A Make A Wish Trip - Final Update!! Pg. 33

Oh! Wendy I can't wat to find out more. Did you make the Meet and Greet? Well I sure hope so! And was the meeting w/"Peter" as magical as the 1st time? I want to know it all RIGHT NOW! But....I do not want this to end!:eek:
So in the meantime I'll jump over to DMs report since I noticed she updated! YEAH!!!:woohoo:
Until the next report......popcorn:: :surfweb: :hourglass
WendyGrace- don't feel bad... even without "wiggly kids", SeaWorld is difficult to plan, IMO. Last year, of course on the HOTTEST DAY OF THE YEAR, we went and I did not enjoy it. The show schedule is very strange - you feel like you are running from one end of the park to another.

We were seated, waiting for the Shamu show to start, when a worker came in and said we (there were quite a few of us) weren't supposed to be in our seats yet, and made us LEAVE the arena! Of course, the line outside at this point was huge! It was the only time I ever saw Bob look like he was going to get into an argument - he told the guy, "don't even THINK that we are getting in the back of this line because someone on your staff didn't have the entrance manned." Oooo.. I was afraid we were going to get thrown out of the park! :sad2:

We ran into a few "less than friendly" workers that day. I truly did not enjoy our day at SeaWorld and will not return.

And, I know what it is like, being the "photographer" of the family.... I threw the camera at Bob once and said, "take a picture of me so this child KNOWS that she HAD A MOTHER!" :lmao:
This has been one of the best trip reports that I have ever read! I cannot wait till you post more.
Your kids are just so cute! I'm loving your TR, and the pictures are just...no words...I also got a bit teary! :)

can't wait for more! :goodvibes
i just sat and read this entire thing--i have had tears in my eyes the entire time--im loving this report!! cant wait to read more!
Thank you so much for sharing your family's story!
I am so not a crier, but I was bawling yesterday. And I was at work! Guess I should learn to not DIS and work at the same time.
Thanks for posting the give kids the world website. I emailed them yesterday afternoon about volunteering while I'm there in September and they have already sent me all the info I need!
I'm so looking forward to spending part of my vacation helping spread pixie dust and magic!
I'm right with you when it comes to getting so involved in the "action" that you forget to take pix...so many times that has happened to me. Then I'm kicking myself later just like you.

Oh well, when the kids get wiggly they need a mommy not a photographer anyway! ;)

Looking forward to your MK morning... pixiedust:

absolutely wonderful so far! you have a beautiful family. I have gotten teary eyed many times reading! This is exactly what I love about DIsney. this is what it's all about! I cannot wait to have kids and take them to see the looks on their faces like you captured in those precious pictures!
Oh where oh where is Wendy? I am ready for more TR...is it Sunday yet? LOL...hope you are enjoying some downtime Wendy!
Only part of the way through your report, but really enjoying it.

I have a son who spent a summer in the hospital three years ago for a brain injury and going back to WDW was a positive thing dh and I talked about during that time.
It's truly a magical place!

What a wonderful trip! Thanks for sharing!
What a beautiful family you have! Your kids are soooo so adorable. Reading your report is wonderful. When Michael and Danae met Peter Pan, I could no longer stop myself and started crying. How sweet. What a dream come true!
I can't wait for the rest!
I just have to say that I LOVE the TR, and the pictures too.
Wendy-- you have 2 beautiful children! Those pictures of Michael w/ Peter Pan are so touching :goodvibes I cannot wait to read about their next meeting!! Thank you for sharing this amazing TR with us!

I have done a LOT of research :surfweb: to prepare for our wish trip :wizard: . I have to say that your thread is far and away the best information that I have found :woohoo: . WDWINFO, Disney, Fodor's, Birnbaums etc. combined do not offer half of the help that your thread does :cheer2: . THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :flower3: .

I can see that I will have to spend some time preparing my heart for the trip as well as planning for it :love: . We will definitely try to cut down our plans, based on your experience. I will spend a lot of time meditating, praying and working on my attitude in advance :angel: . We dads can get so goal oriented that we forget the journey is the destination :mad: . I am going to have to remember that we will not be graded on our trip for how many rides we go on, or how much we "conquer in a day." I really want to slow down and let my kids make some choices :scared: .

