~~ A Celebration of Life-long friendship ~~ Sew Sweet 16 ~~ Now N' Thens 3/11

Ok I decided to join in even though I am still reading Part 1 of your 2013 PTR. Lol. Thomas isn't even born yet!!

Love hearing about your journey with becoming healthier and seeing all those amazing bags. :goodvibes
How awesome. "Hey, I like your bag....and I made them..."

Priceless. I would of loved to see their faces when it all sunk in. Supercool D~.

Great start, already miss your daily morning updates. Glad you have been able to have time with BMT.

So hard when you left on the trip, it was our first day of school....but great to see all your fb pics, so thanks for that.

We are at 99 days today!!!:woohoo:
What a fun day at MOA and bowling. :goodvibes

How exciting was that unexpected DIS meet with the D originals? I remember seeing that on FB and how excited I was for you.

I'm sorry you didn't get the room you like, but nice that you had the connecting rooms for when you needed them.

Sorry that lunch was a bit disappointing. I have to admit I was not a fan of the beignets. :duck:
I'm finally here and subbing in from our DisTeamAug :cool1::cool1:

I love your TRs <3
Let me start by saying you look amazing:cool1:, healthy:), happy:yay:, glowing::yes::! I have read your other TR's and you have really worked hard, congratulations! I am a low carb girl, for life, so we eat similar. I must have dairy and I do use artificial sweeteners, but for the most part primal. Anyway, I just got back from a mother/son trip (I take each kiddo alone for a special trip the summer before 7th grade) August 16-21. I did eat off plan, enjoyed my desserts, etc as well, but I did not go overboard. Two pounds only, and right back to my regular way of eating, it feels great to be back in control, but I know now I can do it!

Cannot wait to read more. Thank you for sharing the trip and your life journey, very inspiring!
Just a Quick question...did you try the gluten free beignets or the regular?

Alas...it will be some time before I get to stay at POFQ again... And your pictures already have me wanting to go back! But it is my duty to stay in as many of the other resorts as I can...business research you know! (where is the winking smile-y?)

WOW! You all were chatty yesterday! LOL

Sigh, how did I end up way back on page 5? At least I'm caught up on one TR, I'm so far behind on everyone else's I have no idea where to even start. I think things are finally slowing down now for me at work so I need to get back to updating my two TRs and visiting everyone elses!

Sounds like a great start to your trip, it's always so nice when the flight goes so smoothly!

And as for the eating, how can you not go to Disney and eat all of the yummy desserts? That's just a vital part of any Disney vacation! And besides, calories don't count on vacation, right?

I've really enjoyed the pictures of your visit with BMT, Thomas is such a cute baby!

I cannot wait to see the bag you are working on right now.

ETA: Well we posted at the same time so I guess I'll just edit this post to talk about your last post.

What an awesome thing to run into two of your bags before you even got to the resorts! And I'm a little relieved to know that I'm not the only one with more than one of your bags.

I was so excited to see the pictures of POFQ. 39 days till Mom and I check in there! She still doesn't know I switched us from POP, her birthday is next week so she'll be finding out. I hope she is as excited as I am. Bummer that you didn't get your favorite room but at least you got the building you wanted. I decided not to request a specific building this time, just going to let to chance since there doesn't seem to be a bad location at that resort.

Welcome Ariana! So happy to see you here! I am hopelessly behind everywhere right now... I hope to catch up by the end of the week.

Hahaha... Well calories count everywhere - but there's a point where you have to enjoy yourself, I guess... And I enjoyed myself - so that's what matters.

Thanks! We love Thomas so much - and so glad we have this time with him.

The bag I am working on now is quite awesome! Very excited about it!

Hehehe... It was the coolest thing to run into my bags in the airport... I hadn't even started looking for them, at that point. And to be honest - I never actually look for them, so it was cool that V spotted them. Just wait until you hear the story about Rachel... LOL

I am very excited for you that you are staying at FQ... You are going to love it! And you are right - there is no bad place there... I think we were pretty far out, but to be honest, it wasn't that bad, there are walk ways in between the buildings, so we just cut through those, and it was a straight shot to our room. We were further from the food court - but we were about the same to the busses, because of the short cuts. :thumbsup2

Great update!! I'm guessing if you had been forced to run nekkid in Disney, we would have seen that on the news!! Haha

Seeing those ME pics gives me goose bumps. I always feel as you do when we first get sight of those CMs directing you to the proper line. And to bump into people with your bags!!! Good for Victoria for spotting them!! Just think, you might never have never seen them. I wasn't sure if you knew them ahead of time or not when you posted on Facebook. What a Serindipitous moment!!

