A Compilation of Audition Adventures and Awesome Guest Stars!-Updated 9/29x2!


DIS Veteran
Mar 14, 2010
Guess who’s back, yet again?!??!!?

If you guessed Katt, you’re RIGHT!! And look, Ariana made the into photo! :p Heh heh I’m the one on the right in the pink! Many of you know me, so hello, and welcome back, I hope you’re ready for another excited compilations of adventures! For those of you who are new to a Katt trip report, HELLO!! :wave: It’s an honour to have all of you here for the ride and I promise you it will be quite the fun one! If you’re up for even more adventure, feel free to check out last Sept’s TR that’s still in progress:

You Guys Part of the Family?!:


Or this Sept’s up and coming Pre-Trip Report;


This trip report really only MAINLY involves me, as it was a solo trip….kind of….there are tons of guest stars that I managed to run into over the course of four days in the parks! Including some re-appearing ones, but I’ll get into that later!

When: May 8-11th AND June 19th to 21st!
-This trip report is a combination of two very short trips as they both involve many of the same guest stars, and they were super short trips, and they were both audition trips!!

Where May’s trip took place at: All Star Music Resort!
And June we relocated to a much cheaper off-site hotel: The Quality Inn and Suites Kissimmee at Entry Point Blvd.

Why: I’ve always had a love for Disney, and while on my second trip down to the world in 2011, I realized that it was a possible choice for a job/carreer in the future. I’ve been performing in dance, cheerleading, gymnastics, and theatre for years on end now, and figured that it would be a good move to at least try to work for the company. As I found out more and took more trips down the realization that I did in fact want to be on the other side of the magic came apparent. We always think that there’s nothing “more magical” than getting to meet your favourite princess/character and live magical memories with them, but what if you were on the other side, and you were creating it? Well, that was it, I was sold, and since have been pursuing an entertainment career in Disney World!

I’ve attended a few auditions here and there with no success as of May, and when they posted not only auditions for WDW, but also for Hong Kong Disneyland, with back to back dates, I knew that I had to go!

As for June, I had been waiting and waiting for Disney to post parade performer auditions, as I’d almost rather be in a parade than get to hang out with a princess all day, so when they posted them, I did a heck of a lot of budgeting, cutting down expenses, and made it work that I could also go to it!

Guest Stars

I had been posting about the auditions on Tumblr, and had Amanda message me about them and we chatted away, also making plans to go into Magic Kingdom before the HKDL audition on the Friday.

I also had been chatting with the queen of all Frumps, Jess, as it was her birthday week, and we ended up having some of the same ADRs at the same time, not to mention I promised her a birthday balloon while I was there in May, so we knew we’d be meeting up!

Since I was travelling in such short notice in May, I knew I couldn’t get into BOG, so I passed a message onto my friend Shelly, who serves there that if she had time off, I’d probably see her, otherwise not as I couldn’t get an ADR. Luckily enough for me, she said if I just came to the front gate she could get me in!! EEK! When she found out I was coming back in June, she offered to come hang out with Amanda the day we flew in!

THEN, there was another tumblr/twitter friend I had made, Brian, who I said was more then welcome to join us at Ohana in June! We’ve since been chatting around a lot, and he’s going to join me on my what was “solo” trip to MNSSHP in Sept! Yay!!

Overall, it’s clear that the online Disney community is a pretty large part of my life, not only on the dis, but instagram, twitter, tumblr and more. It’s getting crazy how many friends I have on facebook who I’ve not yet met in real life, or who live in Florida or who work for the mouse! I love each and every one of them insanely and sometimes think that they believe in me achieving my dreams more than anyone in real life does. Bahah


Enough rambling on about nothing, let’s get this trip started, shall we?!

Chapter Links

Day 1-> Wednesday May 8

Welcome to Broadway
The Imagination Runs Wild

Day 2->Thursday May 9

Free Food?!?!?
Cute?! They're Picking Bugs Off Each Other
Take #1
At Last I See the Light
Dreaming Along
Dreams Set Sail
The Balloon!
An Empty Ballroom!

Day 3-> Friday May 10th
A Morning of Magic
Criss Crossing
In Which We Adventure
In This Magic Place
Part of that World?
Old Friends and New Treats
Swim with Ya Later!

The June Saga Begins!
Red Eye Flight's the Best
Off Property Bonus!
A Quick Trip through Downtown!
An Early Morning
A Final Adventure
Our story begins on a dark night, a dark night with a dark purpose……

Wait….that’s Aladdin…wrong story, MY BAD!

