ABC's of Trip Planning (Oct 10-20), Vol. 2- Z is for: Zippidee Doo Dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!


DIS Veteran
Dec 27, 2013
Come one; come all! Welcome to Part 2 of the ABC’s of Pre-Trip Planning, where everyone is family! A place where you can be who you are; where you can join in the chatter because you matter.

I decided to launch Pt. 2 even though, with the new DIS, threads can be 250 pages. But I anticipated Pt 1 would have probably gone over that, and Pt 2 would have been pretty short comparatively. I was likely going to have to start a new one anyway, so why not now? I can put the contest on Page 1 for easy reference, and so others who may have been a bit overwhelmed with trying to find it can easily see it and jump right in. (You know you want to.)

The WHO: (Hint, I’m not Baba O’Riley)-

I’m Liesa AKA Steppesister AKA Queen Steppe. I’ll respond to all of those and possibly anything else you can throw at me. I can speak Crapistani, so be careful if you insult me in an elevator and think I can’t understand you. I’m 39, going on 39, again. Same as the last 10 years. I’ve lived in 4 countries on 4 continents, and at 39, I am still continent. Hmmm…. Let’s see… I have a BS in Elem. Ed, and now an ADN in Nursing and am 1 day shy of being an RN. More on that in a sec. I have 5 amaze balls kids- Andrew, 25, living in Guam and (mostly) proudly serving in the US Army as a Satellite Technologist; Rebekah, 23, an LPN living about a half hour away; Michaela, 21, my wild card kids who loves politics and studying a double major of Marketing and Business Management at Oregon State (go Beavers!); Zachary, 18, who struggles somewhat with some learning disabilities and a Junior at our local High School, but is VERY determined and has a heart of gold; and Anara, 14, my sassy Freshman, who reminds me of 3 year old Brain from Pinky and the Brain. I’m married to a Disney Hater, so solo trips with the option of Meet Ups for Ladies Trips are how I roll. My favorite park is EPCOT followed CLOSELY by AK. I typically don’t like parades, don’t do character meets, and my favorite ride is probably either PoTC or HM. I was a Cast Member at DLR for about a year during college as a hostess at the Blue Bayou Restaurant.

Things still on my bucket list: Visit West Africa and worship and dance to traditional drumming in an outdoor church, learn to fly, get a job as a fixed wing flight nurse, own a ’63 Corvette, open a 1940s-style dinner and dance restaurant, fit into my wedding dress again. Some of those are obviously more likely than others, like owning a Corvette.

The WHY: (I don’t really need a reason, but this one rocks)

This trip, soooooooooooo long in the making, came about when I set out on the goal of getting my Nursing Degree. Way more than 2 years ago. But I started sharing my journey with DISLand about that time, when a Graduation Celebration Trip became more than just a dream. MANY changes were made along the way, from 10 people, down to 3, and then 4 for part of it. I’ve added some amazing extras to this making it one big fat Palooza. And… it’s not too late for you to join. We have a little DISParty in the making, and we’d love to see you too at the many planned events.

So where do things stand today?

I’ve suffered through and conquered the 2 horrible, but rewarding years of Nursing School, had many, MANY hours of Clinicals in settings such as the Neuro Trauma Unit, the Med-Surg Floor, ICU, the ED, the OR and others. It was FUN! Since then, I’ve also found my dream job as a PACU Nurse (post anesthesia care unit/ “the recovery room”) and am on my way to learning a whole bunch more. The last step of this journey is passing my National Boards (called the NCLEX) which I’ll take on Wednesday, July, 20th. THAT’S TOMMORROW!! If you think about it, I could use your prayers and good thoughts at 8:00. This trip is about celebrating all of that. And you’re invited!


A really cool split stay at AoA and AKL. Never stayed at either of those, so 2 more off my list. (Previously, I’ve stayed at Ft Wilderness, POR, the Poly, and POP). Then after the Disney portion, The Hubs and I will be spending 3 ½ days in the Keys, based on Islamorada.


Leaving Seattle, even though we live MUCH closer to Portland, on October 10th, and returning October 24th. The kids will fly home from WDW on the 20th. There are DIS group events planned on the 14th, 15th, and 16th. We’d LOVE to have you hang out with us!!

