ABC 8x8 Prototypes

I actually was worried about fitting my 3 sets of pages in the large flat rate box. If I had another set, I would have had to smoosh things down a bit. (I have a bunch of things w/pop dots though).
susan, i put my return postage $ inside your hostess gift. please open it up and look inside to find it. i did not want it getting lost in the box.
here are my completed pages.






hope you all like them.
Holly --

Those are great! I really like the train one, and non-stop fun will be so easy find photos. I'm so glad you stepped in to angel.
Love the finished projects Holly!!

Great job!!!

So, how was the ice cream?? and what did we make with the legos?
Holly --

Those are great! I really like the train one, and non-stop fun will be so easy find photos. I'm so glad you stepped in to angel.
thanks susan! i'm glad i was invited to be an angel. as much as it was a lot of work, it was so worth it!
thank you awm for giving me your spots!!

Love the finished projects Holly!!

Great job!!!

So, how was the ice cream?? and what did we make with the legos?
thanks nan! it was pouring so ds did not want to get ice cream. can you imagine??:confused3 not wanting ice cream???? huh! weird i know!!
he built lego agents. it's the new sets that are out. we are on vacation this week, and we all get a turn picking a place to go and we get to pick out special vacation food (i know weird again!) and we asked ds for his picks and he wants to go to the giant lego store for his place and KFC for his food! he's really a funny kid!

Holly, both your pages are great. I really like them both!!!!

thanks DIT! coming from you this means a lot. your stuff is always so beautiful! have a great time on your vaca. i wish i was going! is your ds leaving his girlfriend home?? & will he bring her back something nice?
thanks DIT! coming from you this means a lot. your stuff is always so beautiful! have a great time on your vaca. i wish i was going! is your ds leaving his girlfriend home?? & will he bring her back something nice?

Thank you, you are sweet. I'm so happy to be going to WDW tomorrow!!!!! We don't usually go in the summer since it's so hot, but DH has a conference at the Contemporary so DS and I are tagging along. DS isn't happy about it, but yes, his girlfriend isn't coming with us. We've taken her down for the day before and that's enough for the moment. We live so close (3 1/2 hours) from WDW and she hadn't been since she was like 8!!! We had a science field trip at WDW when DS was in 8th grade and we were there for 3 days. Out of the 25 kids, only 5 had been there before. It's just amazing considering how close we are! That's the only middle school field trip that DS "let" me chaperone because he knew there'd be no stopping me from a chance to go to WDW!!! Oh, and yes, DS will bring his girlfriend back a gift. I wonder what he'll pick for her this time???
I'm finally getting on today. I finished these last night but am just getting on the computer for today. Here are my finished prototypes.

Group 1 - L

Group 1 - N

These are both outside my normal style so I hope you like them.
They are great jennyL. I love the night and day layout -- it is a great theme. Can't wait to use it.
The night/day one will be great for the photos of the castle we all seem to take. One with everyone in front in the daylight and one at night all lit up.
Thanks everyone. I do like how they turned out and they look better in person. I think the disney font is just too intricate for the wishblade at the sizes I needed. I could never the ther & Day to work so its just times new roman font and it still was difficut.

Do any of you know how small you can print letters on the cricut? After DH helped me with this wording he's almost ready to say I can get one but if it can cut this small easier then it might be more of a selling point.
Thanks everyone. I do like how they turned out and they look better in person. I think the disney font is just too intricate for the wishblade at the sizes I needed. I could never the ther & Day to work so its just times new roman font and it still was difficut.

Do any of you know how small you can print letters on the cricut? After DH helped me with this wording he's almost ready to say I can get one but if it can cut this small easier then it might be more of a selling point.

The expression cuts at 1/4 inch, not sure about the baby bug. I haven't cut letters that small, but I have cut 1/2 inch. It depends on the font, paper and your blade (new vs well used) how well it works out.
Group 2...

Here's mine. I posted the Love one before, but I added the ribbon so I wanted to show the final product.


With hidden journaling:

Just Imagine. DBF doesn't like the ribbon, but I was trying to add the orange from Figment. It isn't tied in knot so anyone who doesn't like can easily change it.

The tags are for hidden journaling or what ever else you want:

Hope everyone likes them!
I love that purple paper. I have it. Forgot what I bought if for originally, but I have mats already cut with it. :lmao:

They look good.:thumbsup2
i love them both mla! nice job. i can't wait to see all the pages together!


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