A Girl's First Solo Trip - August 2018 *updated 10/9 x2 and COMPLETED!*

A solo trip to WDW is on my bucket list. DH doesn't understand, but I guess he doesn't have to! Lake Tahoe in the summer is also on my bucket list! Been several times in the winter for skiing, but not summer.

I'm pretty sure WL had real butter. I would have been irritated if they didn't, but it's possible we just didn't need butter that trip?
Eat to the Beat sounds fun, but I'm also a little intimidated by seeing Hanson in Oklahoma. Hanson fans are INTENSE!

Ok, sorry to keep clogging your replies with band responses 😄 Feel free to add me on FB or something, I’m Christi Miller. Promise I’m not creepy, I’m only even brave enough to make these comments after I’ve had some wine 😂 Anywayyy...girl, Eat to the Beat is at Epcot! Hanson plays every year. I’ve been twice. It’s fun, but you’re right, most Hanson fans are CRAZY!! My sister and I (I have a twin) are not like that. Like, we don’t devote our entire day to standing in line. We have done HDay in Tulsa, but that’s bc we live in OK and it’s easy. We don’t stand in lines and we’re not insane 😄

That's so close, easy peasy! :rotfl:

I don't understand this at all. It looks terrible. And yet, I think they would have to close the ride to get them so I understand why they get left there.

I agree! I saw people do it when I was riding and I wanted to yell at them, but I didn't.

I love that spot and have never seen a PP there. Cute!

All the sayings are so cute, I adore it.

He's the most fun, adore him! If only we could meet Simba!

I love all your pictures, Timon is so cute. We haven’t met him yet, maybe this August?

I agree, what is with the hair ties! Andi absolutely hates this, she is super planet conscious, sometime to the point of annoying, haha!

She will not drink water out of anything plastic, makes it hard in the heat of August!

I definitely recommend it, he's a blast.

It's such a silly thing that people do and who started it?! They make some nice water bottles that collapse, I think Que water bottle?

Ah that banana split cupcake looks nice but I’m with you...not sure it’d taste great.

That’s a good tip about ordering a kids meal as I split most of my meals on my last Disney trip :thumbsup2

I love De-Vine and how she blends in so easily.

Uh-oh on the track ending on EE and I didn’t know that about hair ties being thrown...ugh, hopefully it’ll stop soon.

Cool meet and greet with Timon...love the photos :goodvibes

Such an adorable design!

It worked out really well for me!

I was so happy to finally see her.

I think the hair ties are just getting worse, there's SO many.

He's such a fun greet, makes for fun photos :blush:

A solo trip to WDW is on my bucket list. DH doesn't understand, but I guess he doesn't have to! Lake Tahoe in the summer is also on my bucket list! Been several times in the winter for skiing, but not summer.

I'm pretty sure WL had real butter. I would have been irritated if they didn't, but it's possible we just didn't need butter that trip?

You should do it! It's so nice to have the freedom to do whatever you like, and you can get so much more done so you need less time there.

And I've never been to Tahoe in the winter! Well, we went once for Thanksgiving but there was no snow yet. So winter in Tahoe is on my bucket list haha!

Hmm they might have, I never actually looked when I stayed in May because the waffles I got came with pecan butter!

OMG! I love your pics with Timon!!!!!

THank you, he's a star! Haha

I just found your TR, following along! :wave2:

Oh hi, welcome!! I've been reading along with your Disneyland TR and failing at commenting. For some reason I'm bad at commenting in the Disneyland TR section? Anyway I'm loving it and I will do my best to be a better Dis-er! :rotfl:
Side note, I really, really hate that people have decided throwing hair ties at the top of Everest is a cool thing to do. How did this start? Why is it still continuing? Leave no trace should become a theme park motto as well. You don’t need to leave your mark on the park, people!
Say it louder for the people in the back! 👏 Idk why this is a thing. I’m at the age where I blame teenagers😄
I also wanted to share that I booked a couple (non-Disney) vacations! This year my aunt is feeling up to visitors so I'll be returning to Lake Tahoe in August! Just look at this place!! It's absolutely one of my favorite places in the world; and the smell, all those evergreens... ahhh it's so amazing!
The other vacation I booked is a trip to Montreal, Canada in September with one of my nomadic best friends! I've never been to Canada and I've heard such wonderful things about Montreal. If any of my Canadian friends have any recommendations, especially restaurants, I'd love to hear them.
My youngest sister went to university in Montreal....it is such a lovely city. It is very European in style and atmosphere. Definitely St Laurent, jazz, bagels, old Montreal etc. You will love it!
After a great night of sleep I woke up around 8:30 and headed straight to the Everything POP food court for breakfast. I never tired of the view outside my door.
So pretty!
Then I realized I could order the kid’s meal, and it ended up being a great decision.
100% doing this!
For the first time I actually saw De-Vine! She blends in so well, really such a cool thing.
I love her. :goodvibes
It did give me the opportunity to grab some pictures at this PhotoPass spot. I don’t often see PhotoPass out there, so I found it kind of cool.
Love this picture!
Timon is such a peppy character to meet.
Such a cute meet, definitely on my list for July!
Ok, sorry to keep clogging your replies with band responses 😄 Feel free to add me on FB or something, I’m Christi Miller. Promise I’m not creepy, I’m only even brave enough to make these comments after I’ve had some wine 😂 Anywayyy...girl, Eat to the Beat is at Epcot! Hanson plays every year. I’ve been twice. It’s fun, but you’re right, most Hanson fans are CRAZY!! My sister and I (I have a twin) are not like that. Like, we don’t devote our entire day to standing in line. We have done HDay in Tulsa, but that’s bc we live in OK and it’s easy. We don’t stand in lines and we’re not insane 😄