The HOW:

Here’s what I’ve shared so far for a quick tutorial, if you’re disinclined to go back and read the entire first thread. Although, doing so may increase your accuracy in the Contest that you’ll find in post #4. ;) May I just interject here that entering will be worth your time.

So, without further ado, here is the Plan as it stands (subject to change without notice or legal obligation; Licensed, Bonded, and Insured; CCB #A113)

Day 1- (Yes, I’m counting Travel Day as an official Day)
Monday, 10/10
DTD (nope, still not changing)
Jock Lindsay’s, Legos, etc…
Dinner at Raglan Rd.

Day 2-
Tuesday, 10/11

Day 3-
Wednesday, 10/12
AM AK; lunch @ Harambe Market
PM MK; Counter Service (prob. CHH)

Day 4-
Thursday, 10/13
AM DHS- Breakfast at Starring Rolls
Pool Break- Lunch pizza by pool
PM EPCOT- Behind the Seeds Tour; possibly dinner at CReef, otherwise F&W

Day 5-
Friday, 10/14
Pool Break
GRADUATION DINNER at (hopefully) FF, otherwise at Captain’s Grill
Yeehaw Bob show at POR- 9:30

Day 6-
Saturday, 10/15
NO Parks Day
DTD for CS lunch (EoS or WGPE)
Trader Sam’s for appies/drinks with DISCrew
Vic and Al’s 7:0

Day 7-
Sunday, 10/16
Mike arrives PM
AM MK- Lunch at Skipper’s Canteen
PM EPCOT- Dinner at VN
La Cava with DISCrew

Day 8-

Monday, 10/17
AM AK- Lunch at Sanaa
3:00 Steppe and Anara do the Wanyama Tour
Dinner at Jiko after tour
PM stuff at AKL

Day 9-

Tuesday, 10/18
PM MK- Lunch at BOG
Dinner for Mike and Steppe at Artist Point
Dessert in Territory Lounge

Day 10-
Wednesday, 10/19

Day 11-
Thursday, 10/20
Breakfast at Boma
Travel Day- Kids go home; Mom and Dad go to the Keys

And that’s what we have. I may do a little fine tuning as I take a closer look at park hours, but by and large, this is what we’ll stick to. The nice part is that we have the Hoppers and can do whatever we darn well please in our comings and goings.

What’s yet to come in Part II:

Snack Time
Dressed for Success
Packing Lists
To Memory Make or Not
Tate Makes a Guest Appearance
Gussying up the Windows
Fast Passing Picks
Shop Around the World
Food and Wine Planning
Costuming the Kiddlywinks

A note to the Lurkers: We’d love to get to know you! Say howdy and introduce yourself. Most of us don’t bite (I already know who is going to pipe in and say, “speak for yourself.”) and the chatter is what makes these threads fun. Remember, YOU MATTER!

Now, let’s get this party started!
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Table of Contents
(sorry, I don't do links. they only take you to the page, not the post anymore.) Page numbers are listed...

Chapter 1- Introductions... you just read it. Right up there ^^, on page 1

Chapter 2- L is for: L is for: Lit Up in Lights; pg 3

Chapter 3- M is for: M is for Many, Many Hours of Planning; pg. 8

Chapter 4- M is for: M is for Many, Many Hours of Planning; pg. 9

Chapter 5- M is for: M is for Many, Many Hours of Planning; pg. 13

Chapter 6- N is for: No Lack of FiPs!!!; pg. 13

Chapter 7- O is for: Organizing the Outfit Options; pg. 14

Chapter 8- P is for: Perfumes and Potions; pg 23

Chapter 9- Q is for: Quiet! I'm Reading! ; pg. 25

Chapter 10- R is for: Rebel, Rebel; You Want it Now and Fast!; pg. 25

Chapter 11- S is for: Scrumptuously Sweet, Salty, and Savory!; pg. 26

Chapter 12- T is for: The Wishing Well and Queen Steppe

Chapter 13- U is for: Unimaginitive, but Good Enough

Chapter 14- V is for: Very, Very Snackalicious- pg. 31

Chapter 15- W is for: W is for: Well, it happened.

