A Date with Monsieur Mickey

Great update Corinna. Nice you got to do Buzz 4 times did I count? I loved the snow scene with snowmen and characters. It looks like a giant Christmas cake!

That boat ride looks cute. Shame about the Frozen royal welcome. I am glad Graham did catch that flight in the end.

Rain France England. Always the same! Oh my goodness look at Minnie in her outfit too cute no wonder you and the English family waitied for this. Great photos, love the Minnie kicking her leg and her holding her skirt.

Cute Pooh too! Yum re Philly Steak. Nice that you meet up with Graham and you had a nice Chinese dinner. Then a catch up and quality time with him. Sounds like a perfect day to me.
Excellent that Graham didn't have plane problems. Did he get on his first choice? or did he have to wait a bit? Your dinner sounds lovely.

Storybook Canal ride looks too cute. I have only done the one at DL once, and that was in 2013. It looks like there are several different scenes at DLP?

Too bad you missed the characters near Casey Jr.

The entrance to the park is so pretty, is that one of the hotels above it?
Wow, so many times on Buzz! I'm glad Graham made it safely and you had such a lovely dinner.
So many great character photos and Christmas decorations! I can't believe all those rides were down! Glad Graham made it on standby!

Jill in CO
Nice you got to do Buzz 4 times did I count?

I managed 5 in total.

I loved the snow scene with snowmen and characters.

Disneyland Paris really does Christmas well.

It looks like a giant Christmas cake!

It does rather.

Oh my goodness look at Minnie in her outfit too cute no wonder you and the English family waitied for this.

I was so happy that I managed to catch her.

Did he get on his first choice?

Yes, he did.

I have only done the one at DL once, and that was in 2013. It looks like there are several different scenes at DLP?

Yes, there are. There are a number of European fairy tales included that have nothing to do with Disney.

Multi-quote is playing up again. The hotel above the entrance is the Disneyland Hotel.

Really enjoying this glimpse into Disneyland Paris Corinna.

I am glad you are enjoying it.

Wow, so many times on Buzz!

I really like this ride and I figure that if I do it often enough, I may actually get better at it.

So many great character photos and Christmas decorations!

Disneyland Paris is well worth a visit during their holiday season. They do this really well.

I can't believe all those rides were down!

It started to get a bit silly especially with a large number of attraction already down for scheduled refurbishment anyway.

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Day 5

This was the day I had looked forward the most out of the trip. It was my birthday and Graham had agreed to come to the parks with me. Unfortunately the day panned out rather differently from what either of us had imagined. I woke up around 2:00 AM, as I needed to go to the bathroom. I quickly checked my emails and was absolutely astounded by the number of emails in my inbox. I would expect that many if I have not checked my emails in at least a week, but I had only checked them a few hours earlier. I quickly went on Facebook and there were dozens of private messages and many more posts on my time line checking if we were OK. I had no idea what this was all in aid of. I went on the Sky News website to find out what was going on and that is how I learned about the terrorist attacks in Paris. By the time this all happened, we had already been asleep. One of my friends from the USA had used a feature that uses the location from status updates to pinpoint were people are to figure out that we were probably at a safe distance from what was happening. She had shared this on my time line. People were still worried though. I quickly posted a status update on my time line and also on a Disney group where I had been sharing photos in real-time to let people know I am OK. I also replied to a few messages and then went back to bed.

When I woke up again shortly before my alarm was due to go off, I had a bit more detailed look at what had actually happened. This is also when I found out that Disneyland Paris would be closed for the day and that the president of France had urged people to stay indoors. This was definitely not how I had imagined this day. Once Graham woke up, I told him what was going on. We were weighing up our options. We did briefly discuss flying home a day early, but then decided that the airport was the place we least wanted to be that day. We also expected that quite a few people probably would cut their trips short, which would make flying standby very difficult. So we decided to stay put. We had an extra hour in bed as we did not have anywhere to be and then decided to head to in search of some breakfast. On the way out of the hotel, I used one of the Internet computers in the lobby to book our tickets back. I had wanted to wait until I knew that Graham had made it before booking the return tickets and then just forgot about it the day before. With our tickets booked we then headed out.

We decided to walk over to the bakery we spotted the evening before. It turned out that we were not the only people who had not taken any notice of the appeal to stay indoors. There were plenty of people out shopping. Children were out playing and people were generally out and about socializing. This was actually very refreshing to see. We stopped at the bakery and I had some macaroons, which may well be the best macaroons I have tasted. They were light and airy and absolutely delicious. Graham had a strawberry tartlet and he seemed to be pretty pleased with his choice too. We then stopped by a mobile phone shop to get a memory card for my DSLR camera. I had asked Graham to bring this as I had hoped to take some photos around the parks with this, but I had not realized that it did not have a memory card in in and for once I had not brought a spare. With this sorted, we set off.

