A few DLR locals’ FIRST trip to WDW... and we had a BLAST!!! August 15-22, 2017 TR --- Updated 9/21


Jul 10, 2018
I basically posted a not-so-detailed trip report for our very first trip to WDW on Facebook last August (2017)… soooo I thought I’d post it (plus some extra added details I remembered) here!! Hopefully that’s okay. :)

About Us

Alicia aka Leesha (aka Fishy or Grumpy Fish as I’m sometimes called, long story there haha) the girl that's posting this!

I live in SoCal about 15 minutes from Disneyland. I grew up here and went to Disneyland a few times as a kid but we mostly went to “The Disneyland Hotel” as they called it before Downtown Disney was even a thing. We would hang out, play with the motorized boats in the little pond area, and check out the koi fish near the hotel. I loved that the monorail went through the Disneyland Hotel and remember buying a huge Simba (or Nala?) stuffed animal then getting to ride with it on the front end of the monorail with the driver!

I’ve always dreamed of visiting Walt Disney World but never took the plunge… until this year!

Coming along with me are:


Boyfriend of 10+ years aka husband, even though we’re not technically married yet, I still call him my husband.


He grew up in the same area and went to Disneyland a few times as a kid also. He visited WDW once as a teenager and it was only Magic Kingdom and only for ONE DAY. So basically zero, right?! He likes Disney a lot too, but of course not as much as me.

We both work in a public service agency, both work in the same department, not same office but we work in the same building and carpool to work together… for now at least. Hehe. We can take breaks and lunch together too and amazingly we don’t get sick of each other!


Our son, 8 years old at the time, going into 3rd grade right after this trip.


As you can see, he is full of mischief. :rotfl:

We have spoiled him with Disney, thanks to me! He’s been going to Disneyland since he was 18 months old when we first got Disneyland annual passes. We’ve taken SHORT breaks once or twice between then and now, but we always keep going back. We’ve taken him to see Disney movies in theatres, watched almost all of the Disney movies at home, but I still think its me that loves Disney the most.. Haha. He still likes it a lot, though.

Trip Details:

Dates: August 15 - 22 (2017)

Resort: Polynesian Village, Standard room

Tickets: 6 day base tickets

No dining plan

Flight: Round trip nonstop with Delta, leaving LAX at 9:45pm and arriving at MCO at 5:30am

...and away we go!!

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Joining in! Love the pic of your son with Darth Vader :darth:

Awesome!! Thank you so much! :yay: I’m so happy the photopass people caught this shot. It was our first experience with the talking Darth Vader and my son was talking back to him hahah. :hyper:
We're leaving for our August '18 trip in just 7 DAYS so I'm hoping to have a post each day before we leave. I can't wait!!! The time is just ticking by so slow.. haha.


We left on a Monday evening. Our flight left at around 9:45pm if I remember correctly. I was too excited to get to LAX and traffic on a weekday around 5-6pm… yikes. My mom drove us and I made her leave at about 5:30pm to drive to the airport. We got through security pretty fast and ended up eating at some pizza place in the food court in our Terminal. We flew on Delta so it was either Terminal 2 or 3, don’t remember.

We ended up waiting around for awhile before boarding. This was Devin’s first airplane trip and I haven’t flown in a VERY long time either. It wasn’t bad...


Devin sat by the window, me in the middle, and Derrick on the aisle. We watched movies on the flight there. 5 hours… phew. We arrived around 5:30ish in the morning. I thought Devin would sleep on the flight since it was red-eye… NOPE! HAHA TO ME!

We walked down to DME and immediately got on the bus to the Poly.. I think there were only 2 other families on the bus. We sat toward the middle. So. Tired.


We were the first stop. It was still dark outside. The moment I stepped outside the humidity hit me. I was amazed! Being from California, we don’t usually deal with humidity. It didn’t really bother me much during the trip but it was a bit of a shocker at first.