Oh no worries! I see you found me on there, I added you! Oh right, duh Eat to the Beat is at Epcot! I missed them by a few days a couple years ago.

Hanson Day would be something to experience!

Say it louder for the people in the back! 👏 Idk why this is a thing. I’m at the age where I blame teenagers😄

The girls I saw doing it were definitely in the teenager bracket... it's just such a silly thing to do!

My youngest sister went to university in Montreal....it is such a lovely city. It is very European in style and atmosphere. Definitely St Laurent, jazz, bagels, old Montreal etc. You will love it!

That's part of the reason we chose Montreal - love the European influence! I'll have to look into St. Laurent - haven't done much research yet!

So pretty!

Right? The Values deserve some more credit!

100% doing this!

It's the perfect amount of food, especially at breakfast time.

I love her. :goodvibes

She's so cool, glad I finally got to see her!

Love this picture!

Thank you!! I'd like to do it again sometime, but it seems to be sort of a rare PP spot.

Such a cute meet, definitely on my list for July!

You'll love him! Plus, I've never seen the line terribly long.
August 3rd - Some More Animal Kingdom!

Since Timon’s meet location is basically in Starbucks it was only natural that I grab some caffeine. I got my usual iced vanilla latte.

And we kept strolling through the park!


Africa is one of my favorite locations. The theming here is out of this world, and I love the live entertainment.


I know I said we were going to Dinoland, but the Gorilla Falls trail caused us to detour for a bit! It’s best to get the trails out of the way somewhat early since they close earlier than the rest of the park and I’ve found that out the hard way!

I love these brightly colored fishes, they always make for interesting photos. Also really love the aviaries on both animal trails. It’s so fun to be in the enclosure with the animals.


These birds look very prehistoric.

One of the hippos was swimming right next to the glass, but the water is kind of murky, and the glass is scratched up so it’s difficult to get good pictures.

We stopped and watched the zebras for a good period of time. There was a baby zebra that was too darn cute.

Look at it getting some food from mom! Awww



The meerkat enclosure is right in front of the zebras. They’re always good for some entertainment! Look at them splooting! For those who aren’t aware, I guess “sploot” is a term people coined for when dogs lay with their back legs stretched out behind them.


I caught Samira trying to take some selfies with the zebras, so I gave her a hand.


Most of the gorillas were pretty sleepy in the heat of the afternoon.



This gorilla was making lots of eye contact with people. It was pretty much a staring contest.

After seeing some animals we continued on our quest to DinoLand. I’m a huge fan of the proverbs all around the park, and this is one of my favorites.





Samira got a new ride!

Look how green everything is!




Up next:
Maybe we make it to DinoLand?
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Your pictures are amazing! I love the greenery and the photos of the animals on the trail :thumbsup2

I’ve learnt something new with the ‘splooting’ term...didn’t know it was called that.

Looking forward to seeing if you make it to Dinoland next.
The pictures really catch the beauty, uniqueness, and splendor that is AK!

I love spending time on the trails even if I have a bird phobia, yikes that prehistoric one really gives me the creeps!!
Joining in!!

Sounds like a great trip so far. I love me some Pop Century too! I just hope it doesn't get too expensive with the gondolas and such!

And WOW you sold me on Lake Tahoe. Holy moly how beautiful!!
Joining in!

The hair tie thing is really odd. I don't understand people sometimes.

How fun finally getting to meet your friend in person. :goodvibes

Montreal! That is sort of my neck of the woods, two hours away. My only experiences there have been drunken nights so I'm not much help on the tourist front other than make sure you learn some basic phrases in French and be aware that all signs etc will be in French as well. You will be fine communicating in English especially in the touristy areas but you may be surprised by some French only encounters.
Your pictures are amazing! I love the greenery and the photos of the animals on the trail :thumbsup2

I’ve learnt something new with the ‘splooting’ term...didn’t know it was called that.