I'm sorry the salad wasn't good. Bad lettuce? dressing? What was yucky about it? Glad you could eat the chicken though.

Looks like your room is a little far flung. But it's such a small resort, nothing is that far from the buses or food court. I like any of the buildings facing that large courtyard. We usually ask for building 5. It was where we stayed the first time as well. I guess we are all sentimental.

The MOA looks like tons of fun! Josh's mom looks really young!! I'm glad Josh felt up to going, even if he wasn't quite himself. Bowling at the mall…I haven't bowled in such a long time. I used to bowl on a league, but now my arthritis in my hands is so bad, I'm not sure I could grip let alone throw a ball. I'd like to try sometime, though. How adorable Thomas is trying to pick up one of those pretty sparkly balls. He is just a little ray of sunshine!! Glad he liked Rain Forest Cafe. I've seen some little ones being frightened by it.

I'm sure not having a return trip planned is bumming you out. But you have that family trip to plan, so that will have to do until our epic friends trip in a few years. Or graduation trips with the girls? Josh might even tag along on those. Maybe if you made him a nice man bag to carry….um, well probably not! How about a Harley backpack?

Looking forward to the next installment. Have a great day!!

Hehehe... Probably.

Exactly - we never would have seen them if V wouldn't have noticed - it was just the coolest thing!

I am not sure what was yucky about it... I think it was the lettuce iteself? It just tasted cardboardy and... You know how, if you buy bagged lettuce, it kind of has a chemicaly/old taste? This was how it was... I didn't like it at all, and I never ordered another salad from our own FC.

As I told Ariana above, our room wasn't that bad... It was definitely further from the FC, but it wasn't much further from the busses, due to cutting through the buildings... Maybe an extra 100 steps at the most?

Yes, bowling was a lot of fun... It was a good activity for all of us, and it let Thomas run around a virtually empty space - which he needed.

Yes, I do have a few potential trips coming up... We have TN for Christmas... And SD next summer... Sadly, none of it is Disney though. We will still have fun - but there will be a definite void. :sad1: I am hoping we can pull off a friends trip - that would be fun!

How awesome was that to see your bag in the ME line. The odds of that happening have to be huge!

I'm glad that the room situation worked out. Since Olivia was technically in your room, did her MB unlock the door to her room?

Yes, that was so cool - especially when I wasn't expecting it at all.

It did work out OK... Yes, her MB only unlocked our door - but we were able to get her a key card for the other room... but to be honest, she never really needed it - we kept the doors in between open most of the day time hours, so she just let herself into our room, then went into her room. :thumbsup2

I thought that I'd posted here but apparently my got eaten by the internet.
I'm so happy you started your trip report. the pictures of FQ make me home sick for it. Unfortunately I'm not staying there this year. We're staying in a suite at AOA.
The trip to MOA looks like fun. That picture of Thomas and the character is funny. It looks like he's not quite sure of what it is.
How exciting to meet one of your customers and see one of your bags being used.
I'm working til 11 tonight so I have most of the day off. This is the last week that I have late late shifts. I'm going to Kohl's and Target this morning to shop for trip stuff.
Have a great day.

Hi Liz! No worries, just happy to have you here!

Bummer that there is no FQ for you this year - I just love it there! I really do! It's "home" for me.

Yah - Thomas ended up crying when the character got too close... She was pretty huge and scary, IMO.

Yes - that was super cool, so unexpected and fun!

I hope you had a great day at work.

How cool to have a surprise DISmeet in line for ME! It must be awesome to have your bags out there, never knowing if one will just happen to cross your path. Do you have any idea how many bags you've made?

Love the story of Brian and Myrthe - how amazing that he moved so far away to be with her. And what a beautiful bride she was - love the dress and the shoes!

DH had the salad at the food court also, and he wasn't a big fan either. He said he prefers the salads at POR but we didn't make it down there this trip.

I love that you have a favorite room and a favorite building at FQ - we haven't found ours yet, although we are certainly making the rounds - so far we've stayed in Buildings 1-4

We do the connecting door with my parents (a little different dynamic, of course) and it seems to work well for us. We usually keep the food in my parents' room and then the girls can go over in the morning once they are completely dressed. This helps motivate them to get moving since they can't have breakfast until they do. Plus, they get so excited about being able to go right over and see my parents it usually helps our mornings go a little more quickly.

Glad you all got to enjoy a day at MOA. I was wondering when you were going to make yourself go back to work, but I didn't want to be a downer and ask. I can't wait to see more of your creations!

Hope you have a great day today!

LOL - I have no idea how many I've made? I could go through all of my table of contents here, because I do post most of them, but I have yet to do that. I would say that I am in the 100's?