Graham wanted to have a look at the river Marne and I was fine with that idea. We checked directions on my Google Maps app and noticed that there was a park as well. So we headed for that general direction. Very quickly the scenery changed from the ugly concrete apartment buildings to something that can only be described as leafy suburbs. We came across some little parks and saw some nice birds. Soon there were extensive woodlands to our right. It was hard to believe that we were still in suburban Paris.

This walk was about to become even more interesting. We spotted some interesting looking old stone buildings on a raised area to our right. I could see a quirky looking building peeking out in the background and I asked Graham if we could go and have a look. There happened to be a whole square of them. Some of them had modern extensions added, which was a bit of a shame, but the overall effect was still stunning. I noticed the name of the square and Googled this on my phone, as this was obviously something a bit special, but could not find anything apart from listings from estate agents. I was really surprised about this, but as time would tell, I should not have been. We also came across a really nice old church. Unfortunately this was closed. I would have loved to have a look.

Not long after this, we reached what was marked as a park on my Google Maps app. We were in for a huge surprise. As we walked up, we were greeted by beautiful landscaped gardens and a sizeable chateau. We had stayed in the same suburb a number of times and had no idea what a hidden gem was located there. The castle and the land on which it is situated have a long and interesting history. The present chateau dates back to 1699 and at one point was the residence of Madame de Pompadour. It is now owned by the French state and was initially used for entertaining visiting heads of states. Since 1974, it has been open to the public.

Unfortunately the chateau was closed that day, but we walked past the building and found even nicer landscaped gardens. We wandered down the hill and saw a lot of green woodpeckers. At the bottom of the gardens a path led into the woods and we went for a leisurely walk. We did find the river in the end, but this was at the other side of a fence. We made our way back and discovered some other parts if the gardens. It goes to show that sometimes going for a wander can lead you to some real treasures. When we got back towards the entrance, people who were trying to come in where turned away and after we exited, the gate was locked. We had been really lucky that we got there when we did.

We slowly made our way back through the hotel. I saw a signpost for the area where we were staying and we went in that direction. We ended up walking through another woodland. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and it started to rain. It was pretty sheltered in the woodland and it was not raining too heavily once we were back out in the open.
When we got back to the hotel, we sat down in the bar area. They have some rather comfortable sofas there. I had some sparkling mineral water and Graham had some white beer. I tried some and it was rather nice and refreshing. We just relaxed for a while before heading back to our room. We both checked in online and I read for a while before we headed out for my birthday dinner.

The plan was that I would get a little Disney on my birthday after all. There is a buffet restaurant at the Disneyland Hotel offering character meals called Inventions. This has a great reputation, but also prices to go with it. We had a reservation there on a previous trip and ended up cancelling this when we saw the prices. Graham suggested that we could go there for my birthday meal. He pointed out that he saved quite a bit of money by not having to buy a park ticket and the discount I got with my annual pass also made this a little more palpable.

So shortly before 17:00 we set off. The restaurant was due to open at 18:00 and we figured being there nice and early would maximize our changes of being able to get a table. A train pulled in shortly after we got to the platform. This was slow going though. The train was held for a short while at almost every station meaning that the journey took twice as long as it normally would. When we got to the bag check at Disney Village, the line was impressive. It was nice to see that people were out and about. The line did not move very quickly and once we got nearer to the front, it became obvious why. They had started to scan people with metal detector wands. Soon we were through and headed towards the Disneyland Hotel. On the way we were intercepted by a group of cast members. We were asked if we were heading to the hotel, which we confirmed. We were then asked for our hotel card. I explained that we were staying offsite, but were hoping to have a meal at the hotel. I was then asked if this was at Inventions, which I confirmed. I was then asked for our reservation number, which of course I did not have either. I started to think that this was the end of this, but explained that we were trying for a walk up. To my surprise the cast member I had been speaking to wished us luck and waved us through.

When we stepped into the hotel, I was absolutely blown away by the decorations. There was a huge tree and a gingerbread house. We then made up our way towards the restaurant where there were more beautiful decorations. We headed straight to the podium to check if there were still any reservations available. We were offered either 18:00 or 20:30. 18:00 suited us perfectly. Our name was put on the list and we were handed a pager. We went to find a seat in the area in front of the restaurant. At one point I went to get some photos of the Christmas decorations on that floor.

