't like is the smelly purfume shop.

Sorry you didn't have a better experience in Daytona. It is always sad when places don't live up to our expectations from previous trips. I like the picture of you on the beach barefoot. Did Mark have any problems getting harrassed by the seagulls with that shirt on? :rolleyes1

It was a letdown from previous trips. Good catch with the shirt! I wondered if anyone would catch that.

And how classless of the customer to make you guys drive all the way there knowing that she was going to blow you off. :mad: Yes, another night at Disney would have made the trip so much better.

It takes all kinds.

I actually went to one NASCAR race and it happened to be at Daytona. It was the July race after Dale Earnhardt was killed that February at the 500, so it was a good one to be at with all the tributes. :thumbsup2

I'm sorry the guy was killed, but even then I'd have no interest.

Grilled Cheese sandwich..........I guess old age does have its privileges!!! ;) And at least Denny's is a step up from Waffle House! :stir:

Watch it there...don't you be picking on my Waffle House.

Congrats on the winnings at the Casino. :yay: With your luck you should have visited a Publix while in Florida and stocked up on lottery tickets........

I should have!

Too bad you didn't get the chance to try out that Dole Whip with coconut rum and report back to us. :( It sounds really good!

Don't like Dole Whips!

Happy 30th Anniversary to you two!!! :cheer2: Sending wishes for 30 more and those grandbabies!!!

Thank you, my friend. Grandbabies will be so fun.

In this day and age of disposible marriages, it is great to see a couple like you and Mark still love each other after 30 years no matter what comes your way. :worship::banana::thumbsup2

Thank you, Bob. I remember to this day one of the last things my dad said to me. He died a week before we were going away to celebrate our 25th anniversary (our anniversary had been three months prior): "Not many people stay married very long anymore; you and Mark have beaten the odds and have stayed in love and married. No matter what happens to me or what condition I am in, you are to go on your trip and celebrate something very special."

I wish marriages weren't so disposible. It is so sad.

This couldn't be more true!!! Very well said!!!

Congrats to a couple I hope to become!!!

Thank you, Mo...you are truly a sweetheart.

out of lurkdom to wish you a Happy Anniversary, congrats on 30 years

Thank you so much for the anniversary wishes. :)

Happy Anniveraries to 2 really nice people !!! Love ya Kathy and Mark!!!

Oh, Rosie, thank you...love you too. Us girls have to stick together with regard to you know who!

I love these!!! another beautiful picture!!!

Thanks, Mo.

Wow did I get far behind! I had a busy weekend and then had to go to a class for work the last two days. Nothing like wasting two days listening to stories about the guys personal life since he apparently didn't want to teach. So on to the updates, this is going to be long!

Trust me, I understand. I keep thinking I'm leaving in two weeks and will be gone for 7 days and then four days for the wedding. I'll never catch up.

I agree that the Lady and the Tramp topiaries were a little strange although I love how they did her ears.

It was just strange to me how all of the others looked true to life.

I either missed the Toy Story topiaries or they weren't out yet.

I wonder why they wouldn't be out yet?

Thanks for posting the menu pictures, I enjoyed reading what was offered. I was supposed to tag along with a friend for a conference next May but it got moved to Daytona. After reading your description of Daytona, I'm not sure I still want to join her. Another friend at work has expressed interest in seeing the Flower and Garden show so I may go with that option.

According to MEK, Daytona Shores is better. Maybe you could stay there? If not, I'd definitely do F&G with a friend.

I loved those little Doggie topiaries or whatever they were, so cute!

I thought they were too.

Oh my, that ice cream that Mark got was huge!! That might have to go on my list of snacks to try although I'm not too fond of waffle cones. Hopefully they will have something else to put the ice cream in.

I'm sure you could ask for it in a cup.

I saw all the topiaries that you did in France, on the bridge and in England except for those teapots made from flowers. They were beautiful!