Our journey ACTUALLY begins in the BRIGHT early morning hours of Wednesday May 8th, probably around 5:00 in the morning, as I do really like to take early flights. You see, being from Western Canada, it can take QUITE a while to get down to Florida!

The flights were pretty uneventful, I didn’t have a lot of time on my layover, and there was a crying baby, but hey, I was on my way to DISNEY! Here’s some tweet’s from in that time though!

So tired….happy that I’ll be able to sleep on the plane, but hey, I’m on my way to DISNEY!!

It had been one HECK of an exhausting week leading up to this! I had on Saturday and Sunday competed in my second ballroom competition, and all the work leading up to that, plus being there for like, twelve hours Sat, and dancing for hours on Sunday, and then going to work and not even going home til Tuesday night, it made for a LONG week of adventures and I was one tired girl at the end of it!

Just checked Orlando’s weather, feels like 40 celcius!? HECK YES!! #warmth #summer #sun

Yup, I was super pumped, even though it was spring, it wasn’t very warm in Calgary!

Boarding time came and went and it did have me a little worried, and let’s be serious, made me ponder the ways of airplanes…

Boarding time half an hour late?! Ugh, fingers crossed they can get us landed on time!

I will never understand why planes don’t board from back to front? Wouldn’t it make more sense?

Like, seriously…. Then no one would have to push past everyone sitting in seats closer to the front as they push to the last “zone”/boarding group to their seats when they’re boarding last. Pus then first class people would spend the least amount of time on the plane, which, let’s be serious, I’d rather pay more money to be the last one on than the first!

Hearing people talk about Disney in the airport just makes me want to make friends with them!

However I didn’t make any new friends since I find people think it’s weird unless you’re already at Disney, then it’s totally okay!

LANDED!!!! Smell the smells, feel the humidity! I’M HOOOOME #disney

There is nothing better than deplaning and just smelling the smell of Florida, it’s absolutely majestic and kinda makes me want to cry, like, for real. There are few places that feel that much like home to me, heck even Calgary doesn’t feel like that to me!

I proceeded down to the fake-o-rail, and managed to get kinda confused, I’m not sure if I was coming down from a different terminal or what, but I nearly got lost, which is odd for someone who has this many trips under their belt!

Okay, I swear they’ve changed the fake-o-rail area since February, I’m confused!

Before I knew it, I was down to side B and feeling just how close I was to that magic Disney bubble!!

I see a Magical Express Bus!! And palm trees!!! #asdonsaffsasd #sohappy

Once down on side B I pulled out my pamphlet and headed over towards the DME stations to check in to find it all looking new and fancy! My guess is it’s all part of the whole MyMagicBand stuff, eck, but hey, it looks fancy!

I was escorted into the All Stars line up and waited no time at all before I was onto my favorite bus with a lovely view of my favorite video!

Man, not having to wait for luggage REALLY saves time! #allcarryon

Since this was such a short trip, I just had my small rolling suitcase, and a purse, and it worked lovely. And for those of you wondering, no, I’ve never used the DME luggage service, but after realizing how quick it was today, I plan on using it in Sept!!

The MSEP music is playing on the bus! #happyfeels

Upside of being 1st on the bus: great seats! Downsides: you have to wait for everyone else!

Finally we were on our way, and our first stop was Coronado Springs, which I kind of wish I was staying at this time around, I think it deserves a second chance, but hey, not today CSR, not today…. We made a brief stop at All Star Sports, and then it was on to All Star MUSIC! YAY!

Each trip I do my best to stay at a new resort, unless things like cost come into play (which they do a lot when you travel with twenty somethings, they don’t have endless money….) Since this was a trip on a budget, and I’d already done Pop, AoA, and Sports, I settled on All Star Music! I had checked in online first of course so the process at the desk was minimal, and then I was on my way to my room for the next few days, which of course, was in the BROADWAY SECTION!

This made me super excited being the theater geek that I am, like, duh, it was really the only appealing section of the resort, and I was glad when I got it, even without requesting it!

The outside “street” of the resort was themed fantastically, and at night with it all lit up it looked amazing too! Love! They also had a bunch of posters/awnings of Disney Musicals including Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Little Mermaid and Mary Poppins, love the idea!

My room was pretty far around some corners and down some hallways, but I find that finding it the first time is always SO HARD and then after that you find your quicker way back to the main hall/busses. However I did notice that it was PRETTY far to the transportation, and I had requested “close to”. And of course, since it’s just a Value, the interiors of the rooms are pretty basic, you got your towel Mickeys, some art work, and your regular standard room!

