A Private, Romantic 30th Anniversary Trip- Just Ask My Friends! Last Afternoon: EP p. 37 9/19

I'm so happy for you and Teena. It sounds like things are coming together nicely for Cruise 2.0. Your outlook and attitude is very refreshing and such an example for us all, given how selfish our society has become as a whole.:thanks:

Since I picked passport, I guess I will need to hazard another guess.....how about his homework. ??? (That has to be a safer guess than what my smart-a$$, jokey comment was going to be. :joker: We'll just leave it at that! :P )
I didn't guess passport because I figured that you were holding on to those so that no one would forget them. I hope I'm right about that. :)

Correct on that instinct!

It was not cell phone either. He does have one, but it wasn't that.

Everyone can have another guess.

I know I originally posted on BC thread but thought it would be better if I just told you on here.
My DH cancelled his flight for tonight to FL bc his Saturday afternoon flight back home got cancelled and he didn't want to stay any longer. We are a little worried about the condo but it's north of Orlando.
Crossing our fingers. Our friend is going to check on it when it's safe.
Wish she had a key!! Ugh!! She'll be getting one next time we're down.
I know I originally posted on BC thread but thought it would be better if I just told you on here.
My DH cancelled his flight for tonight to FL bc his Saturday afternoon flight back home got cancelled and he didn't want to stay any longer. We are a little worried about the condo but it's north of Orlando.
Crossing our fingers. Our friend is going to check on it when it's safe.
Wish she had a key!! Ugh!! She'll be getting one next time we're down.

I am glad to hear this. I was just thinking about your husband earlier today.

Stuff is stuff. Easy for me to say, but nothing is more important than being safe.

I'm so glad you and Teena were able to reschedule your cruise. They have evacuated St Augustine. I was scrambling to find a flight out for DD thankfully got her out last night. Drove 4 hours last night after working all day to get her but she's home safe.
Praying Irma isn't as damaging as Mathew was last year.
I'm so glad you and Teena were able to reschedule your cruise. They have evacuated St Augustine. I was scrambling to find a flight out for DD thankfully got her out last night. Drove 4 hours last night after working all day to get her but she's home safe.
Praying Irma isn't as damaging as Mathew was last year.

You must be so relieved! I am glad to hear she is home safe. I think we talked about this, I have a local friend whose daughter is a sophomore and one of my dear DIS friends has a daughter who stared there 3 weeks ago! I'll PM you the names.

This morning, she called Disney. We are now booked on the September 30, Fantasy Western itinerary.
I'm so glad you'll still get to see Teena :goodvibes

I am excited to be getting back the week I will spend with my friend on board, but it is combined with a sadness when I see what has happened so far in the Caribbean and with fear for what is still to come for people in the path of this huge, destructive storm.
I understand completely. It's been a hard couple weeks for our poor family and friends, and fellow Americans, in the south and it's hard to not be completely pre-occupied with it. The Dis is a nice distraction.
I'm glad that you were able to find a way to make it work out and re-book your trip. Frustrating in the very least, but at least you're safely away from the weather they're experiencing.
Looking forward to hearing about your cruise.
You have the best job ::yes::

I really do have the best job.

You don't even want to know what was on today's agenda.

We had our staff potluck (we do this twice a year) where we discuss the upcoming programs and schedule for the season while we eat lunch.

We get paid to eat!

That doesn't suck!


I forgot to guess! Jack and Coke for Nate's drink and did Ben forget his passport?

Good to hear that the cruise was rescheduled. I hate watching the news these days. I tell my students to think about others before you start complaining about something minor. Of course, I'm always amazed by the number of high school kids who have no idea what is going in the world!

Guesses noted.

My head is still spinning. It was less than a week ago that Teena and I were scrambling to get to the port early, and then on Tuesday night the cruise was cancelled. A LOT has happened since then.

My highschooler is acutely (and sometimes annoyingly) attuned to what is going on in the world. Let's just say we clash politically!


Glad you were able to reschedule!

Thanks! I am too, although as I said, I never had a moment of bitterness or regret about the cancelation when I thought about what so many people are going through with their homes and lives.


I'm so happy for you and Teena. It sounds like things are coming together nicely for Cruise 2.0. Your outlook and attitude is very refreshing and such an example for us all, given how selfish our society has become as a whole.:thanks:

Since I picked passport, I guess I will need to hazard another guess.....how about his homework. ??? (That has to be a safer guess than what my smart-a$$, jokey comment was going to be. :joker: We'll just leave it at that! :P )

Awww! Thanks!

Now I want to know your other answer!

Yours is my favorite answer. Yes, Ben would be the one who would take homework on the trip, and do it. He had completed his summer reading by then, so he just had the book he was reading for pleasure. "Why Nations Fail". He was upset that he forgot his backup book, Kissinger's "Diplomacy" but that is not the answer I am looking for.


Does Ben wear glasses? Was it his eyeglasses that he forgot?

He does not.


How about his backpack?



A prescription?

I thought when I gave my hint that someone would say this.


