8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 5

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Oh yeah, I remember now. I was going to mention how it's 18 degrees outside and that is FAR TOO COLD for Texas, dangit.
Lucky duck! We don't get any holiday this week. We gave them up many years ago and have the whole week between Christmas and New Years off. So I'm in the long haul until 1/2 day on Good Friday. :sad2: Weirdly enough a contract ago they now give us our birthday as a holiday. Go figure. We get MLK day off, but really it's too close to Christmas. A February break would be nice.

We get 13 paid Holidays a year, and I LOVE each one of them!!! :yay:
Sold. My son and I won "Who Wants to be a Mouseketeer" on the last cruise and we tied in "Mickey Trivia". (We would have won, but we sent DS13 up to answer the last question and he didn't know who Kelsey Grammar was.)

Hey you guys were up there too......
so were we we were one of the ones you tied with....and we had the same problem......
too bad they could not have made the last question something even the kids had a chance at......
I'm going to 'Godwin' this discussion of old kids TV shows in one fell swoop:

"I love you. You love me. We're a Happy Family. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too...."
Conjunction junction, what's your function? Hooking up words and phrases and clauses in complex sentences like....

Lolly, lolly, lolly, get your adverbs here, Father, Son and Lolly selling adverbs here...

and for Rex Grossman: "He made a connection in the other direction and the crowd started shouting out interjections. Aw, you threw the wrong way. Darn, you just lost the game. Yeah, I'm for the other team"

I can sing them all. Without the help of Google.

I'm just a bill yes I'm only a bill and I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill...

DD loves Interjections.
Hey you guys were up there too......
so were we we were one of the ones you tied with....and we had the same problem......
too bad they could not have made the last question something even the kids had a chance at......

Of course, if I had listened to SWMBO and agreed that the foot had more bones than the hand, we would have won outright. She said she wasn't sure but she thought so. Alexander and I thought 'hand' so we went with 'hand'.
Good Morning everyone!
Happy Friday!


I love Amazing Race!

Captaincrash: your dog is so cute!

I love Amazing Race too, but the family show was a little lame. DH and I always talk about submitting a tape to try to get on it, but haven't yet. He thinks we would kill each other, but I think we would do ok, we can work together if we had to, especially with a Million at stake. We would be the older married couple representing...:rotfl:

I also love Grey's, as a lot of you do - so what's the story, is Meredith dead???? I have been glued to the TV the last 2 Thursday nights. DH says she is not dead, but she sure looks dead to me....can they really kill her off the show????? And Izzy was awesome last night, she is my favorite female character on the show. Anyone watch Brothers & Sisters on Sunday night, that's a great show too! And of course, we are back into American Idol.

OK, so what's with the baggies, definitely missed that one, and don't know where to even begin to look for it.....like I said, I will never keep up with this thread, so I can of just plow in and move along....hope that's ok...

Well we finally have heat back in the shop, so I have to go get ready for work, and not be a bum today

Oh yeah, I remember now. I was going to mention how it's 18 degrees outside and that is FAR TOO COLD for Texas, dangit.

Well that's 22 more degrees than we have here right now. Wind chills near absolute zero and more s*** on the way tonight. I need rum.
I'm going to 'Godwin' this discussion of old kids TV shows in one fell swoop:

"I love you. You love me. We're a Happy Family. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too...."

Oh you had to go there!

Well that's 22 more degrees than we have here right now. Wind chills near absolute zero and more s*** on the way tonight. I need rum.

So you're below zero?!?
If that happened here, I think the entire state would FREAK OUT.
We get 13 paid Holidays a year, and I LOVE each one of them!!! :yay:

WE do too. And in even years we get Nov election day off! Jan to May is the long stretch and then you start to have one day off here and there. After our cruise, I'll have to start saving up Vacation time for 2008. With my senority I get 14 hr of vacation a month.
Of course, if I had listened to SWMBO and agreed that the foot had more bones than the hand, we would have won outright. She said she wasn't sure but she thought so. Alexander and I thought 'hand' so we went with 'hand'.