As soon as we walked in... I was amazed! It was so much more beautiful than the pictures I've seen! And the SMELL... wow. The inside of the Great Ceremonial House had this specific smell, I can't even describe it. Do the other hotels smell different? So weird I'm talking so much about smells... :ssst: But still,
I can't wait to smell that scent again soon!

We got to the lobby and even though we did online check in, we stopped at the front desk and checked in there too. It was our first time, we had no idea what we were doing. Haha.

The lady checking us in gave us leis and told us we were in the longhouse Tuvalu.


It was around 6:15 am so we went to Capt. Cook’s and bought refillable mugs and some breakfast. Food was nice.. And really yummy. I think we shared the platter? I had been doing low carb/Keto for 4 months prior to this trip so the french toast tasted AMAZING. But you know… after not having carbs for a long period of time, everything sweet tastes even sweeter. It was great! Haha.

By this time it was maybe 7:15am? After breakfast, we went to the lobby and parked ourselves on a set of couches and sat. And sat. And sat… started to slouch as the sleep was REALLY catching up to us. Devin CLAIMED he wasn’t tired. Hours seemed to go by.. Then finally at 9:45 we got an AMAZING TEXT that said our room was ready!!!! We headed over there and Derrick plopped down on the bed and promptly fell asleep.

The child took another hour to fall asleep. I, on the other hand, stayed awake a bit and our luggage was brought in from the airport. After that I passed out….

….and we woke up at 5:30pm!!! HAHA. We were so exhausted. It felt like a day wasted, almost. Until we saw it was still super bright outside and still HOT. We changed into swim suits and went to check out the Lava pool. OMG. It was amazing!!! Devin is still young, was 8 during this trip, and still doesn’t know how to swim. He doesn’t like to get his ears wet/water in them or put his head under the water. Therefore, won’t try to learn to swim. BUT the water play area was his dream!!! The big bucket, the water slide that goes through a tunnel (but is smaller than the big pool slide).... Wow. That was IT for him this trip!! The main pool was a huge hit too. Most of it wasn’t deep at all and he had a blast. We spent a long time in the pool this trip.


So first evening was pool night and we saw the fireworks over MK from the Lava Pool. The music came on and I just got all teary-eyed… I couldn’t believe we were ACTUALLY HERE. I’ve waited FOREVER to visit Disney World and here I was!

We stayed at the pool for hours, I think we probably grabbed Capt. Cook’s after swimming, then back to the room to sleep.

The next day.... EPCOT! Our first ever WDW park experience! :stitch:



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DAY 1: EPCOT -- "The giant golf ball awaits!"

My Facebook post for this day says: Epcot on day 1 of going to the parks. We didn't get up super early to go and didn't take a break during the afternoon like everyone says ... and we didn't die!

We had breakfast at Kona Cafe. I don’t remember the time, it might have been around 10am? I got the Tonga Toast which was one of my top to-try food items. I loved it!! Derrick and Devin both got basic breakfast items. Overall, I enjoyed it.


After breakfast we took 2 monorails to Epcot. I took some video clips and in one of them Devin is shouting "The giant golf ball awaits!!" I thought that was pretty funny.

We saw Mickey and friends first thing. I have no idea why we decided to go in that character spot FIRST THING of the trip, but we did. The time said 15 minutes but we ended up waiting longer than that.


After, we went on the Nemo ride where Devin proceeded to already have a meltdown because I wouldn’t let him play with his iPad in line because he “was already bored.” SMH. He quickly got over that when we got on the ride. Then we saw Turtle talk with Crush (we have this at DCA so idk why we did this. We spent awhile after the show looking at the fish and manatees. We spent some time in the shark area as well, checking out the different pictures on the walls and taking this pic:


It started looking pretty cloudy by now, but I loved it so much!! The sun beating down on my skin was not fun.

