ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

C'mon, Andy, let's head back to Casey's Corner.
Let's do it!!!

The trick is putting in enough sugar. Then you get coffee-flavored sugar water, and it's fantastic!:thumbsup2
Ok, I've had coffee flavored ice cream. And I threw it away. If I don't like coffee flavored ice cream, I'd say there's very little that can be done to salvage it.

Very different dynamic; equally fun.

Oh come on. I'll bet you clean up pretty well, Andy!
Well, I do. I just choose not to. Packing a suit to go somewhere is what you do for a business meeting, not vacation.

Lesson #1: Chew with your mouth closed.
That, I can handle. But it's going downhill from there!

You know that's actually a good question! And one I'm not entirely sure I can answer.
I wasn't sure if I should even ask, or if it ever came up. I'm glad you had the opportunity and took advantage of it though. Honestly, inviting a lone diner to join our table isn't something that I'd have ever considered doing and had I been in your shoes, I'm not sure I'd have taken up the offer. As much as a smartass as I am here, I'm really pretty introverted until I get to know someone. So, you know, just wondered...

LOL! I was walking a straight line, though!
Sure you were... :rolleyes1
Wow what an amazing night you had from the start with the monorail to your unexpected meet with your clan members.It's only what you deserved after your long slog to graduation. V & A the food or should I say art looked so good.The personalised menu with your name on it was the defining touch talk about making you feel special.Glad you enjoyed it.
Ok! Today's the day folks! I am hoping to finally have a day where I can really spend some quality time on your threads and get caught up around here. I"m working Thursday and Friday, so am motivated to get to all your lovely threads.

Sunday, my girls and I will be taking our annual pilgrimage to Seattle for our Girls' Day/Broadway showing. This year we chose The King and I. It was the very first Broadway-style musical my parents took me to as a very young girl and because of it I was hooked on live theater and orchestral music. I hope my own girls will find the same joy from it and develop a taste for quality theater and music too. I know there are a couple of "heavier" themes in it, and I hope it sparks some good discussion over dinner. For those of you who've been friends with me for a while, you know we always go to an Ethnic-themed meal on this day. I haven't chosen our restaurant yet, and am open to suggestions from those who've dined in the Seattle area. I'm leaning towards fondue this time as it's something we haven't done. Not ethnic, but fun.

Anyhow, I've got 20 threads to make my way to at some point. If I don't get there quite yet, I'm coming! I will get there. Promise!
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I am dying over this post! Literally tears and goosebumps!

I mean how many times in my life will I drop almost $350 on dinner for one?

What an amazing great day or yourself!!

I asked her parents if I could get a photo with her and handed him my phone (SO glad I had found it, for this, if nothing else the whole trip!) and he snapped this:

Precious! What a special moment!

but suddenly turned around and ran back to me, and gave me a huge, giant hug. I nearly burst into tears. She was so sweet and adorable,

This is where my eyes eyes welled up! So very cool

Good evening, Mrs. Buren. Welcome to Victoria and Albert’s”.

And the goosebumps! You're like Cinderella

Safely back at my table and noshing on duck, at some point I got a little chilly and Sharon noticed me rubbing my bare arms. She unobtrusively came a little closer and asked quietly if I was chilled. I confessed I was a bit, and without another word she appeared with a silk pashmina and gently wrapped it around my shoulders. I thought it an extremely classy and thoughtful move. There is nothing V&As doesn’t consider.

The 2nd Bread Course- something with truffles with a complimentary Truffle butter:

Now, sit back and enjoy a photo montage of dish after dish of food artistry. If this isn't food porn, there is no such thing.

Amazing service, stunning food, what a spectacular night!

Best just to see it yourself. Suffice to say, it’s a pretty cool show and quite mesmorizing.

That Is very cool!

Liesa, sorry to bother you, but the table of 4 just over there, is asking for the pleasure of your company for coffee and conversation.”.

Wow, I bet that was fun!

The only thing that would have made for a more perfect evening would have been a dinner partner. But if you are contemp

Oh man, i so totally would have joined you for this! What an amazing experience! I'm putting this on my "must do" list for when I turn 50, I've got 3 1/2 years to save up! Not sure it's Bob's thing though so I may be searching for dining partner of my own
I hate that I WAY overguessed on your Contest. Might cost me chocolate. I mean I went with (yes, I actually took time to calculate and do the math) an average of 7 minutes per wait for your 19(?) trips. Factoring in the time you already gave us on the front end. Sadly, I forgot to consider it was... you I was calculating for.