We did not know the colors of the greek flag........and BTW what the heck did this have to do with Mickey Trivia......
I also love Grey's, as a lot of you do - so what's the story, is Meredith dead???? I have been glued to the TV the last 2 Thursday nights. DH says she is not dead, but she sure looks dead to me....can they really kill her off the show????? And Izzy was awesome last night, she is my favorite female character on the show. Anyone watch Brothers & Sisters on Sunday night, that's a great show too! And of course, we are back into American Idol.


We should wait for Lisa to be online to discuss this.

My vote is that Meredith can't be dead. She is seeing Denny & the bomb guy in a stereotypical NEAR death experience.

Besides, if they killed her off they'd have to change the name of the show to "Anatomy", and who would want to watch that?
I've been enjoying reading the posts about your jobs and your pets. We have such a diverse group here. Did you ever think you'd be doing that job when you grew up? Did you even know about that job (like selling drus for a major manufacturer?)

We believe in "furr-free" pets . . . LOL. Actually we travel to much to have a cats or dogs. I hate the whole kennel thing (the price and the impact on the animal) so we keep our animals to something that doesn't mind being left, but might need a bit of care. So, my DS12 has a Beta Fish. He survived our last cruise. What a fighter. We don't think the neighborboy fed him enough. DS10 has two amazing hermit crabs - Batman and ObiWan. We usually get them out of their cave and watch them in their tank during dinner. They are funny creatures. We'd really like a bearded dragon, but haven't convinced DH just yet.

As for employment . . . I am a self-employed Web designer / developer. Been in the business of websites since 1995!! I've been working from home since DS10 was born in Dec 1996. I really love what I do. It's fun helping small to medium sized businesses and nonprofits get access to the web. It's been amazing to watch the evolution of it all, too. In 1995, I was spending more than half my selling time explain what in the world the world wide web was in the first place .. and oh by the way you and your company need to be on it :) Today, its more about holding them off with a stick. I had a lawn guy call me and tell me all his friends say he needs a website. Now it's more about educating them to how this marketing tool will help them and how it might not. And to answer my own question about growing up .. . I still want to own a robot company (I'm an engineer at heart) . . . don't you want to have a robot maid like Rosey in your home??

As for DH, he is a reactor operator at a local nuclear power plant. He is in the training process to become a supervisor (I'm so proud of him!). He was a "nuc" in the Navy and loved it. He is very good at what he does (okay I'm a little bias:dance3:). He'll make you feel confident that nuclear power is safe . . . even with the human factor . . .LOL Safety is his middle name . .just ask the kids!

Okay, time to get going with our day. . .lots to do . .

Have a fabulous Friday, all .. .can't wait to read more about your jobs and pets, too.
I love Amazing Race too, but the family show was a little lame. DH and I always talk about submitting a tape to try to get on it, but haven't yet. He thinks we would kill each other, but I think we would do ok, we can work together if we had to, especially with a Million at stake. We would be the older married couple representing...:rotfl:

I also love Grey's, as a lot of you do - so what's the story, is Meredith dead???? I have been glued to the TV the last 2 Thursday nights. DH says she is not dead, but she sure looks dead to me....can they really kill her off the show????? And Izzy was awesome last night, she is my favorite female character on the show. Anyone watch Brothers & Sisters on Sunday night, that's a great show too! And of course, we are back into American Idol.


I agree about AR. Family show good idea just not executed well. I was bored.

BF and I toy with the idea of sending in a tape. He would have to do all the food challenges though and I think the height ones!

Meredith can't be dead...the show is named after her? We will have to wait and see!
We did not know the colors of the greek flag........and BTW what the heck did this have to do with Mickey Trivia......

I only knew that one from "Big Fat Greek Wedding" because I could picture the garage door in my mind.

I guess they thought if it was all Disney trivia, it would be too easy, but given the number of people who had 23 out of 25 right or something like that... They should've just given all of us who tied pins. It's not like they are expensive.
JR we should have gotten together to win that medal :lmao: :lmao:
DH is a walking trivia book.......Unfortuanately he is usually in the gym while it is occurring.....
I'm sure you always get the 'how do you know that?' like I do. For some reason things seep into my brain and stay there. I just haven't figured out how to make money off it -- I never could get onto 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' because my reflexes aren't fast enough to spit things out quickly.

Oh yeah1 If only I coud remember important stuff the way I remember song lyrics and such I'd be a genuis. DD asks me how I know stuff all the time and I tell her I learned it in Mommy School!
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