Looking forward to seeing if you make it to Dinoland next.

Thank you! Taking photos of the animals is so much fun to me!

Yeah, apparently it's a thing that corgis do a lot and my friend is obsessed with corgis! I would have never learned that knowledge on my own haha.

I think we just might make it there in the next update!

The pictures really catch the beauty, uniqueness, and splendor that is AK!

I love spending time on the trails even if I have a bird phobia, yikes that prehistoric one really gives me the creeps!!

Aw thanks! It's so much fun to go at a slower pace and really take in all the scenery. And AK has A LOT.

That prehistoric one is baaaad. I don't mind birds, unless they remind me of their ancestors, the dinosaurs! So emus and ostriches freak me out!

Sounds like such a fun morning in AK! Love all your pics!!

It was! It's hard to go wrong with Animal Kingdom, though! Thank you!

Joining in!!

Sounds like a great trip so far. I love me some Pop Century too! I just hope it doesn't get too expensive with the gondolas and such!

And WOW you sold me on Lake Tahoe. Holy moly how beautiful!!

Welcome! Thanks for reading!

It really was a great trip, that's why I wanted to post this report, even if it is almost a year later!

I hope it doesn't get too expensive too! The value options are already kind of limited. I do think the gondolas will be really neat to have.

You should really go, it's just fantastic!

Joining in!

The hair tie thing is really odd. I don't understand people sometimes.

How fun finally getting to meet your friend in person. :goodvibes

Montreal! That is sort of my neck of the woods, two hours away. My only experiences there have been drunken nights so I'm not much help on the tourist front other than make sure you learn some basic phrases in French and be aware that all signs etc will be in French as well. You will be fine communicating in English especially in the touristy areas but you may be surprised by some French only encounters.

Yay! Glad you found your way over here!

The hair tie thing is SO WEIRD. And, like, do people bring an extra hair tie just to throw away on Everest? Cause I'm sure not giving up my hair tie in Florida!

It was a great way to finally meet her!

Oh that's so close to you! My knowledge of Canada geography is pretty poor, sadly. Darn US school system!

That helps to know I'll need to learn basic phrases. I think my friend I'm going with knows a bit of French, so that should help. From what I've read the people in Quebec are very proud of their French heritage and do tend to stick to speaking French. Totally cool!

How's the public transit in Montreal? I've researched a bit and it seems pretty decent and well connected.
August 3rd - DinoLand, at Last!

FINALLY we made it to DinoLand and got in line for the cutest chipmunks. Samira got lots of snuggles with the boys.

This is my “oh-my-goodness-chipmunks-in-dino-onesies” face.

Both chipmunks gave me big hugs and smooches.



Pretty sure they were as smitten with me as I was with them, because the hugs and kisses were endless!


Since we were in the area Samira said hello to Daisy and chatted about fashion. I never know what to say to Daisy so I just observed!

And then Will and Samira had a FP for Dinosaur so we split up again. I headed back across the park to Pandora in pursuit of Satu’li Canteen!

One of the things I loved most about traveling solo was that I could do whatever I wanted, which meant that I could really stop and focus on details.


Made it to Satu’li!

It’s really neat to be able to see the meats cooking right before you. Even though I never order the meat dishes here.

I did mobile order, but still ended up waiting a little bit. But that gave me time to notice these funny pictures with the na’vi.


I am very boring and got the same thing that I always get. But it’s so darn good, how can I stray from it now?

Chili-Spiced Crispy Fried Tofu Bowl - Crispy Fried Tofu seasoned with Chili-Spice topped with Crunchy Vegetable Slaw and Boba Balls served with your choice of Base and Sauce (I got the rice & black beans with charred green onion vinaigrette)

This meal hit the spot, like always. What can I say that hasn’t already been said about this wonderful place?

For some reason I took a selfie in Pandora. Perhaps I was just really happy after my meal?

I poked around Pandora a bit more, I can never resist the urge to take a million photos in this place.



Then said hello to my favorite Pandoran critters. Does anyone know what these are called? I guess their water squirting feature hasn’t been working for a while, which is a bummer cause it’s such a cute little thing.



I bid adieu to my Pandoran friends and backtracked back to Africa for a safari with Samira and Will. They had booked their FPs before me and where possible I had tried to book similar times!



Up next:
An African Safari!
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What lovely chipmunk interaction :thumbsup2

I love your ‘oh my goodness...chipmunks in Dino-onesies’ face!

I’m looking forward to exploring Pandora and eating at Satu’li canteen on my next trip.
Chip and Dale are so cute dressed up as Dinosaurs!

We love Satuli and the tofu bowl is very good!

Pandora is very beautiful to explore and photograph


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