"A" my name is...

O, my name is Olivia and my husbands name is Ollie we live in Oregon and we sell oranges.
Q, my name is Quennie & my husbands name is Quinten we live in Quebec & we sell quinces.
R, my name is Rebecca and my husbands name is Robert we live in Rome and we sell Rings.
S my name is Steven and my friend's name is Sam, we live in Syracuse and we sell stuff
T, my name is Tara & my husbands name is Tom we live in Toronto & we sell tinker toys.
U my name is Ursula and my husband's name is Ulysses, we come from Uniontown where we sell undies.
V, my name is Valerie & my husbands name is Vic we live in Valley Forge and we sell violins.
W my name is Willie and my wife's name is Wilma, we live in Walla Walla Washington and sell wagons
Passing on x

Y my name is Yvonne & my husbands name is Yuri we live in Yellowstone & we sell yuca.
Z my name is Zulu, my husband's name is Zavier, we live in Zimbabwe, and we sell Zebras
A My name is Audrey, my husband's name is Alfred, we live in Australia and we sell Alfalfa.
B my name is Bob and my partner's name is Bill, we live in Buffalo and play bingo
C my name is Claire and my husband's name is Calvin,we live in Charleston and we sell Cars.
D my name is Dave and my son's name is Dean, we live in Denver and we sell dogs
E my name is Eliza, my husband's name is Edgar, we live in England and we sell eggs
F my name is Fara and my husband's name is Frank,we live in Florida and we sell Flags.
G my name is Gwen, my husband's name is Glenn. We live in Georgia, and we sell gerbils.
H my name is Henry and my father's name is Harry, we live in Houston and we sell honey.
I, my name is Iris my husbands name is Ike we live in an igloo & we sell ice.


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