'a fab few days at dlp'


Earning My Ears
May 1, 2010
We were at Disneyland paris last week, we had a fab time thanks to many of the tips i picked up on here!

There was me (35) hubby(36) DD(10) DS(5) and DD(3). It was our 3rd trip having been before in 2003 and 2006. Here is my trip report;

Monday 31st may
Left at 4.30am for the 2 hour drive to eurotunnel, we had left plenty of time to get there for our 7.50am train luckily as we arrived early we were allocated the 6.50am train so were soon on our way to france. Arrived in Calais and drove to davy crocketts ranch in 3 hours arriving at 12 noon (the French roads really are easy to drive on!). checked in (only 2 people in front of us) and were told our cabin was ready, we had booked a premium cabin so were on tomahawk trail, right near the breakfast hut which was handy. The cabin was clean and well laid out (think the kids bedroom may have been a bit tight with 4 kids in though, we had 3 and there wasn’t much space between the beds) we dumped our bags ate the picnic lunch i had bought with us and then headed off to the parks.

We hit main street usa at 2pm just as the showtime spectacular was starting, this was a great way to start our holiday. First stop was star tours as requested by my star wars mad son, he really enjoyed this. We then headed to fantasyland and did the tea cups and small world, both had small queues, after that we went over to bella pizza to get a spot for the parade (thanks to the tip on here telling us this was where the princesses danced) we saw the all stars express going the other way and then the parade began, Disney really do an amazing job with these, the floats are great and the music really catchy. This was my daughters first glimpse of the princesses and she loved it.

After the parade we had a go on the carasoul and then headed back to davy crocketts for dinner. Tip: Take the path to the right of the castle where the dragon is and you can get some good pics in front the castle without all the other people in them!!
Croketts tavern was a good place to eat, there was a good selection of food, plently that the kids would eat and the desserts were yummy! Pluto and Donald duck were outside when we came out so the kids got their books signed and we got some good pictures after that it was back to the cabin for an early night.

Tuesday 1st june
Up about 7am and went to queue for breakfast at about 7.20am, already a bit of a queue and the CM was a bit slow (they really could do with making breakfast available earlier for those that want to get into the park for EMH). Had a quick breakfast, made some rolls up for lunch using the breakfast bread and some fillings we had took with us (this is great advantage of DCR as you have a fridge etc you can take stuff for picnics and save a fortune on lunches) we were in the park by about 8.30am and headed straight for buzz (one of my favourites) we went on this twice and then did orbitron.

Next stop was big thunder mountain, so we went to join the queue in front of frontierland ready for rope drop at 10am. Really was a bit of a mob here, people trying to push through to the front, had to keep hold of the kids hand to avoid loosing them in the stampede once the gates opened!
Joined the btm queue and had about a 30 min wait so not too bad. After that we headed for the princess meet and great but the queue was massive so we decided not to wait much to my 3 year olds disappointment, fortunately the little sleeping beauty show was just starting the other side of the castle so we went to watch that which cheered her up.

Then we did alice’s maze and bumped into tweedle dee, we jumped on the train at fantasyland and did a trip round the park (much better to get on the train at one the stations in the ‘lands’ and avoid the big queue at main street). After a break for lunch we did the tea cups and the carasoul again and thne using the fast pass we got earlier did peter pan and then snow white’s ride (whilst i appreciate that the scary bits are all part of the story i do think that could have focussed a bit more on the happier bits and made then more suitable for young children, the snow white ride is mostly about the scary forest! – there are plently of other rides in the park if you like the scary stuff).

After huge candy flosses, we headed to adventureland and did POTC (our kids weren’t keen on this) and then headed to the pirates playground to chill out a bit, it started to rain when we were here and became quite persistant as we headed back to pizza bella to watch the parade.
So we watched the parade in the rain, and although the princesses didn’t get off and dance the rain didn’t spoil it. I took the girls on the tea cups and the carasoul again whilst my hubby took ds to star tours planning to meet up again to watch the 5.20pm showtime spectacular from the back this time!! Unfortunatley this was cancelled due to the rain so we headed for the village and had a wander round the shops before our cafe mickey booking at 6.15pm. – this was the highlight of our trip – see separate review on cafe mickey thread.


more to follow....................
sounds great so far i cant wait to read the rest
I can't wait to read the rest. What did you think of the Davy Crockett Ranch, did you find it a pain having to drive into the parks each day?
Loving your TR, shame about the rain, but it sounds like you still managed to have a fun packed time!
I can't wait to read the rest. What did you think of the Davy Crockett Ranch, did you find it a pain having to drive into the parks each day?

