A snake in our shower... not for the faint of heart!


DIS Veteran
Jul 4, 2007
Just back from a 15 day trip, staying in Windsor Palms this time around.

During our stay we had a few small house guests, 1 palmetto bug (found in the laundry room), 1 silverfish (found in the kitchen), 1 silverfish (found in the kids bathroom), and a few dead lovebugs here and there.

But what I didn't expect was a snake in our master shower. He was just a common garden snake, but he was big - about 2 feet long! He was hiding in the metal brackets that hold the glass shower door in place, about 4 feet up from the floor. Now I've heard snakes can climb, but didn't believe it until now! Needless to say, before I got into the shower I noticed him and immediately screamed for my husband. He didn't believe what I said until he came into the bathroom himself and saw "Mr. Snake".


LOL even hubby was scared, not knowing how to get "Mr. Snake" out of there. He ended up using a small hand towel and then once he realized it was just a garden snake grabbed him with his bare hands. He then called my kids over to take a look, and off they went into the backyard to set him free. We had neighbours next door from the UK who also took a look and were probably thankful it didn't happen to them.

LOL I had hubby check in our bed and under the bed that night... just to be on the safe side of course. :rolleyes1
YIKES!! Thank goodness you sound like you took it in stride. I lived in Hawaii, and even at the Ritz on Maui we had geckos and ants - not much you can do in warm climates. I would have screamed too! Thanks for sharing.

I do see sometimes folks complain about finding bugs, but what can you do? Better to be at Disney with a bug or two than home doing housework and stuff!!
I shouldn't have read this - I will be at Windsor Palms shortly - how do you think the snake got in the house?

I don't think it has anything to do with Windsor Palms, in general there are lots of snakes everywhere in FL.

As for how it got in? Perhaps when the management company was cleaning and they had doors open??
Holy crud!!! I would have slept with one eye open that night LOL....most critters don't bother me, but snakes just send shivers up my spine!!
Non poisonous snakes may also bite so grab him by the neck so he can't turn his head at you that easily.
EEEEkkk! Not only is your story scary- your picture puts it over the top! I would have lost my mind! Glad you enjoyed your trip, though :)
Snakes really do not bother me esp garden snakes being the evil person I am I think I'd have had to suddenly changed my mind about showering 1st an let DH shower 1st an seen how he reacted to the snake....
OH DEAR GOD! My 6'3", 220 lb husband would have dropped dead if he saw that! You've GOT to be kidding...........UUUGGGGHHHHHHH!
Wow, snakes are sure interesting creatures, aren't they?

One time my mom found a snake just sitting right next to the patio door behind the couch in our living room. After identifying it as a garden snake, I picked it up and carried it outside. Not a real problem.

CaptainHypersock out.
:scared1: I don't know what I would have done if I had seen that!!!! Sounds like you handled the situation well though. I probably would have freaked out!!! :laughing:
Wow, I have seen garden snakes here in Texas, but they have only been a couple of inches wide and maybe 24 inches long. This one would have scared me a bit much:scared1: The last time I saw a garden snake it was right by my front door mat. I used the garage entrance for quite some time:laughing:
Awww, what a cutie pie! :)

He's a tiddler compared to the ones I have at home. A 7' long Pine snake being one of the bigger ones.

I'm not going to rib you about being scared though. Scientists believe that about 80% of humans are genetically programmed to be scared of snakes.
My mum would've passed out if she'd seen a snake in the villa they rented a couple of months ago. :scared1: To be honest, I'm not sure how I would react myself, since snakes aren't too common here in Scotland. :rolleyes1

I'm glad that it was "only" a garden snake though.
With the cooler weather here in FL, he was probably looking for a cozy spot to hang out in..

I have noticed a increase of insects in the house as of late, mostly the darned palmetto bugs...EEEK!
We had one just like that in the garage of the house we rented in Lindsfield a couple of years age. It is a funny story we tell now. Wasn't so funny then. Oh well, another Disney trip memory for the kids. :laughing:
can't believe you actually were calm enough to take a picture of the darn thing.

you are one brave lady.:thumbsup2


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