I adore B&M's story - it's so cute, and they are so cute together. The best part, is that Josh and Brian are Dutch... So, when Brian moved back to the Netherlands, he moved back to his "roots"... He lives less than 50 miles from where they immigrated from. It's pretty cool. So, had their family never left generations ago, him and Myrthe could have still ended up together - it's pretty romantic, if you ask me.

I agree - the salad at POR was much better. The one at FQ was just icky.

LOL... Yup - we have a favorite room... And we will always request it.

Excellent how you make the 2 rooms work too... It was nice - I'll admit it.

Hehehe... Yup - I had to go back to work eventually... And in a few weeks - I'll go back into making auction bags... I have a trip to TN to pay for and a trip to SD... If I can get those paid for - Then I can start saving for Alli's grad trip to WDW. :woohoo:

Sorry I am late, but I'm here!! Can't wait to read all about your trip! 12 days to go for me!!

Woohoo!!!! 11 days now!!! Very excited for you!

Well shoot I'm late, that will teach me to pay more attention.

Thomas is a cutie!

Hehehe... Just happy to have you here Cindy!!! :hug:

It was so crazy to meet you in the ME line - probably one of the best parts of our trip too! Started the trip off on such a fun note - picture is sent - sorry everyone...I broke my computer a week before our trip and hubby just got my new one up and running and lets just say it took me a while to figure out an operating system I am not used to in order to get the picture off my camera!!! I am sure D will add it in - maybe post a copy of it here.

I love your bags - my oldest has decided that since I have 2, she will be stealing my frozen bag (she is 9) - guess I will need a 3rd for the youngest.

And we had no idea she would be on vacation either - FB has a way of hiding peoples pages and since I wasn't stalking bags, I paid no attention! So awesome - you are all some of the nicest people!

Thanks for sending that picture... I did post it yesterday - but for those who missed it, here it is again...


LOL... Your girls have impeccible taste. ;)

I am just glad we bumped into eachother - it was just the coolest experience! :wizard:

I love hearing about your healthy living program. You are an inspiration to many. Don't stop.

Did you enjoy those desserts and snacks as much as you thought you would, or did the guilt take away some of the fun?

But to avoid the other foods is great! I have a very hard time avoiding soda. And to be able to run through the parks with your girls must have felt great.

I can see why you like the first picture. You look healthy and very fit and slim. It is a great shot. The other picture makes your legs look fantastic.

Thanks Sue!

I did enjoy the desserts, some more than others... I tried not to let the guilt take away the fun - I didn't have much guilt... But there were a few times where I was full, and I finished the dessert anyways. The part where I felt badly about it, didn't come until the last day or two of our trip - where I was feeling like I was busting out of my clothes... Then it was like "whoa... I ate too much"... But I knew that whatever I ate so far did not wreck my progress and I wasn't going to let one week of eating things out of the norm (especially when most of the time - I was eating well) wreck any success I'd had already. It was totally a frame of mind.

Yes, it was amazing to run through the parks with the girls... Especially when, 2 years ago, there was NO way... I was barely walking through the parks at that point. I NEVER even dreamed I could make it this far in my journey - and it's such an amazing feeling!

Since I don't Dis on the weekends...I am JUST NOW making it over. I have subbed, now to go back and read!

Welcome Oopsi!!! So happy to have my oldest Dis friend here!

How cool is it that you spotted your bags in ME line!?!? I was so excited for you when I saw that on FB
You certainly are a celebrity now!

Glad you at least got the building you wanted. For some reason I was thinking you liked Building 5 and when I read that you got 6, I was worried for you. But all was well

I had to LOL at the picture of Thomas with KiaLan. He doesn't look like he's too sure about these characters. Too cute

I am definitely NOT a celebrity... But I sure felt like one for 5 minutes!

Yes, we did get the building we wanted - I would have liked to be in a different (closer) section to the food court though, but it ended up being OK. I definitely have a much better endurance, so it wasn't bad at all. It was only a little further to the FC from our room, but to the busses (because you can cut through the buildings) it was about the same.

Yah - he wound up screaming about 2 seconds after I took the picture... She was huge, and in my "educated character experience" - pretty scary too. LOL

I am in love with those bags!!!!! And excited to see how you combine the trip and your health journey. I can't wait to see more!

THank you!!! And welcome! So very happy to have you here! I am so excited to share my experience with all of you.

Ok I decided to join in even though I am still reading Part 1 of your 2013 PTR. Lol. Thomas isn't even born yet!!

Love hearing about your journey with becoming healthier and seeing all those amazing bags.

Hehehe... Thanks for taking the time to catch up - I know my TRs get to be really long, so I appreciate that! I keep my Table of Contents pretty up to date, so unless you want to read all the chatter - you can just read my TRs that way.

