A Dis Meet Planning Report

With Pete's recent announcement canceling his appearance at the Grapevine, Texas meet it had me wondering. How many Disers will cancel due to the fact that Pete and Walter weren't able to attend? I realized that when Pete posted on our Virginia Dis Meet thread that he was attending there was an increase in the number of Disers wanting to attend.

So what happens when Pete, Walter, or any other Podcast member has to cancel due to something happening in their lives? Any thoughts or ideas.

:scared1: Disers cancel on the Dis Meet they are going to attend. :scared1:

Now let me share with you what that does. When a Dis Meet is planned, it is planned on the number of guests who have signed up. The location size, the number of auction items, cupcakes, souvenirs, etc. all have to come into consideration. That is why we ask who is interested in attending. Now when planning a Meet, for example our Meet who has 56 Disers attending, we plan for 56 Disers with the understanding that things will happen and Disers may cancel. No big deal. We understand about deaths in the family, or a family member is sick, or the house is gone due to a storm. But when you cancel just because Pete or Walter or whomever cancels their appearance that really isn't fair to the people planning the Dis Meet.

For our Meet, Cheri and I have asked corporations to donate money (which we haven't received any response) or items. Since that isn't going really well, the money for everything is coming out of our pockets. We are not complaining we are happy do to it. WHY???

Because a Dis Meet is a chance to meet other Disney fans and now it is a chance to help such a worthy cause; GKTW. A Dis Meet is NOT a place to meet Pete, Walter, or the Podcast crew only; instead it is a bonus surprise.

So PLEASE if you say that you will attend a Dis Meet and cancel, remember all the time and money that was put into this Meet just for you. PLEASE make sure that the reason to cancel is NOT because Pete or whomever can't attend. But an actual emergency type situation.

Our Dis Meets serve a greater purpose these days. And if you cancel because you can't meet a Podcast member you are not only hurting the people that put their hearts and souls into putting the Meet together BUT you are also hurting some amazing children who need help.

Again I am not yelling at anyone in particular or chastising anyone, so please don't send mean emails. I just wanted everyone to know that a lot goes into a Dis Meet and if cancel for not such a good reason then it hurts more than just a few people.

But here is something to think about.....

If you planned on attending a Dis Meet and can't because your Boa Constrictor cut the power from your house and you can't wash clothes and you become contagiously sick then, please at least think about donating to one of the many First Giving pages supporting the Power of 10:GKTW. And make a note that it was in honor of a Dis Meet that you couldn't attend. At least you can help in another small way.

There are many to choose from:
With Pete's recent announcement canceling his appearance at the Grapevine, Texas meet it had me wondering. How many Disers will cancel due to the fact that Pete and Walter weren't able to attend? I realized that when Pete posted on our Virginia Dis Meet thread that he was attending there was an increase in the number of Disers wanting to attend.

So what happens when Pete, Walter, or any other Podcast member has to cancel due to something happening in there lives? Any thoughts or ideas.

:scared1: Disers cancel on the Dis Meet they are going to attend. :scared1:

Now let me share with you what that does. When a Dis Meet is planned, it is planned on the number of guests who have signed up. The location size, the number of auction items, cupcakes, souvenirs, etc. all have to come into consideration. That is why we ask who is interested in attending. Now when planning a Meet, for example our Meet who has 56 Disers attending, we plan for 56 Disers with the understanding that things will happen and Disers may cancel. No big deal. We understand about deaths in the family, or a family member is sick, or the house is gone due to a storm. But when you cancel just because Pete or Walter or whomever cancels their appearance that really isn't fair to the people planning the Dis Meet.

For our Meet, Cheri and I have asked corporations to donate money (which we haven't received any response) or items. Since that isn't going really well, the money for everything is coming out of our pockets. We are not complaining we are happy do to it. WHY???

Because a Dis Meet is a chance to meet other Disney fans and now it is a chance to help such a worthy cause; GKTW. A Dis Meet is NOT a place to meet Pete, Walter, or the Podcast crew only; instead it is a bonus surprise.