Chapter 16- X is for: X is for- X-tra Person = X-tra Fun and X-tra Planning

Chapter 17- Y is for: You Only Pack Once (Unless You're Going to WDW) and Young Master Tate

Chapter 18- Z is for: Zippidee Doo DAH!
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(And here we are! The point at which the Contest gets launched. I am in the process of going back and re-locating your previous scores and will be adding those points in. So those of you who stuck it out with me during this hellish, but exciting, journey called Nursing School, get a wee bonus. But not enough that it will automatically disqualify those who joined in a bit late. There MAY be one more small opportunity to earn a few more points from the PTR before I leave. Nevertheless, time to get your brains dusted off and your memories geared up...)


QUEEN STEPPE'S ALPHABET GAME!!! (Only a very small portion of this actually has anything to do with the alphabet, as you'll see, but it sure sounds great, don't it?!)

Once upon a time there was a Momma Queen who loved her Summer palace called DisneyWorld, loved adventure, and realized she was getting older at an alarming pace. One by one, her children were leaving the castle and, as she yearned for some servants to tend the gardens and dwellings, and have more time to go on her beloved adventures, as well as a way to finance said adventures, she decided to invest in learning a new kind of magic. Knowing that a Good Queen always brings benevolence to her Realm, she also loved to serve her subjects and use healing powers to keep them fit and happy and active. She worked extremely hard to learn this craft and vowed to use her new magic to bring goodness and healing wherever her Higher Power led her. Many hours of acquiring new knowledge, learning how to comfort and calm the sick and dying, and keeping her mental sanity intact were poured into this endeavor, but she was victorious and soon it was time to apply what she'd gained, finding joy and pride in all that had taken place in that 2 years, and looking forward to the future.

Every milestone as large as this needs a fitting Celebration, so the Queen arranged for a Gala at her Summer Palace. For 10 days, she her little Prince and Princess would frolic in the palace grounds eating, drinking and generally making merry. (The King will make a grudging appearance, for he'd rather spend his time frolicking in the forests.) Friends were invited, plans were made, and games were arranged. The entire Kingdom was encouraged to take part in the games to help her celebrate, and in no time at all she and her Band of Merry Travelers were on their way. The game was rather simple, the more points the Queen scored while at her Palace Soiree, the better time she'll have had. Your job, Dear Subject, is to guess how many points the Queen was able to score. So now, without further adieu...

Subjects of the Kingdom:

Please join in the Royal Games created and sanctioned by Her Majesty Queen Steppe!!!!

Queen Steppe wants to spend 10 days at her Summer Palace and has many activities planned to keep her and her little royal family entertained. For every successful victory along the way, points will be added to her scorecard (yes, there really is an official Scorecard the Queen will have at hand). Your job is to guess how many points Queen Steppe with accumulate along the way and how. The beauty of this type of merriment is that you get to determine the number of her points BEFORE she even goes. AND during the re-telling of her adventures, you can earn a few more.

There are various categories with various amounts of points in each category she can earn. Your job is to add up all you think she'll get BY CATEGORY and post here. The more specific you are, the easier it will by for your Queen (Your Queen will appreciate and reward conciseness. Be specific on HOW the Queen will amass her points.) READ CAREFULLY!!!!!

Here are her categories:

Flights and Travel: (80 points available)
10 points for each departure on time (2 Royal Carriage rides)
5 points within 1/2 hour (for each)
5 points for each aisle for me (2 possible)
10 points if we all sit together (each leg)
20 points if I get any sleep (hint, I have Ambien and I'm not afraid to use it)

ADRs: (75 points available)
5 points for each ADR we go to
20 point bonus if we go to all of them (there are 11)

Drinks: (150 points available- this is an ambitious Quest!)
50 points if I get 1 drink from every letter
10 points for each Challenge drink gotten = 60
10 points for each souvie mug I buy (4 is the plan; 2 may be n/a drinks)

Shop Around the World Tour: (85 points available)
5 points for each Pavilion I buy something in
10 point bonus if I buy something from all 11 Pavilions
20 point bonus if each one is under $10

Hidden Mickeys: (50 points available)
1 point for every one I find **and post (up to 50 points available)

Resorts: AoA; AKL (60 points available)
10 points if room ready on arrival (AoA)
10 points if room ready on arrival (AKL)
20 points if upgraded (AoA)
20 points if upgraded (AKL)

