A NEW GAME!..Have you ever? - The Continuation

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yep one came into my work and i rang up her groceries!

have you ever been to arizona
no but my dad was...he had cancer for about a yr before they figured it out...lucky enough someone finally figured it out and he is fine now:)

hye lived in maryland?
no (Glad to hear your Dad is ok, tho!!)

HYE lost the remote control to the TV for more than a day?
at my parents house yes, but not at df and i 's apartment b/c we keep the remotes to both tvs in obvious places. Works much better this way!!!! I hate having to search

hye bought scrapbook supplies online?
No, DH wouldn't care about them.

HYE been involved in a car accident that was your fault?
Yes, but it was minor, I just rearended a guy and we were going slow.

HYE gotten sick from riding too many rides at Disney?
no...not for riding too many, just for riding the wrong one :sick:

HYE been evacuated for a bomb threat?
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