I think I will print up some Bible verses on laminated cards to refer to each morning :sad2: . I was thinking of "Father's provoke not your children to wrath." How about "Husbands live with your wives in an understanding manner :rolleyes: ?" It seems to me that Mom's bear the brunt of the pain and stress and heartache of childhood illness. The trip can be a time for the father to facilitate a wonderful time for everyone :teacher: .

One of the things we plan to do is to have times when I take DD and she takes DS to go to different areas. This is partly because of height and age-appropriate rides, but I think it will help give a "spouse break" as well :cloud9: . I am finding that my DW needs these some times as I can be kind of overwhelming. We will have a cell phone for each group to keep in touch.

I am surprised that GKTW has their full-service breakfast so late in the mornings. I am used to hotel breakfasts that start at 6:00 and are over by 8:30. We will try to take at least one full service breakfast in while there, but from what I read, lines crowds build up really fast in the morning at theme parks and it is good to be there when the gates open (which can be half an hour to an hour before the official time) :hourglass .

I am thinking of a whole day at MK, a short day at AK followed by time at GKTW, half a day at Epcot with a boat ride to MGM for the other half, one day to hit both Universal and Islands of Adventure, and a short day at Sea World with part of that day at GKTW as well. We probably won't have any real time the day we come in or the day we fly out as we will fly all day from the Pacific Northwest :scared1: . We tried to get a one day extension at our own expense by our local Make a Wish has a policy not to do that. Apparently some people have run up a huge tab on Make a Wish and have abused this privilege. That is really too bad because coming from a distance really take a day or two off the time at GKTW. Still, this is the trip of a lifetime :dance3: .

We bought our Crocs yesterday as that is what the frequent DisWorld folks advise. I am so excited about the trip, I have no words to describe it :3dglasses .

Dear Wendy,

I was inspired to write this poem by your thread and that of WhoseyourMickey. Tell me if this sounds familiar :eek: .

Disney Whirled

Parking lot
Playful spot
Inspection hassle
Magic Castle
Rope Drop
Child Swap
See Winnie the Pooh
Whatever you do

Walk slow
Main Street
Character greet
Peter Pan
Touring Plan
Hair stylin’
Tom Sawyer Island

Fast Pass
Liberty Bell
Snow White
Grab a bite
Jungle Cruise
Long-line blues

Toon Town
Princess gown
Mickey Mouse
Minnie’s house
Pirate’s curse
Empty purse
Parade Times
Count your dimes

Aladdin’s lamp
Hand stamp
Gifts shops
Potty stops
A President
Our money’s spent
Haunted Mansion
Hidden stanchion

Rude jerks
Small World
Flags unfurled
Splash Mountain
Thunder Mountain
Space Mountain
Costs mountin’

Tired feet
We’re all beat
Please don’t fail
Find our car
It can’t be far
Its really late
We’re out the gate


I can see that I will have to spend some time preparing my heart for the trip as well as planning for it :love: . We will definitely try to cut down our plans, based on your experience. I will spend a lot of time meditating, praying and working on my attitude in advance :angel: . We dads can get so goal oriented that we forget the journey is the destination :mad: . I am going to have to remember that we will not be graded on our trip for how many rides we go on, or how much we "conquer in a day." I really want to slow down and let my kids make some choices :scared: .

I think I will print up some Bible verses on laminated cards to refer to each morning :sad2: . I was thinking of "Father's provoke not your children to wrath." How about "Husbands live with your wives in an understanding manner :rolleyes: ?" It seems to me that Mom's bear the brunt of the pain and stress and heartache of childhood illness. The trip can be a time for the father to facilitate a wonderful time for everyone :teacher: .

WOW! How insightfull! I think that your wife is very blessed to have a husband that can sit back and realize what he could do to make things better for her. As the mother and wife of a special needs child and a critically ill husband I know all too well how just the everyday routines can get so overwhelming. I thank God for his strength and the contact of other families that are going through the same thing.
Again I'm going to say you are awesome, and I back up Bill Lin on the info thing, You truly have put a wealth of info on here for those of us going on wish trips. Especially us that have never went to WDW before.
Keep it coming!!!
Oh you're a tease Wendy....leaving us hanging on the "Did we make it to that Meet and Greet? "!!