Thank you... I've enjoyed sharing my journey here - I like to think I can and do inspire people to take control for their health, and realize it can be done.

So, welcome - I am so happy to have you here and following along!

How awesome. "Hey, I like your bag....and I made them..."

Priceless. I would of loved to see their faces when it all sunk in. Supercool D~.

Great start, already miss your daily morning updates. Glad you have been able to have time with BMT.

So hard when you left on the trip, it was our first day of school....but great to see all your fb pics, so thanks for that.

We are at 99 days today!!!

MIKE!!!! How are you? My one and only faithful gentleman reader! :woohoo: I dunno why no guys want to read my TRs? LOL Maybe it's all the sewing and weight loss talk? Hehehe...

Glad to see you here! I am doing my updates here now, so you should be able to get your morning fix again. :thumbsup2

How is school going? You really started early! The girls didn't start until today... and, of course, they had to run to catch the bus. LOL

Woohoo!!! Single digit dance for you! It's coming quickly!

What a fun day at MOA and bowling.

How exciting was that unexpected DIS meet with the D originals? I remember seeing that on FB and how excited I was for you.

I'm sorry you didn't get the room you like, but nice that you had the connecting rooms for when you needed them.

Sorry that lunch was a bit disappointing. I have to admit I was not a fan of the beignets.

It was a fun day! So happy we get to spend time with them!

It was the coolest thing ever! It really made the start of our trip fantastic! I was on a personal high for hours after! LOL

Yes, we were a little bummed not to have "our" room... but, in the end, it worked out fine and we got over the disappointment quickly.

Oooh - I love beignets... I could eat nothing else at FQ and be happy. LOL

I'm finally here and subbing in from our DisTeamAug

I love your TRs <3

Welcome! I am very happy to have you here!!!! Thanks so much for following along! :wizard:

Let me start by saying you look amazing, healthy, happy, glowing! I have read your other TR's and you have really worked hard, congratulations! I am a low carb girl, for life, so we eat similar. I must have dairy and I do use artificial sweeteners, but for the most part primal. Anyway, I just got back from a mother/son trip (I take each kiddo alone for a special trip the summer before 7th grade) August 16-21. I did eat off plan, enjoyed my desserts, etc as well, but I did not go overboard. Two pounds only, and right back to my regular way of eating, it feels great to be back in control, but I know now I can do it!

Cannot wait to read more. Thank you for sharing the trip and your life journey, very inspiring!

Thanks Erin! It's been a wonderful journey for me! I never thought I would make it this far or this long... It was so key for me to just find what worked for me - whether it's ever worked for anyone else or not... Most of the time I go against what everyone else says, and it's wonderful to know that it works.

I didn't weigh myself when I got home... It was an accident that I weighed myself the day before we left (had to weigh luggage, ya know?)... So, I know what I weighed then... but I refuse to step on the scale again until I weigh at the end of Sept... That will give me time to get back in the groove of things and let my body readjust. :)

I am glad you are enjoying my journey... I would LOVE to hear more about yours!

Just a Quick question...did you try the gluten free beignets or the regular?

Alas...it will be some time before I get to stay at POFQ again... And your pictures already have me wanting to go back! But it is my duty to stay in as many of the other resorts as I can...business research you know! (where is the winking smile-y?)


I did try the gluten free beignets... In all honesty - they were good, but when I tried them, it was immediately following having a regular one... So, I could definitely taste a difference. Now, if you were to eat them, and never have a regular one - I bet it would be perfect. :woohoo:

Hehehe... I would LOVe to do some "research"... :rolleyes1


Gosh, you guys were chatty... I've been typing for over an hour. LOL No worries, I'd rather have lots to comment on than nothing at all.

Had a great day yesterday... I worked all day in my sewing room... Well, most of the day - once I got my behind up there... I am nearly finished stitching the applique for this bag... Just a little left to do.

I spent my morning lifting weights, and editing Photopass pictures in between sets (gotta multi-task, ya know?)... It worked out well, actually. :thumbsup2

Then, I decided I needed to do some progress pictures... So, here's my "first" Now n' Then picture... A one year comparison... Not as dramatic as I would like, and I still see a lot of work that needs to be done - but definite progress... So, I'll take it!


Then, I had to run to the Post Office to drop a pkg in the mail for Mo...

On the way, my neighbors were taking their new baby for a walk... So, I went to their house immediately after the PO, and held little Evelyn for a while... I am getting addicted to all of these babies in my life. :rolleyes1 She is just so precious and tiny!

I made stuffed green peppers for dinner last night - they turned out delicious!

