A Tale of Two Trips: Disneyland and Hawaii July 2014 Long Way Home: The End 9/13 p.40

We met at Maui Wave Riders in Lahaina.


Oooo, chicks hanging out at the surf shop. This looks promising. For Nate, I mean. Of course.

Always a good idea to get the pictures taken before -- when you're still thinking how easy this is going to be and how cool you're going to look while doing it. (Which it turns out you did!)

This IS going to be easy -- you've got this!!

The guitar riff from "Wipeout" started playing in my head the moment I saw this!! I love the "Minnie" hands too!

Synchronized Surfing?


Now quick, swap boards. I'll be super-impressed.

You did good Dee!!
You look as excited as a girl in a candy shop. Good for you. IT looks like a fun time. I have to say I am very impressed with your Syncronized Surfing.
Well, well, well, look at you! He'e (Hawaiian for surf's up!) Next thing you know you'll be going to the North Shore for the Billabong Pipe Masters! Kowabunga dude!! Great pics and great update. I'm so envious of this trip.
Aloha folks!!!

I did manage to catch up on the Beach Club FAQ thread, but I never got a chance to get caught up here!

Off to Disney for 5 days. 3 actually. Have to be at school at 11:30, flight is at 3, should be at ASMo around 7:30 or 8 pm tonight. Back on Friday.

MK in morning Tues, EP in morning Wed (nights are up in the air). Thurs- AK in morning, HS after lunch (FP ToT, RnR, Star Tours), resort break then MK until 1 am.

Have a great week, everyone!


Apparently, I have been “chillin’ out” since my last update, because it has been 3 weeks since writing about my adventures in surfing. In my defense, sort of, I was away at Disney for some of that time.


Now THAT is the face of excitement!!!!

Or terror. Sheer terror! :scared1:

For some reason I'm thinking I would still fall in the water from there somehow.

There was some of that.

Way to go Dee!! That is awesome!

Thank you!

Well I guess they can't make is too easy. :)


Awesome job surfing. What a great memory.

Spectacular sunset. The only sunsets that have come close to Hawaiian ones are those on cruises.

Thank you so much! Nate and I had a lot of fun surfing (and I think Mark enjoyed watching). Hawaiian sunsets really are so gorgeous.


Catching up. Wow! Lots of fun since last I posted in here. Great huge turtle. The sunset shots were truly marvelous. Enlargement and frame quality!

Surfing - you look good. Way to go! And it is crowded. I would find that difficult too with that many people in close proximity.


Thanks! Maui was really so much fun. I love the water, so it was great to be able to spend our time snorkeling, swimming and surfing.

A couple of times I sat down on the board, which is what you are instructed to do, when I thought I was going to hit someone.


Your surfing lesson looks like it was a lot of fun. The waves don't look very big, though. Were they good for surfing?

The waves were big enough!!! :rotfl2:

The waves would take us to the shallow water, so it was fine.


Oooo, chicks hanging out at the surf shop. This looks promising. For Nate, I mean. Of course.

I didn't notice.

Always a good idea to get the pictures taken before -- when you're still thinking how easy this is going to be and how cool you're going to look while doing it. (Which it turns out you did!)

I was not thinking how cool I was going to look. I was just hoping I would stand at least once.

This IS going to be easy -- you've got this!!

I'm glad you are confident!

The guitar riff from "Wipeout" started playing in my head the moment I saw this!! I love the "Minnie" hands too!

Sounds about right!

Now quick, swap boards. I'll be super-impressed.

You did good Dee!!

I should show the rest of the series this incident. It looks like I push the other girl off the board (I didn't!) and then I'm smiling, like "Yeah! I'm still up!"





You look as excited as a girl in a candy shop. Good for you. IT looks like a fun time. I have to say I am very impressed with your Syncronized Surfing.

We are both just trying to stay up.


That looks like so much fun and you guys really did a great job!!!

I enjoyed it. We live about 15 minutes from the beach and about 30 minutes from a beach where you can take surf lessons. Somehow, doing this in 60 degree water is not quite as enticing.


Well, well, well, look at you! He'e (Hawaiian for surf's up!) Next thing you know you'll be going to the North Shore for the Billabong Pipe Masters! Kowabunga dude!! Great pics and great update. I'm so envious of this trip.