You little stinker!!!!!!

:laughing: And even better...What time does the Christmas Party start? Oh no! We're late!

I'm thoroughly enjoying your trip report, and can't wait to see how everything goes with your next meet and greet. I had a nephew with cerebral palsy who only made it to 14 months old and I have a niece who is autistic and is now 16, so I can totally relate to some of what you have to go through. Patiently waiting for the next installment. :rolleyes1

I hope to get it up this evening. I had to recover last night. :laughing:

Wendy loving the TR. If you want you can have some of my pictures from Seamore and Clyde.

Thanks Mandy. That is so sweet. I think I'll survive though. I probably won't get to scrapping for another three or four years. :)

Thanks for the info on the Sony DVC's

My DH has been emailing me departure schedules from work...things like, charge both digital camera batteries, vacuum the car on Friday afternoon...set up the portable DVD's the night before, park the Honda outside, and pull the Suburban into the garage so that, if it rains, we don't have to get wet on our departure...LOL...as if I wasn't already obsessing about all that already. The amazing part is that his car is usually the one blessed with garage space, not mine. Wow...he is getting excited about the trip!

I am glad you have some good things to say about Universal. I have been a little worried about the family friendliness of that park. We absolutely have to go though, for DS8 aka Spiderboy:charac4:. We have ADR's with the wall crawler himself, and Cat in the Hat too, but I have been afraid that with all the thrill rides it will only be fun for DH, me and my two oldest...leaving the little guys DS8 :charac4:, DS7 pirate: and DS5 :ewok:, bored and frustrated. Sooo...if tomorrow is a TR on the MK with PP (I feel like Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam with all those abbreviations), then the next day is Universal, right? When did you, or did you, do Epcot? Along with the GKTW banana splits, I am looking forward to some munching at Epcot too.

Glad to hear I mentioned it. I hope I remember everything that is important. There were so many things. I do have to write to Sony and thank them though.
Isn't it lovely how dh gets all excited. I loved seeing dh get excited but when he got interested in the planning when I was all done, I nearly throttled him. But his little diagrams helped so that was all good.
We did not ever make it to Epcot. Just didn't have time to fit it in. Hopefully next time. We have penciled Universal in for Friday. We'll see if we get there, now won't we?

:wave2: Thought I would pop in over here and say hi. I love reading your trip report. It reall helps me to know what to expect. I love that we can borrow the Sony cam. I have to agree with 5dwarves, my old JVC has about had it also! I love the fact that we can get ice cream all the time. Unfortunately my DD isn't into ice cream that much. She will eat ice cream sandwiches but is not too hip on cones or even dishes of ice cream. oh well, more for me!! :thumbsup2 Keep up the good work, can't wait to read more!

How about shakes? They have those too. And root beer floats!

Great update Wendy!!

Keep it coming!!
I love your trip reports! Your children are beautiful and the trip looks like it was magical. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks to both of you!

I have just finished reading this TR after being directed here by a friend:thumbsup2 and I absolutely love what you have so far. The pictures you have of Michael and Peter Pan are just so precious. I had tears in my eyes on Page 10 when you mentioned meeting that other family and all Michael wanted was to ride over and over again and I just wanted to give you and your family a big hug:grouphug: I even read it out to my fiance and we both said how you said it just perfectly, I almost lost it
I am so happy that you managed to get that meet with Peter Pan and I am looking forward to reading the rest of this.

Thanks. I appreciate it. Michael just talks and talks about his P-E-T-E-R-P-A-N experience. (yes, that is how he says it. Its his first real spelled word. LOL)

Wendy what beautiful children you have!! Ive cried a whole lot during this trip report.... i hope to be in it for the long haul! Your have an amazing family and your trip to WDW really seems like a dream come true. Im so happy for you all. Cant wait for more. All of this ice cream talk is making me hungry- I wish you had taken a photo.. just talking about the banana splits makes me want one!!

LOL I never thought about take a picture of the split. They were so good I was eating them before I even got to the table! LOL

What a great TR! Your family is lovely and the photos are just precious! How wonderful for you all to have this great Disney memory!
This has got to be the BEST tr I have ever read!!
Im so glad your family felt the Magic!!
Your kids are beautiful & I wish for many happy years ahead for your son...he's an absolute doll
The pictures are amazing & touching & I enjoyed reading it!!:

Thank you both so much. I hope you enjoy the rest of it just as much.