The shower curtains were super cute too, no AoA level of awesomeness, but they were still cute! I changed quickly and decided to head out, I had plans for tonight, yay! On my way out I poked around a bit to see if maybe I was “close to” another All Star’s busses, but I really wasn’t close to anything, haha! A brief stop in the lobby to get some American cash out and discovered that I apparently had insufficient funds! ACK! NO! NOT GOOD! I did get paid on Friday, so I figured I would just go on the Visa until then and hope not too many expenses would come up!

With this extra time spent figuring out money issues, I managed to miss the bus I wanted to get on *sigh* it was not turning out to be my day! However I put my smile face on, and after a quick stop at All Star Movies, we were on our way to Disney’s Hollywood Studios! Ahh, Mr Disney Bus Voice, just makes ya feel right at home, am I right?

I briefly looked for something Star Wars to take home for a friend who’s birthday was coming up but couldn’t really find anything that appealed to him so I continued on. I thought about stopping in at Pizza Planet for dinner, but the lines were a bit too crazy at the moment, so I figured I’d head down towards the Fantasmic line to grab food there.

What did I end up with:


Disney pizza!! And Uncrustables!! Makes for a great first meal at Disney!! Now, FANTASMIC!

I picked up the Uncrustables after I finished eating the pizza..lol. I got it from Catalina Eddies, and the pizza was WAY better than the one I had had there before. It was a tad bit greasy, but I patted it off with a napkin before I ate and that made it better. There was no saving the salad though, it had clearly been sitting out all day and was wilted and soaked in dressing. Yuck. Service wise Catalina’s was great! There was no line and it was super fast getting my food and finding a table to eat it!

After a quick glance over at my love of DHS, I looked to my other side and noticed the line for Fantasmic already forming, so I skipped ToT, knowing I wouldn’t be back to it later, and jumped in the clump of people!! It was a bit of a wait, but hey, that always pays off, right?

3rd row seats for Fantasmic!? I accept! #disneyworld

With my Uncrustables to make up for my soggy salad earlier, I settled in for the wait!
Well obviously I`m in, duh :wave2:

OMG So excited for this. Seriously looking forward to some audition details and of course all the meet ups.

The hotel just seems perfect given the circumstances and then heading out to Fantasmic on arrival day. That sounds vaguely familiar. :scratchin
I'm in!

I know auditions (or results of said auditions) have been mentioned in past reports but looking forward to some more details ... and of course meetups!

I'd wish you best of luck in the auditions that are yet to come in this report, but since they have already happened in real life since the report recalls past events, not sure of the proper statement ... feeling a bit like Marty McFly at the moment
I will be following along... even though i was left out of the guest stars section lol :D
Well obviously I`m in, duh :wave2:

OMG So excited for this. Seriously looking forward to some audition details and of course all the meet ups.

The hotel just seems perfect given the circumstances and then heading out to Fantasmic on arrival day. That sounds vaguely familiar. :scratchin

Yay! Lol

Aahaha, it's bound to be a good story at the very least!

Lawl, yeah it was agood resort to stay at! Haha! Hey man, great minds think alike!

I'm in!

I know auditions (or results of said auditions) have been mentioned in past reports but looking forward to some more details ... and of course meetups!

I'd wish you best of luck in the auditions that are yet to come in this report, but since they have already happened in real life since the report recalls past events, not sure of the proper statement ... feeling a bit like Marty McFly at the moment

Ahaha, truth! But I know people would be dying to hear about the outcome, or they know on facebook so it's something I thought about keeping a secret but then it's kinda hard lol.

Thank you!!

I'm here! Can't wait to hear all about your audition adventures!

Yay! Hi! Glad you're here!
Where we left off I had finally obtained some of my oh so beloved Uncrustables and was finding some perfect seating for Fantasmic! When I had first been planning this trip, I didn’t know if I should get a ticket for this day or not, actually, I had been debating between another annual pass or paying by the day. You see, with Sept’s trip, and this trip, it would work out to be cheaper to just get the AP, but since I didn’t have the funds at the time of May’s trip, I opted out of it, le sigh. I did however, get a ticket for that night as even though I didn’t do a whole lot in DHS, I definitely needed to hit up Fantasmic, my love!

My feels have already started, this is gonna be too intense! #fantasmic #shouldabroughtkleenex!