Then, Josh and I had our Planning Commission meeting last night... My City Council term is up this year, and I've decided not to run again... Which means my Planning Commission term is up as well... Unless they appoint me in a non-Council seat. I've done my duty as a citizen, and it's time for someone else to have a turn. I can always run again at a later date if I miss it too much, or if I don't like how business is being run... popcorn::

I went to bed early... I was so tired!

Allison closed last night at Starbucks...

Today is the girls' first day of school... They almost missed the bus - so my "yearly" back to school pics looked like this:


And then the bus went by... You can just make out the girls down there - running for the bus. LOL


I will be doing Level 2 of my 30DS today... I've decided my "pennance" for our Disney trip is a month of 30DS after... But to be honest, I kind of like it, and I might keep it in my rotation of work outs - I feel that along with my weight lifting, it's really helping change the shape of my body. And I like that a lot.

I am also back to work at Target today... I could have used another week (or 2 or 8) off... Oh well, we are headed into our busiest seasons, and that's when I enjoy working there the most.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day... Prayers and good thoughts to all of you today! :grouphug:

"It was the coolest thing to run into my bags in the airport!"

I don't know, this just had me laughing!! I'm weird that way.

I don't know what you're talking about "not as much progress as you'd hoped" in that then and now photo. Really? Take another look my dear. Amazing!

Oh boy, school starts and its a run for the bus already! HaHa School started yesterday for Selah (2nd grade) and Miles started kindergarten. Neither of them wanted to go, but they both had awesome first days and are now excited. I hope the girls' first day is going well for them.

Your pics make me so homesick for FQ!! We're at Pop this time, but my heart will be over there. We'll probably go over there at least once to walk around and maybe take the boat to DTD. We leave in 7 days and I can't wait! I get to meet Tess and Charlie and Mo and her family. Just wish I could have met you too.

Have a great day at Target!
You are being way too hard on yourself - the progress you made in a year is amazing and definitely shows in your then and now pictures! You are doing great!

I know as far as your eating goes, you had to find something that worked for you. Did you do the same thing with your work outs? What else did you try before settling on the heavy lifiting, WATP, and 30DS? I've always had trouble finding a workout that I even remotely enjoyed or wanted to do and I'm going to have to work harder now that I'll be giving up the gym at work with the new job. Not that I use the gym here at work that often, but now I won't have that lunchtime/end of the day convenient option.

Sounds like you are back to normal for the most part - school, Target, sewing.

Can't wait for more auction bags - I'd like to see Ursula, Donald, and UP! - but not in the same auction - my wallet can't handle all of that at once :)

Have a great day!
Sounds like you had a fun day bowling.

How cool to see your bags in the DME queue.
Your progress photos are great. You've done an amazing job.
"It was the coolest thing to run into my bags in the airport!"

I don't know, this just had me laughing!! I'm weird that way.

I don't know what you're talking about "not as much progress as you'd hoped" in that then and now photo. Really? Take another look my dear. Amazing!

Oh boy, school starts and its a run for the bus already! HaHa School started yesterday for Selah (2nd grade) and Miles started kindergarten. Neither of them wanted to go, but they both had awesome first days and are now excited. I hope the girls' first day is going well for them.

Your pics make me so homesick for FQ!! We're at Pop this time, but my heart will be over there. We'll probably go over there at least once to walk around and maybe take the boat to DTD. We leave in 7 days and I can't wait! I get to meet Tess and Charlie and Mo and her family. Just wish I could have met you too.

Have a great day at Target!

I see the progress... I just see more work that needs to be done too. Sigh...

Glad both of the Grands had a good first day at school!

So excited that you get to meet everyone! That's so awesome! I wish we could have been there with you all! It makes me so sad that all of you will be there together, and on top of it - I don't have a trip to plan. But I know you all will have fun, and I am happy for that!

You are being way too hard on yourself - the progress you made in a year is amazing and definitely shows in your then and now pictures! You are doing great!

I know as far as your eating goes, you had to find something that worked for you. Did you do the same thing with your work outs? What else did you try before settling on the heavy lifiting, WATP, and 30DS? I've always had trouble finding a workout that I even remotely enjoyed or wanted to do and I'm going to have to work harder now that I'll be giving up the gym at work with the new job. Not that I use the gym here at work that often, but now I won't have that lunchtime/end of the day convenient option.

Sounds like you are back to normal for the most part - school, Target, sewing.

Can't wait for more auction bags - I'd like to see Ursula, Donald, and UP! - but not in the same auction - my wallet can't handle all of that at once

Have a great day!

Thank you...

