
Hi Michelle,

Congratulations on getting the job. Have you started? How's it going?

I hope all is well.

Have a relaxing evening,
Wait, I leave town and you get a job?!?! WOO HOO!!! Boy - so many wonderful things happend while I was gone. I hope I don't get a complex or that people don't start asking me to leave! :rotfl:

CONGRATS on your new job, Michelle!! Come back here and tell us all of the details!

BTW, are you still watching Celebrity Fit Club on VH1? EEk! I think I will be avoiding a spin class! I don't want my 'special area' to hurt like those people were talking about! :eek:
Hi, Michelle! It's been forever since I have been to your journal so I was only able to skim the last couple of pages to try to catch up. You are doing so well! And I am so excited to see you got the job! Congratulations! As far as the nakies...why am I not surprised?! Only you could have stories like that! :teeth: :banana:
pettyone said:
I haven't seen any nakies at the Y...

Maybe I need to go into the Men's Locker Room... :idea:

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Hi Michelle - Just stopping in to see how your job has been going. Have a great day!
Hi Michelle,

just dropping by to say hi. Hope the new job is going well.

Take care,
Where are you girl? As you can see we are all missing you...

So, catch us up? (don't I sound pushy???) ;)
Yeah, Michelle, come back and get us up to date.

My stomach isn't feeling very well, so please tell me a story. I bet a nakie story would help!

I hope everything is going well with you!
Oh Michelle. :hug:
I am so sorry that job is turning out to be a bust. I am amazed at how many places can work employees without a break! I know standing on my feet for 8 hours would kill me too. :hug:

I am sad about the cruise. :( Did you rebook or just cancel? I hope you are still planning on driving over and meeting Tera! I want to see pictures!!

And... EEEEEEEWW!! about the butt in your face! That's just nasty!

Go and rest. I hope you feel better soon! Take the weekend to relax and recharge.
:grouphug: Sorry about the job, Michelle! I know how it feels to be at a stressful job. I am sure you remember the one I had during the summer and eventually quit b/c I was afraid the stress would harm my baby. Just take it one day at a time, but don't overdo it. If it is really that hard on you, I recommend quitting even if you haven't found another job yet. Your health comes first afterall.

As for the nakie's butt in your face, and the topless nakie, good lord! What gym do you go to? I am scared just thinking about it! :earseek:
Hey Michelle...sorry you hate your job and sorry you had to cancel your trip.

How gross to have the butt in your face :sad2: It's bad enough with a top shot.

Have a good weekend! :flower:
Hi Michelle - I am so sorry to hear about the job situation. I was so praying for you that it would work out. I'll pray that you find something else soon. 8 hours on your feet would kill anyone :earseek:

I am so bummed about your cancelling your cruise, but I can understand it. I was so looking forward to meeting you face to face, but we'll have to plan that another time. We've actually been throwing out ideas about WDW in 2007 (we do a Disney trip every two years).

I laughed about the nakie :rotfl2: but I know for you it probably wasn't very funny. Everyone seems to enjoy your nakie stories, so keep us updated with those ;)
Sorry to hear things aren't so great right now! I hope they get better really soon! :sunny:
Good morning, Michelle. I'm sending you some :goodvibes . It sounds like you've had a lot to deal with lately. . .and the butt story? Well, that would just push me right over the edge! I did have to chuckle, though. Hope you don't mind. :teeth:

Make sure you keep taking care of yourself, OK? It's times that we're stressed that can really have an impact on our healthy living habits.

Erin :shamrock:
Congratulations Michelle on your lost pound! Woohoo! :banana: Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

I'm sorry to hear about the job and having to cancel your cruise. Know that you will be in my prayers, Michelle. :hug:

:sunny: :sunny: days are ahead for you Michelle! (Let's just hope there are no more "moons" in the locker room! :earseek: ;) )

Take good care of you! :grouphug:


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