We went on Journey through imagination with Figment, and made a last minute ADR for lunch at Via Napoli in Italy (pizza of course, my son is a pizza fanatic). Derrick is too, as you can see.

I wanted to go to Karamel Kuche in Germany where I got a caramel filled chocolate cookie.
So yummy.

It started sprinkling/lightly raining but we just walked around in it. No ponchos needed yet! Hah. It felt glorious!

We saw Anna and Elsa in Norway. Devin thought it was hilarious how they were talking. Anna was saying something about it being cold, or snowy, and Devin said it was hot and she was crazy. Hahaha. I think something was said about giving Sven a carrot? It's been over a year so I forgot the details, but I do remember he was cracking up.


...and then we went on Frozen Ever After with FPs. Boy was I glad I had those FPs because that line was looooong!

Then we went to Mexico and looked around. We took note of the cook restaurant inside by the temple/river where the boat ride goes? We love Blue Bayou at Disneyland so we thought we’d love this too, but we never ended up going this trip.


We went on the 3 Caballeros boat ride, then went on Mission Space (orange) and then Spaceship Earth.

By this time it was 7:30 and we headed toward the exit. We stopped for the photopass photographer to take some pics in front of SE. Devin was already complaining about stopping to take pictures! Sheesh. He definitely complained about pictures again later on during this trip too. Wait til you see those pictures. :rotfl:


We took the monorail back to our resort and went to the pool until 10pm. I’m sure we got Capt. Cook’s for dinner. We went there A LOT the entire trip.

Great first park day!

NEXT POST: DAY 2: Magic Kingdom!


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I said I was going to post each day before our trip on the 16th but we were shoppin' this weekend, getting haircuts, and packing!! So I neglected this trip post. :sad2: But I'll just go ahead and post day 2 AND 3 tonight, woohoo!


Facebook post: Magic Kingdom day... so exciting!

We got there around 11:45am. Walking in and seeing that HUGE castle…. just wow. Disneyland’s castle is a baby compared to this one. I couldn’t stop looking at the castle every time I walked by it during the entire trip. The first thing I HAD to do was get this pic in front of the castle... even though the child complained at having to stand in line for pictures already. Ha.

At least he's still smiling... for now.

We went right to our first fastpass - Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. It was fun but pretty short. We ended up randomly stopping once or twice which kind of ruined the fun of it, but that was ok. We’d enjoy it again at night later!

That's me in the black tank top with my ponytail flyin'...

We waited in line for Winnie the Pooh and found out that the line had a bunch of fun things to play with which was pretty cool. The line was about 30 minutes long which is WAY longer than our version at DL, but the queue doesn't have all of these fun things! Devin enjoyed it.

He's already a little bit sweaty here.. :teeth:

I got my Cheshire Cat tail from Cheshire Cafe which was sooooo yummy. I wish I got another one during this trip but I never did. Wah!! Next time you know I'm getting at least 2!!

OMG I already can't wait to eat this again. I think it was my favorite from this trip.

We ate real quick at Pinocchio's Village Haus before our Peter Pan fastpass. I think we got flatbread? I thought it was so cool that the windows in the restaurant overlook Its a Small World! Devin was starting to get hot and cranky at this point.

We headed to our next fastpass at haunted mansion. Right after we scanned our magic bands and walked in the line, they walked us right out the other side because the ride went down. Devin was sooooo upset because HM is his favorite ride! He kept complaining the entire time about it going down. They gave us paper fastpasses for another ride.


We went into Country Bear Jamboree because I needed more sunscreen and it was super hot. I also remembered seeing this at Disneyland before they replaced it with Winnie the Pooh ride, so I needed to see it at WDW!! Devin complained about the show the entire time. He was not having it and said he hated the show. Hahaha.

We decided to use our paper fast pass for Splash Mountain. Devin was STILL complaining about not going on HM at this point. Oh well. I LOVED this version is Splash over Disneyland’s. I preferred being seated side-by-side instead of one in front of the other like at DL. Unfortunately
the ride photo wasn't working though boooo.