Shortly after I got back, I noticed that Cinderella and Prince Charming had come out and were meeting with people by the fireplace. I was quite excited. I have seen Cinderella many times and have also been lucky enough to meet most princes over the years. However, Prince Charming has always eluded me. I definitely jumped on this opportunity especially as there were only a handful of people in line.

Pretty much as soon as I had said goodbye to the royal couple, our pager went off. We were taken to our table. Our table was by a window overlooking Main Street, which was lit up even though the park was closed. We were also right across from the dessert buffet. I was pretty happy with this location. On our way to our table, we were given a quick guided tour of the buffet. This looked rather nice. Once we were seated, our server came to take our drinks order. I went with sparkling water and Graham had some iced tea. Before we could even go to the buffet, Donald came to see us.

Once he had moved on, we headed to the buffet. Graham concentrated mainly on the seafood. I had some olives, some marinated buffalo mozzarella, cream cheese stuffed peppers, cream cheese stuffed ham and ham and cheese bread. Everything was delicious. While Graham was still working his way through his seafood, I went for some main course. I had some baked ham, potato cakes, meatballs, chicken nuggets, mashed potato and potato gratin. Again, everything was delicious.

When I got back from the buffet, Rabbit came to see us. He was quickly followed by Pinocchio and Gepetto. Pluto passed us by while Gepetto was with us. Somewhere in the middle of this, Graham managed to get some more food. He had some fish, some of the baked ham, some beef medallion, mashed potato and assorted vegetables. Once the characters had moved on, I went back for some more food. I had some beef medallion, beef stew with olives and beans and some risotto. Captain Hook came by and Eeyore turned up at the same time and moved right past us.

We went for some dessert. Like so often with Disney, this is were things unraveled. Everything looked great, but the taste did not match the looks. Graham had some rice pudding that apparently tasted like it came out of a tin. I had a waffle, a chocolate tart, some lemon jelly and some foam strawberries. The strawberries were actually the best of the bunch.

Once we had finished, we had quite a long wait until we got the bill. This actually worked out nicely as while we were waiting, first Tigger came by and then Pluto and Eeyore came to see us on their second walk around the restaurant.

Eventually we did manage to pay. On the way out, we had another look at the decorations. Earlier on, they had set up a train set and this was now working. We then headed over to the station. Again, we did not have to wait long for the train. When we got back to the hotel, I packed and then caught up online. I checked out the train times for the next morning and set the alarm. We had another fairly early night. Even though my birthday had turned out very different from what I had imagined, I had a very enjoyable day.
You certainly made the best of a bad situation on your birthday and I admire the way you choose a positive attitude. So sorry it happened at all poor Paris but on your birthday that sucks!

The little walk in the morning that turned into a gold mine what a winner! Oh I adore macaroons. They and ice cream a real weakness of mine.

What a lovely Chateau. I love the castles of France. No wonder Walt admired and copied them into his designs.

The Disneyland hotel gingerbread house is brilliant! I love this hotel. Not stayed there though it is so espensive! But that buffet looks wonderful I am so glad you got a reservation. The food looks great. I agree re deserts. I would prefer they just offered sugar cookies, jello and soft serve!

I am pleased it worked out in the end!
I love all of your pictures, especially the ones with characters - Marie is so cute! I really love your sparkly ears as well!

So glad that you still managed to fit in some Disney on your birthday, I did think of you when I read about what was happening in Paris that night/weekend.
You certainly made the best of a bad situation on your birthday and I admire the way you choose a positive attitude.

There really was nothing not to be positive about. I was with the man I love. We were both safe and healthy. Everything else does not really matter in the grander scheme of things. I have also learned over the years that if a spanner gets thrown in the works, plan B often works out to be extremely magical.

The little walk in the morning that turned into a gold mine what a winner!

It definitely was this. I still can't understand why they keep this so quiet. If you have a treasure like this in your town, one would think that you publicise it.

Oh I adore macaroons.

I do, too and those were very special.

What a lovely Chateau.

It was. I am hoping that at some stage I get the chance to see the inside.

The Disneyland hotel gingerbread house is brilliant!

I really loved this and actually thought it was nicer than the one at the Grand Floridian.

Not stayed there though it is so espensive!

It is. We have never stayed anywhere onsite at Disneyland Paris. The prices for the onsite hotels make my eyes water.