we loved davy crocketts, we booked one of new 2 bed cabins and it was great. basic but clean. i like the fact that as you have a kitchen/fridge you can take plenty of snacks etc with you, we took sandwich fillings and used the breakfast bread to make rolls for lunch and saved a fortune on buying lunch in the park.
driving in everyday wasn't a problem, it's only about ten mins and if you get in early you'll be at the front of the car park so the walk from there isn't too bad. probably takes no longer than the walk from the cheyenne etc and certainly better than the crush on the buses. swimming pool and restaurant were great too.
Mmm...I could just eat some of that yummy candy floss right now...

Sounds like a great start to the trip, will have to check out your Cafe Mickey review. :goodvibes
Wednesday 2nd june
Up early again (who said this was a holiday!!!) and we made it to the park for about 8.30am, today was to be our studios day but we headed for EMH at Disneyland park first and did buzz twice and then orbitron before going over to the studios, i was surprised at how much this had grown since our last visit 3 years ago, they really have improved it a lot, even more so when toyland opens later in the year.

We joined a queue which we thought was the gate to one of the areas but as it started moving realised it was for crush! As my lot aren’t into rollercoasters we quickly diverted and were lucky enough to spot buzz arriving at his area, so we got his autograph and some pictures without queuing and then did the cars ride which they loved.

Next stop was the stitch live show which i was really looking forward to – i think he’s really funny! Unfortunately after waiting for 30mins we were told there was a technical problem and that we would have to try again later! Time for a quick replan of our day! and we headed for the motor stunt show which was great. It was now time for our lunch reservation at restaurant des stars so after a quick stop at a cart to buy the Minnie ears that the girls had been pestering for we arrived at the restaurant.

It wasn’t particularly busy in here but they took a while to seat us (and then we had to go back outside to go to the toilets!!), the queue for the non reservations looked really slow! The food was ok but i wouldn’t rush to eat here again, it just seemed a bit ’canteen’ like and remy never got round to our table. We had to hurry the end of our meal as we wanted to get back outside for the stars and cars parade at 2.15pm. it was very confusing which way the cars were coming – i was expecting a parade but unfortunately the spot we chose was to the right of the stage where they move the ropes and once the cars were in and they moved the ropes we ended up right at the back so couldn’t see a thing!! We gave up and went over to do the flying carpets which only had a 20 minute queue.

After that we did ‘animagique’ which we all loved (even though it hasn’t changed since our first visit 7 years ago!!) and then went to try and see stitch live again, fortunately there we no technical problems this time and we all enjoyed this, really clever how the cartoon interacts with the audience.
It was now about 5pm and the kids were flagging so we headed back to davy crocketts for a swim. The pool here is fab, really big with a slide and jacuzzis, we didn’t find the water too cool and spent a good hour in here splashing around. It was a lovely evening so we sat outside in the courtyard for a while afterwards and saw Minnie and Donald duck before heading back to the cabin for a quick supper before bed.
Thursday 3rd june
Bit of a slower start this morning as the kids were exhausted, got to the park about 9am. First stop buzz again and then off to fantasyland where we went on the tea cups , another favourite. By this time it was nearly 10am so we headed for the princess meet and greet to get a good spot in the queue, knowing that if we left it any later the queue would be huge! We got near the front of the queue so just had a 45 minute wait until the princesses came out. I waited with the kids while hubby went over to btm to get fast passes for later. Really hot today and no shade in the queue so the wait was hard work but worth it to see the smile on my little girls face when she met Cinderella – shame they only have one princess at a time (last time we went they had two out so made it a bit more worth while waiting)

It was now our fast pass time for btm so off we went to frontierland, we had 5 tickets but as our youngest is too small hubby took the older two on first and then i took the eldest on again.

Was really warming up now and a bit of chill out time was needed to we took a nice ride round the lake on the paddleboat steamer and then headed for pochohontas village to eat our lunch. Unfortunately this was closed but we found a nice shady bench to eat our picnic!
After lunch we wandered past woody’s round up, but they were just finishing so we made a note to come back here tomorrow, we did see the chipmunks outside though.

We went onto adventureland and did the robinson family tree and then went back to central plaza to watch the showtime spectular (we had noticed earlier in the week that if you stand at the back of the stage you see the characters arriving and they interact with the audience during the show so we went to watch from here) we arrived early and a very helpful CM told us the best place to stand and then as i was taking some castle pics she offered to take one of all 5 of us which was nice.

