A Cancellation, A Proposal and A Lot of Food - Marathon Weekend 2017 COMPLETE!

I promise to get back to replying to everyone, but I just wanted to apologize for being so MIA lately. The past 5 and half weeks have been pretty tough - I hit some ice on February 10th and slid into a ditch, writing off my car (which was fully paid for). We were trying to wait to get a vehicle until after the wedding, but now we have a car payment for the next 5 years (at least I finally got the SUV I've wanted for years, and we have one reliable vehicle to actually feel safe going on road trips in). So, we were until February 25th getting everything straightened out with insurance and the purchase of a new car, etc. Then, on March 1st I lost my grandmother. She had been in the hospital for awhile (I mentioned above about Facetiming her from Epcot - I also did that from Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom and I'm so happy that I did). I was really close to her for years, I was actually the only grandchild, and even though we knew this was coming it doesn't make it easier. I flew home to New Brunswick the day after she died and spent 5 days there with my family. Then, on March 15th one of my degus died (they are small rodents originally from the same family as chinchillas, we had 7 of them until last week, now we only have 6 :sad1:).

So, needless to say, I haven't really been in the mood to do much of this trip report or the related dining report. I do promise to get back to it soon though. Hopefully everyone will stick around!

Thanks everyone.
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I'm so sorry about both your losses. And all the car stuff it really is terrible to deal with. We'll still be here to read your trip report when you're ready :hug:
When we stayed at OKW back in 2007 we had a bus stop right outside our building and it was awesome, especially since the boys were 5 and 2 then. I just can't remember what building lol!

I love OKW - do you think you'd ever stay there again?

Please :rolleyes: I'm so sorry you're dealing with that but your hair looks 100% better than mine when the Florida humidity gets to it, and I don't have psoriasis!

Haha, thank you. Seriously though, just wait o_O. By the end of this trip, I had given up completely and just let my hair do it's own thing (and it decided it's own thing was to create a giant knot that actually took me like 3 weeks to fully get untangled). Also - at least I had a full head of hair at that point, I actually have some lovely bald patches now - so my hair goes in a side braid every single day to hide the baldness. I just keep telling my doctor it need to grow back somewhat before my wedding!

And your hair always looks great in your pictures!

Um, this isn't limited to teen girls, Ricky and his friends do it, too. We'll be in the car and he'll take a picture of his feet-what??? and post on snapchat. I guess I'm old because I don't understand that crap!

I have Snapchat on my phone, and I've tried getting into it but it just seems stupid to me. I guess I'm too old for it too?

I don't think I ever commented on that when you posted about it in your PTR but I think it's such a cool idea! I'd love to see a picture of the finished product :)

I'll be sure to post a picture later in this trip report :)

Looking forward to Frozen and like you, I haven't researched-just looked at pics!
Florida is the worst on most people's hair...you look great!

Frozen was fun! I loved the animatronics - so wonderfully done!

And thank you. As the trip progressed, my skin got worse and worse - I was pretty miserable by the end.

Such a fun TR to read and a very memorable trip :)

Thank you for joining in!

I love all of your expo purchases! Both pairs of shoes are amazing ... I actually really want the Toy Story ones (I know they're men's shoes, but I still really love them!)

Luke's Toy Story shoes are so bright! You can see them a mile away haha, but they are so nice! We're both just waiting impatiently for the snow to melt so we can wear our RunDisney sneakers again :)

I'm glad to hear that you loved Frozen Ever After. I'm also a big Frozen fan, and I'm really excited to eventually ride FEA, so it's kind of disappointing when people complain because it's not Maelstrom (which, btw, I didn't actually like). I'm excited that a fellow Frozen fan enjoyed it, and I'm hoping that means I will enjoy it too!

I'm such a new Disney Parks fan that Maelstrom was closed before my first trip, so I had nothing to compare the Frozen ride to (except the giant construction wall that existed in it's place on my first trip haha). I thought the animatronics in the Frozen ride were so awesome!

Haha Gerald the anterless reindeer. That's hysterical. I love when the characters and CMs enjoy having fun with the guests!