Any word yet on how your condo is?


I'm so glad you'll still get to see Teena :goodvibes

I understand completely. It's been a hard couple weeks for our poor family and friends, and fellow Americans, in the south and it's hard to not be completely pre-occupied with it. The Dis is a nice distraction.

Seriously, the thing I am most looking forward to is spending time with Teena.


Hugs! I am so happy that you are safe, and that you were able to reschedule your cruise!

Thank you so much!


I'm glad that you were able to find a way to make it work out and re-book your trip. Frustrating in the very least, but at least you're safely away from the weather they're experiencing.


I haven't had a chance to check up with you to see if you made it on your trip/how it was.

Alright! Apparently I started a full-blown trip report over on the Cruise board. I just can't say anything briefly!

Here's the link.

A Cruise To Be (Or Not To Be) Eclipsed, Carnival Legend to Alaska, August 15-22, 2017

I'm probably not going to post the report here, or at least not until I have finished this one. But I do have to give you the answers to the guessing game.

"When the car service arrived to bring us to the airport, what item was Ben missing that delayed us for a few minutes?"


"What mixed drink did Nate order as his first legal adult beverage in Victoria Canada?"

(the bottle in the foreground is mine, so don't let that throw you off)


Nate's drink is an old fashioned: bourbon whiskey, Angostura® bitters, water, sugar, maraschino cherry and orange.

According to Esquire magazine: A mighty fine drink it is: strong, square-jawed, with just enough civilization to keep you from hollerin' like a mountain-jack.

I'll give a point (that counts for nothing) for anyone who said "whiskey", 2 points for Canadian whiskey, @Mopedmom1 since that is what he SHOULD have ordered and 3 points for Manhattan because I think that is the closest guess, @pbb&j



And here is the part of the trip report that answers the question about Ben's missing item:

Monday August 14- Travel to Seattle

We had a 7 am flight from Boston’s Logan Airport, which meant a 3:30 wakeup call and 4:30 pickup from the car service we have used more than 4 dozen times for business and vacation travel for over 20 years.

As I have mentioned in past trip reports, I get nervous that they are not going to show up. Every.Single.Time. Even though they have never failed to be there. Usually early.

But just like for other trips, we saw the headlights of the van pulling into our driveway and we gathered our things.

Ben announced “I can’t find my shoes”


My son Nate is a shoe guy and had the pair he was wearing a pair of boots hanging from his carryon and two additional pairs packed.

Ben owns just one pair of black sneakers that he wears, always, and he can’t find them.

He looks on the porch. Not there.

He looks in the passenger seat in my van. Nope!

A couple of weeks ago I had bought Ben a new pair of bargain sneakers ($10) from Walmart, and we were running out of time, so he cut the tags and put them on. Not ideal to be breaking in a brand new pair of shoes for the first time on a trip where we would be walking all over Seattle and exploring in Alaska.

We found his shoes when we returned home. And the location and circumstances do not reflect well on me as a parent or Ben’s activity level.

The week before our trip we had my annual family reunion. Ben did some tidepooling while there and changed from his sneakers into flip flops. He tucked his shoes into the bag with the camp chairs which I had not taken out of the back of my van yet.

That means Ben had not worn shoes (hence, had not left the house) in about a week.

Ben announced “I can’t find my shoes”

I love it! But I'm bummed, because I almost guessed shoes! Years ago, we were going to the beach about an hour away from home. We get out of the car, and I see that my daughter doesn't have shoes on. She was about 8 at the time. She said that she didn't need shoes, because we were going to the beach. The challenge was that this particular beach is only accessible via a woodchip path about a half mile long, through the woods! My poor 11 year old carried her on his back. We now bring our shoes when we leave the house.

The list of things my kids have forgotten is extensive. It's a tricky business when you let your kids do their own packing. Last fall I had to ship an entire drawer of underwear to my oldest at college. My bigger concern was that he kept saying he was just fine without them.

I thought I spied a maraschino cherry in that drink. Score! Apparently old drinks are cool again!
I'll give a point (that counts for nothing) for anyone who said "whiskey", 2 points for Canadian whiskey, @Mopedmom1 since that is what he SHOULD have ordered and 3 points for Manhattan because I think that is the closest guess, @pbb&j


Woo-hoo! Two points for me! That count for nothing? Are you kidding me? The way I see it that's enough for a round trip "Duber" ride. Better let @Ninja Mom know cuz I'm cashing them in this November. :eeyore:

As for missing shoes....you are being WAAAAAY too hard on yourself. It's summer. Who needs shoes? :beach:
Any word yet on how your condo is?

Everything looks good on the outside. Patio furniture hardly moved and windows are all intact. However our friend who lives about 10 minutes away, had some water seeping in through her walls. So my DH is going down this weekend (take 2) to survey the inside and make sure we don't get mold.
I forgot to tell you the reason my DH couldn't fly down earlier than Friday was bc he and my DS were at the Pats game Thursday night. Despite them losing my DS had a blast!!


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