We had a great spot and our kids were right near the front but once the characters appeared we experienced a load of pushing and shoving from behind, one child about 10/11 so not small practically sat on my youngest in her pushchair so he got a few choice words from me, i don’t think English was his first language but i think he got the gist of it!! We held our ground and the kids got autographs from the incredibles and it was really funny watching stitch mess around with some of the CM’s

Back to fantasyland where we did small world and alice’s maze, the kids loved cooling off under the fountains in here, we then had an ice cream break (very expensive!!) before getting our spot for the parade – i could watch this over and over again and my youngest was thrilled when belle came over to say hello to her.
Onto the carasoul again and then after a long hot day we headed back to davy crocketts for dinner. They had a bbq going outside today so we were able to eat from there as well as the buffet. After a nice meal we went back to the cabin to pack our bags ready for tomorrow’s departure.
Friday 4th june
I was pleased we had packed most things yesterday so after loading the car and eating breakfast we still got to the park for about 9.15am. again we headed for buzz first (noticing a pattern here?!) we then thought we would get in the queue for autopia as we have never done this but they didn’t open until 11.30am! so we had wander though nautilus and then my eldest decided she was brave enough to go and see the dragon so we did this and then went on the teacups again before heading over to woody’s round up. There was surprisingly few people over here so we only had about 30 min wait and then saw goofy,Minnie, mickey, woody and Jessie – this was a great way to meet the characters, nice orderly queue no pushing and shoving and you then saw 5 characters at once – fab idea!! They should do this with more of them.


We headed back to fantasyland to eat our picnic and then had once last go on the teacups before doing a bit of shopping (mickey gloves was my son's choice!!)

Last stop was to be the 2pm showtime spectacular before we needed to leave and head back to Calais.
We headed back to main street and did a bit more shopping in the liberty arcade and as we came out of here we saw winnie the pooh signing some autographs (he was great, deliberately ignoring those who were pushing and shoving and choosing who he would say hello to next. My youngest waited very patiently and was rewarded when winnie picked her!

We watched the showtime spectacular and then boo hoo it was time to leave. We bought three large balloons on the way out, not sure how we got these in the car but we just about managed it.
There were tears as we left, we had had a fantastic time and will be taking some wonderful memories home with us (not to mention bout 600 photos! I do love my camera!) i hope we will be back, although hubby is talking about doing florida next so there may be a couple of years of saving ahead!

The trip back to Calais was easy and after a quick stop for some dinner and a few bottles of wine we were on the train and arrived back in essex about 10pm.
Sounds like you all had a great time - don't the kids faces just light up at Disney :)

Thanks for sharing :goodvibes
Lovely trip report - looks like you had a fab trip!! Thanks for sharing - esp love all your photos!

I agree that Woody's Round Up is fantastic :goodvibes and that something along those lines in WDS would be really good!
It was great to read your report, the photos are lovely but I couldn't spot any of mine in them though! Is there anything you would do differently if you went again?
It was great to read your report, the photos are lovely but I couldn't spot any of mine in them though! Is there anything you would do differently if you went again?

hmmm, that's a tricky one! i'd definately stay at davy crockett's again, it's just worked really well for us and i think the number of nights we had (4) was just right, enough time to do everything but any longer would have been too much!!
one thing i would like to be able to do is to relax a bit more and not over plan things (you do seem to be constantly watching the clock!) but then i'd worry that we were missing out on something!
i'd love to go at christmas time but i'd be worried about the cold - i don't do cold weather very well!!
Love the trip report.
Glad you had a great time.
Photos fab thank goodness for digital cameras.
that's a really lovely trip report :goodvibes i love your photos and i noticed your ds has the same t-shirt as my ds, the grey disney one, my fella loves it as it only has boys on it , no silly princesses:cool2:

if i'm not being too cheeky, have you any photos of the cabins? I'd love to see the inside. we really love going on camping hols in france so i reckon dcr would be a good combo of camping and disney in one ;)

thanks for sharing your hols with us :goodvibes

rosabelle x
glad you liked it - yes my son would agree with you about the t-shirt!!
i'm afraid i don't have any pics of the inside of the cabin - must be about the only thing i didn't photograph!! i think there's some on the hotel review for davy crockett's though - the new cabins are definately worth paying that bit extra for i have read reports about the old ones being very grubby.
thanks very much for that :thumbsup2
I'll keep that in mind about the new cabins when we're booking our next NEXT trip ;)

rosabelle x


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