A very sad day -your thoughts and prayers are needed

I just found the pod casts last week and downloaded all the round table pc's.

i started listening to them and heard Bob's review of Fort Wilderness. I same online to see if I could find some of the things he was talking about and found our he passed away.

It's a very sad thing when a "friend" passes away. even if you've never met that "friend" they become part of your live.

It was always funny when you guys made fun of some of the way he said things because of his accent. and how he laughed at it too.

Rest in peace Bob.
Wow...I've been away for some time dealing with business, traveling, and a broken computer. I noticed that the podcast was missing for a while, but then my personal computer broke down and I've not had access to updates since. I didn't even realize that I had an unheard podcast on my ipod until last night. Naturally, I pressed play immediately. I only listened for a minute or two because I couldn't stand to listen once the music for the show began. This was very sad news indeed. I wish I had heard of this sooner, but as that is not the case...I will now wish Bob an eternity of magical days where his dreams will always come true and thank him for putting many a smile on my face since I began listening...
and was shocked and saddened to see "Bob Memorial Show" in the list of shows on my iTouch.

I started catching up, and the third show today which I have the Best of Bob show in my ears right now.

I actually cried a little when the new girl from Louisiana (sorry forgot your name) said on the show before, that Bob was in Heaven checking it out for everyone, so that he could tell them the best spots when they got up there.

I have only listened to this show for a year, (but was active on Rad-p years before; may have even actually met Bob at the get-together up in the World in Dec 2000), and listened for Bob and his Boston accent every show.


will say a prayer for him when we drive up to the World on Friday
I just started listening to the podcast in may and i was catching up and last week i got to the podcast were Pete announced Bob's passing...I have to admit that one or two tears came out ......it felt like i had lost a friend that I had just made :(

"they can't hit ya"- Bob Varley
I started listening to the podcast in Junish of 2008 so I missed the Bob episodes the first time. The Bob Memorial on the one year anniversary made me go back and listen to every old episode. Well I finally caught up and listened to every Bob episode.

I truely now feel like I knew him and miss him.

I hope Diana knows how many people Bob touched.
Ok...you're all making me tear up again. I started listening just after his passing and went back and listened to all the shows up until his death. I too felt like I had just met someone and in a short time lost him.

We all do miss him...I still go back and listen to shows with him to enjoy his humor!!
Like a few of you at the end of this, I started in July ish, and had exactly the same thing when it came up to Bob's passing.

He will be missed by so so many
I just listened to the 1st Bob memorial show yesterday for the 3rd or 4th time. Even though the subject matter of that show is very sad, I still enjoy listening to it to hear all of the hilarious Bob stories. He was one heck of a human being, and a true individual.

I still miss him greatly, but I am over that initial shock. Instead, I have been trying to find ways of preserving his memory, such as listening (and still laughing like a loon!) to previous "Bob" shows and watching his park tours on Youtube.

What did he die from?
I was trying to read through all 51 pages, but finally skipped to the end to ask.
Pete said on the first page Bob thought he had food poisoning. What was the cause of death?
He had a heart attack. He wasn't feeling very well, told Pete he thought he had food poisoning and asked if they could postpone recording the pod cast for a day. His wife came home later that day and found him dead.

Apparently he had some sort of heart condition. I am not sure if he knew about it and if so for how long he knew about it before the heart attack.

God bless Bob and his family.
OK... That scared me for a min.

I read the title of the post and thought, what could have gone wrong with Kevins eyes?!?

Glad to know all is (assumed) well.

I miss Bob also.
Yeah, this past December, we were at Ft Wilderness, looping around the campground, and reminisced about how much Bob loved Ft Wilderness, and how one year, we'd piled onto the golf cart for him to take some video of the animated lights and decorations on some of the sites.... since we all sort of got to "know" Dianer, was wondering how she's been as well.....
I just listened to the Bob Memorial show (for the umpteenth time) 2 days ago and smiled (though misty eyed) through the whole thing. He definitely touched my life through the podcast. I was fortunate to meet him in person once at an event at the Swan....so glad I was able to go. Then I was fortunate enough to be able to attend what turned into the Bob Memorial at The Gaylord Palms. Again, so grateful that I was able to go and pay tribute to a man that made a positive impact in this world.
I have been listening to all the old podcasts. I started listening in Sept of '08 so of course I didn't know Bob or understand the impact he had made.
Just yesterday I got to the announcement of his passing. It was so sad. I have been listening to almost 2 1/2 years of old shows to catch up. He added so much to everything. Now I understand why everyone missing him so much....
I might be 2 years too late but I miss him too.....
I now I understand so much more....
If you haven't listened to the old shows I suggest you do.....
I never knew Bob but he touched my life too through the podcast and his various kahtcam videos. From what I can gather from the podcast and the podcrew's comments, I bet Bob would be happy to know that people are still thinking of him fondly :)
Just to clear the air: we, his doctor & I, do not believe that Bob had a heart attack. We think that he had an aneurism, either thorasic or abdominal, burst. He was dead before he hit the bed, hands at his side, eyes open. Unfortunately, the medical examiner, in her stupidity, didn't do an autopsy so we will never know for sure.
I am doing fine, still miss him everyday, but functioning well. Having new fun experiences.


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