Don't feel bad. I just guessed the first number that came to mind, and I'm way off, too. So neither method really works.

Tuxes or jeans... equally sexy. I mean knowing your lady's name certainly helps too... :groom:

You're darn right, Melissa!

You have?! I"ve never done other 5 Diamonds before. We came close once in Dubai, but turned it down in lieu of a sand duning excursion with a belly dancing dinner show set up in the dunes. That was pretty cool too.

From my point of view, you chose...wisely.

Lesson #1: Chew with your mouth closed.

First pants, and now this?! I'd never survive.

That's ok. I feel the same way about beer. Every kind. Every form. Just. NO.

Both beer and coffee were acquired tastes for me. And I still prefer both far towards the less-bitter end of the scale.

It was the pants part, wasn't it?


I tried. Maybe again sometime... I think if I resort to bribing...

Oh, well that changes things. I'm always open to bribes.

Oh come on! If Tim can post a photo of him with a whip (naturally provided by me) you can post one of your tiara. Hmmm.... this gives me ideas for my Contest Prize! (How are you feeling about winning now, eh?)

Given my usual performance in these contests, I am not worried in the least!

You know what. I'd never play poker with you. You've taken stats, I'm sure multiple classes of it, and would clean my clock badly, I'm afraid. (Actually I have too, but I still suck at it.)

Just because I've taken stats classes, doesn't mean I understood all of them. Or that I remember them. I'm better at Yahtzee.

I love me a Philly just as much as I love gold-leafed choco. I'll bet Hunnel could deconstruct the CRAP out of a Philly and make it look like gourmet delectibles.

Maybe! But (since I am a boring engineer; Mike would relate) with Philly cheese steaks I am in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" camp. It's hard to improve upon perfection!

Honestly, Mark, it looked like anything made of plastic, so I have no idea how gullible I am in this dept.

I wouldn't be any help, either. I'd be so out of my depth!

Funny, you engineers are the same way you know. We regularly have a conversation that goes something like this:

"Hey, that's a nice new bridge they put in."

"You mean the flyover on 217?"

"Yeah, I like it."

"You DO know that's referred to as a 'structure', right?"

"Whatever. Dirt...Soil. All the same stuff..."

"No, honey...."

<huge eyeroll>

Oh, you can call them bridges. That's an accurate term. I get the soil/dirt thing, though. And cement is not the same thing as concrete!

Engineering is very glamorous.

My brain nearly exploded trying to figure out the physics of the silly thing.

Looking at the photo, I still have no idea how it works. But I'm really curious.

I'll steal pkondz's thunder and guess he'd reply with:

"That's Weselton to YOU!"

I knew you guys wouldn't leave that one hanging!:thumbsup2

Or made it more funny without pants on.

Julie says she likes going with me to formal ceremonies because she enjoys my running commentary. Of course, she has to say that; she's stuck with me.

Don't forget your Gas-X.

Pull my finger!

That's Weselton!

I knew you guys would pick me up!:thumbsup2
Didn't quite make it as far as if he have liked, but there was progress. :) How is everyone's week going???

Same as last week... probably similar to next week.

But the week after that!!!!!!!!!

Will also probably be similar.

(Well, actually there were a few highs in there... so that's nice.)
Well, I'm finally catching up on your last wonderful update. What a fantastic way to treat yourself! It sounds like it was well worth it. I have always been intrigued by this type of experience, but I have never tried and I would probably feel out of place. I don't have the most refined palate and truth be told, I would probably be more comfortable having corn dog nuggets at Casey's. But I can certainly appreciate what a great evening this was for you and it seems everything went well, from the monorail ride with the beautiful princess (the little girl was cute too :)) to the unexpected company to finish the meal.

I hope you enjoy The King and I. I like to see a musical now and then. I had a nice evening back in October, just me and DD16 went out to see a local production of Hairspray and we went out for dinner first. It's not often a teenager spends a night out in public with just her father.
Ok! Today's the day folks! I am hoping to finally have a day where I can really spend some quality time on your threads and get caught up around here. I"m working Thursday and Friday, so am motivated to get to all your lovely threads.