Completion of "Top 10 Lists": (60 points available)
*More posts on these to come...
10 points per list if totally completed (4 parks, 2 Resorts)

Transportation: (50 points available)
30 bonus points if no wait is more than 15 minutes per ride during entire trip
20 bonus points if all 5 modes are taken (bus, mono, boat, train, ferry)

Miscellaneous Points: (60 + 26 = 86 points available)
5 points if no one gets any blisters
5 points if no one forgets anything (hint: I am very organized)
5 points if I actually get 1 photo with a character (hint: possibly at MNSSHP)
10 points for the MNSSHP Pentafecta: HM, Parade, Hallowishes, Hocus Pocus Show, 7 Dwarves Photo
5 points if I do something ridiculous at Yeehaw Bob (we'll see who knows me well)
10 points if I get any "Magic" while wearing my Mickey ears, or button, or grad cap
10 points for each pool I actually get in

1 point for every Mystery Photo Location you correctly identify (this portion to be played out during TR!)


There are exactly 696 Points available. You have until the day I leave to post your guesses and join in the merrymaking. You must state how the points will be made by category. The good news, is that during the TR itself, the Queen won't have to do much tallying and keeping track other than the photos along the way, and YOU will have already done your work.

Your humble and benevolent Queen thanks you for playing and wishes you all good luck! (I'll also pin or post this on the 1st page of the PTR for easy finding.)
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Am I first to re-find you? I auto win!

You are indeed the lucky weener of all good things this thread has to offer. Lame jokes, silly stories, and endless ridiculous banter. (Which we all love, of course!) I'm so glad you're here with me again!! We're in the home stretch now!!
In case I don't make it on tomorrow, hope the boards go easy on you! I would wish you luck but everyone creates their own luck and I am fairly confident you have a firm grip on that variable! I am gonna be pretty whipped later so wanted to let you know I 'll be throwing positive thoughts your way. It's been a long day (well technically yesterday) of thunderstorm driving, seemingly endless blood drawl sticks, yucky news of weekly injections to look forward to (administered my self no less), 9 hours of work, and what is turning into a no night of sleep cause my brain switch won't turn off, followed by another 9 hours of work in less than 5 hours. I have a feeling I am gonna be ready for sleep when I get home.

On a side note I think we have pretty well decided on a date for our next Disney trip. Sept 1-12,2017. We have never gone when we are celebrating something. Every time we go... When we check in the cm always asks if we are celebrating something and we have always said no (cause we weren't) and the cm always has to make something up so she/he can give the kids pins. They never wear them because in their words "It's unfair to take magic from someone who is celebrating" but they keep them as suviners. Well this next trip we will be celebrating as DD will be turning 18 this trip. Tossing around the idea of doing a PTR, but not sure yet. It will be an unusual trip for me to plan as all but myself have requested a "relaxing" trip to Disney and I am not sure I know what that means. Lol
I am here! Sending lots of good wishes for you exam. Which I hope is in JULY 20, not in October... Otherwise I have missed three months go by!
The WHO: (Hint, I’m not Baba O’Riley)-

No, but it's a great tune.

I’m Liesa AKA Steppesister AKA Queen Steppe. I’ll respond to all of those and possibly anything else you can throw at me.

Harem member.

I’m 39, going on 39, again.

This is true. I can vouch for this.

I’ve lived in 4 countries on 4 continents, and at 39, I am still continent.


I’m married to a Disney Hater

I feel your pain.

Things still on my bucket list: Visit West Africa and worship and dance to traditional drumming in an outdoor church, learn to fly, get a job as a fixed wing flight nurse, own a ’63 Corvette, open a 1940s-style dinner and dance restaurant, fit into my wedding dress again. Some of those are obviously more likely than others, like owning a Corvette.

Whoa. That's some list. My list is "Get out of bed without making more than one sound."

The last step of this journey is passing my National Boards (called the NCLEX) which I’ll take on Wednesday, Oct. 20th. THAT’S TOMMORROW!!

Well, Magdalene already pointed out the date.

(sorry, I don't do links. they only take you to the page, not the post anymore.)