That was one of the best character interactions we've ever had, it was excellent!

I made it over here!!! Sounds like a fabulous start to your trip!

Not gonna lie, I am a little anxious about the Expo!! I keep reading horror stories of entire days wasted in line there, etc. Looks like you were able to get lots of great items and still make it for plenty of park time, so I'm hopeful!!! How does the whole New Balance shoe thing work?? I need insider info, here, Fallon!! :)

My suggestion for the Expo would be to get there early! It was really overwhelming the first year we went, just so many people everywhere, but by this trip we knew what to expect. They sell runDisney merch on the main floor of the Expo, but they were also selling stuff upstairs from the race packet pickup location (I can't remember the names of all the different buildings). The main floor of the Expo was packed, and people were lined up to buy their merch, but we went to the other location and while it was still busy, it was much more manageable.

For the shoes, they release the designs in December, and the January race weekend is the first time they are available (the designs change each year, and for the two years we've been actually paying attention, there has been 4 different designs each year). The night before the Expo opened, there was a "virtual queue" where you had to sign up for a spot to buy the sneakers (that booth is always SLAMMED, so so busy). Something had glitched when Luke went to sign up, and he ended up with a time slot that was like 4:30pm or something. We just explained that to a worker once we got there (around noon) and they were able to squeeze us in - we knew which styles we wanted, and we knew our size so they just had to grab the box and bring it to us. We quickly tried them on, and were standing at the cash paying for them right away. I'd say in total we were in the New Balance booth for under 10 minutes.

I'm just joining in! I signed up for the 2018 marathon as my first full marathon so I'm enjoying reading about your trip since we'll be there next year around the same time. I'm sorry you had to deal with the psoriasis, it sounds painful :( I'll chime in that your hair looks fine, though :)

Maybe I'll see you there! I'm finally getting my psoriasis under control, I now have a really great family doctor who is willing to help me get everything back to normal. Stupid auto-immune diseases...
Joining your report - thanks for sharing!

Love all the merch, and really your hair looks great! Very appropriate for meeting Anna!

Haha, thank you! And thank you for reading :)

It's reports like these that have encouraged me to try to run a Half Marathon next year, and this from someone who gets winded walking to the fridge, ok thats an overstatement.

Haha, I'm the most un-athletic person in the world, and I managed to do a 5k, so anyone can!

Joining in! Loving your trip report so far :-) I am signed up to do Lumiere's Challenge this fall with DH and I am a little anxious now that I've actually committed to it!

We have a lot of auto-immune illnesses in my family…my niece had lupus and my sister has psoriasis. She has it so bad that it's debilitating. It's all over her hands and feet and she is in pain much of the time. I give you so much credit for doing what you do, despite having psoriasis. And your hair looks fabulous :love: No worries!

Auto-immune diseases are not fun! I'm lucky and my hands weren't too bad - just a few spots, my psoriasis is mainly focused on my scalp and so far hasn't been too painful.

Have fun with your running!
I am so sorry for your losses. :hug: I wish you all best, I know it's difficult. But hopefully we on the DISBoards can help you cope. I find writing TRs theraputic too but that's just me. :)
Sorry to hear about your car, but glad you guys are safe - and now you have the car you want! Hope the wedding planning is a nice distraction.
Sorry to hear of your rough patch. Keeping you in my thoughts.
I have Snapchat on my phone, and I've tried getting into it but it just seems stupid to me. I guess I'm too old for it too?

I don't get it either! It seems pointless and it's nothing I can't do on Instagram. I tried asking my sister how to use it and she just laughed at me...that's when I assumed I was just too old too :rotfl:
Found you! :hug::hug::hug: So sorry about all of the things keeping you away these weeks. Glad you are back. I really hope it gets easier -- loss and grief are tough tough things.
I actually realized the other day that you hadn't updated in a while and was wondering if everything was okay. I'm sorry to hear about all the rough news you've had lately.
Thanks for updating us, and I'm looking forward to hearing about the trip when you're feeling ready to update the report.
I am so sorry for your losses. :hug: I wish you all best, I know it's difficult. But hopefully we on the DISBoards can help you cope. I find writing TRs theraputic too but that's just me. :)
Sorry to hear about your car, but glad you guys are safe - and now you have the car you want! Hope the wedding planning is a nice distraction.