So PLEASE if you say that you will attend a Dis Meet and cancel, remember all the time and money that was put into this Meet just for you. PLEASE make sure that the reason to cancel is NOT because Pete or whomever can't attend. But an actual emergency type situation.

Our Dis Meets serve a greater purpose these days. And if you cancel because you can't meet a Podcast member you are not only hurting the people that put their hearts and souls into putting the Meet together BUT you are also hurting some amazing children who need help.

Again I am not yelling at anyone in particular or chastising anyone, so please don't send mean emails. I just wanted everyone to know that a lot goes into a Dis Meet and if cancel for not such a good reason then it hurts more than just a few people.

But here is something to think about.....

If you planned on attending a Dis Meet and can't because your Boa Constrictor cut the power from your house and you can't wash clothes and you become contagiously sick then, please at least think about donating to one of the many First Giving pages supporting the Power of 10:GKTW. And make a note that it was in honor of a Dis Meet that you couldn't attend. At least you can help in another small way.

There are many to choose from:

:surfweb: Very well put!
Robin"D";42813551 said:
:surfweb: Very well put!

Thank you for your support Robin. I didn't want to sound mean but wanted to share some feelings. See you soon.
If my count is correct, we have only 39 days left before our meet :yay: It's going to be a great time and I look forward to meeting everyone !!!
There is four weeks left until our Meet.

Now I am getting a little nervous.

When Cheri and I started to plan for our Meet. I knew how much time we had. I made a plan on what to do and how long each project should take. I was set and organized.....:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

What in the world has happened?!?!?! I just realized we have 27 days and I am no where near finished. Those who have planned any type of party understand my dilemma. You plan, you figure out how long each project will take, and somehow you run out of time.

Cheri and I had to make 56 name tags. It didn't seem like a big project. Two hours top to laminate, cut, and glue on the clasps. WHATEVER!!! Cheri laminated the tags, so I am not sure how long it took her. She mailed me the laminated tags and I received them in the mail. The next day I sat down and start trimming out the unnecessary paper. It took me 3 hours to trim 56 tags. Then I had to glue the clasps to the back...no problem. Yeah, okay it took me 1 and half hours. So a project that I thought would only take 2 hours, took 4 and half...:confused3.

I am not complaining. I am actually smiling that the ideas we have in our heads don't just seem to match real life time. Last Friday, everything seemed to go wrong. My volunteer to make cupcakes may bail. My surprise from my friend in France will probably not happen. Glitter glue is a pain in the butt to use. Some people who offer to help donate something revoked their offer. The list just went on and on. I did actually shed a tear for being so tired and just overwhelmed by everything that happened this day. I had to step away.

My door bell rang and it was the Mailman. He handed me a box. I opened it and inside was a Mickey Halloween popcorn bucket. My friends Lois (parrotheadlois) and Greg (DUHGreg) sent it to me from WDW. It just made my day. All these "bad" things were happening and was falling apart, but this Halloween popcorn bucket just made me feel better. I took a deep breathe and finished the name tags.

Yay, one project down and just a few more to go. I am sure I will feel overwhelmed as each day passes, but I keep telling myself that the main reason for this Meet is to meet other Disers and support some great kids.

This makes all this "mess" worth it. Off to my next project.
I hear ya..I still have 1 item to make for the meet. It won't take me long, but I have to find the items for it. Hopefully this weekend I can get out and take care of it. There's so much to do around the house, and I've not been feeling well for the last week.

I keep going through the items that I have for the meet, and each time, it get's me more excited.
As the days tick away until our first Virginia Dis Meet, I am actually excited and a little bit nervous. There is no rule book for a Dis Meet so everything is planned by the planners. This past week I began to question whether Cheri and I planned enough. I guess I am nervous that for 3 hours everyone will just stare at each other and watch the clock tick by. So then I wonder should we have games, should we have group activities, should we doing something else. And what I have realized is that we do have something in common. We love Disney and we want to support such a worthy cause and that we sort of know each other by what we post on the boards or that some of us have actually met throughout these past few years.