Kind of... I did a lot of research about my diet... It started off with the 30 Day Shred... I loved the progress pictures I was seeing online, and I kept bumping into comments about women weight liftng and changing the composition of their bodies... So, I just KNEW I had to start lifting weights - but it was months before I built up the courage to even try. Most days I still hate doing it - but I LOVE what it has done for my body. I've lost weight many times before - but no matter how much weight I've lost, I was still all jiggly and had the same shape... Now, the smaller I am getting, the more my muscles are popping and my shape is finally changing - A LOT. It's a great feeling to look in the mirror and see muscles in my legs/shoulders/arms! So, even though I don't love the acutal lifting of weights - I don't hate it and I love what it's done for me. In all reality - I was looking for the simplest/quickest way to lose size with the most minimal amount of effort and time. I am lazy by nature, and I knew if I had to work out for an hour every day - I would never stick with it... So, I am always on the look out for work outs that are 30 minutes or less. ::yes:: Which is why I like 30DS and WATP... BOth about 25 minutes and I can sneak them in on almost any day.

Hehehe... THanks for the ideas... I do plan on havng one more big auction this year. :thumbsup2

Sounds like you had a fun day bowling.

How cool to see your bags in the DME queue.
Your progress photos are great. You've done an amazing job.

We did have fun - it was a great day!

Yes - it was super cool... I've never experienced anything like that before.

Thank you... Surprisingly, it has been a wonderful journey for me, and I really look forward to continuing on it.

So, how was your trip???? I'd love to hear about it!


I worked at Target yesterday... It was fun to see all of my co-workers... Lots of new faces, since we are headed into the holidays soon.

Dinner was frozen pizza...

I was lazy last night... Read my tablet for a while... Read a book for a while... And went to bed.

Today, I will be lifting weights shortly and editing Photopass pictures in between sets.

I hope to finish my current custom order today.

I have to be up to Josh's work when he is done... We are all meeting BMT & Josh's mom for dinner somewhere... Don't know where yet...

Otherwise nothing exciting...

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Prayers and good thoughts to all of yoU! :grouphug:

Glad Target went well. I think Target would be a fun place to work, I certainly enjoy spending time there as a customer. I still have fond memories of my retail days.

Looking forward to seeing your custom order! And your Photopass pictures. How do you get so many pictures taken? I always feel like we should be on our way to the next attraction, or trying to get ahead of the crowds so I'm horrible at taking the time to get the pictures taken.

Enjoy dinner with BMT! Have a great day!
As always it's great to come back home. To my own bed that I don't have to climb into when getting to bed. But we had a nice trip. We came home almost 2 weeks before planned.

Our trip was planned to start the morning of Saturday 26.July. At that time we had several weeks with very hot weather. The temperature at my balcony was at 86ºF during the days. It was way too hot. A few days before we planned to start our journey my friend and I was at a birthday party at my cousins. We drove home at around 8pm and I noticed that it was much colder outside and much more comfortable driving home in my car that doesn't have A/C. I said to my friend "Maybe we should drive down to where our motor home is located at night. It won't get dark since the midnight sun is still here". My friend agreed that it would be a good idea both for my 3 cats and for us to drive when it's not so hot.

We decided to drive the night to Saturday 26.July. We packed everything in the car and was on the road at 10PM. This is how bright it was out side

What I forgot to think about is that we drove south. So when we got below the Arctic Circle it started to get a little darker. This is how dark it ever got on our trip the first night

It was almost 4AM when we had a quick stop at a rest area in northern part of Sweden. There was some boats at the shore I just had to take a picture of.

Our motor home was 898 miles from where I live in Tromsø so we had to drive half the way the first night and the second half the next night. At 7.45AM we arrived at our first stop. This was at my friends brothers house in Skellefteå, Sweden. We spent the day there sleeping. It was 95ºF outside that day in Skellefteå. When the night came the temperature was a little better.

The next morning we came to the place where the motor home was located. We spent the day and the night there so we could be awake during the day and sleep during the night again. Then we drove to Umeå, Sweden where we were attending a big geocaching event.

Here is a nice church outside Umeå where we also found a cache

My friend borrowed a canoe from a camping site to get to an small island to find a geocache there

After some days in Umeå at the event and being at the event with some friends also from Tromsø we drove further south in Sweden to a place where my friend was going to do a course in Tai Chi. In Umeå we found out that it's a smart thing to have climbing gear when geocaching. So we bought climbing gear for my friend.

Here my friend is trying out the gear for the first time at low height. While one of his Tai Chi students is explains how he is supposed to do it

After the Tai Chi course our trip in Finland started. Our goal was to find a geocache in every old county in Finland (today they don't have counties in Finland anymore) We took the Ferry from Umeå, Sweden to Vaasa, Finland. The journey took 4 hours. When we came to Vaasa every sign was written both in Swedish and Finish because the area Vaasa is in was Swedish a long time ago. So even if it's a part of Finland they still use Swedish in addition to Finish.