Here is where the pictures start getting grumpy-looking. This is Devin being mad about HM going down..

Then it started raining a little harder than yesterday.
We walked around in it while waiting for our HM fast passes we ended up booking a bit before this. The rain felt nice but being wet for the rest of the day sucked. My shorts felt super heavy!

Anyway, We finally went on haunted mansion which Devin was super happy about.
After that, we went to philharmagic. We enjoyed that and it was only 5-10 min wait. Woo! Then we walked over to mad tea party and went on that since it only had a 5 min wait.


By this time we sat down for a break. I think we sat outside of Cosmic Ray’s because it wasn’t raining anymore but with being soaked earlier, we still weren’t dry and the AC was making us cold! I think Derrick got a burger from here and ate it outside.

We had an ADR for dinner at Be Our Guest restaurant in the Beast's castle.
I think it was around 5:30-6:30? I remember trying to see if there was anything later on or on another day because we were getting tired and uncomfortable in wet clothes but … HA. Of course there wasn’t any, idk what I was expecting.

The restaurant was so amazing. :love: We were seated in the main ballroom right up against the wall next to the falling snow. I got some French onion soup and I believe the braised beef? Delicious. Devin got an adult size Mac n cheese but of course didn’t eat even half of it.

We got the grey stuff and a chocolate cupcake. They were both okay. I'll spare you the food pics this time... :teeth:

We went to meet the beast which was amazing!!


Side story: when I was little, I LOVED Beauty and the Beast and I made my mom take me to see it at least 5 times in the theatre. One year for my birthday we went to Goofy’s Kitchen at the Disneyland Hotel and the Beast was a character walking around there! Tigger was there also and “afraid” of the Beast so he was running around trying to hide. Well Tigger came and hid under our table! The Beast followed him over to our table and they were just doing all kinds of silly things right in front of us! I forgot some of the details of exactly what they were doing but I do remember I thought it was the best thing ever.

Back to the present…

As we left the restaurant the fireworks just started so we watched for a few minutes from outside of the restaurant. We decided to go use our last fastpass we snagged earlier for space mountain instead of watching fireworks again and as we were heading over, seven dwarfs mine train only had a 10 minute wait so we had to go on again. It was way more fun than earlier in the day. Weeeee!!


Space mountain was our last ride. It's way more crazy than the one at Disneyland! Hahaha. It’s more like Matterhorn at DL if anyone has been on that, but faster! And DARK!

So we actually stayed til closing at 10pm. There's sooooo much more to do there! But tomorrow we're going to animal kingdom. Expedition Everest here we come!!!

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Honestly, I think this day will be super short because we didn't do a ton. We didn't even get to the park until after 5pm!

Derrick and I woke up around 10am and Devin woke up at 11am. Derrick went to do the laundry while Devin and I went swimming. Idk why Derrick didn’t just leave it there and come swimming while taking breaks to check on it, or even download the app that shows your laundry? But he wanted to sit with it and read apparently. After laundry was done, we grabbed food and changed afterward, we went to the bus stop at 5pm and got to Animal Kingdom by 5:30ish.

Story behind the thing Devin is holding up... That is a crocheted "picture" of my grandma, Devin's great grandma. She wanted us to bring this and take pictures with it on our trip. At first Devin was fine with it but sooner or later he started getting super annoyed. I think this is one of the reasons why he started complaining about pictures. :laughing:

I discovered shortly after this that I got sunburnt. Ugh! I get burned so easily and I know I put a bunch of sunscreen on and reapplied. Very annoying.

I ended up moving around FPs later and later since we had originally planned to be there earlier in the day. Oh well.

First ride was Kilimanjaro Safari with FP. We saw lots of animals and Devin asked me to take a picture of everything. I uploaded all kinds of pics to Facebook but I won’t here, haha.