So I breathe a little easily knowing that we may not all know each other, but by the end of our Meet we will. We will finally put faces and real names to Disboard names. We can talk about Disney until our time is up and we will have helped support the dreams of many children. As I get nervous we don't have enough activities to do, I remind myself the purpose of our Meet and it makes me smile. I know that even just a small group of Disney fans can do so much for others no matter the theme, activities or whatever.

Now I am just nervous that the Cafe' is a little small. Oh well, live and learn....:lmao:.
Just think, we get to meet each other this coming Saturday !!!!
So today is Thursday and it is two days until our Meet. I can't believe that I am actually calm and ready. I packed up the items already to go a couple of weeks ago. When I thought of something we needed, I took care of it and packed it with the other items.

So now I am getting impatient. Usually when I plan something like this I am still running around until the last day. This is so unusual. So I either time planned really well or I am forgetting something. Hhhmmmm.......

It is hard to believe that it has been 100 days. Some days seemed liked they would never end and some days just flew by. And now here we are, two days until our Meet and I am okay. I thought I would be nervous or freaking out over everything and I am not. Which I am not sure is good or bad...LOL.

I have enjoyed putting this Meet together with Cheri. Even though I was frustrated at times over different things. But I am excited. I really enjoy Christmas, so putting together a Holiday Dis Meet was so much fun. Of course it is hard to plan a Christmas party in September. So believe me, the day after Halloween I was looking at different stores for Christmas items. Note to self: When planning a Christmas themed party, start the year before.

When we started planning this 100 days ago, I thought that today I would be running around, nervous and not sure what would happen on Saturday. But you know, I don't expect anything from the Meet except a couple of things. That the Disers just enjoy meeting one another and that we raise some money for GKTW. And I don't even have a money goal. I would hate to say that we should raise $1,000 on Saturday and be sad and upset that we didn't come close. So I am not going to do that to myself or anyone.

I just want the Disers coming to just be able to enjoy themselves. Hopefully we won't be too cramped in this tiny Cafe'....:confused3. I just want people to enjoy the Christmas music, eat cupcakes, and just have fun meeting one another.

I guess in 2 days I will know.
Melissa, it's been a pleasure to organize this with you. One of the best things is that after hundreds of emails and numerous FB posts, I feel that I've made a new friend, and that to me, is priceless. The fact that you are a DISer and that you don't live that far away is a bonus. I'm all packed for tomorrow and I feel that we are ready. No matter how much money we raise it's for a great organization and I am honored to be a part of it.
So it is 1:28 AM on Sunday; a day after our Meet. You would think I would be exhausted and sleeping but for some reason I can't sleep. I am not sure why, maybe my brain is still stirring from the Meet.

As this thread comes to an end, I realize what an amazing journey it has been. What seemed like something that would never happen, due to a meeting place problem, here I am with a successful Meet behind me.

Cheri and I started planning over 100 days ago, because a Virginia Meet has always been talked about but unfortunately never happened. But somehow this one did. I guess where there is a will there is a way. It was like this Meet was suppose to happen. When things looked bleak on a location, a simple cheer me up dinner turned out to be the answer. When Cheri and I weren't sure what type of items to have for auction, Disers volunteered to donate items. Even Disers who weren't attending our Meet wanted to help in someway and because they did, it helped raise more money. Cheri and I met for lunch to discuss the Meet details and we invited a Diser (Robin "D") to join us. At the last minute, he handed me a plastic envelope full of E-tickets and that item was auctioned off for more than any of us expected. I laugh at this, because maybe we should have put together a second frame worth...LOL. When the person who was suppose to help me make cupcakes had to bail due to family issues, I actually had extra time to bake and frost cupcakes. It was just amazing how things fell into place or when there was a problem, a solution eventually presented itself.