Thank you so much :hug:. I actually love my new car, and the payments aren't terrible at all! Wedding planning has been coming along nicely - there's really not a ton to do, Disney takes care of almost everything :) I actually called Disney today, and I should be receiving a phone call back within the next few days to officially book the wedding! :love:

Sorry to hear of your rough patch. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Thank you!

I don't get it either! It seems pointless and it's nothing I can't do on Instagram. I tried asking my sister how to use it and she just laughed at me...that's when I assumed I was just too old too :rotfl:

My boss LOVES snapchat, and gets really excited about showing me things on it - I still don't get it.

Found you! :hug::hug::hug: So sorry about all of the things keeping you away these weeks. Glad you are back. I really hope it gets easier -- loss and grief are tough tough things.

Thank you! :hug:

I actually realized the other day that you hadn't updated in a while and was wondering if everything was okay. I'm sorry to hear about all the rough news you've had lately.
Thanks for updating us, and I'm looking forward to hearing about the trip when you're feeling ready to update the report.

Thanks Sarah! I haven't had the desire to write this report in order, so I've actually been writing up my dining reviews over on my personal blog in whatever order I feel like doing when I open my laptop haha - but at least once I get back to it on here those will already be finished!
I just found your report. We were down there for the infamously cancelled race too! So I obviously had to read someone else's experiences. (Plus who can say no to a good proposal!). I can't wait to hear more!
So maybe I'll try not to take almost 2 months before getting my next update posted... Sorry guys, thanks for still reading!

January 4, 2017 - Epcot Part Two

I don’t think I mentioned this in the previous post, but I took a screenshot of our plans for the day in the MDE app, and then set that as my lock screen on my phone each day. It made it extremely easy to check on FP+ times without actually entering my passcode to unlock my phone.

Here’s what our January 4th looked at the beginning of the day:


After meeting Anna and Elsa, we were now in our window for FP #2 – Spaceship Earth. This ride is a must-do for us every time, it’s silly but I love it!



After our quick trip through the history of communication, we went straight to our supper reservation at Garden Grill. You can read that review here

After eating supper with Chip and Dale, we went over to use our third Fastpass at the Character Spot – we had to try and meet classic Mickey, Minnie and Goofy (and I wanted to focus on a lot more character meets on this trip).

While standing in line, Luke went on his MDE app and started looking for a 4th Fastpass. He kept refreshing, and somehow ended up scoring one for Soarin’ from 7:40-8:40 (it was already after 7pm by this point – so it is possible to find great FP’s on the day of!).

Before we met Mickey, Minnie and Goofy, I decided I should wear my hat. I have no idea why, I look like a total dork with it on. Sigh.




After the meet-and-greet, we headed over to Soarin’ – and we were excited! This was our 4th trip to Disney since 2015 (2nd to WDW, plus we had been to Disneyland twice), but we had never managed to go on this. On our first trip to DL, it was closed for refurbishment, and the same for our first trip to WDW. On our 2nd trip to California, we only had a single day to try and cover both parks, and the line for Soarin’ was insanely long all day long and we just didn’t want to wait for an hour+.

Long story short – we’ve never seen the original Soarin’ over California film. We ended up being on the left hand side in the front row, closest to the middle section. I noticed the slight curve of the Eiffel Tower, but I found it much more noticeable when sitting on the right side of the ride for some reason (spoiler alert – we went on Soarin’ more than once on this trip haha). We loved this, and all the smells!


After scanning our Magicbands to enter the Fastpass line for Soarin’, Luke once again hopped on his MDE App and managed to secure us a 5th FP+ of the day for Mission Space for 8:25-9:00pm. We are chickens, and have only gone on the green side for this. I really don’t love this ride – once a trip is enough for me.