No, I think I will stick with tropical, amateur surfing.

It really was a great trip!


Have a blast and I hope you don't end up in a corner again. ;)

I visited the corner, but I didn't need to escape this time.

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Snorkel-There's Squirt! and Dukes Again!

After returning to the resort from surfing, it was time to snorkel!

Nate actually joined us. I was sticking close to Nate while he was in the water.

Ben was with Mark and I believe Ben is the one who took these pictures. He came up to the surface all excited and said “There’s a baby turtle down there!” We dived down to look and didn’t see it, but when I looked at the pictures- there it is!




My pictures, I think:


Ornate Butterflyfish




Can you see the little white Gobi-thing peeking out from the bottom of the coral?

We took a break from the water for some lunch… wait for it… at Dukes!

We had the Banana Macadamia Nut pancakes, Grilled Steak Tacos, BBQ ribs & Huli Huli chicken and a Cheeseburger.





Along with a Tropical Smoothie, soda and iced tea, our check was $71.30 plus tip.

What to do after lunch???

Snorkel, of course!

Continued in Next Post

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Continued from Previous Post

Just Keep Snorkeling! Just Keep Snorkeling!

What to do after lunch???

Snorkel, of course!

This time it was Ben, Mark and me.




4 Spot Butterfly Fish


Moorish Idol


Puffer-type, Box Fish?




Ornate Butterflyfish and Yellow Tang


Continued in Next Post
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Continued from Previous Post

We returned to the room to relax for a little while before walking over to the nearby plaza to return the boys snorkel equipment (and our fins) and the beach chairs we rented. We had rented everything for a week since the price was better than the daily price, and because we returned everything early, we actually received a refund of part of the cost!

We also got some shave ice. It was not quite the same experience as Ululani’s in Lahaina. There were just a couple of tables. When we asked for more syrup, the woman kind of scowled at us.


We purchased some more sushi and drinks from the market and a got two veggie platters from Pizza Paradiso to eat back on our balcony. This all turned out to be way too much food for that evening and even the next morning for breakfast, but I made a valiant effort to finish as much as I could.



After our meal, Mark and I went for a walk around the resort and debated about whether we wanted to snorkel one more time- we still had our own masks, just no fins.

Of course we did!

And we were really glad because even though we were out there for just a short while, we ended our Hawaiian snorkel by seeing this eagle ray.


The rest of our night was packing for our move the next day to the Big Island, playing cards (BS) and watching TV. I questioned the boys viewing choice: a documentary title “Why Planes Crash”

Next Up: Last Morning in Maui and How We Almost Lost Ben in the airport.
Finally, finally, I am caught up with your report. Thank goodness you were at Walt Disney World part of the time or I would have never caught up.

You always get THE best underwater pictures! Oh and the sunset pictures? Gorgeous!
Great updates, Dee. I love the snorkeling pictures and glad Nathan went with you for a bit. All of your lunch items look yummy. And how cool that you saw a Ray when you went back to snorkel that evening?

What were those boys thinking with your flight the next morning? :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Grilled Steak Tacos
The steak tacos look like they have slices of real steak! I'm used to dried out, over-cooked, really tough meat, but this looks good, although my favorite is fish tacos. :)

we ended our Hawaiian snorkel by seeing this eagle ray.
That is a gorgeous fish.

The rest of our night was packing for our move the next day to the Big Island
I can't wait to hear about the Big Island, but it also means that your trip is almost over. :(
Finally, finally, I am caught up with your report. Thank goodness you were at Walt Disney World part of the time or I would have never caught up.

You always get THE best underwater pictures! Oh and the sunset pictures? Gorgeous!

I feel thankful about your recent trip to WDW for the same reason! Catchup is soooooo hard!

Thank you so much! As you know, I love photographing the fishies. But Mother Nature gets the credit on the beautiful sunsets.


Great updates, Dee. I love the snorkeling pictures and glad Nathan went with you for a bit. All of your lunch items look yummy. And how cool that you saw a Ray when you went back to snorkel that evening?

Thank you! I always love it when Nate joins us in the water, but he really does not care for snorkeling.

The food at Dukes was awesome! Expensive, but awesome.

We really felt we made the right choice about the last snorkel when we saw the ray.


What were those boys thinking with your flight the next morning? :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Seriously, right!?!