I played around on my phone and kept up with some stuff online while waiting, and soon enough the pre-show entertainment started, it’s definitely a cute addition, but when you’re there as often as I am, it kinda gets repetivie, oh well! Hahah!

I can’t lie, I actually really like the remixed versions of Disney songs they play in the Fantasmic preshow!

How am I getting shivers?! It’s like, plus twenty five out!?

I seriously didn’t understand it, like, coming from Canada, into Spring in Florida, you don’t expect to be cold, but every so often when the wind would blow off the water, it was getting a little chilly for me! Luckily enough, the show was soon starting!

I did my best to get different photos than I usually do, but let’s be serious, we all know how that works….lawl! The lights were dimmed, the music started to swell, and then Mickey popped up!

He’s got some skills!

Can we talk about how much I love my camera and it’s awesome zoom!? Haha, I never manage to get good pics of Poca or John Smith, but actually managed it today!

I also really like that Poca actually gets major appreciation in Fantasmic, like, she’s NEVER in anything else. I know for LTM she was out in the AK parade, but that was the only thing. She really needs to be out there more! It also makes me happy that she’s the first of the princesses to pop up!

But as we all know, the good times don’t stick around when you’ve got people that want to ruin our dreams and dash our hopes!

The snake and the dragon always blow my mind, like, how much work is it to get them out onstage that quickly, in the dark, and how many people man such a thing?! It’s insane! I can’t imagine all the work that goes into a nightly performance of Fantasmic, and the people that help put it on! Like, not just the performers, but how many stage hands/techs/stage manager types would they need for a show like that? Obviously all the effects can be programmed and with one push of a button you’re set for water, fire, projections, fireworks, music, but all the props and costume changes and everything must be INSANE!

….I wanna see that backstage…

I didn’t think I’d ever seen Mushu out on the boat, so that was exciting! I wish they’d bring more of the Fantasmic characters out for meets, it’d be awesome!

MEG! Man, it was nice knowin’ ya! I’m sure by now that Tiana has fully taken her place on the boat, which totally sucks. Like, I’m all for Tiana, and sure she only has the one meet and greet, but when was the last time you saw MEG?! UGH!! Her and Hercules REALLY need to come back out, THAT would be totally awesome. I think the two of them, and Esmeralda and Clopin would be the ones I’d most want to see for Halloween or something…clearly I need to spend more time in DLR!

Also Bert…I love that they’re in Jolly Holiday gear here, I love those outfits! So sad I missed True Love Week! I hope he’s out for Halloween or something.

And of course, there go my feels, this ending just tears at my heart and makes it ache! UCH, The maaaaagic!

Being here is not only making me so excited for Sept’s trip, but also making me realize how much I belong here #home #disneyfeels


After a long day of travel and relaxing evening in DHS it’s time for bed! AK fun and audition #1 tomorrow! Eeek!

That about sums up the first day at Disney! Well, evening really. By the time the show was over the park was closed so I would have to forgo my beloved Tower of Terror for now and wait til next time. I headed back to All Star Music on the bus and in a short trip, and a not so short walk, was back in my room and asleep, ready for tomorrows adventures!!
Ooh nice seats for Fantasmic!

You know, I think the EXACT same thing regarding Fantasmic! and how much effort goes into it. Mind boggling really. And every night (almost) and often more than once.

WHAT!!??? Are you saying Megara is no longer in Fantasmic?? Well obviously that's what you're saying but... WHAT!!??? I'm a little upset about this.

They really need to bring out more of these characters for Characterpalooza. I mean, they're all there! Bring 'em out!
You DID start another TR when I was off the DIS for a while! I was seriously kidding when I mentioned that in your other thread. :rotfl:

That was quite the surprise to see myself in your introduction! Of course I loved it. Seeing that I can't wait for it to be warmer in October so I'm not so bundled up in all the pictures! Probably just cursed myself and that week will be freezing. :upsidedow

I agree with you that they should board planes from the back to the front! I swear they used to do it that way then they went to that silly zone thing.

Loved all of the pictures of ASMu! I never made it back past the Jazz section. Seeing the pictures of the Broadway section makes me wish I had gotten back there!

Yum! Disney pizza! I know a lot of people don't like there pizza but I sure do! I want some now.

Bummer that you missed TOT but awesome seats for Fantasmic! I'm not sure I'd want to sit that close though with the water effects. Did you get wet at all?
Ooh nice seats for Fantasmic!

You know, I think the EXACT same thing regarding Fantasmic! and how much effort goes into it. Mind boggling really. And every night (almost) and often more than once.