Oh! Wendy I can't wat to find out more. Did you make the Meet and Greet? Well I sure hope so! And was the meeting w/"Peter" as magical as the 1st time? I want to know it all RIGHT NOW! But....I do not want this to end!:eek:
So in the meantime I'll jump over to DMs report since I noticed she updated! YEAH!!!:woohoo:
Until the next report......

I hope to get the rest out by the end of the week.

WendyGrace- don't feel bad... even without "wiggly kids", SeaWorld is difficult to plan, IMO. Last year, of course on the HOTTEST DAY OF THE YEAR, we went and I did not enjoy it. The show schedule is very strange - you feel like you are running from one end of the park to another.

We were seated, waiting for the Shamu show to start, when a worker came in and said we (there were quite a few of us) weren't supposed to be in our seats yet, and made us LEAVE the arena! Of course, the line outside at this point was huge! It was the only time I ever saw Bob look like he was going to get into an argument - he told the guy, "don't even THINK that we are getting in the back of this line because someone on your staff didn't have the entrance manned." Oooo.. I was afraid we were going to get thrown out of the park! :

We ran into a few "less than friendly" workers that day. I truly did not enjoy our day at SeaWorld and will not return.

And, I know what it is like, being the "photographer" of the family.... I threw the camera at Bob once and said, "take a picture of me so this child KNOWS that she HAD A MOTHER!"

Yikes! And I thought ours was bad. So sad to hear SW wasn't good for you either. Such a shame since the one in SA was great!
I think the same thing for the kids. The poor kids will wonder if I was ever there doing things with them. LOL

This has been one of the best trip reports that I have ever read! I cannot wait till you post more.
Your kids are just so cute! I'm loving your TR, and the pictures are just...no words...I also got a bit teary! :)
can't wait for more
i just sat and read this entire thing--i have had tears in my eyes the entire time--im loving this report!! cant wait to read more!

Thank you all so much. I am so glad you're enjoying it.

Thank you so much for sharing your family's story!
I am so not a crier, but I was bawling yesterday. And I was at work! Guess I should learn to not DIS and work at the same time.
Thanks for posting the give kids the world website. I emailed them yesterday afternoon about volunteering while I'm there in September and they have already sent me all the info I need!
I'm so looking forward to spending part of my vacation helping spread pixie dust and magic!

That's great! You will just be amazed. I hope the volunteering is rewarding for you.

I'm right with you when it comes to getting so involved in the "action" that you forget to take pix...so many times that has happened to me. Then I'm kicking myself later just like you.
Oh well, when the kids get wiggly they need a mommy not a photographer anyway!
Looking forward to your MK morning...:

Sometimes I wish I had a digital camera permanently installed on my finger and that it would be always on and ready to take a picture. LOL

Wendy - another great update!! I am really enjoying your TR!!
absolutely wonderful so far! you have a beautiful family. I have gotten teary eyed many times reading! This is exactly what I love about DIsney. this is what it's all about! I cannot wait to have kids and take them to see the looks on their faces like you captured in those precious pictures!

Thank you!

Oh where oh where is Wendy? I am ready for more TR...is it Sunday yet? LOL...hope you are enjoying some downtime Wendy!

Sorry. I woke up at 6am on Saturday, had flowers planted in my front yard in the morning, bday party in the afternoon, to my mothers in the evening, kids to bed and started reading HP at about 11pm. I read through the night until about 3pm. Then I crashed! LOL

Only part of the way through your report, but really enjoying it.
I have a son who spent a summer in the hospital three years ago for a brain injury and going back to WDW was a positive thing dh and I talked about during that time.
It's truly a magical place!
What a wonderful trip! Thanks for sharing!

Isn't the thinking about WDW a great way to get through hospital stays? I hope to make the kids their own little mini albums to take with them when we are in the hospital.