Here's the start of his grumpy picture face.

We walked through the gorilla area real quick and saw a few. I think Derrick had went tothe bathroom so we did this while waiting for him.

After that we headed over to Pandora - world of Avatar. We had a fastpass for the Na'vi River Journey and went on that. It was okay.. nothing super amazing. Took a quick picture in front of the mountain with the photopass guy (Devin was not happy about stopping for pictures at all) and then left that area.

That one is his fake smile face.. ha.

We ate at Flame Tree barbecue real quick. No pictures of that.
I think we got the bbq platter or something along those lines. It most likely had ribs?

Devin wanted to go on Expedition Everest so we waited in line for that. I think it was only 30 minutes. It was awesome!!! I wish we would've had time to ride again but it was already 9pm. Funny thing is Devin refuses to go on this ride again now and won’t go on it this next trip, he says. He didn’t like going backwards.

He did look kinda scared in this ride pic :rolleyes1

I thought it was super cool how some rides have your name displayed! We definitely don't have things like that in DL.


We went to Dinoland and rode Primeval Whirl which is basically like Goofy's Sky School in Disneyland except it spins around. Kinda fun. It really rubbed my shoulders where my sunburn was though, so I didn't enjoy it fully. Hopefully next time I'll be better prepared with the sunscreen.

Quick pictures with photopass guy.


Last ride was Dinosaur which is basically like Indiana Jones in DL but with Dinos. Here's our Dinosaur ride pic... we're 2nd row.


After that ride I tried to race to Starbucks before closing (15 minutes) to get my Animal Kingdom You are Here mug which they only sell in that particular park, buuuuut they didn't even have any because they were getting redesigned and wouldn't be out til September or October. Ugh!

We stopped to take a picture in front of the Tree. At least Devin smiled this time!

Bus back to the resort which was standing room only. Super annoying.

Aaaaand tomorrow is Hollywood Studios.

This is what I posted on Facebook that day...

Hollywood Studios day... there's barely any rides here
I'm sure we'll be done with this park early.


We got to Hollywood Studios around 12:30pm. First ride was Rockin Rollercoaster with Aerosmith. It was pretty fun! Devin said he closed his eyes the whole time but liked it. His photo from the ride is funny.

I really liked how the pictures of "posters" inside the queue changed and one had my name and hometown!


Next ride I went on Tower of Terror by myself with a FP since Devin decided he didn't want to go anymore. He's been on California's version a few times when he was 4 even but no longer likes it. It was different... still fun. While I went on, Derrick and Devin sat outside and got ice cream from somewhere.

We had lunch at Sci Fi Dine-In Theatre which was pretty cool. Devin really liked the sci fi flicks which I wasn’t sure he’d enjoy, but he really did. I was by myself in the back car seat and Derrick and Devin sat in front of me in the middle car seat.


It's so dark in there!

I got a western bacon cheeseburger or something like that. It has onion rings and bbq sauce on it. Derrick got wings as an appetizer. I believe both of them got a burger as well. We did enjoy our food.

Right after that we went on Star Tours which is the same as Disneyland. We skipped any shows they had as well as Toy Story Mania since we have that at home. I grabbed my You Are Here cup from Starbucks and we were done by 5:30.


I really wanted to try some desserts at HS but didn’t really feel like finding the store that has them. Aka carrot cake cookie! But I’m definitely doing that next trip.

We took a bus to Disney Springs and went to Splitsville to bowl for a bit. It was fun. And expensiiiiive. Sheesh. Disney Springs is HUGE and has so much stuff!


Devin wanted to go to Starbucks with the live video of Anaheim Downtown Disney Starbucks but it wasn't working. Booo. That was something we were looking forward to since we hang out at the DTD Starbucks in Disneyland and watch all the people on the chalkboard in Orlando. Hopefully it’ll be working this next trip.