A photo from the Market Square at Vaasa where the signs are both in Finish and Swedish

Another photo of a sign with two language on. This sign was at a dog park not far from the campsite we stayed at

This is from Jyväskylä (middle of Finland) where we stayed one night

This was a nice looking church we passed by in southern part of Finland

Now we were in Naantali where Moomin lives. I haven't read any of the Moomin books by Tove Jansson (a swidishfinish writer). I've only seen cartoon movies about Moomin on TV when I was a kid. But my friend has read many of the books and know the whole Moomin world a lot better than me. He wanted to visit the Moomin world that is located on a little island in Naantali.

Here is the Moomin house ( the only thing I can remember besides the Moomin characters)

And here is the view from the top floor of the Moomin house after climbing A LOT of stairs

A nice old Russian luxury house from the days when Hangö belonged to Russia

We visited some old friends of my friend outside Helsinki and then we took the train into Helsinki and spent a day there. It was a very nice day in Helsinki. But we didn't take any good picture from this day :sad2:

A nice tree at our campsite in Joensuu.

After Helsinki we got rain every day until we were back in Sweden and leaving the motor home and taking my car back to Tromsø. Now it was late August so the heat was gone and we could drive home during the day and sleep at night.

There you have a short version of our trip in text and pictures :)
I just saw your healthy living update and OMG, D, you look AMAZING!!! Congratulations!!!

Thank you! I am getting there slowly. Most of the time, these days - I am happy with how I look, but I would like to go down a few more sizes and gain a bit more muscle mass... I still have a very hard time with how I see myself, so I really struggle with the mental side of it - that's the hardest part. I feel like I will *know* when I am comfortable with myself. I hope. LOL

Glad Target went well. I think Target would be a fun place to work, I certainly enjoy spending time there as a customer. I still have fond memories of my retail days.

Looking forward to seeing your custom order! And your Photopass pictures. How do you get so many pictures taken? I always feel like we should be on our way to the next attraction, or trying to get ahead of the crowds so I'm horrible at taking the time to get the pictures taken.

Enjoy dinner with BMT! Have a great day!

Hahaha... I enjoy spending time there as a customer too. Hehehe...

Yes, I am too!

I really don't know how I do it... I make a point to stop at every one we see - even if we have stopped there before. And on our early entry breakfast - especially at MK - I stop at every singe one all the way up Main Street... Those are my favorite, because there are hardly any people in the brackground. And we tend to get lots. :thumbsup2

Thanks! We had a wonderful evening with BMT!

Wow, already 7 pages! I can't wait to hear all about your trip.

Welcome! I am very excited to share it with all of you!

As always it's great to come back home. To my own bed that I don't have to climb into when getting to bed. But we had a nice trip. We came home almost 2 weeks before planned.

Our trip was planned to start the morning of Saturday 26.July. At that time we had several weeks with very hot weather. The temperature at my balcony was at 86ºF during the days. It was way too hot. A few days before we planned to start our journey my friend and I was at a birthday party at my cousins. We drove home at around 8pm and I noticed that it was much colder outside and much more comfortable driving home in my car that doesn't have A/C. I said to my friend "Maybe we should drive down to where our motor home is located at night. It won't get dark since the midnight sun is still here". My friend agreed that it would be a good idea both for my 3 cats and for us to drive when it's not so hot.

We decided to drive the night to Saturday 26.July. We packed everything in the car and was on the road at 10PM. This is how bright it was out side

What I forgot to think about is that we drove south. So when we got below the Arctic Circle it started to get a little darker. This is how dark it ever got on our trip the first night

It was almost 4AM when we had a quick stop at a rest area in northern part of Sweden. There was some boats at the shore I just had to take a picture of.

Our motor home was 898 miles from where I live in Tromsø so we had to drive half the way the first night and the second half the next night. At 7.45AM we arrived at our first stop. This was at my friends brothers house in Skellefteå, Sweden. We spent the day there sleeping. It was 95ºF outside that day in Skellefteå. When the night came the temperature was a little better.

The next morning we came to the place where the motor home was located. We spent the day and the night there so we could be awake during the day and sleep during the night again. Then we drove to Umeå, Sweden where we were attending a big geocaching event.

Here is a nice church outside Umeå where we also found a cache

My friend borrowed a canoe from a camping site to get to an small island to find a geocache there

After some days in Umeå at the event and being at the event with some friends also from Tromsø we drove further south in Sweden to a place where my friend was going to do a course in Tai Chi. In Umeå we found out that it's a smart thing to have climbing gear when geocaching. So we bought climbing gear for my friend.