Mark is actually the one who caught the teapots or I would have missed them.

Yeah for a visit with Tigger! I don't think I could ever go to Disney without visiting my Pluto.

Very true. Us girls have to say true to our guys.

I loved those Monster's Inc topiaries, especially the random monsters in the bushes behind the main guys. I only got to see Mike though, Sully wasn't there yet.

I thought the random monsters were fun.

I agree with you on the Oz movie. I did see the new one and while I liked it, it didn't come anywhere close to the first one.

I still don't think I want to see it.

I wish the Butterfly house had been open when I was there. I don't really care about the fairies but I would have loved to see the butterflies.

It was fun seeing the different butterflies and some of their colors.

The picture of Mark on SSE is hilarious!! What the heck happened to his eyes!

Sunglasses! :rotfl2:

Haven't Disney hotels spoiled us? I can never go to another hotel without wishing it was a Disney one. That one in Daytona just looked yucky.

Yes, Disney hotels have spoiled us. I have yet to have a "dirty" room that I was afraid to go into at Disney.

Sorry you didn't like Bubba Gumps. DH & I loved it when we ate at the one at City Walk at Universal. DH is such a fan of the movie that might be why we liked it though. I can't seem to remember what I thought of the food. :rotfl:

I think maybe we might try the one in Chicago if we get down to Navy Pier this summer.

Sorry the customer in Daytona didn't work out. Sounds like a real selfish person to me wasting your time like that!

Pain in my you know what is what she was.

ETA: I forgot to mention how much I've been enjoying the wedding countdown and the pictures of your kids both here and on Facebook.

Thanks; I'm enjoying seeing the pictures myself each day.

I enjoy Maelstrom but it is so short. I agree...they need to lengthen it somehow.

The sandwich in Norway sounds delicious. I must try that one day. It was very good.

Did you try the pink slushie? OMG it was the best.

I somehow missed the pink slushie. :(

That is 2nd time I have heard someone say it is the best ice cream. Was it at a kiosk or a store he got it in?

It's the little kiosk right next to where you get the slushes.

Nice photo of you both at the fountain.


It was very easy to miss Peter.

Glad it wasn't only me.

Wizard of Oz is one of my faves too but the new one was decent.

Still going to skip it.

Very nice topiary pics.

Thanks again.

I loved Daytona Beach, we went every year when I was a kid. Have not been in years and maybe do not want to after your description. LOL

The last time we had been was 2011 for a day and we stayed at our normal hotel. The time prior to that was 2008 which I think was a year after the last big hurricane; there were a lot of hotels boarded up, etc., but the beach was still clean.

That was very rude of that lady wasting your time.

Yes she was.

I saw a billboard telling me where to stop when we drive in December. ROTF.

It just amazes me what they allow to be put up.

Lucky you winning at the casino.
It's always nice to win.

All caught up again.

I'm glad; have a great time in Aruba.
We were up at the crack of dawn...one to get out of that horrid hotel and two to start the drive to Marathon, Florida.

We stopped for coffee (I won't say where) and then started the 6-1/2 hour drive to Marathon. What a long, boring drive until about the time you get to Key Largo. And it's a one lane road for the longest darn time. :faint:

I took some pictures during the drive (didn't have much else to do; although I think I took a short nap too).

This would have been a fun place to stop if we'd had the time:

And finally we arrived here:

We met with Mark's customer who had a tiny little shop on a little hill. She did a very nice order, but she was so very, very slow. I wanted to take a nap. We were supposed to have dinner with one of the lawyers that I used to work with who is now retired and currently lives in Marathon (he's actually moving to California later this month), but it was 3:30 by the time we were done and we had a 6-1/2 hour drive back. So he met us at a little cafe right near the dollar store and we had a quick lunch. We also would have loved to have gone to Key West...but it was another hour and 15 minutes away which would have meant almost an 8 hour drive back to Coral Springs. UGH! One day we will get there.