But that buffet looks wonderful

It was. I can definitely recommend this.

I would prefer they just offered sugar cookies, jello and soft serve!

I could quite happily live with this.

Marie is so cute!

She was precious.

I really love your sparkly ears as well!

I got them at Disneyland last year.

So glad that you still managed to fit in some Disney on your birthday

So was I. This worked out rather well.

I did think of you when I read about what was happening in Paris that night/weekend.

Thanks. It is appreciated.

Day 6

We set a new record this morning. We were up, showered, dressed and checked out all in 20 minutes. We headed over to the station and a train arrived shortly afterwards. This time the journey went very smoothly and 15 minutes later we were at Marne-la-Vallee/ Chessy station. We still had nearly an hour until our train to the airport was due to leave, but this turned out to be a blessing.

Things had changed at the station even from when we were there the evening before. The station was positively swarming with heavily armed military. I know that they were there for our protection, but people that must be feeling twitchy with big machine guns in a confined space made me more nervous than any possible terrorist threat. The station was very busy and we had to wait a while until we got to the front of the line at a ticket machine. Unfortunately this decided to be temperamental. First it would not let us type in the numbers for the PIN number at all and then it put them in multiple times. I headed for the ticket office, but the line was silly long. Other people were having issues with the machines, too. Staff at the station did their best to help, but in the end they told some people to just get on the train and pay the train manager. We tried another machine and that decided to cooperate on the second attempt and we got our tickets. Even though it felt like this had taken forever, when we got to a screen that has all the platforms listed, our train still did not have a platform assigned. This happened shortly afterwards and we headed down to the platform. We figured out in which zone we needed to be and waited for our train. The train arrived on time and 10 minutes later we arrived at the airport.

When we came up from the station, Graham spotted some check in kiosks for Air France. He pointed them out more or less in jest. He was more than a little surprised when I asked him for his passport and headed for one of the kiosks. When I fly standby, whenever I can, I will check in online or at the self-service kiosks. I figure it is a privilege that I can travel standby to virtually anywhere in the world and this year I have really benefitted from this. So I think it is only fair that I make the other airline as little work as possible. Checking in online or via a self-service kiosk goes a long way towards this. If they are unable to assign me a seat, the system will tell me to report at a check in desk. So there is nothing lost doing this, but potentially a lot to be gained. I really was not sure what to expect, but I had plan B and C at the ready. I was prepared to have another ticket issued for Flybe on short notice and to sweet-talk them to accept me without being listed first. I even checked what the loads looked like on our flight to Dubai and back to Manchester. If all else had failed, this would have worked. I started to get a sinking feeling when the kiosk asked me if I wanted to change to a later flight. I thought that this might be an indication that the flight was full. Fortunately this was not the case and the kiosk printed our boarding passes.

As we only had hand luggage, we could bypass the check in hall completely and head straight to security. There came the next surprise. We got to the entrance of security and the line looked quite long. This was no problem as we had plenty of time. However, when the member of staff at the entrance checked our boarding passes, he advised us that we were in the wrong spot. He explained that with our type of ticket, we should go through fast track security. This amused me no end as we had just paid peanuts for our ticket. We thanked him and headed over to fast track security where there was only one person in front of us. We were through there in no time. One of our previous vice presidents for the UK and Ireland always used to say that working for an airline, you will never be a millionaire, but you sometimes get to taste a millionaire’s lifestyle. I started to believe this.

After we were through security, I had a quick look at a couple of shops and then we went in search of some coffee and something to eat. This was surprisingly difficult. Eventually we found an organic cafe. The food all seemed to be somewhat unusual. We both got a piece of baguette and Graham got a raisin Danish. We both got some coffee, too. We sat down and had our breakfast. Once we had finished, we headed towards our gate, which was at the far end of the terminal and there were huge picture windows overlooking the airport. There were all kinds of interesting tails around. We found a couple of seats with a view and I made use of the free Wi-Fi to catch up online. Graham suddenly noticed a very familiar tail. Our A380 had just landed and was taxiing in. I wondered if I would get a better look. I did not have to wait long for the answer to hat question. The A380 turned towards us and essentially was parked right in front of my nose. I am coming up to my 10th anniversary working for the company, but I still get butterflies in my stomach when I see one of our planes.