Sunday, my girls and I will be taking our annual pilgrimage to Seattle for our Girls' Day/Broadway showing. This year we chose The King and I. It was the very first Broadway-style musical my parents took me to as a very young girl and because of it I was hooked on live theater and orchestral music. I hope my own girls will find the same joy from it and develop a taste for quality theater and music too. I know there are a couple of "heavier" themes in it, and I hope it sparks some good discussion over dinner. For those of you who've been friends with me for a while, you know we always go to an Ethnic-themed meal on this day. I haven't chosen our restaurant yet, and am open to suggestions from those who've dined in the Seattle area. I'm leaning towards fondue this time as it's something we haven't done. Not ethnic, but fun.

Anyhow, I've got 20 threads to make my way to at some point. If I don't get there quite yet, I'm coming! I will get there. Promise!

How lovely you are going to Seattle with your girls and taking them to see The King and I. I have not had the pleasure of seeing the orginal stage show only the movie but I adore it. I hope your girls enjoy it as nuch as you did with your parents. I am sure they will!
Your meal and experience at V&As, awesome! I tend to not be comfortable eating with folks I do not know well, but then again, I am not comfortable eating alone in public places. Rather a no-win situation. I think it is wonderful that you can venture out to a classy joint such as Vic and Als and have such a great adventure.

Okay, all caught up! Been reading along but typically on my phone so normally not able to reply. Glad you found your phone. Funny about trying to reach the kids after their ride on Mission Space. At least you didn't get the response I did when I texted them during the trip............"Who is this???" :rolleyes1:rotfl:

Glad you enjoyed your V&A's experience. It does look amazing, but not exactly my thing. I enjoyed looking at the pictures and the artistry of the different dishes. I would have been a willing dining partner if for no other reason than to be your personal paparazzi, photo-documenting the experience for you..........if they would have let me sit there and dine on a cheeseburger or a simple steak while you satiated your gluttonous side. :-) So cool ending your evening with dining companions, and the familial coincidences. :goodvibes

And I totally agree.........what a beautiful little Princess to help grace your evening! :love:
Well, if I'm ever there solo again.
I'd really like to try it.
But probably wouldn't go by myself, I don't think.

No doubt it'd be more fun with company. If I decide to do it again, and I very well might, I'll put another call out for a dinner date.

Oh! The chef came out! Nice!

Yes, he did! Nice touch!

True. But... I either go with the kid or kids... or alone.

But you do score some rather nice DISMeets, though.


You know... discriminating used to not be a bad word. And there is a difference. Some occasions are meant to be completely classy and if that means saying no to "anything goes", I'm ok with that.

Cool! That'd be fun.


You do know "Fun" is my middle name, right?

:laughing: That'll learn ya.

A lesson learned too late. It cost me Canadian gifties.

Ah... Wait... Isn't that thing pretty much transparent??

TBCH, I have no idea. I've never really looked at it long enough to know; never guessed I'd ever be in it or anything.

:sad2: I see a cute little kid who's staring at me and I can't even really smile back.


"RESTING".... what is that?

Resting: The act of resisting the urge to bow to others' demands or self-inflicted feelings of guilt in not kowtowing to the tyranny of the to-do list (which will be there tomorrow). The act of restorative downtime meant to (and medically necessary) restore to body, mind and soul. That which prevents heart damage so you can continue to go to Disney and other fun trips with people you love.

That's what Fiona said.
But I figured you'd never need it.

I'm betting if it was ever rung, the servers would feel they'd somehow failed, considering how attentive they were.

Can't think of a better metric to measure excellent service by.

So what does it mean?

Uhhh, I forgot aleady what this was in reference to, so I'll go with 42.

I didn't catch it at first. But then I saw "personalized" and thought "where"?

There... right up there^!

Hmmm.... They didn't seem too high though... I dunno....

Steppe doesn't generally do stilettos because Steppe is... petit. The look of walking on stilts might look ummm, awkward. However, there may be occasion where it might be acceptable. Like V&As.

Thanks. Don't know if I'd find those up here though. But worth a shot.

You do know that you can order almost any cheese online, right?

Oh? No encounters on the monorail?
This was your second one of the night, really.

You are right. I concede. This evening was truly magical from the time I stepped out of my door; not one minute wasn't amazing. Well, ok , there was that one... when I couldn't find my way back to my table.

Ah. But exceptional service demands an exceptional tip. At least I think so.

It was exceptional, no doubt about it!

Oh? I respond well to bribes.

Throw out some ideas...


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