We made the long drive back and stopped for an ice cream on the way and a little gift shop in Key Largo where I got an adorable sun dress for $19.99 and I picked up something seashell related for Alisha (I can't remember exactly what it was).

We hit the sack because the next day we were checking out and going to Tamarac, Florida, to see my favorite boys and then on to Nickiland.

Up next: We're going to Nickiland
nice you helped the kids with wedding costs with some of your casino winnings!

wow what a long drive back and forth! hope the order was worth it!, sorry you didn't get to explore more of the area. nice you got to meet up with an old friend!
That's a lot of driving for one day. I am definitely NOT envious of that trip! Too bad you couldn't spend more time so you could see Key West.
Kathy, in the years before I had Claire is used to deliver car parts and drove at least 6 hours a day. Talk about getting bored quickly. I started bringin books on tape/CD and that is so wonderful. I suggest that for your next long boring car ride. You be amazed how it makes the ride a little more pleasant. I still do listen to books on Cd here and there, especially on longer drives and even Claire enjoys it.
We also would have loved to have gone to Key West...but it was another hour and 15 minutes away which would have meant almost an 8 hour drive back to Coral Springs. UGH! One day we will get there.

So close, yet so far away. But when you do get to go, maybe you'll be able to take your time and explore rather than just run through.

We made the long drive back and stopped for an ice cream on the way and a little gift shop in Key Largo where I got an adorable sun dress for $19.99 and I picked up something seashell related for Alisha (I can't remember exactly what it was).

That sounds like fun. :)
We stopped for coffee (I won't say where)
Couldn't have possibly been Starbucks... :rolleyes1

We met with Mark's customer who had a tiny little shop on a little hill. She did a very nice order, but she was so very, very slow. I wanted to take a nap. We were supposed to have dinner with one of the lawyers that I used to work with who is now retired and currently lives in Marathon (he's actually moving to California later this month), but it was 3:30 by the time we were done and we had a 6-1/2 hour drive back. So he met us at a little cafe right near the dollar store and we had a quick lunch. We also would have loved to have gone to Key West...but it was another hour and 15 minutes away which would have meant almost an 8 hour drive back to Coral Springs. UGH! One day we will get there.
I think if I was that close, I'd find a way to build in a day to stay there instead of driving all the way back to Coral Springs. :rolleyes1

We made the long drive back and stopped for an ice cream
Always better than Starbucks. :thumbsup2

This would have been a fun place to stop if we'd had the time:

Oh Wow!! This was the place my DH and I visited on our trip to the Keys back in 1990. We did a swim with the dolphins there. We were poor college students back then and didn't have the money to purchase the photos or video. Now I am so sorry I didn't find a way. We stayed at the Howard Johnson in Key Largo. There was a little water way behind the hotel where some manatees swam in one morning and a few people that got in the water and snorkeled around the manatees. It was really cool.
We stopped for coffee (I won't say where)

I'm guessing 7-11.

and then started the 6-1/2 hour drive to Marathon. What a long, boring drive until about the time you get to Key Largo. And it's a one lane road for the longest darn time. :faint:

Ugh. You know what, with a road trip from h-e-double hockey sticks like that, drink all the coffee you want.

but it was 3:30 by the time we were done and we had a 6-1/2 hour drive back.

You did that drive twice in one day?! This must have been some customer! :eek:

We made the long drive back and stopped for an ice cream on the way and a little gift shop in Key Largo where I got an adorable sun dress for $19.99 and I picked up something seashell related for Alisha (I can't remember exactly what it was).

Ohhhh, there are too many ways to get in trouble with this one. :rotfl:
3 weeks....21 days.....

Me Tarzan... You Jane... :rotfl2:

As for not wanting to meet you because of not being a Nascar fan; Never. I'm looking forward to meeting you in December and don't be surprised if I give you a big ole hug as if you were a long lost relative. :hug:
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