What a beautiful family you have! Your kids are soooo so adorable. Reading your report is wonderful. When Michael and Danae met Peter Pan, I could no longer stop myself and started crying. How sweet. What a dream come true!
I can't wait for the rest!
I just have to say that I LOVE the TR, and the pictures too.
Wendy-- you have 2 beautiful children! Those pictures of Michael w/ Peter Pan are so touching : I cannot wait to read about their next meeting!! Thank you for sharing this amazing TR with us!
Great Job Wendygrace

Thank you so much you guys. It really was a dream come true!


I have done a LOT of research :surfweb: to prepare for our wish trip :wizard: . I have to say that your thread is far and away the best information that I have found

I can see that I will have to spend some time preparing my heart for the trip as well as planning for it : . We will definitely try to cut down our plans, based on your experience. I will spend a lot of time meditating, praying and working on my attitude in advance : . We dads can get so goal oriented that we forget the journey is the destination : . I am going to have to remember that we will not be graded on our trip for how many rides we go on, or how much we "conquer in a day." I really want to slow down and let my kids make some choices .

The trip can be a time for the father to facilitate a wonderful time for everyone .

I think it will help give a "spouse break" as well :cloud9: . I am finding that my DW needs these some times as I can be kind of overwhelming. We will have a cell phone for each group to keep in touch.

I am surprised that GKTW has their full-service breakfast so late in the mornings. I am used to hotel breakfasts that start at 6:00 and are over by 8:30. We will try to take at least one full service breakfast in while there, but from what I read, lines crowds build up really fast in the morning at theme parks and it is good to be there when the gates open (which can be half an hour to an hour before the official time) :hourglass .

We bought our Crocs yesterday as that is what the frequent DisWorld folks advise. I am so excited about the trip, I have no words to describe it

Thank you Bill. I am glad this has been so helpful to you. I also think its great that this has helped you see inside yourself and that you can take the time to look on how to facilitate a great time for all. I urge you to be flexible and to try and fit your schedule with the activities that you think your kids will enjoy at GKTW. I hear the Christmas Party is not to be missed. ;) You will get a daily schedule placed in your villa every day (usually with a very small gift for the wish child) that will tell you what the meals for the next day are and what the activities will be the next day. We made some minor changes based on those schedules.

Dear Wendy,

I was inspired to write this poem by your thread and that of WhoseyourMickey. Tell me if this sounds familiar :.

Disney Whirled

Parking lot
Playful spot
Inspection hassle
Magic Castle
Rope Drop
Child Swap
See Winnie the Pooh
Whatever you do

Walk slow
Main Street
Character greet
Peter Pan
Touring Plan
Hair stylin’
Tom Sawyer Island

Fast Pass
Liberty Bell
Snow White
Grab a bite
Jungle Cruise
Long-line blues

Toon Town
Princess gown
Mickey Mouse
Minnie’s house
Pirate’s curse
Empty purse
Parade Times
Count your dimes

Aladdin’s lamp
Hand stamp
Gifts shops
Potty stops
A President
Our money’s spent
Haunted Mansion
Hidden stanchion

Rude jerks
Small World
Flags unfurled
Splash Mountain
Thunder Mountain
Space Mountain
Costs mountin’

Tired feet
We’re all beat
Please don’t fail
Find our car
It can’t be far
Its really late
We’re out the gate


I love it!

WOW! How insightfull! I think that your wife is very blessed to have a husband that can sit back and realize what he could do to make things better for her. As the mother and wife of a special needs child and a critically ill husband I know all too well how just the everyday routines can get so overwhelming. I thank God for his strength and the contact of other families that are going through the same thing.
Again I'm going to say you are awesome, and I back up Bill Lin on the info thing, You truly have put a wealth of info on here for those of us going on wish trips. Especially us that have never went to WDW before.
Keep it coming!!!

So glad this has been so helpful. :goodvibes

Alright. I am now late to the Homeowner's Association meeting so I better run. I was just jumping online to let you know that I will try and get on tonight after the kids go to bed to complete Thursday which is scheduled with a Meet And Greet with Peter Pan at 9:55am at POTC at MK. Oh, and we have a Christmas Party scheduled for that Evening. How will this day go? Will the days go better than the last two days? ;)
Glad you got some downtime to read this weekend. Truly, as much as I want to know how your trip went and to hear all your wonderful details, I also want you to be sane at home. LOL. No pressure about the boards...they will always be there.


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