I went to Amorette's Patisserie for the Mickey Mousse that I wanted. I was gonna take it to go but they told me it would melt so I sat and ate it there. Soooo yummy.


I wanted to find the photo pass studio but while walking over there, Devin got super cranky and complained about something.. either his feet hurting or not wanting to take MORE pictures, idk. We tried to leave but got lost and walked around in circles trying to find the bus back to the hotel.
Finally we found it and headed back.

These were my thoughts as posted on Facebook:

Overall, Hollywood Studios was meh. Hopefully it'll be better after Toy Story land next year. (Aka this year)

Tomorrow we're going back to Magic Kingdom. My fave!
...I should be working on my math homework since I have a quiz on Saturday and I reeeeally don't fully understand it. Bleh Calculus! But I want to get this TR finished so I can finally start this year's TR! Priorities! Haha. Soooo let's continue..

Magic Kingdom Part 2!

We're still running on California time because every day we don't get started until after 12pm at least and don't go to bed til after midnight Florida time.

Today (Sunday the 20th) we started the day by taking the bus to Disney Springs again and having lunch (kinda breakfast since it was our first meal haha) at T-Rex Cafe. We go to Rainforest Cafe all the time but t-Rex was new to us. It was pretty cool to see all of the dinos move around and have meteor showers every 30 minutes.


We ordered mozzarella sticks as an appetizer. Derrick ordered a big burger, I ordered the shrimp plate, and Devin probably ordered a kid's pizza. I didn't take a picture of his meal.

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The food wasn't as good as Rainforest and the huge dessert was kinda meh too. It tasted dry. But it was a fun thing to do just once.

After that we had to take a bus back to Poly then go to the Magic Kingdom. I don't really know why we didn't take a bus directly to MK, but I'm assuming we wanted to stop by the room for something first. Who knows?

We tried to catch the boat launch from the Poly to MK but there wasn't a single person around and we've never tried the boat launch before so I had no idea how long to wait. We just went up to the monorail instead.

Devin was nice and offered to take a picture in this guillotine thing. Of course he had to make faces..


We had fastpasses to use so we headed to Big Thunder Mountain. Pirates of the Caribbean, stopped by the Tiki Room, then Jungle Cruise. Pirates wasn't as good as Disneyland's version, Jungle Cruise seemed slightly better (there was a tunnel we drove through.. so cool!) and btmrr was the same.

I managed to grab a few quick (silly) pics. That's usually the only type of pics I get with these two...


He's smiling, but that's only because he's trying to put bunny ears on me.. :rotfl:

After BTMRR, we had FPs for Pirates of the Caribbean so we started walking over there. I stopped to try and take pics in front of Splash Mtn but Devin was being cranky about pictures again. I decided to walk ahead on my own and grab some pics...

Hey, why's the rum gone?! :rotfl2:

The other two caught up with me and I believe we sat at Tortuga Tavern for ~15 minutes to just chill. As we got up and headed across to Pirates, the rain started and eeeeeveryone tried to run underneath the inside line! I had to laugh.. You know, we Californians are "scared of rain" so this kinda reminded me how everyone in SoCal acts when it rains here... hahaha.

Anyway, Pirates wasn't as good as Disneyland's version since it doesn't have the second drop. I still would ride it again though.

After Pirates we checked out the gift shop and bought a parrot plush. We stopped by the Tiki Room to cool off.

Tiki Room was basically the exact same as Disneyland's version, but it was still enjoyable and nice to sit for a bit.

....continued in next post (I'm at my 10 pic limit!)...

Really enjoying a Disneyland native’s perspective of WDW! I’ve never been to Disneyland, it’s my absolute dream. It’s crazy how many similar and different things there are.
I was on the same boat as you. I'm a Disneyland / Tokyo Disney regular who went to WDW for the first time and had a blast. Looking forwad to see the rest of your TR ^^
Really enjoying a Disneyland native’s perspective of WDW! I’ve never been to Disneyland, it’s my absolute dream. It’s crazy how many similar and different things there are.