WHAT!!??? Are you saying Megara is no longer in Fantasmic?? Well obviously that's what you're saying but... WHAT!!??? I'm a little upset about this.

They really need to bring out more of these characters for Characterpalooza. I mean, they're all there! Bring 'em out!

Thanks!! And yeah, there's so much more that goes in to Disney than people realize. Like, yeah, it's expensive to get into the parks, but think about how many cast members you talk to in a day, they all need to get paid, then there's the big shows, the fireworks that cost so much money, and like, wow.

Yup, she's done, for good. Like, my heart hurts, please just bring her and Herc out for meets, and pleas let it be the Herc from DLR, with the real muscles... :bitelip:

HA. That smile...

You DID start another TR when I was off the DIS for a while! I was seriously kidding when I mentioned that in your other thread. :rotfl:

That was quite the surprise to see myself in your introduction! Of course I loved it. Seeing that I can't wait for it to be warmer in October so I'm not so bundled up in all the pictures! Probably just cursed myself and that week will be freezing. :upsidedow

I agree with you that they should board planes from the back to the front! I swear they used to do it that way then they went to that silly zone thing.

Loved all of the pictures of ASMu! I never made it back past the Jazz section. Seeing the pictures of the Broadway section makes me wish I had gotten back there!

Yum! Disney pizza! I know a lot of people don't like there pizza but I sure do! I want some now.

Bummer that you missed TOT but awesome seats for Fantasmic! I'm not sure I'd want to sit that close though with the water effects. Did you get wet at all?

Ahahahaha yuuuup, sure did! Haha! Yeah, I like the fact that I'm there in warmer weather, I don't want to go to Florida and have to wear pants and a sweater!

Thanks! I really liked the area, it was a nice hotel!

Haha, that's fair, I didn't get wet at all, so bonus!
I'm joining in too! So awesome you have another TR but I have no idea how you keep everything straight! I'd get so mixed up trying to remember everything! :faint: Pretty sure you're just a TR pro by now!

Love love love Fantasmic. Fiance and I had our 1st date there actually after I learned he had been a DHS CM for almost 2 years and had only seen it once! :scared1: Had to put an end to that nonsense. And from what I remember I think Fant costs approx $1 million a show to put on. Crazy right?

Can't wait to hear about your auditions!
The next morning started BRIGHT and early for me, I was up at 7:00 am, which, when you’re traveling solo, and you’re me, is pretty darn early for a 9:00 am park opening….why, may you ask? Well, Free Dining had been announced for Visa holders for September already, and it was being released for everyone else today! Knowing that there was only a limited amount of spaces per resort, and I REALLY didn’t want to switch resorts, I got up super early with all our information printed out to head down to the front desk so they could add on the promo and I could grab some Uncrustables and coffee!

A bright and early morning here at All Star Music! Gonna head down to AK as soon as I can!

Loved the pool center piece!

There’s something about Disney on an early morning on a sunny day, it’s just so perfect, and serene…are early mornings in warm places always like that? I wouldn’t know…

I stopped in the food court first to fill up my mug and grab some breakfast!

I had been poking around the area looking for Uncrustables and a manager asked if he could help me with anything, and I told him what I was searching for. He promptly took me up to the counter and asked the cast member to grab some from the back, and when the cm said “they’re frozen…..” he replied with “it’s fine, they’ll be thawed by the time she gets where she’s going” So true. Noms in hand, he then took me over to the register to make sure that that Cast member knew where the button for “single” uncrustable instead of the whole meal was (yeah, note, there IS a button for it, and you SHOULD be able to get just the sandwich anywhere….) Gold Star for the manager who helped me out though!

I thanked him and then ran over to the concierge desk, and explained the situation. I already had the package booked, but knew the promotion was released today and I they could add it on for me. Well, apparently they can’t do that at the front desk, which I had thought about, but figured I’d try this first.

So, my adventures of the early morning variety brought me BACK to my room where I proceeded to jump on the phone with Disney’s reservation system, to promptly be put on hold. Ugh.

DASDAMFAKFDAFK!!! Everyone and their dog appears to be on the phone with Disney reservations this morning! I’ve never waited this long! #freedining #sept

I figured it was because of the promo being released today, and then threw the phone on speaker while I ate and continued to get ready and make sure I was set for later in the day. Problem being when on speaker the phone was UNBELIEVABLY quiet and I could barely hear it so each time the music changed, I thought it was someone picking up and would RUSH back to it in a panic to pick up to hear a new song play. Le sigh.