Here my friend is trying out the gear for the first time at low height. While one of his Tai Chi students is explains how he is supposed to do it

After the Tai Chi course our trip in Finland started. Our goal was to find a geocache in every old county in Finland (today they don't have counties in Finland anymore) We took the Ferry from Umeå, Sweden to Vaasa, Finland. The journey took 4 hours. When we came to Vaasa every sign was written both in Swedish and Finish because the area Vaasa is in was Swedish a long time ago. So even if it's a part of Finland they still use Swedish in addition to Finish.

A photo from the Market Square at Vaasa where the signs are both in Finish and Swedish

Another photo of a sign with two language on. This sign was at a dog park not far from the campsite we stayed at

This is from Jyväskylä (middle of Finland) where we stayed one night

This was a nice looking church we passed by in southern part of Finland

Now we were in Naantali where Moomin lives. I haven't read any of the Moomin books by Tove Jansson (a swidishfinish writer). I've only seen cartoon movies about Moomin on TV when I was a kid. But my friend has read many of the books and know the whole Moomin world a lot better than me. He wanted to visit the Moomin world that is located on a little island in Naantali.

Here is the Moomin house ( the only thing I can remember besides the Moomin characters)

And here is the view from the top floor of the Moomin house after climbing A LOT of stairs

A nice old Russian luxury house from the days when Hangö belonged to Russia

We visited some old friends of my friend outside Helsinki and then we took the train into Helsinki and spent a day there. It was a very nice day in Helsinki. But we didn't take any good picture from this day :sad2:

A nice tree at our campsite in Joensuu.

After Helsinki we got rain every day until we were back in Sweden and leaving the motor home and taking my car back to Tromsø. Now it was late August so the heat was gone and we could drive home during the day and sleep at night.

There you have a short version of our trip in text and pictures

Oh wow Lillian! These are fantastic! What an amazing trip you had! It looks like you had so much fun! I love all of the pictures and the churches look gorgeous! And you look fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing with me (and all of us) - I am sure everyone here will love to see these! I am glad you had a great time! :hug:


I had a fantastic sewing room day yesterday...

I finished my first custom order. :woohoo:

We had a great night last night with BMT... We went to their apartment and ordered take out... Thomas hasn't had much time to "relax" since they have been here, so it was just best and easiest for him to be able to play. He has really taken to all of us - and it just melts my heart... It's almost as if he knows that he's related... He has taken to Josh especially. :lovestruc



After dinner, we walked to Starbucks for dessert... It was delicious... I had a Pumpkin Spice Latte... And I found out that I can order a child size... woohoo! That info would have been nice to have about 20 Starbucks orders ago. LOL



This morning, I will be working out... Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred.

Then, I will be starting on my next order... This one has a time crunch - so I am hoping to finish it early.

Also, Myrthe and I might be meeting for lunch?

Then, I made plans to walk with my neighbor.

Nothing exciting this evening - just relaxing. Stalking Facebook as Mo does the BIG SURPRISE and leaves on her EPIC trip! WHOOT!

That's all! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Prayers and good thoughts to everyone! :grouphug:

Bahahahah! Yes that info would have been useful 20 SB ago, hub? lol! I sadly knew that bc I always order my daughter a kids vanilla steamer and the cup is so tiny and cute!!!

Squeeeeee!! Starting your next order!!! :-) you make me happy!
DMGeurts said:
Oh wow Lillian! These are fantastic! What an amazing trip you had! It looks like you had so much fun! I love all of the pictures and the churches look gorgeous! And you look fantastic!

Thank you I don't know what to say :blush:

DMGeurts said:
Thank you so much for sharing with me (and all of us) - I am sure everyone here will love to see these! I am glad you had a great time! :hug:

I'm glad you loved the pictures and let me share them with you and everyone else here :)

Sounds like everyone had a nice day yesterday. It's nice to take it slow sometimes with family.
I am stalking Mo today too! So exciting!

Lillian, your pictures are wonderful! How great it is that you really take advantage of the opportunity that you have to travel to so many beautiful places from where you live.

Looking forward to seeing your custom bags when you are able to share pictures.

It's great that Thomas has warmed up so quickly to you all. I am loving all the pictures of him with you guys here and on Facebook. Very smart to let him have a night in his own environment, most kids do better when we make an effort to stick to their routines and schedules a little bit.

My plans for today are working (it's my last Friday at this job) and then going to bed as early as possible tonight. I am wiped out from this week and we are getting up early tomorrow to head down to Epcot for the day to celebrate my birthday. I definitely need my beauty rest :rotfl:

Hope you have a fantastic day and a great weekend!


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