It did not take long until boarding started and this was a fairly slow process. However, we were on the plane soon enough. There were plenty of spare seats and Graham and I had three seats between the two of us, which was nice. The flight was smooth. With Air France being a full service airline, we even got a snack. However, the concept of a radish and pesto sandwich did not really appeal to me. Graham was braver than me and said this was actually pretty nice. I was quite happy with just a Coke. When we landed in Manchester, there was a bit of a delay. A representative from Greater Manchester Police got on the plane and advised us that there would be plainclothes police officers in the immigration hall and if anybody had witnessed anything to do with the terror attacks, to make themselves known to one of them. I figured that this was probably a fairly futile exercise, but I was still impressed with how this was handled.

As we were walking towards immigration, I saw my second A380 for the day. This should have left before we got there, but was a little delayed. When we got to passport control, the line for the e-gates was a lot longer than for the traditional immigration desks so we got in the shorter line. It did not take us long to clear the formalities and we were heading towards the exit before the luggage had even started to arrive. Flying with hand luggage only does have its advantages.

When we got to the station, we ended up having to run for the train. The journey really could not have been any smoother. This has encouraged me to make the best out of my annual pass over the next year.
I was glad when you checked in on FB. Paris was unfolding in real time in Australia during daytime hours and I was worried that you/Graham might have been out and about. Even though I figured you'd stay in the Disney bubble....there is nothing like knowing for sure.
Thank you so much for that wonderful trip report! I enjoyed all the pictures of DLP! Your plan B sounds wonderful and I am sure that Graham actually enjoyed it more than he would have enjoyed plan A. ;-)
Fantastic report. I was so glad you guys weren't impacted by the events in Central Paris and you were able to make lemonade out of the day that DLP was closed. Enjoy your current trip!

Jill in CO
What a lovely birthday despite the change in plans. The chateau and grounds were gorgeous! What a treat to find such treasures. And how excellent you were able to still have some Disney in your day for dinner. Too bad about the desserts but the rest of the food sounded delicious.

Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Glad your travel day was smooth despite the extra security.
Wow! You wrapped up that whole TR before you even left for Dubai! I got so far behind while on my own trip, I'm not sure what all to comment on.

The birthday dinner sounded very nice, and all the characters! There were quite a few! I'm glad you were able to make lemonade out of the lemons you were given that day

You really go in a few rides on Buzz! The parades looked rather interesting, slightly different in the types of floats for the characters.

I'm glad that everything worked out for you and Graham and that it was a fun and pleasant trip for you.
I was glad when you checked in on FB.

I would have done so earlier if I had been aware what was going on.

Paris was unfolding in real time in Australia during daytime hours and I was worried that you/Graham might have been out and about.

We did stay pretty close to Disneyland at all times and when we are on holiday, we tend to be early birds. We get up early and go to bed quite early.

Your plan B sounds wonderful and I am sure that Graham actually enjoyed it more than he would have enjoyed plan A. ;-)

I am absolutely sure of this. I was teasing him a little that he went to some length to avoid having to go to the parks with me. I did love plan B though.

I was so glad you guys weren't impacted by the events in Central Paris and you were able to make lemonade out of the day that DLP was closed.

I was glad about this, too. I really was not sure what to expect once I had caught up with the news. We are pretty used to regrouping quickly when things do not go according to plan and usually this works out great.

What a lovely birthday despite the change in plans. The chateau and grounds were gorgeous!

I am still not over how much of a gem we discovered there.

And how excellent you were able to still have some Disney in your day for dinner.

I was so happy when Graham suggested this.

Too bad about the desserts but the rest of the food sounded delicious.

I am not sure why I was even surprised as I often find this with Disney desserts. However, being in Paris, I really expected something better.

Wow! You wrapped up that whole TR before you even left for Dubai!

I have a lot of ground to cover this year. I will get started with the trip report for my coast to coast trip after New Year and I want this and the cruise trip report done before the May trip.

The birthday dinner sounded very nice, and all the characters!

This was definitely one of the better character meal. I would recommend this when you come to Disneyland Paris.

I'm glad you were able to make lemonade out of the lemons you were given that day

If we did not have this ability, we would have missed out on so much.

You really go in a few rides on Buzz!

I love this ride and I can do with the practice.

The parades looked rather interesting, slightly different in the types of floats for the characters.

Parades is something they do really well in Paris. After I saw the original Christmas parade in 1996, I have been pretty much spoiled for parades.

Great report. I love all your pictures. Sorry that your birthday didn't go as planned but glad you managed to salvage the day and get some Disney into it.
Great report. I love all your pictures. Sorry that your birthday didn't go as planned but glad you managed to salvage the day and get some Disney into it.

Thanks. It all worked out pretty well in the end.



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