Some of you may or may not believe in a higher power, but I believe that this Meet was suppose to happen for a deserving child who wants to go to the Orlando area. They say God moves in mysterious ways and I really and truly do believe that. Our Meet raised almost $5,000. Not quite there, but we still have a First Giving page that is still excepting donations, but amazingly close. Pete mentioned it takes about $5,000 to bring one family to the Orlando area. So I truly believe that there is a child in need and because we put this Meet together when we did, it will help a child's wish come true. I know we will never know which child it helped but we know it did. I truly believe things happen for a reason and this time it was a Meet to help someone.

Sorry, I don't mean to spout religious beliefs on anyone and I honor anyone's beliefs. So please don't be offended by anything religious whatever. I am just stating that I believe things happen for a reason and it was proved today.

With some frustrations and uncertainties on how to even start to put a Meet together I think we did pretty well. And I hope anyone who wants to put together a Meet finds this thread at least a little helpful. Yes, even with all the planning, things didn't go exactly the way we planned. But we knew things might occur in a not so planned manner and we adjusted pretty well. We learned what to do, should there be a next time. And no, I am not thinking of a Meet for next year, yet. I want to get through the Holidays first...LOL. But now we know what works and what does not.

I want to thank you for joining me on my journey as I co-hosted a Meet. I really enjoyed sharing our planning process and I hope that it may help someone else.

And I will admit that I had no expectations for this Meet when I woke up yesterday morning. It wasn't until I was driving to the location that the nerves set and I realized that this was actually happening. But everything turned out well and I believe 50+ people had a good time. I met a lot of new people and saw some Disers I hadn't seen in a while.

It's been about 8 hours since the Meet ended and it wasn't until now that I realized what 2 Disers with a determination to have Meet accomplished. We raised enough money to send a child and his/her family to have the vacation of their dreams. As a tear rolls down my cheek, I am so happy and excited to know that would could this do for that child and his family. I know I didn't do this alone; I had an amazing co-partner and 50+ wonderful Disers who helped. :grouphug: And I thank each and everyone of them from the bottom of my heart. :grouphug:

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Okay, now I need a tissue........
Melissa, I couldn't have said that any better. On the drive home, I was thinking of all that happened, the people that I met and the looks on the faces of the children as they opened their goodie bags and were coloring in the activity books...everyone looked like they were having a good time...and they were. Pictures were being taken, stories were being told and good food was eaten. It was a huge, huge success !!!!!

I now must say a big, big THANK YOU to you Melissa, for all of your hard work that you put into this event. The decorations were awesome, all of your artwork for the kids goodie bags, the table decorations, the pamphlet you put together...all of it....You did a wonderful job.

I'd also like to thank Aaron and Steve for taking the pictures to record this event....they did a great job. I'd also like to thank my DD Jennifer for all the little things we asked her to do for us...it really helped.

Oh, and your parents did an awesome job helping us as well. A big thank you to them as well.

As I look back from where we started, I never in my wildest dreams thought that the event would turn out so well... Since this was the first one for Virginia, I thought maybe 20 or so people would come...we had over 50....I had a number in mind as a goal...we over doubled that !!! The DISers that attended really stepped up to the plate for GKTW. From those that donated items, to those that bid and won the auctions we raised a lot of money and for that a deserving child and family will have a vacation of a lifetime. I am truly honored to have been a part of this.

I made a statement in the beginning, something like "lets show them what Virginia can do".....and boy did we. I'm so proud to have met everyone at the meet and to be a part of such a wonderful group of people.

It's been a great journey, so thank you Melissa for letting me tag along.
Thank you so much guys. I am in the very early planning stages of a possible Nova Scotia - 1st Canadian meet and loved reading your journey.
Job well done!!!
Thank you so much guys. I am in the very early planning stages of a possible Nova Scotia - 1st Canadian meet and loved reading your journey.
Job well done!!!

Thank you for your kind words. If you have any questions or need suggestions, please let me know. A possible Meet in Nova Scotia sounds really cool. Good luck with all your planning and the possibility. :flower3:
Great info!! Congrats on a successful meet!!! :) We're having one in IA in a few months so your info helped!! Thanks again!!


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