Ugh, I should have gotten my Mom to do this, I’ve got an Animal Kingdom to explore

After a few more minutes of waiting I decided to just email my Mom with all the information and steps on how to do it, and then said I would email her back later if I managed to do it before the audition. It did around the same time dawn on me that the reservation system might not open until 9:00am…derp…this was probably the problem.,

I clearly needed to get my little pattootie to a park, so off to the bus stop I went, and I actually managed to get to Animal Kingdom by 8:45! Not too shabby for how much I’d done already today! The bus ride was an interesting one though, and I did have some new thoughts while getting into the park..

Here’s an idea, if your child can’t handle a 5 min bus ride without a smart phone to play on, something isn’t right. #technologygeneration

It seriously bothers me when I see this, anywhere, including Disney. Yes, I’m on my phone a lot, and yes, I will bring it out at Disney, but chances are that’s when I’m writing down notes for a trip report. I have also been known to bring it out to play games when waiting for Fantasmic, or in long lines, but usually I’m just tweeting things to people like you guys. I know that sometimes on a bus, or in line for something it’s not that bad, BUT, when you see kids playing games on phones or texting and the parents emailing/working or whatever out to dinner, that just sucks.

Anyways, rant over, sorry this update’s so much talking! I made my way up and through the turnstiles and definitely noticed that they were DEFINITELY slower than the old ones. I had always used the old ones because of my AP in Feb, and Paige just went through the old ones with me so we’d stick together. I think it’s because people just don’t know how to use them yet, but it took longer than usual to get into the parks!

Ah….my beloved…I love AK so much!

Naturally, I followed the crowd through Asia, and today was trying to take pictures of things I didn’t usually notice or photograph!

Huge benefit of traveling solo, you can weave through crowds SO much easier!!

Yup, before I knew it I was seeing this:

It’s yeti time! Good thing I watched some Stacy last night to know some must do Disney!

I rode twice straight away, obviously it’s my main ride over in Animal Kingdom! I took some time going through the queue and up to EE though, really taking time to check out the themeing! I also browsed through the gift shop on the way out of the second ride and picked out a tank top and cute little sundress and had them sent back to the resort! They had a bunch of nice clothes for sale in there, I’m telling ya, AK is the place to shop, nothing smothered in Mickey Heads, but nice stuff! I accept!

I checked the times guide for Pocahontas and on the way over to Africa I stopped at the spot she had been last I had heard, but she apparently wasn’t there anymore, so I figured later or never would be the ample time to meet her hahaha! I then browsed through some more shops over in the Africa range to check some stuff out over there too!

For a trip supposedly just for auditions I sure have bought a lot already! #oops!

While over in the Africa shop I came across of the Mickey “toms” style shoes that actually have a “crocs” insert in them. I’d been looking at them for the past few trips, and then decided they were too pricey. Well, I know decided that since I’d been looking at them forever, I should probably buy them too.


*Sidenote: It’s been an amazing purchase! I’ve worn them SO MUCH already, they’re the perfect balance between flats and running shoes, not as bulky as a runner, looks good with shorts and even some skirt outfits! LOVE THEM. Totally buying a second pair in September!! After my third purchase of the day, it was time to mosey on over to my next stop of Animal Kingdom, and I think you can all guess where that is…
Wow, you're actually available to book Free Dining in person and yet you STILL had to use the phone. :laughing:

I agree. I'm kinda getting tired of all the technology. I mean it's useful, but people don't even talk anymore. It's sad.

I love touring solo since you get to really look at stuff. Undiscovered treasures!

No doubt you're moseying on over to Dinosaur of course. :lmao: Yeah right... :simba:
Love the TR so far.

I agree with you about the #technology generation!
I have 3 kids and we are trying everything we can to keep them from being attached to technology!
Yay, more pictures of ASMu, makes me a little homesick for my March solo trip.

Oh man, the whole free dining fiasco! I hope you were able to book ok. FD was offered this morning for Oct - Dec. I called right at 7 am. Some how I got straight through without even going on hold. No availability at POR or POFQ! :sad1: I ended up going with CSR since I stayed at CBR last November. I don't know how I got so lucky getting straight through, last time I checked there were people that had been on hold 2 hours.

I love mornings at AK. Nothing like being able to walk on EE over and over before the crowds get there!

There must be something in the air at Disney that makes all common sense about shopping go right out the window. :rotfl: I always buy way more stuff that I plan on while I'm there.

I have NO idea where you could be headed next, NOT! :confused3 :lmao:


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