Thank you for reading! Disneyland is amazing and I love to just pop in for a few hours when I can, knowing I don’t need to do everything or even a single ride at all.
My dream was to visit WDW at least once and I never knew how much I would love it!! Hopefully you’ll get to visit Disneyland soon. :)

I was on the same boat as you. I'm a Disneyland / Tokyo Disney regular who went to WDW for the first time and had a blast. Looking forwad to see the rest of your TR ^^

Thank you for reading! I’ve never been to Tokyo but I think I’d like to visit all Disney parks sometime in my life. There are some amazing and unique things at all of the parks that I think I need to experience at least once!
MK Day 5 Continued...

When we left off, we were in the Tiki Room. Next stop was the Jungle Cruise! It was still raining so we threw our ponchos on. We had a FP+ for Jungle Cruise that told us earlier it was down and gave us an anytime pass, but as we walked by after the Tiki Room, it was back open!

Derrick had his "Jurassic Park" hat on, as he calls it. :laughing:
After the Jungle Cruise, we walked back near the Castle. I had to stop and get a selfie because hardly anyone was around!

It wasn;t the most flattering selfie, but I'll take it! The other 2 don't always like to take pics for me. Mehhh.
I ended up finding an additional FP+ for It's a Small World so we headed over there.

Again, not the best pic because it's dark in there. I really need to buy a better camera to take with me.
I thought Disneyland's Small World was better, especially when you board outside and it has the amazing clock-face with the hour chime. I still thought it was neat that you float on by Village Haus. We waved to some people sitting at the window. :hyper:

We headed over to Tomorrowland and went on People Mover. I LOVED IT! I didn't get any pics, only video. After that I think we used an additional FP+ for Buzz Lightyear. I am pretty sure I liked Disneyland's version better than this one as well. The laser guns don't come loose which makes it harder! Psh.

After Buzz, we headed toward Main Street to grab my You are Here Starbucks MK mug and Happily Ever After fireworks were starting. I reeeeeally wanted to watch them but didn't want to get caught in the terrible traffic afterward so we left. We caught a monorail back to our resort and relaxed for the evening. Tomorrow would be our last park day. Soooo sad. :sad2:


This was our last park day. Wahhh!

My Facebook post on this day said: "Man I am TIRED!!"

We got to Epcot at 1:30pm and had lunch. I believe we ate at Electric Umbrella and we all got burgers and fries. Devin was happy because I let him get the combo that came with a cupcake even though he only ate half the burger. He said the cupcake was good. We went to Journey through imagination with Figment again and checked out the fun area after the ride this time. We headed over to mission space and did the less intense green mission around the Earth and right after we used our fastpass for the more intense orange mission to Mars.


We stopped for some Photopass pics too..


And we really liked this cool area outside of the ride. We saw our names on some of the screens!

We sat around for a bit, got Starbucks, shopping at MouseGears where we bought a backpack, shirts, a magnet, possibly a pin, and I forgot what else we ended up buying. Then used our last fastpass for Test Track. Devin loved that ride because you get to design your own car and "test" it through the whole ride. The fun area after the ride was pretty cool too. They had real Chevrolet cars to check out with videos, pictures, make your own movies and all that.

Devin drove the car... see what happens?! :rotfl:

What is it with kids and dabbing?! :laughing:
After that we went to meet Joy and Sadness from inside out and then Baymax from Big Hero 6.


I'm surprised Devin even wanted to wait for the characters considering how he's been about pictures this whole trip. But we managed it even with a long-ish line!


We headed toward the exit and stopped for some pics on the way.


Gahhhhh, Spaceship Earth is soooo pretty at night!! I wish we spent more time here at night.​

We took the monorail back, got to our resort and ate dinner, then went swimming a bit for the last time.

Tomorrow morning we check out. :sad::sad::sad::charac2:



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