I'm here! And also did a double take that tomorrow will be October, lol. Goodluck with that!
Here and marking my place. Good luck on the Boards tomorrow! (BTW, your first post says your test is 10/20 not tomorrow. :))

Jill in CO
I'm here and sending pixie dust and prayers for tomorrow!!pixiedust:

I'm also asking for prayers for my family. One of my cousins passed away unexpectedly Sunday morning. He was only 50 and leaves behind a wife, daughter, parents, siblings, and many family & friends. As of this moment we do not know what happened, they are doing an autopsy I believe because he had no health issues that we know of. :'(

Yay! I made the first page! I don't think I totalled my points by category when I made my guesses. They're buried on the other thread now.
In case I don't make it on tomorrow, hope the boards go easy on you! I would wish you luck but everyone creates their own luck and I am fairly confident you have a firm grip on that variable! I am gonna be pretty whipped later so wanted to let you know I 'll be throwing positive thoughts your way. It's been a long day (well technically yesterday) of thunderstorm driving, seemingly endless blood drawl sticks, yucky news of weekly injections to look forward to (administered my self no less), 9 hours of work, and what is turning into a no night of sleep cause my brain switch won't turn off, followed by another 9 hours of work in less than 5 hours. I have a feeling I am gonna be ready for sleep when I get home.

Awww, thanks so much! And I think you're right. We have been blessed with Time, and what we do with that time can make all the difference in the world (literally) and our own success. I have studied hard, but this is one heck of a test ranging from Peds to Psych, OB, Labor and Delivery, meds, communication, and every disease you can think of, including critical care. It's just SO MUCH!

Your days sounds absolutely gross! Sorry, you are having to deal with any of that. :( Self injection regimens are no picnic in the park. Is it RA? (Just curious- no pressure to share if you don't feel comfortable. :) ) As for brain shutting off. Yeah, <raises hand> that's me. Most every single night. Ambien to the rescue about once a week.

On a side note I think we have pretty well decided on a date for our next Disney trip. Sept 1-12,2017. We have never gone when we are celebrating something. Every time we go... When we check in the cm always asks if we are celebrating something and we have always said no (cause we weren't) and the cm always has to make something up so she/he can give the kids pins. They never wear them because in their words "It's unfair to take magic from someone who is celebrating" but they keep them as suviners. Well this next trip we will be celebrating as DD will be turning 18 this trip. Tossing around the idea of doing a PTR, but not sure yet. It will be an unusual trip for me to plan as all but myself have requested a "relaxing" trip to Disney and I am not sure I know what that means. Lol

How exciting! You'll love Fall! Hopefully, the Halloween party will be started??

I totally get the celebrating thing! My last trip was to reward myself for 1) Coming home after toughing it out in a 3rd world country for 10 years and 2) Running my 1st 5K (it was also my last). :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I am here! Sending lots of good wishes for you exam. Which I hope is in JULY 20, not in October... Otherwise I have missed three months go by!

Thanks, Magdalene!! I am going to need them!

I fixed it. See? My brain is always looking forward to VACATION!! LOL!
No, but it's a great tune.

Probably my very favorite concert I ever went to.

Harem member.

Ok. That too.

I feel your pain.

It's right there in my back today. Ooohhh, that pain. That one's somewhere else.

Whoa. That's some list. My list is "Get out of bed without making more than one sound."

There's no hope of that ever happening here. Groaning is the most usual.

Well, Magdalene already pointed out the date.

That was to see who was reading carefully....


OH! Awesome! They fixed that!

I'm still not doing links.

I'm here! And also did a double take that tomorrow will be October, lol. Goodluck with that!

So glad you were reading carefully. There will be an exam on the material next week. ;)

Thanks, Irene! My last bit of studying will start very soon.... after replies!
Here and marking my place. Good luck on the Boards tomorrow! (BTW, your first post says your test is 10/20 not tomorrow. :))

Welcome... back! LOL!

Yeah, I fixed that. OY! That's what happens when vacation is always on the brain.
I'm here and sending pixie dust and prayers for tomorrow!!pixiedust:

I'm also asking for prayers for my family. One of my cousins passed away unexpectedly Sunday morning. He was only 50 and leaves behind a wife, daughter, parents, siblings, and many family & friends. As of this moment we do not know what happened, they are doing an autopsy I believe because he had no health issues that we know of. :'(


Thanks, Kim!