As soon as we returned from our mission to Mars, we decided to call it a night and head back to our hotel – but not before stopping to take some shots of Spaceship Earth​


In case you were curious, here’s what my planning spreadsheet looked like for this day. For the most part, not much changed – I was expecting the RaceExpo to open earlier than it did, and obviously we couldn’t plan/count on being able to secure two additional fastpasses. But, overall – not bad for staying on track!


This was a screenshot of my Fitbit steps at the end of the day – not too bad considering we didn’t even do a full day at the parks!


In case anyone was curious – Luke’s t-shirt with Gerald on it came from TeePublic, and my Alice in Wonderland dress came from Hot Topic
So maybe I'll try not to take almost 2 months before getting my next update posted... Sorry guys, thanks for still reading!

No worries.... life gets in the way. I get it.

I don’t think I mentioned this in the previous post, but I took a screenshot of our plans for the day in the MDE app, and then set that as my lock screen on my phone each day. It made it extremely easy to check on FP+ times without actually entering my passcode to unlock my phone.

Smart! I may have to do the same.

Spaceship Earth. This ride is a must-do for us every time, it’s silly but I love it!

Of course! It's classic Epcot, right?

we had to try and meet classic Mickey, Minnie and Goofy

You had to? What would happen if you didn't?

Luke went on his MDE app and started looking for a 4th Fastpass. He kept refreshing, and somehow ended up scoring one for Soarin’ from 7:40-8:40

Nice score!

Before we met Mickey, Minnie and Goofy, I decided I should wear my hat. I have no idea why, I look like a total dork with it on. Sigh.

Nah. You look adorable.

This was our 4th trip to Disney since 2015 (2nd to WDW, plus we had been to Disneyland twice), but we had never managed to go on this.

Really! Wow! That's a lot of visits to miss it.

spoiler alert – we went on Soarin’ more than once on this trip haha


That's it! I'm gone!

Welll..... I do want to see what's next... okay. I'll stay. But it's under protest!

We are chickens, and have only gone on the green side for this. I really don’t love this ride – once a trip is enough for me.

Rode orange once.


Felt like crap for about half an hour afterwards.
Long story short – we’ve never seen the original Soarin’ over California film. We ended up being on the left hand side in the front row, closest to the middle section. I noticed the slight curve of the Eiffel Tower, but I found it much more noticeable when sitting on the right side of the ride for some reason (spoiler alert – we went on Soarin’ more than once on this trip haha). We loved this, and all the smells!

I've never been on the original either! (Or this one yet). Josh went on the original on our first trip though.
I don't think you look like a dork at all in your hat. I think you look cute! :flower3: I love that character spot meet but have only done it once because the FP line was sooooo long.

Never been on Mission Space since I get motion sickness. I am too chicken to even do green! I won't tell you what you're missing with the original Soarin' over California but suffice to say I miss it very much. And those smells. :sad:

Great job Luke on the rolling FP+ refresh :thumbsup2 it seems like if you are patient and diligent you can get what you want. That's sort of how we did all of our fastpasses for this last trip I went on. Wait until the night before... see nothing available. Refresh MDE about 8,574,221 times and then POOF a primo FP at a primo time pops up. And repeat.

Don't sweat the time between updates. It lets me catch up! :wave:
Wow, you guys scored some great day-of FP+. Great job, Luke!

I don't think I rode Soarin' until my 5th or 6th trip to Disney. It wasn't open yet on my first trip (way back in the olden days) and the next few trips the line was just too long. I liked the Soarin' over California video, but I haven't seen the new one yet, so I can't compare it.
I am subbing this report. i cannot wait to hear more. I am sorry to hear about your Grandma's passing.
See how far behind I was? I just now saw your reply to my comments on March 20th!
After I saw on FB that you lost your Grandmother I kept meaning to message you and I apologize for not doing that. I'm very sorry for your loss, I knew you were close to her as I was to my Grandmother :hug: I hope you've been comforted by happy memories.
I think you look adorable in your hat! I am not a person who is able to wear hats lol, regardless of what kind.


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