? About College Program


DIS Veteran
Mar 30, 2005
My stepson, who is a senior in high school, is interested in the College Program.

We will be down in WDW this December (the week between Christmas and New Years). Is there anyone there we could talk to about this when we are down there?

Does Disney only accept students from certain colleges or can they be going to any college to apply. I know not all schools accept the college credit but we feel this would be such an wonderful experience it might be worth it?

What year of college are most students from? Do most do this when they are in their second or third year of college?

Does Disney have an information pack that could be sent regarding the College Program?

Do you have to live in the Disney housing? His grandfather lives in Orlando about 15 minutes away from WDW and this would be a way to save some money. We would provide him with a car so he would be able to get around.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Go to the website and look if there is a presentation happening at UCF while you are down there.

I think they accept people from any type of school.

I would wait second year because freshmen year should be spent getting to know people oncampus

No info packet everything is on the website

Im not sure if he has to house at disney but it would probably be best so he could get the entire experience.
I agree w/ Kenshi, except I think you HAVE to live in the Disney Apartments. But, yeah, I would check on that.
They provide housing. You need to have at least 1 semester of College under your belt before you can apply.


thats the website they have all the information that you are looking for. If you cant find it there, then there is a phone number you can call.

More personally, I have talked to numerous people that have done this. My DGF's roomie actually did it for 2 or 3 years afterwards too. She said it was the most amazing thing she has ever done. I have applied for spring '06 and have my interview/presentation in 27 days. I think this is going to be one of the best things that you could do during school. Just think of the conversation:

What did you do during college.
I went to class for 4 years straight.


I went to college for 4 years. I took a semester and worked at Disney and met people from all over the country and had the time of my life.

Just what came to my mind when I decided to apply :)

Hope it helped
~Steve (Sven)
You do have to live in housing to do the program.

Why? There are three main branches to it, Living, Earning, and Learning. Living is part of the experiance!

This is the web site that will help if you haven't already found it. http://disney.go.com/disneycareers/college/index.html

Also I was down there in may of this year and I poked around and found that many people who work there did the intern and co-op programs and that is how I got some information(you may want to do this too). I'm in college right now, a freshmen, and looking at doing this option too. It seems like you must be a softmore for most everything. (i'm at an engineering school so for imagineers it is junior atleast) Anyway hope this helps.

Technically, the rule is that you have to have a semester of college completed upon arrival at WDW. I applied during the fall of my freshman year, and was accepted (best decision I've ever made!). Students of every year participate in the college program... and a few adult learners, too!

It doesn't matter where you go to school, as long as you can attend a Presentation at a nearby school. There is one Presentation per year held at Casting in Orlando. If you're down there, you can also check the website for the date at University of Central Florida.

College Program students are provided company-sponsored housing, and it's great to be surrounded by all of your friends in one place! Rent is deducted from each CP's paycheck every week.

The website was just redone and has a TON of information on it. Good luck, and trust me... it's worth it!!


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