OH boy! I'm so, so sorry to hear that! That is very young. I hope the family can get some answers and some closure out of that. Praying peace over your family!

Yay! I made the first page! I don't think I totalled my points by category when I made my guesses. They're buried on the other thread now.

Here they are.... you can edit as much as you'd like or change answers. Total them up and give me a grand total, and we'll see how you do over the next few months. :)

Flights and Travel: (80 points available)10 points for each departure on time (2 Royal Carriage rides)
5 points within 1/2 hour (for each)
5 points for each aisle for me (2 possible)
10 points if we all sit together (each leg)
20 points if I get any sleep (hint, I have Ambien and I'm not afraid to use it)

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One of your planes is on time, the other is 15 minutes late.
You get the aisle seat on both flights.
You sit together, but one of the times you make negotiations to do so.
You sleep on the flight home, but are too excited to do so on the way there, but the Ambien makes you drowsy at dinner.

Steppesister said:

ADRs: (75 points available)5 points for each ADR we go to
20 point bonus if we go to all of them (there are 11)

You cancel one ADR because of the kiosks.

Steppesister said:

Drinks: (150 points available- this is an ambitious Quest!)50 points if I get 1 drink from every letter
10 points for each Challenge drink gotten = 60
10 points for each souvie mug I buy (4 is the plan; 2 may be n/a drinks)

You do not get drinks for every letter.
You get three challenge drinks
You get all the souvie mugs.

Steppesister said:

Shop Around the World Tour: (85 points available)5 points for each Pavilion I buy something in
10 point bonus if I buy something from all 11 Pavilions
20 point bonus if each one is under $10

You buy things in 7 pavilions, only 5 are under $10

Steppesister said:

Hidden Mickeys: (50 points available)1 point for every one I find **and post (up to 50 points available)

You find 38 hidden Mickeys

Steppesister said:

Resorts: AoA; AKL (60 points available)10 points if room ready on arrival (AoA)
10 points if room ready on arrival (AKL)
20 points if upgraded (AoA)
20 points if upgraded (AKL)

Your room is ready on arrival at AoA and you get upgraded.
Its not ready at AKL and you don't get an upgrade.

Steppesister said:

Completion of "Top 10 Lists": (60 points available)
*More posts on these to come...10 points per list if totally completed (4 parks, 2 Resorts)

OK, I'll have to wait on this one.

Steppesister said:

Transportation: (50 points available)30 bonus points if no wait is more than 15 minutes per ride during entire trip
20 bonus points if all 5 modes are taken (bus, mono, boat, train, ferry)

You will have at least one wait longer than 15 minutes.
You don't get to use all 5 modes of transportation as the train will not be running while you're there.

Steppesister said:

Miscellaneous Points: (60 + 26 = 86 points available)5 points if no one gets any blisters
5 points if no one forgets anything (hint: I am very organized)
5 points if I actually get 1 photo with a character (hint: possibly at MNSSHP)
10 points for the MNSSHP Pentafecta: HM, Parade, Hallowishes, Hocus Pocus Show, 7 Dwarves Photo
5 points if I do something ridiculous at Yeehaw Bob (we'll see who knows me well)
10 points if I get any "Magic" while wearing my Mickey ears, or button, or grad cap
10 points for each pool I actually get in

1 point for every Mystery Photo Location you correctly identify (this portion to be played out during TR!)

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someone gets blisters
someone forgets something, though it's minor.
You definitely get a character picture.
The line for the dwarves is too long and you would miss one of the other four to get the picture.
Yes, you do something silly like get up and crazy dance
You get "magic" for your grad cap
You get in 2 pools.
Checking in! :wave2:popcorn::

Hi Kelly!! Welcome back!! Lots of fun still to be had here!

Claiming my spot. I don't have time to even read the game stuff, but have fun!!

Hey Glenn, Glad you're hanging in there with us. I know you're really busy (I suspect with something fun coming up that I kinda know about) with life; just glad you can still read and follow. :)

I lurked my way through Part 1 but am joining in for Part 2. Good luck tomorrow!

A big, fat, giant


So glad to have join in! It's one big happy family- don't let us scare you off!

Thanks for the Good Wishes. Hopefully, on Thursday, I'll come back as Liesa, RN!!


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