The steak tacos look like they have slices of real steak! I'm used to dried out, over-cooked, really tough meat, but this looks good, although my favorite is fish tacos. :)

We had fish tacos at an earlier visit there. Both were great.


That is a gorgeous fish.

Yes, the eagle ray is really an incredible creature!


I can't wait to hear about the Big Island, but it also means that your trip is almost over. :(

Thanks! Still many more posts to go. The volcano excursion was the best one of our trip. It was a full, full, full, day.

I should show the rest of the series this incident. It looks like I push the other girl off the board (I didn't!) and then I'm smiling, like "Yeah! I'm still up!"

Super impressed that you surfed and so jealous of your skills! I tried surfing on my honeymoon too many years ago to admit and it is not easy! Loving your updates - what a great trip you all had!!!
crashing planes movie, no!!!!

Your snorkel pictures are great, what a neat looking Ray. And identifying the type, you should get extra points.
Bad, bad DISser! Not only have I failed to post a recent update, I haven't even responded to these comments. Hope to get updates on my reports posted in the next day or so.


Super impressed that you surfed and so jealous of your skills! I tried surfing on my honeymoon too many years ago to admit and it is not easy! Loving your updates - what a great trip you all had!!!

Thank you! Sonny B, our instructor, was really good. I had my doubts I would be able to do it, but I was pretty happy I caught a couple of rides!

It really was a fantastic trip. Really happy memories.


MMM food looks so good.
Love the snorkeling pictures.

Dukes puts out a great meal. Expensive. But great!

Thanks! We love to snorkel. Wish we had time on the Big Island, but this was the last of the snorkeling.


crashing planes movie, no!!!!

Your snorkel pictures are great, what a neat looking Ray. And identifying the type, you should get extra points.

I could not believe when the boys told us what they were watching! Didn't bother them, though.

I love that we never know what we might see under the sea! I love to try and figure out the types of fish we saw.

Bye Bye Maui!

On our final morning on Maui, our first priority was breakfast. We had a significant amount of food to finish up- seafood risotto, Mediterranean platter, pizza, peanut butter sandwiches and sushi. We added to our feast with a visit to the Ania Marketplace onsite where we purchased fresh pineapple ($6, ouch!), a chocolate croissant and Nate got a smoothie.

Here's a few pictures from the Market. We didn't visit here much during our trip, but they had pastries, deserts, prepared food and sandwiches. They even had meats you could purchase to use on the shared grills around the resort.




I am a compulsive plate clearer, so with my help, we did a pretty good job finishing up all of the food. There was some jelly left in the jar, and some soy sauce, but other than that, we left the cupboards pretty bare.

After breakfast, Mark and I took a final walk around the resort.

Bye bye beach!








Our rental car had to be back at noon, so we left around 10:30 and arrived at the rental lot at 11:45. As I mentioned earlier, we don't have much experience with rental cars, but we knew we had to return the tank full. I'm sure you all know the dilemma about trying to find a gas station close enough to the airport, but not so close that you are going to get gouged on the price of gas. We found one pretty close to the airport and filled up the tank for about $20. We estimated it would have cost us over $40 if we had the rental company charge us for a fill-up.

By the way, I just saw a report on the Today show that investigated gas stations near the Orlando airport and found that they charged tourists almost double what other gas stations charge to fill their tanks. Again, since we don't normally rent a car, we haven't experienced this, but buyer beware!!!

Next Up: How We Almost Lost Ben at the Airport
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How We Almost Lost Ben in the Airport

We had a long wait from the time we returned our rental car until our flight at 2:40 pm

Another airport with amazing views!

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The boys got some lunch at Burger King- I didn't order anything because I was still stuffed from the breakfast "buffet" back in our room. Then Mark and the boys took an unauthorized trip to get some ice cream at Pink Berry. This was one of those choose your ice cream and toppings and then weigh your selection and pay an exorbitant price. Mark tried to hide all evidence of the cost but I think it was over $20 for two soft serve ice creams!

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This guy was our dining companion in the food court

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In the gate area for our flight, there was a group of probably 50 middle school age kids all wearing orange t-shirts that were advertising a computer camp.

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This is what Ben was wearing.

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We teased him that he better not get too close or we might lose him to this group.

Continued in Next Post
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